

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »

    Julie our high school administrators measured with rulers not tape measures. It was creepy.

    Maybe it was rulers. it does sound creepy.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Kim: My mom made clothes for me in elementary school but junior high and high school required “store bought” things. I worked at picking berries and beans in the summer to help pay for my wardrobe. When I was 16 I was able to work in the cannery during the summer. Then I bought most of my own clothes. :star:

    Home made clothes was pretty common way back when. I think people in my mom's generation made most of their own clothes. And some of my cousins. The had home ec class where we (girls) had to learn the very basics of sewing. not a great class since only 2 sewing machines for 30 girls! making baked goods in the cooking class the next semester was more fun. I'm pretty sure my older sister made barbie clothes, and she definitely made me a very simple form stuffed "animal". I'd get trousers from department store for 3 dollars back then. now it's often more expensive to make clothes than to buy them (buy pattern, thread, decent quality cloth). I occasionally try my hand with a friend who's a topnotch sewer and if you buy bad quality (cheap cloth) then the clothes is not good, and good quality costs as much as buying the clothing item these days...at least, plus the pattern.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    edited February 2021
    Where I lived in North London in the 70s and 80s conspicuous consumption was frowned on. We all bought our kids clothes in jumble sales and had old, shabby chic furniture. Nobody drove a smart car. It was a very wealthy area.
    That changed in the 90s and 00s. but I think it's coming back in again with concern for the environment.

    When I was a teenager/early twenties I made nearly all my own clothes - even lined coats, suits etc. I knitted as well.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    decent work this morning. on lunch break 30 more minutes. I have to speak with colleague in the at the end of a the "break" it's very cold out here too. went for a walk (had to push myself). feel like napping but I'm gonna keep working this afternoon.

    I had a short coughing spell shortly after going outside. coughing spells are scary these days. it came and went very quickly. I could easily have one in the old days, but now it's frightful, especially for passersby.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2021
    Kim: Congrats on your new computer!!! It is great to see you posting. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Happy moving day!!!! :star:

    Margaret: We bought dog booties for our pup at a pet store—a set of four. They worked well enough to keep his feet warm, dry, and protected from ice, snow or gravel bits. We still have them but he hasn’t had them on in several years because we haven’t had snow. :noway:

    Barbara: We had our flu vaccinations months ago. We still haven’t had our Covid 19 vaccinations. We have an appointment set for February 22. I hope the vaccine is actually there. As to masks--everyone in our community wears them when in public. I expect to continue wearing a mask after being vaccinated. :heart:

    Viv in York UK: My grandfather had a cottage cheese creamery in the 1930’s and 1940’s. His creamery had a cat to catch mice. She would pile the dead mice up and trade them for an equal sized pile of cottage cheese. When she had kittens, she would accompany grandfather on his delivery route and drop a kitten off at each place that bought his cottage cheese. All of this is family lore. I wasn’t born until quite a bit later. :noway:

    Karen in VA: I feel the same way about the CoVid 19 vaccinations as you. We have an appointment. I hope the vaccine is there and waiting for us on our day. I expect we will continue to wear our masks until after the second dose of vaccine. :star:

    Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday and our whole family watched together--from Oregon, Illinois, and Maryland. Our son set us all up to be able to chat with each other online during the game. It was delightful and seemed like magic. :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    just had to share after many hours of frustration I figured out how to get the software for my embroidery designs on to my new computer !!! now I have a week and a half of work to get done in the least possible time....

    Someone asked yes I am running windows 10, which I do not mind at all - but the real issue is that the hard drive on the old computer gave up and I am trying to recreate everything on my new computer. The back up software I use has limited their support window to business hours monday-friday now if just they could make sure that computers only need help during those hours.

    Kim - the crazy busy embroider in N. California
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    We got around four inches of snow, but the bottom layer melted into slush very quickly. I shoveled enough to burn some calories without hurting myself. Yay!

    My days are dragging. I might have to go back to writing my book.

    Too cold and icy to go outside today, so I will be marching in the basement. Then I have my meditation group.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I worked on my Thesis 4.5 hours today. Plan was to work 7h. I'm not sure I can make it another 2.5 hours.

    I had a work meeting from 10-11 to wind something up from last week.
    Then worked for 3h took a break, and worked another hour took tiny break and another half hour.

    Maybe I can do something else.

    I need to start earlier in the day to get 7 h in.

    Like work 5 hours early in the day, take a big break in afternoon and a couple of hours in end of afternoon. that corresponds to an rhythm I used before.

