
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,479 Member
    I was talking to Edie on Zoom about all the appliances we didn't have when DH and I were young. I said we didn't have washing machines.
    She said, "Ooohhh, that's horrible, dirty clothes are so not my style!" :D
    We didn't have fridges or freezers or anything much. I was trying to explain about mangles for squeezing water out of the clothes and said you could squash your fingers flat, but she didn't understand.
    We had a huge "geezer" above the bath that went off with a WOOMPH when we pushed the lever. Very scary!

    All good here.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    “Dirty clothes not her style” 😂😂.

    I grew up with a wringer washer, with the rinse tub behind it. Washing was an all day chore. I don’t remember when Mom got an automatic machine exactly. She hung clothes on the line long after she had a dryer. My Grandmother used a big washtub on the wooden stove to boil the whites and towels. She used an old broom handle to get them out of the boiling water and put through the wringer. She used Mrs. Stewart’s bluing liquid, since her name was Mrs. Stewart I always thought it was hers.


    That reminded me of one of the questions I got during one of my cycling tours. We get a lot of questions - usually where did you cycle from today, where are you going, etc. But one young lady asked me what I do when I've worn all my clothes and they're all 'dirty'. "I wash them", I replied. Somehow it had never occurred to her that a person could wash their clothes anywhere else but home.

    My great grandmother had a wringer washer, but by the time I was quite young (3 or 4, perhaps) she had gone to an automatic washer.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,479 Member
    Watched THE TRUTH ABOUT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM while I was rowing. Basically, eat a lot of fibre - fruits and veg, lentils, whole grains, don't overdo the alcohol, exercise regularly, take vitamin D and basically that's it. If you want a temporary boost you can try a cold shower or a massage. Vitamins and supplements are basically just expensive pee. :D
    Well, we know all that, don't we. Easy. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather -
    I have to disagree on that one - like so many generalities, while there's an element of truth for that for most people, it's not true for everyone. Without supplemental iron, my anemia runs out of control, and I am exhausted and cold all the time--I've been in that spot too many times to believe they don't help. They do. That's just one of the nutrients I need--and I'm aware that's both because of the rearranging of my gut and because I don't get them from my diet. Giving in to the fact that I'm never going to regularly eat a vegetable also means acknowledging that I have to get those nutrients somewhere. While I don't disagree that the supplement industry has run amok, people like me who talk to their doctors and get tested regularly need some of these for a reasonably healthy life.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    I also have certain medical difficulties (a genetic disorder) which is much better if I take my supplements. I need folic acid, B-vitamins, and magnesium. And because I cannot use hormone replacement to help me through the menopause process, I am trying some others. For example, a doctor recommended Evening Primrose Oil to me. I also take calcium because I don't consume a lot of dairy products.

    I get bloodwork done at least once a year that checks my vitamin and mineral levels and they're all right in the middle of "normal", with the exception of iron which is usually just a bit high. So my doctors don't have any problems with what I'm doing.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,480 Member
    Did Kathy Smith’s Shaper Ball DVD. Work tomorrow so no formal exercise, just getting my steps in. Only exercised for 30 min today. It’s been a while since I’ve exercised consistently so I’m taking it slow in getting back

    Senior bowling tomorrow and mahjongg at night

    Sue WA – so sorry about your DB and his family

    Flea – great walk

    My first job was working at a fast food restaurant. We used to get free food. To this day I very seldom will go to a fast food place. The food just doesn’t entice me one bit. However, that is where I met my husband, so there was a silver lining there.

    Allie – just don’t walk too fast! You don’t want to tax your heart. But it is good for you to be up and around walking. Proud of you for doing that. So sorry about them not being able to get blood from you. Fortunately, I've always been told that I have good veins. But one time I think there was a student taking my blood because it HURT

    M – agree with banana’s post about you having to pay for investigation. On one hand, I can see how it would discourage some calls from people who complain and every little thing. But on the other hand, as bananas pointed out, what about the people who can’t afford it?

    Carol GA – I can’t wait until I’m eligible for the vaccine. How wonderful that you’re getting it! I think if a person will have a slight or bad reaction to any of the vaccines depends a lot on the person. Actually, when the next group can get it, I'll be able to but Vince won't. I can because I work in a grocery store. You know, this is the one and only time that I'm grateful that I'm older....lol

    Most used appliances: microwave, dishwasher (is that an appliance?) and mixer. Refrigerator/freezer is in there, too.

    Kylia – our microwave bit the dust in late Nov. We think it had something to do with my cooking sweet potatoes for an extended period of time. It fried the magnetron. A replacement magnetron was less expensive than buying a new microwave. I think the magnetron cost something like $100. It was really lucky that we kept the microwave we had in the apt when we first moved to NC. It honestly probably was only used once since we moved. Even tho it’s a counter top model and ours is an over-the-range one, we brought that one upstairs and at least we had something until the main one was repaired.

    Marise – welcome!

