2021šŸŒŸ30-Pound ChallengešŸŒŸ



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    You all are doing awesome!!
    Iā€™m so glad weā€™re all here working toward the same goal... better health, better fitness, and weight loss.

    This morning it was 16 degrees when I woke up, so I opted for an inside workout until it was less frigid outside.

    This one was fun! Like my friend Seilidhe, Iā€™m sure it was a crazy sight to see at 6:30 in the morning! Find your fun!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    jm216 wrote: Ā»
    Happy Thursday!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Happy Friday friends,

    I absolutely love Gina B! Just did this indoor workout, and it was fun. It is a mood booster and a great overall workout. Just had to share the fun. Happy Friday!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Happy Saturday Friends!

    Today Roxie and I did a 15 minute walk in 15 degrees Fahrenheit. She would stay out longer, but itā€™s too cold for her. So, I finished the morning with Gina B. I did some modifications to keep my knees happy. Sheā€™s just so fun and upbeat! Find your fun!
    ( No, I donā€™t get paid for this... I just like to share when I find something I like. šŸ„°)
  • Kathie7661
    Kathie7661 Posts: 18 Member
    Weekly check in -

    Did ok this week with logging meals and snacks, I cook a lot from scratch so my diary is sometimes very detailed.
    I try to add each ingredient/amount that I use if I can't find a comparable item in the list of foods.

    Did not do great with exercise this week, but got in a few walks and 1 you tube workout (Jill, I love the Gina B workouts thanks for posting!)

    Not much weight difference on my "official" weigh in today, (not) funny how it fluctuates day by day. Right now, it's more important to me to change my foods to better choices with less sugar and starchy carbs; more lean protein, veggies, grains.

    Hard to believe - we're almost out of January!

    SW - 171
    Height - 5' 0"
    Age - 59
    GW - 140

    1/1/2021 - 171
    1/10/2021 - 169.5
    1/17/2021 - 166.8
    1/24/2021 - 166.6
    1/31/2021 -

    B) Kathie
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    Weekly check-in;
    Starting weight 1/1 - 189
    1/10 - 187
    1/ 17 - 185.6
    1/24 - 185.4

    Didn't run as much this week, so expected not much change in weight. I'm in it for the long haul, so slow loss is lasting loss.
    My fitness studios were allowed to open again for limited class size/socially distanced, in person classes. Great to be back with my favorite instructors and friends.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Starting weight: 214 pounds on 1/1/2021
    Age: 50
    Height: 5ā€™8ā€
    Goal weight: 184

    Weekly Check-In:
    January 1: 214
    January 3: 211.6
    January 10: 209.7
    January 17: 207.6
    January 24: 208
    January 31:

    Up .4 pounds this week.

    This weekā€™s successes:
    āœ”ļøwalked Roxie everyday

    āœ”ļøLogging my food as I eat it... the good & the bad
    āœ”ļø Had fun with dance walks on UTube

    This weekā€™s challenges:
    ā€¢ ate over my calories 5 of 7 days
    Stress/ bored snacking
    Didnā€™t drink enough water

    Goal this week. Incorporate more salads, fruit, and water.

    Kind of bummed, but using this as motivation to retweak things.

    Happy Monday!

    Jill šŸŠ
  • shannonkelly08
    shannonkelly08 Posts: 138 Member
    Monday Weigh In Day Results!

    I've been doing this for awhile...it's been a struggle but slowly progress is being made! I'm a very "lets get it done" kinda a person so this slow process is very hard on me! Thank you to everyone who shares their journey and stuggles as it is very inspiring and encouraging to all of us!

    I'm going to go back a little further with weight results as I don't want to look at the weekly weigh-ins because they don't show the true story! So here's my story as of today!!

    December 20, 2019 - 176.2lbs
    April 27, 2020 - 174.8lbs (started WW)
    January 25, 2021 - 162.2lbs

    Total lost to date: 14lbs
    Goal Weight: 134lbs (wishing for end of May)

    Successes I've had this week! I've walked the dog for 30 minutes everyday as well as got on the treadmill and walked for 40 minutes each day! I'm proud of that!

    Goals this week...really work hard no treats! I'm finding that a struggle so this week, I will achieve it!!

    Wishing everyone a great week and don't give up...we are all worth it!!!!
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member

    Age: 62
    Height: 5'7" (or thereabouts)
    SW (1/1/2021) = 186.8
    GW = 145-150

    1/4 = 186.2
    1/11 = 184.8
    1/18 =183.4
    1/25 = 184.0
    2/1 =

    Well, bummer, dudes and dudettes. I went up 0.6 pounds. My challenges this week, as always, were sweets and breads. Not sweets as in candy, but sweets as in cake and donuts. Really, really, *really* need to get a grip on that again.

