2021....52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    45 y/o 5'8" Female
    Starting weight: 216 on 1/1/21
    Goal weight: 164 (52 lb loss)
    Current weight: 209 on 1/22
    Total weight lost: 7
    This week's successes: Got over 15K steps one day.
    This week's challenges: Totally blew it for portion control and snacking. Must buckle down.
    216 Start
    211 Week 1
    206 Week 2
    209 Week 3
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited January 2021

    Challenges: The weather! I hate the cold and cold rain and snow. Making myself walk in the weather has been tough![/quote]

    Osier....I solved that issue....just exercise inside :)

  • DMatthews3467
    DMatthews3467 Posts: 1 Member

    Starting weight: 237
    Goal weight: 187
    Current weight: 232.25
    Weekly weight loss: 0
    Total weight lost:4.75
    This week's successes: Started a couch to 5k programme with two runs. Concentrated more on calorie counting and replacing stodgy crisps and ice cream with healthier options

    This week's challenges: Dealing with the irony of this being both my first serious week and also the first Ive failed to lose! Not to worry Im going to play the long game and keep going, this is a lifestyle change
  • Limsha2
    Limsha2 Posts: 748 Member
    SW 213
    GW 140
    Challenge weight loss 5lb
    Week 1 Jan 18, 211,
    Week 2 Jan 25, 208,
    Weekly success logging all food.
    Challenges, meal planning to keep within calories.
  • donalowen
    donalowen Posts: 54 Member
    Started on 21st January, I'm comitted to doing the challenge this year, I started and gave up for a few years after getting some results and soon fell back into my old habits.

    Starting weight: 266lb
    Goal weight: 214lb
    Current weight: 265lb
    Total weight lost: 1lb
    This week's successes: Started couch to 5k
    This week's challenges: Fixing my eating habits.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 678 Member
    Starting weight (July 2020): 343.7 lbs
    Goal weight: 200 lbs
    Current weight (January 1st): 322.7 lbs
    Total weight lost: 2.9 lbs (319.8 lbs)
    This week's successes:
    This week's challenges:
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Week 4 (Day late)
    start weight 8/21/20 214.8
    start challenge 1/3/21 175
    currant weight 1/26/21 180.4
    last week +4
    last month + 3.6
    last quarter -28.2
    this time last year -34.4

    This weeks challenges sticking to food plan, logging binge eating using my circumstances as an excuse for poor choices..
    This weeks successes walked a few times reached out for help ..
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
    mermaidnj wrote: »
    Week 4 (Day late)
    start weight 8/21/20 214.8
    start challenge 1/3/21 175
    currant weight 1/26/21 180.4
    last week +4
    last month + 3.6
    last quarter -28.2
    this time last year -34.4

    This weeks challenges sticking to food plan, logging binge eating using my circumstances as an excuse for poor choices..
    This weeks successes walked a few times reached out for help ..

    I had a hard time last week with eating over my calorie goals, too. Just remember that you’re in a new week, and each day is a fresh start. We’re here for you to get through the rough times.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 800 Member
    Starting weight: 189 (Jan 1, 2021)
    Goal weight: 159
    Current weight: 184.6 (Jan 28)
    Total weight lost: 4.4 pounds

    This week's successes: Completed my weekly exercise goal, 5 out of 7 days/week
    This week's challenges: I’m going to challenge myself to fast 18 hours every day this week.

  • KJR865
    KJR865 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight: 257
    Goal weight: 197
    Current weight: 253
    Total weight lost: 4
    This week's successes: Getting a better handle on managing how many calories I eat each day and trying to slowly reduce the number.
    This week's challenges: Didn't get all the workouts in this week that I targeted.