    Flea – my cousin worked for a B&R. She learned cake decorating. The people she worked for were very nice, too. Actually, she made our wedding cake. One of our neighbors just put in a pool and the fence around it. They hadn’t even had a chance to use the pool and a tree came down, right on the fence! Some other trees also fell, but they fell the other way. We have a tree at the back of our property in the woods there and it fell down. We never did anything about that tree. Another one fell down in our backyard a while ago and we had that one removed.

    Tracey – Jess was just saying that I need an electric kettle. I told her that I really didn’t want one. The kettle I have that sits on the stove works fine for me. I’ve never wanted one. I really, really wanted the IP and am so happy that I have it. I do use it quite often. But if worse came to worse, I think I could live without it. I may not be happy, but I’d live.

    RV Rita – don’t feel guilty for venting here. That’s one of the things we’re here for.

    Michele NC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,389 Member
    First job-started babysitting at age 10.

    Julie-don’t know that I am necessarily regular or if I am just boring and stick to the same thing!

    Tina-perhaps the raccoon thought the pump was taking away from bathing space?!

    Carol-congrats on getting vaccine scheduled! They say a bit of a reaction is a good thing-it shows your body is fighting or some such thing. The pneumonia shot gave me some side effects for a few days, and the shingles vaccine (both doses) were not fun. I will get mine when I am permitted unless some new, valid news comes out providing reasons why I shouldn’t.

    Kylia-I bought a 6’ Balsam Hill (can’t remember which specific one, but not the most expensive, middle of the pack) and I just love it. It is gorgeous and I think worth the money. And I would be replacing microwave very quickly-mainly because I don’t like things not working. But stove and toaster oven can cover most of it.

    Allie-I don’t blame you for crying. For one thing, some blood draws are painful (I also have small veins). Second-you have been through so much you have earned a good cry.

    Supplements-I take some basics (Vit D,Vit C, elderberry, a pre and pro biotic, calcium). My thyroid suppression impacts some of how my body handles things so supplements helps balance them.

    Standard day here. Got some work stuff done, on-line church, chatted with a friend, went outside for an hour walk-was great to be out in the sun. Had zoom meeting preparing for Church Council meeting on Tuesday via zoom (I was coerced into serving as President, again). Caught up on here. Going to watch a bit of the Browns-Steelers game. I am a Browns fan and am happy they made a playoff game. I am not expecting a win, but one of my sons is a Steelers’ fan so one of us will be happy!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,835 Member
    3 Most used kitchen appliances: Electric kettle for frequent tea/coffee. Microwave for reheating tea/coffee/food. Electric hob for cooking.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,698 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Sue – so sorry to hear about family with Covid, sending good thoughts
    Carol – so Glad to hear you are getting your vaccine.

    Allie – Keep asking questions, keep being strong!

    Appliances – Refrigerator, stove (burners/range), oven…. I have an electric kettle I like but can use the range just as well, microwave gets used every other day or so…

    Isolated cabin - I would like it best if I could get outside also, but books, my sewing machine and quilts in process and I would happily and successfully spend a month there.

    Viv – take care!

    1st job - I babysat/pet sat during high school a TON additionally in the warmer months I was a lifeguard and taught swimming.

    My senior year my folks let me get a job at the local furniture store filing for the finance department; it was a huge eye opener – this would have been in 1975 and I discovered that there was a 500+% markup on the furniture I was stunned.

    I worked in some way most of the time from 12 -19 years, Summers with “real” jobs working for a company mostly as a life guard or camp counselor, but during school it was babysitting, pet sitting, once I was in college it was cleaning houses, typing papers, and sewing costumes… I was always doing something to pay my way.

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,480 Member
    I don't think I even need mention that there is no way I could stay in an isolated cabin. I would HAVE to get out and be with people.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    :) I could get along in my kitchen with only a stove and refrigerator, but I do appreciate the microwave for speedy heating of leftovers and the dishwasher.

    :) My walking friend got her first dose of the moderna vaccine two days ago and has had no ill effects. She got hers earlier than others because she is a Hospice volunteer. Jake and I will get ours on Thursday. The eligible people are those 70 years old and their domestic partners. There is a very well planned system that will happen for six days over two weeks. We'll line up in cars and follow well choreographed instructions.

    :) Our pets fill our lives in the same way that children or grandchildren fill the lives of other people.

    :) Today I realized how grateful I am that walking is something that I like because it has made it possible for me to be connected with other people when so many others are feeling isolated.

    <3Allie, sending more gentle hugs to you at this very trying time.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,009 Member
    Just finished warching the all creatures ,it was great now hopefully hit the potty then bed..
    Michelle - i love my electric tea kettle,though since the open heart i dont really drink tea anymore .lol
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,479 Member
    @Lagopus ...

    This came up in my FB newsfeed ... and I thought of you and some of the photos you've posted. I don't know if that's your village or another.


    M in Oz
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »

    The decluttering has been delayed, I've been watching the videos from the Take Your House Back course and watching their live videos - a few tips I am going to try out, but not sure if the course is going to be a lot of help to be honest.

