January 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    @TheMrWobbly : Is our map yet up and running. I only get a view of Massachussettes and "Your map order is pending" and "This message is only visible to administrators"
  • thisvickyruns
    thisvickyruns Posts: 193 Member
    Great job on all of the running! I've liked and hugged where appropriate. It's late and I have to get up in 2.5 hours.

    Thank you everyone for all of the thoughts and prayers. I really wanted to write something grand as my last post before my operation, but, like I said, it's late, I'm tired, and my brain isn't working very good. I just want you all to know how much you mean to me. We have laughed, cried, shared, ranted, ran, challenged each other, supported each other where ever we are in life, etc. I consider you all my dear friends. Keep up the good work. I'll "see" you in a few days. Love you all! :heart:

    best of luck
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Have an awesome day @quilteryoyo

    There won't be time to get the map sorted until the weekend @HonuNui as challenge hound have asked me to map it myself and it is a lot of miles.
  • thisvickyruns
    thisvickyruns Posts: 193 Member
    @thisvickyruns that's an interesting challenge with a lot of options. I think the increase/decrease mileage pattern would be good. For me that would be a tough week at the mileage you listed, but it is supposed to be a challenge I guess! If you think it's too much, what if you backed it down just a mile? 2-4-6-8-6-4-2 seems more doable to me and that 2 would sure feel good at the end. Or if you rearranged yours to 3-5-7-3-5-7-9 or 5-7-9-3-5-7-3 so you didn't have 7-9-7 facing you right in the middle. Depends how numerically satisfying you find those sequences though :)

    I think I had friends do something like a 5k-4 mile - 5mile -10k-15k-13.1-26.2 week as a challenge, based on local race distances. But that's crazy. You could add in a shorter distance - maybe even a 1 mile- and lop off the marathon.

    I think the reason I dismissed 2 4 6 8 6 4 2 was that the overall mileage is less than what i did last time.

    I like 3 5 7 3 5 7 9... but i do like a nice pattern!!!

    i also thought about doing Fibonacci again, but trying to beat my time overall for the 7 days (as you log your results in hours) but i'm not sure as i like easy miles when i'm running consecutive days.

    Thanks for your thoughts @katharmonic :)
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @quilteryoyo, I am thinking of you this morning. I hope all goes smoothly and that we hear from you very soon.

    No run last night. I ended up working 2.5 hours late dealing with some audit stuff.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I hope it's an uneventful surgery and a quick and full recovery @quilteryoyo
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    edited January 2021
    Good to know you are on the mend @Faebert

    The Spring Phoenix is the last week of my current plan @thisvickyruns and I can't make anything match. I will have a go at some point and fancy the stairway to heaven starting at 1.1 mile, increasing 2 miles per day to finish on 13.1 miles.

    Question time : My apple watch is not going to last for long distances and it annoys me that I cannot track my sleep patterns as it has to be charged every night. What recommendations do you have as a replacement?
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    1-1 5k treadmill + resistance bands
    1-2 5k treadmill + yoga
    1-3 6k easy
    1-4 7k slow + resistance bands
    1-5 5k treadmill + yoga
    1-6 7k slow + resistance bands
    1-7 6k slow + yoga
    1-8 5k treadmill + resistance bands

    January Total: 46k
    January Goal: 140k

    Cloudy and high 20sF today. Did treadmill as my "rest."

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2021 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs (second attempt)
  • thisvickyruns
    thisvickyruns Posts: 193 Member
    Good to know you are on the mend @Faebert

    The Spring Phoenix is the last week of my current plan @thisvickyruns and I can't make anything match. I will have a go at some point and fancy the stairway to heaven starting at 1.1 mile, increasing 2 miles per day to finish on 13.1 miles.

    Question time : My apple watch is not going to last for long distances and it annoys me that I cannot track my sleep patterns as it has to be charged every night. What recommendations do you have as a replacement?

    Garmin, all day long. Fenix if it fits your budget, forerunner if not.