    Other challenges? The weather. It rained here all day yesterday, putting a damper on outdoor fun. Indoor fun was also blah. I got a nice run/walk in on Saturday. But I didn't do any of the videos last week. Hoping to change that up this week.

    Hope you all have a fantabulous week ahead. Me? I'm just gonna hope for the best. :disappointed:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Hi all,

    For the past week Iā€™ve been watching my slow creep weight gain. Iā€™m moving more, but Iā€™m also snacking at night more... and I donā€™t like it at all.

    A long time ago, I used to eat an orange at night, and that was my nightly sweet snack. I would peel it with my hands and work for that beautiful citrus smell and taste. Orange is also my favorite color. Iā€™ve got to get back in that habit.

    I am not a creeper!

    I will eat an orange at night!

  • shannonkelly08
    shannonkelly08 Posts: 138 Member
    jm216 wrote: Ā»
    Hi all,

    For the past week Iā€™ve been watching my slow creep weight gain. Iā€™m moving more, but Iā€™m also snacking at night more... and I donā€™t like it at all.

    A long time ago, I used to eat an orange at night, and that was my nightly sweet snack. I would peel it with my hands and work for that beautiful citrus smell and taste. Orange is also my favorite color. Iā€™ve got to get back in that habit.

    I am not a creeper!

    I will eat an orange at night!


    You got this Jill!!!!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and weighed myself 4 times and took the average like I do every day.

    Todayā€™s weight is 206.5.... Yesterdayā€™s weight was 209.4. Yesterday I ate slightly under my calories and shoveled snow for an hour. Is snow the secret to weight loss???ā„ļøā˜ƒļø

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Starting weight: 214 pounds on 1/1/2021
    Age: 50
    Height: 5ā€™8ā€
    Goal weight: 184

    Weekly Check-In:
    January 1: 214
    January 3: 211.6
    January 10: 209.7
    January 17: 207.6
    January 24: 208
    January 31: 208

    Maintained this week.

    This weekā€™s successes:
    āœ”ļøwalked Roxie everyday

    āœ”ļøLogging my food as I eat it... the good & the bad

    This weekā€™s challenges:
    ā€¢ ate over my calories 5 of 7 days
    Stress/ bored snacking
    Didnā€™t drink enough water
    ā€¢ potato chips, pretzels, and salty snacks are my kryptonite.

    Goal this week. Incorporate more salads, fruit, and water.

    Gotta get back into my good food groove!

    Jill šŸŠ
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    Weekly Check-In;
    Starting weight 189

    January 10 - 187
    January 17 - 185.6
    January 24 - 185.4
    January 31 - 187

    I'm with you, Jill....gotta get back into good food groove! Not enough water.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    It's that time again.... And the beginning of a new month....

    Age: 62
    Height: 5'7" (or thereabouts)
    SW (1/1/2021) = 186.8
    GW = 145-150

    1/4 = 186.2
    1/11 = 184.8
    1/18 =183.4
    1/25 =184.0
    2/1 = 182.5

    Hmmmm... this week's successes? 14 miles on my bike on Saturday, 4 miles running on Sunday, one day I did one of the exercise videos.

    This week's challenges? Not nearly enough water. Over calories and macros nearly every day. Not enough vegetables. Too many desserts.

    Goals for the coming week? More water during the day. Less eating out and more nutritious eating while at home. More veggies. Try to get at least two exercise videos in during the week, plus another long ride and run on the weekend.
  • Kathie7661
    Kathie7661 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    weekly check in (day late!)

    SW - 171
    Height - 5' 0"
    Age - 59
    GW - 140

    1/1/2021 - 171
    1/10/2021 - 169.5
    1/17/2021 - 166.8
    1/24/2021 - 166.6
    1/31/2021 - 165

    I'm pretty happy with January's results, and fingers crossed the next few months are same or better. I had a little wrinkle this week, had outpatient wrist surgery that ended well but have left arm splinted and wrapped til mid-February. Couple days of others preparing my meals and restrictions on exercise. Getting back on track with my meals now. Amazing how much you take 2 working hands for granted, lol!

    Have a great week! Kathie B)
    TXMAMBO Posts: 1 Member
    I think I've found my home! 175 seems to be a recurring theme here!!! I'm sitting at 174 and my short term goal is to log my food even if it is a piece of chocolate cake!! My mid goal is to get down to 160. I am 70 years old, healthy, and love to eat and try new recipes. I have a stationary bike and am starting out with a goal of 20 minutes a day, with plans to increase that soon. I love to dance so will enjoy seeing the Retro Dance workout. Keep up the good work everybody.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,805 Member
    Welcome TX!

    You are home!