    Love Viv UK <3

    I'm so sorry you fell. I'm here to tell you, this falling is serious business. I was told by my doctor on Wednesday that my pinkie will never be the same again - it will have a permanent bend at the lower knuckle. He says it is important to keep stretching it with physical therapy and the most important thing is to try to make a fist, but I don't know if I'll even get back 100% of my strength and flexibility. And then my mama -- her teeth are going to cost $8000 to repair. And that's out of pocket - not covered by her insurance since it's dental. The friend's homeowners is going to cover $5000 of it, but still - the other 3 is a lot of money. If she had gone for pulling the remaining upper teeth and getting a full denture she could have probably done it for the $5,000 but that wasn't what she wanted and I can't say that I blame her.

    I tend to agree about the decluttering course. I'm glad I got it for 50%. Dana even says in her podcasts not to buy it if you don't have the money because you can learn what you need watching their free videos and listening to their podcasts. I looked at it more as entertainment and a way to support their work, because I do like all three and wanted to see them interact with each other. Dana is still my favorite, though. She is so authentic. I am enjoying getting to peak into their own houses.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,479 Member
    3 Kitchen Appliances?

    Kettle - for tea or coffee

    Those are the two I use the most.

    Next is probably toaster with slow cooker coming up just behind it.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    Machka - Beautiful photo! The Lofoten Islands are a long way south of Penny's Svalbard. We were meant to call in on the Lofoten on our cruise to see Penny, but it was so windy that the captain announced they couldn't dock. Great shame as we had booked a RIB trip around the cliffs to see the birds and wildlife.
    Recently we had a Norwegian series on our TV called TWINS, set on the Lofoten. Really enjoyed it.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: My wrists are doing okay this morning. The left was more damaged in the fall. I used DMSO on the left wrist and on the left side of my forehead. I bought this product from Amazon. I’ve been using it for many years when it is needed. A physician of mine many years ago told me the DMSO was safe and okay for my external use. :star: Your graduation photo is one that shows triumph! CONGRATULATIONS!

    (((Allie))): I’m glad that a doctor came in and answered some of your questions. I hope your next surgery is one hundred percent effective. I’m sorry that the blood draws are so unpleasant. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Edie and the pup look wonderful in their photo. :bigsmile:

    Carol in GA: I am delighted to know you will be able to get your Covid shot Friday. I hope all goes well for you. If I had the opportunity to get my Covid shot I’d be right there, ready to go. It appears that won’t be available here for quite a while. :ohwell:

    Marise51: Welcome!!! :star:

    Flea: DH & I ae both U of O graduates, and we lived in Eugene for several years after graduation. We moved for employment opportunities. :ohwell:

    Pip: I adore your dog photos. :heart:

    Barbie: I am envious that you will be able to get your covid vaccinations. DH & I are both past 70 and we have no idea when we will get to have the vaccinations. The Safeway pharmacy here in town will be giving out the shots, but they haven’t received any vaccines and have no idea when they will be available. :grumble:

    Rori: I like your word for this year—flow. It gives me a vision of calm forward motion. Thank you. You are right. We can do this--even as we work though our personal challenges. :flowerforyou:

    I’m still working my way through my injuries from tripping and falling down the steps behind the fence to the driveway. I hit my head & broke my glasses. The left side of my forehead and eyebrow are tender and achy. I also wrenched my left wrist in the fall. It isn’t broken, but it aches. New glasses lenses are on order. :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    3 appliances.
    If the basics are included:
    Fridge, oven-stove, are one and 2.
    and the 3rd is tricky, washing machine, I wouldn't want to do without, but I use the electric kettle more often: at least every day. Though could heat water on stove. So if I had to choose I'd choose the washer over electric kettle.
    5th must be the stick blender...

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    edited January 2021
    Just to note, it was Bea with Nelly. They grow up sooooo fast! :D<3 She will be 5 in March. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Katla Sorry to hear you fell as well, do take care, it really shakes you up doesn't it and falling down steps hitting your head :o - seems we were both lucky not to have more serious injuries.

    I think I'm feeling a little better in myself, but it still hurts when I lift my arm a certain way although getting dressed this morning was a little easier. I took a slow walk to the shop on Friday, my daughter walked part of the way with me with the dog, I went into the shop whilst she carried on walking around the block. She said to wait at the shop and she would walk me home. I needed some sugar and it was on the bottom shelf, there was no way I could bend down, so I had to ask the man behind the counter if he could get it for me. He didn't look too pleased, but did pass me the sugar.

    Katiebug One of the main reasons I subscribed to the decluttering course was the fact that it was on offer. I do like their videos and how they interact with each other, but I also follow Dawn (the minimal mom) and she covers most of the course in her free Youtube videos too. So not sure if there is actually much value in the course, but I haven't watch all the course content yet. Dana is the only one new to me, I haven't seen any of her videos, although I am looking back and finding them.

    Covid vacs are going great guns here in York. One of my Nurse friends has been trained to give them and said she had given jabs to patients and staff in 4 nursing homes yesterday and all were so grateful to be getting the vaccine. Just waiting for my mum to get her appointment. As she is over 80 I don't think she'll have too long to wait, her GP will contact her in due course.

    Allie It sounds as if you are really going through it at the moment, sending hugs your way and hope everything goes better the second time.

    Going to get some breakfast.

    Lots of love
    Viv UK <3