What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Dumbbell lunges
    Dumbbell RDLs
    Stability ball leg curls
    Dumbbell bench press
    Dumbbell shoulder press

    2k row
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    I attempted hangboarding yesterday, but I was terrible. So I gave up on it, send also gave up on my planned upper body lifts, since did a 6 mile walkv instead.

    I will re-try today. It may be that I didn't give myself long enough to recover after climbing the day before

    I re-did the hangboarding the next day, and was a lot better. I didn't break any records, but it was a solid session.

    I did upper body lifts yesterday, doing 3 sets of 6 on the bench (50kgs); and 3 sets of 6 overhead press (35 kgs).

    It has rained constantly for the last few days, It would be nice for a break in order to get a climb in.
  • sheclimber
    sheclimber Posts: 176 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    drmwc wrote: »
    I attempted hangboarding yesterday, but I was terrible. So I gave up on it, send also gave up on my planned upper body lifts, since did a 6 mile walkv instead.

    I will re-try today. It may be that I didn't give myself long enough to recover after climbing the day before

    I re-did the hangboarding the next day, and was a lot better. I didn't break any records, but it was a solid session.

    I did upper body lifts yesterday, doing 3 sets of 6 on the bench (50kgs); and 3 sets of 6 overhead press (35 kgs).

    It has rained constantly for the last few days, It would be nice for a break in order to get a climb in.

    Haven't climbed for a year or so now but have climbed for more or less since my mid-20's... I can attest that hangboarding is freakin' HARD!! Good job!!
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    10 min's elliptical
    15 KBell Swing
    15 Squat Press
    10 Dbell Snatch
    50 Rev Crunches

    Overhead Press
    Chest Press
    High Cable X Over
    Rope Ext
    Low Cable X Over
    Land Mine Press
    Iso Tricep Ext
    Dbell Chest Press
    Rope Skull Crusher

    Nifty 50 Abs
    Straight Leg Crunches/Hip Lifts/ Rower/Knee Tucks/Leg Tucks/Crunches/Banded Crunches/Sit-ups/
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    Slow 4.16mi walk (3.2mph), moderate rowing machine 2 x (1000m on, 1:30 off) at 2:29.8, 22, peaked around 73% HR. Stiff and a little sore from tripping over something in my kitchen the other night and falling; no real injuries, but some bruises.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    60 min's cardio
    Rolling hills Program Level 10
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    sheclimber wrote: »

    Haven't climbed for a year or so now but have climbed for more or less since my mid-20's... I can attest that hangboarding is freakin' HARD!! Good job!!

    Thanks! I got a woody built in my garden early in the first lockdown as a way to carry on climbing even whilst at home. It has been a good investment.

    Yesterday, I did an 8 mile walk. I ran for a small portion of it as an experiment. I've never really been a runner, I wanted to see if it could be fun. It wasn't too bad, although I only did about a mile as I'm easing myself into it.

    It was sunny today, and although I had 8 work meetings, miraculously I had a free hour over lunch. So I got a climb in. I wasn't in form at all, but it was still good fun.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Run yesterday was a short endurance type effort: 1
    10 min walk/jog/dynamic warmup, then 4 x 12 min blocks (10min aerobic pace, 1min push, 1min recovery pace) then cool down.

    Bike today on trainer: 1:08:00 High Cadence/Threshold session
    10 min warmup, then 4 rounds (2min High Cadence/2min Normal) then 5 min recovery watts
    then 2 rounds 8 minutes each(5min Sweet Spot/3 min recovery)
    then back to 4 rounds of high/low cadence as above
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Dumbbell lunges
    Stability ball leg curls
    One arm dumbbell row
    Incline dumbbell bench press
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Been running 3x week full body MAPS Anabolic plus teaching 1 day Bodypump for last 6 weeks. Today, my body started crying for a deload. As in, couldn’t hit my numbers, at least for arms, 2 sessions in a row.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    42 minutes on a stationary bike :) 9.44 miles! I was super happy with myself.
  • kimmie19863
    kimmie19863 Posts: 4 Member
    Yoga, needed to stretch out after the week!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Bike session on the trainer. 2 hr Endurance w/some big gear& high cadence work thrown in.

    warmup: 20 min - 5 min each at 125w, 150w, 170w 190 w
    Recovery: 10 min at 125
    Repeat two times: 40 min block - 35min@ 155-160W, 2min@ 185w (60rpms), 3min@ 125w (90-100rpm)
    Cooldown: 10min @90w

    Long run and swim tomorrow.
  • Whatsthemotive
    Whatsthemotive Posts: 145 Member
    30 minute chair exercise for seniors, obese, and people with limited mobility plus 12 minute stretch routine for lower back pain. Both HASFIT. I know the stretch routine won’t help with weight loss but it would be nice to wake up without my low back hurting.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    edited January 2021
    5k row. 23:24 min actual running time. Not gonna lie, paused for 5-10 secs sometimes.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    5k row. 23:24 min actual running time. Not gonna lie, paused for 5-10 secs sometimes.

    Nice, @JessAndreia: You're continuing to improve your pace. Including work at base (lower HR) will improve endurance, of course. FWIW, if you're finding it possible to push it, but not quite continuously, a format multiples of my friends enjoy is repeats of 20 strokes on (i.e., very hard), 6 strokes easy.