    Stairway sounds good, but 49 miles in a week is way above my legs capabilities!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @TheMrWobbly I have a Garmin Forerunner 735xt. It's one of the older models, so was cheaper than the flashy new ones, and was specifically created for triathlon (I have yet to try the specific triathlon mode, but it claims to know when you switch activities and automatically changes readings or something, which I thought was mega cool lol).
    It counts steps, monitors sleep (thought I don't think it's quite as good at that as my Fitbit used to be, but good enough for basic tracking), monitors HR and gives you your RHR every morning, etc. etc.
    I've had it 13 months now, and am having to charge it probably twice a week now, but a lot depends on how much you're using the GPS. It charges in about half an hour so I often just plug it in while I shower.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,135 Member
    @TheMrWobbly I also love my garmin. I have the vivoactive 4s and I love it. I charge it when I shower and that's usually plenty. If I have a really long run and it wasn't well charged beforehand I may need to leave it on the charger for an hour or so to get it back to full.
    I also think garmin doesn't do as well with the sleep tracking as fitbit, but it is certainly good enough for basics and it seems to learn over time. The sleep tracking on mine is much more accurate now. When I first got it, it would sometimes register me as asleep when I was sitting too still on the couch watching tv. It took a couple of months and some manual deletion on my part, but it has stopped doing that.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i have garmin too. vivoactive 3. it was considered accurate enough for my doctors to use it for data with my sleep study. i like it.
    if you want a longer battery life, i know a lot of ultra runners use Coros
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @TheMrWobbly I'm a Garmin fan as well. I have a Forerunner 35 and it does everything I need it to do and only requires charging once a week.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @TheMrWobbly I echo Garmin. I got my first one about 2.5 years ago and absolutely live it. I currently have a Vivoactive 4s and like @martaindale I charge a little everyday when in the shower. I LOVE having Bluetooth music (podcasts for me) on my device, and get about 5hrs running time when using music. I believe it's about 12 hrs when not using music. It tracks sleep, though I rarely look at that. Love it.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I will add, the charge while in the shower is a lifesaver. It used to really annoy me charging every 3-4 days but now I have to do a full charge only every couple of weeks with the shower method.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,449 Member
    @TheMrWobbly add me to the Garmin lovers list. I have a Forerunner 235 (bought in 2013). It is everything I want in a GPS watch (except I would eventually like to get one that stores music so I don't have to take my phone). It is over 7 years old, but the battery lasts me all week (I only use it when running).
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    edited January 2021
    Good to know you are on the mend @Faebert

    The Spring Phoenix is the last week of my current plan @thisvickyruns and I can't make anything match. I will have a go at some point and fancy the stairway to heaven starting at 1.1 mile, increasing 2 miles per day to finish on 13.1 miles.

    Question time : My apple watch is not going to last for long distances and it annoys me that I cannot track my sleep patterns as it has to be charged every night. What recommendations do you have as a replacement?

    Oh yes. Glad you are feeling better @faebert. Starting the year with the flu of anytype is TOUGH.I had it in 2018 Jan-Feb and it lasted about 6 weeks before I was back to total normal energy. Take care of yourself and start back slowly. I waited until my resting heartrate was back to where it was normally before pushing

    thinking of @quilteryoyo today. My Dad has AAA surgery a long time ago and no sure where q's is but it's a tough surgery. Praying recovery and surgery go smoothly. Glad she got in before there was a rupture!

    MrW as far as my apple watch goes. I recently upgraded to the latest one and the battery life is AMAZINGLY better. It was definitely worth the upgrade plus better HR and O2 level now. I basically charge it from say 5 am to 6 am when I get up to take my synthroid and go back to sleep for an hr. My old one would drop from 100 to under 50 on an hour run and this one stays over 80.
    PS not sure where I recall but I heard battery life over long term is better if you let them discharge almost to empty and don't constantly charge a little bit at a time. Might be wrong about the latest types tho.