Less Alcohol - DECEMBER 2020 - One Day At A Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    edited December 2020
    @globalhiker I have never had sake. What is it like(not that I am running out to buy any) just curious.

    Yup, let the count down begin.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    CMB44512 wrote: »
    Holidays hit and I lost count with drinks because my pals and family wanted holiday cheer every day.
    Have to start again..back in

    Welcome back @CMB44512 glad to see your back in. Is your cupboard beer stash still up there? Curious to see if inw of your friends found it. Day one...one day at a time.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Made it to AZ at 2 in the morning. Had 2 airplane size bottles of Titos. Planning to wrack up some more AF days in a row now. 2 drinks in 5 days is much better than 10 drinks in 5 days! Thanks for supporting me!

    12/25 AF
    12/26 AF
    12/27 AF
    12/28 2 airplane bottles of Titos
    12/29 AF

    Oh I wish I were in Arizona this time of year. You calculations are on point. 2 is much better than 10. You dont need to be a mathematician to see that. NICE WORK. Enjoy that warmer weather.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Stressful day dealing with mom's financials as well as things that she ordered online ... think electronic watch that well is a knockoff of an apple watch and I'm not sure if there are reoccurring charges. She wanted me to figure out how to set it up so she could use it (no instructions, made in China, she doesn't remember where she bought it on line or how). Financials ... she has a credit card that she wasn't sure how it was paid ... turns out it was on auto payment from one of the many checking accts I'm trying to close (no the credit card was not from that bank). Finances are still messy but I was able to reduce her car insurance removing her husband that passed as well as the car she recently sold. And I found credit card points that added up to cash back of $280. So not all bad. Then we sorted 7 tubs of gift wrap paper to keep/give away/trash and started taking down Christmas. Oh all this after fishing when we returned and the electricity was off for 5 hours.

    DH & DSIL went into town for gas for the boat and came back with alcohol. Stress and lack of willpower .. gave in and accepted the bourbon & diet coke offered and then had 2 glasses of wine with dinner. Mom had a beer :) like I said stressful.

    I messed up on my counts somewhere so went back this morning ... 10/29 AF days. Don't think I'm going to hit the 12 even though there are 2 more days this month.

    Not an easy task having to do the financials and try to put the puzzle pieces where they belong. Your a wonderful Daughter for doing all that with your Mom.
    Btw what kind of fish are you catching out at camp?
    Get back on your goal tracking when you feel up to it. Power outages always stress me out to

  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy I'm so sorry, too, for losing your friend and not being able to be there. Hugs...

    I'm hanging in. Literally wore 5 layers yesterday to walk the dog and was freezing. Do not want to go out unless there is snow to play in. Would love to console myself with food and wine. BIG alcohol cravings recently. Have been good except for 2 Lindt balls last night in bed (damn edible cravings!) I think I'm going to go for a dry January. Until I step away from alcohol, I'll never know if I can come back and moderate. This time I'm doing it in conjunction with therapy so we shall see.

    Gonna be kind to myself and not beat me up if Jan/Feb are low exercise months and you shouldn't either. Not going to a germ infested gym and not going to below 20 degrees outside. I will not do it, even if I can. I will not do it Sam I Am.

    @MissMay Did you / should we consider making this thread year-long so you don't have to keep creating new threads? If not, no worries. Not sure which way might be more visible to newbies.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @MissMay - We caught a number of 20-24" redfish and 20" speckled trout on Monday & Tuesday. Today we caught zip.