    I'm more of a timed intervals person, if I do them, personally, but I seem to be an outlier in that: The 20-6 thing is more popular among those I know. (Came from one of our coaches early on.)

    You're doing great!
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    edited January 2021
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    5k row. 23:24 min actual running time. Not gonna lie, paused for 5-10 secs sometimes.

    Nice, @JessAndreia: You're continuing to improve your pace. Including work at base (lower HR) will improve endurance, of course. FWIW, if you're finding it possible to push it, but not quite continuously, a format multiples of my friends enjoy is repeats of 20 strokes on (i.e., very hard), 6 strokes easy.

    I'm more of a timed intervals person, if I do them, personally, but I seem to be an outlier in that: The 20-6 thing is more popular among those I know. (Came from one of our coaches early on.)

    You're doing great!

    Thank you. Sometimes I do something similar and tell myself "10 or 15 strokes", and count them.
    I also get thirsty quite easily (more than anyone else I know - went through 17 ounces of water in just those 24 minutes), so a lot of my pauses are to take a couple sips of water.

    My rower doesn't allow to set specific interval times like C2, but it does have a 20/10 and a 10/10 interval feature, so I might try that.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    I lifted some stuff today, doing:
    3 sets of 5, squat, 80 kgs
    3 sets of 7, deadlift, 100 kgs
    Farmers' walk, 60 kgs.

    There is not much rain forecast for tomorrow, so hopefully I can climb.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    5k row. 23:24 min actual running time. Not gonna lie, paused for 5-10 secs sometimes.

    Nice, @JessAndreia: You're continuing to improve your pace. Including work at base (lower HR) will improve endurance, of course. FWIW, if you're finding it possible to push it, but not quite continuously, a format multiples of my friends enjoy is repeats of 20 strokes on (i.e., very hard), 6 strokes easy.

    I'm more of a timed intervals person, if I do them, personally, but I seem to be an outlier in that: The 20-6 thing is more popular among those I know. (Came from one of our coaches early on.)

    You're doing great!

    Thank you. Sometimes I do something similar and tell myself "10 or 15 strokes", and count them.
    I also get thirsty quite easily (more than anyone else I know - went through 17 ounces of water in just those 24 minutes), so a lot of my pauses are to take a couple sips of water.

    My rower doesn't allow to set specific interval times like C2, but it does have a 20/10 and a 10/10 interval feature, so I might try that.

    Have you ever rowed/raced on water in a boat? What you describe doing is exactly a common race strategy. The coxswain will say "Now, we're going to take a power 10 for (inspiring reason X), in 2; 1 (stroke), 2 (stroke), and we're on". Coxswain counts strokes for 10, everyone focuses on making them the hardest, most effective they've got in that moment. And, since it's a race, we then go back to . . . hard. 😉

    You've probably noticed that I usually do repeats of 2K. Water is one of the main reasons: I need a drink! After the first couple, I also need to sop up some sweat, as I sweat copiously, too. 😆 So, row 2k, take a few easy strokes, get a drink, wipe some sweat, start easy strokes until C2 starts the next 2k. The 2' "rests" usually end up being 30" to 1:15-ish, not the full 2'.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    5k row. 23:24 min actual running time. Not gonna lie, paused for 5-10 secs sometimes.

    Nice, @JessAndreia: You're continuing to improve your pace. Including work at base (lower HR) will improve endurance, of course. FWIW, if you're finding it possible to push it, but not quite continuously, a format multiples of my friends enjoy is repeats of 20 strokes on (i.e., very hard), 6 strokes easy.

    I'm more of a timed intervals person, if I do them, personally, but I seem to be an outlier in that: The 20-6 thing is more popular among those I know. (Came from one of our coaches early on.)

    You're doing great!

    Thank you. Sometimes I do something similar and tell myself "10 or 15 strokes", and count them.
    I also get thirsty quite easily (more than anyone else I know - went through 17 ounces of water in just those 24 minutes), so a lot of my pauses are to take a couple sips of water.

    My rower doesn't allow to set specific interval times like C2, but it does have a 20/10 and a 10/10 interval feature, so I might try that.

    Have you ever rowed/raced on water in a boat? What you describe doing is exactly a common race strategy. The coxswain will say "Now, we're going to take a power 10 for (inspiring reason X), in 2; 1 (stroke), 2 (stroke), and we're on". Coxswain counts strokes for 10, everyone focuses on making them the hardest, most effective they've got in that moment. And, since it's a race, we then go back to . . . hard. 😉

    You've probably noticed that I usually do repeats of 2K. Water is one of the main reasons: I need a drink! After the first couple, I also need to sop up some sweat, as I sweat copiously, too. 😆 So, row 2k, take a few easy strokes, get a drink, wipe some sweat, start easy strokes until C2 starts the next 2k. The 2' "rests" usually end up being 30" to 1:15-ish, not the full 2'.

    I had no idea, and I have not. I don't know how to swim and have a fear of deep water (probably because I don't know how to swim), so that's a huge no for me.

    I was able to get between 170 and 200 watts on a lot of my strokes today (an improvement for me too; I'm 127-128 lbs). Believe that's what knocked down my time. Hopefully over time I'll be able to hold that for longer and longer without pausing.