Welcome New Members!



  • mcgeepeezy
    mcgeepeezy Posts: 3 Member
    Hey i just joined trying to get more consistent with eating healthy and exercising especially in quarantine im very interested in hybrid keto recipes and am happy to join the community
  • SarahSmileyFaceNawNaw
    Just saying Hi! Looking forward to using this app to help keep me focused this year. I'm a busy mom of 6 and it is WAY too easy for me to forget about my own nutrition and health. It's going to be an awesome year! 😁
  • JSLuke59
    JSLuke59 Posts: 65 Member
    Awesome, be sure to keep us informed when you race comes near and how it goes!
    Morning all! I am new to using the app completely. I have tried it off an on for a couple of years but never longer than a day or two. This time I am committing myself to logging everything and seeing where I need to be more attentive.

    I am an avid runner and cyclist. This year I have my first Spartan race planned, so I know my nutrition needs to be on point before I can see any real results in the gym. This is where I need you. I need people on here spurring me on and cheering me to the finish line.

  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    edited January 2021
    I'm not new-new but rather coming back for a second round after gaining weight from medication. Looking forward to being part of the family again! :) It's been a while...
  • ddeckert3
    ddeckert3 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Need the tools and drive to loose weight. I signed up for the premium today. Here's to a great year everyone!!
  • stephlicence1988
    stephlicence1988 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, joined a few days ago, trying to monitor and improve my nutrition choices to help make training for my half marathon easier. Looking to drop a few pounds while still having energy for running. Any fellow runners out there, I'd love to connect with you :)
  • stephlicence1988
    stephlicence1988 Posts: 5 Member
    Morning all! I am new to using the app completely. I have tried it off an on for a couple of years but never longer than a day or two. This time I am committing myself to logging everything and seeing where I need to be more attentive.

    I am an avid runner and cyclist. This year I have my first Spartan race planned, so I know my nutrition needs to be on point before I can see any real results in the gym. This is where I need you. I need people on here spurring me on and cheering me to the finish line.

    Sounds like we have similar reasons for signing up...look forward to hearing more from you!
  • MichaelFuqua
    MichaelFuqua Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not really new, I have had a couple of stretches that I used MFP with good success, but not being accountable to anyone, and really not having any support ... I keep relapsing. The latest lab results after a visit with the doctor convinced me to get really serious. Now logging exercise as well as concentrating on the food side.

    Health and fitness are my new lifestyle/hobbies.

    Feel free to add me.
  • pekphx
    pekphx Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I've been using MyFitnessPal off and on since 2013, lost about 60#, :) but have been relatively lazy and still have 20# to go. I've been playing with the last 20 lbs for at least 3 years now, and now it's time for me to get serious. My daughter is getting married in June, and there will be photos! :# I'm choosing to follow a LowCarb diet as it is the easiest for me personally to stick to.
    I look forward to reading posts for ideas and support, and to sharing with others!
  • jaydee910
    jaydee910 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everybody! I'm not exactly new, but I've recently returned to the app and recommitted to my health. So far this year, I've lost 3.5 lbs which although doesn't seem like much, I'm pretty pleased. I'm about 5'3" and now 151 lbs -- 25 lbs to go! Keep up the good work everybody and let's stay at it!
  • Jsche893
    Jsche893 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope to learn a lot and grow with the community.
  • rblack50mfp
    rblack50mfp Posts: 4 Member
    I could use the support for my weight loss goals.
  • NexAmore
    NexAmore Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all WA State here holler at me if you like add me as a friend started this journey Dec 2020 and still going hope to hear from yall soon and best wishes 4 you all
  • Skeets1999
    Skeets1999 Posts: 2 Member
    Have used MFP on and off for years, but this is the first time I’m really ready to fully commit 100% to it. Need to lose a solid 35-40 pounds.

    Would love an “add” from you, if you’d like mutual support.

  • rblack50mfp
    rblack50mfp Posts: 4 Member
    I’ll be committed to a real plan with MFP.