    Anyway better than 10 minutes per day like last week.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Also my evil director had to change his position and give me the same time off as the 2 other schools. I just got confirmation this evening. I think he hadn't much choice. He can be very rash, and that doesn't always bode well for him.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Watched Call My Agent (French comedy series on Netflix) while I rowed and cycled 350 calories. <3
    Then I returned to bed and watched rwo episodes of the first series of Spiral. French police series. I'm thinking in French now and talking it, much to DH's annoyance. He understands French from his school days, but is a reluctant speaker.
    I'm totally in Paris right now in my head. :o<3

    I wish I could take off and land in the old Paris before lockdown. :s

    Delicious chorizo with lentils dinner. Heaven. :D it might be a separate bedroom night. :p Also had broccoli :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    Katla I have tried doggie boots. She will not keep them on unfortunately. They have scent pads in their feet. this might be part of the reason.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    Kate UK - Rich kids dress like rich kids even in uniform. You should have seen my threadbare outfit, literally in shreds. I was so envious of the ones whose parents could afford to keep them looking smart. Uniform didn't shield me from shame.
    My kids were lucky as it was just before the time of designer labels and the chic thing was a pair of jeans and a baggy t shirt. They often swapped shirts. Which was great for my kids as I was by then a single mother. I had no money for extra clothes. I felt sorry for the next generation when labels took over everything.
    I used to take groups of work study kids to visit schools. They commented that the rich kids were the worst dressed! That was true at my kids time, thank goodness. Dress down chic! It was a happy time of levelling down instead of conspicuous consumption. I hope that will happen again with attention paid to the environment.
    For me there is nothing worse than enforced conformism. My kids school was a co-ed, comprehensive, with no uniform. Extremely strong in the Arts and even Dance. My younger son got the best GCSE levels in the Borough.
    Kids in school uniform make me feel sick.....really. I am not a fan of conventional education at all. There has to be a better way. So many poor and deprived kids are primed to fail.

    Rant over. Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    @cityjaneLondon heather
    about uniforms and dressing down, and labels

    Interesting about difference of wealth visible through maintenance of uniforms. I worked for 7 months in a primary school where kids wore uniforms and it seemed like a leveller to my eyes. some kids were as poor as can be and others the opposite. one of the proudest 5th grade girls lived in a shantytown! I would never have suspected her lack of wealth had we not dropped her off on the school bus.
    I think it depends for labels. I have never felt any real push to wear labels. it always seemed silly. when in middle school or so Calvin Klein jeans was becoming a thing but it seemed rather ridiculous. Why pay 70 dollars rather than 15 or 20 for jeans that are just jeans. Likewise I couldn't believe people would pay huge sums for a scarf with a name. I never got the torn-jeans fashion. I thought (and I guess now hoped) it would be a flash in the pan. It was only practical if you had a legitimately worn out torn thing that you could still wear a bit longer since it was trendy. Here it is definitely trendy in some circles to dress down, and wear things out. I'm glad.that was not the case for decades here.

    @dlfk202000 150 sounds way better. sometimes on their websites the nutritional value is there.

    The company just got back to me. I guess that little bowl is supposed to be two servings so 300 cal. A serving is 100gr. and this is 206(7.25 oz).
    I skipped the croutons and the bbq drizzle sauce so wasn't the whole 300 but more than the 150.

    At least I know now.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    Debbie - I hate it when salads are more than a sandwich!!! some of the "add ins" are so good, and just crazy filled with calories!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »

    Julie our high school administrators measured with rulers not tape measures. It was creepy.

    Maybe it was rulers. it does sound creepy.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Kim: My mom made clothes for me in elementary school but junior high and high school required “store bought” things. I worked at picking berries and beans in the summer to help pay for my wardrobe. When I was 16 I was able to work in the cannery during the summer. Then I bought most of my own clothes. :star:

    Home made clothes was pretty common way back when. I think people in my mom's generation made most of their own clothes. And some of my cousins. The had home ec class where we (girls) had to learn the very basics of sewing. not a great class since only 2 sewing machines for 30 girls! making baked goods in the cooking class the next semester was more fun. I'm pretty sure my older sister made barbie clothes, and she definitely made me a very simple form stuffed "animal". I'd get trousers from department store for 3 dollars back then. now it's often more expensive to make clothes than to buy them (buy pattern, thread, decent quality cloth). I occasionally try my hand with a friend who's a topnotch sewer and if you buy bad quality (cheap cloth) then the clothes is not good, and good quality costs as much as buying the clothing item these days...at least, plus the pattern.

    Home Ec was my favorite class in high school. I started sewing when I was in 4th grade. I took it in Jr. High and then home ec all four years of high school. We had plenty of sewing machines and cutting tables. There was enough for two students per machine, sometimes enough for each student. I have always loved to sew, well, until I gained the weight and hate how clothes fit me. I made my prom dress and then when I got married the second time, I made my wedding dress. Being only 5', it is easier to alter the pattern and then make it than buy something and have to pay more for altering than the dress costs. I started sewing again when I started making masks. I really have enjoyed it and now working on other projects. Once I loose this last 15lbs, I will make a dress for myself. Already bought the fabric(got it on a great sale)-

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Debbie - I hate it when salads are more than a sandwich!!! some of the "add ins" are so good, and just crazy filled with calories!

    this salad has not even 2 T. pulled pork, 2T corn and green chilis plus chili lime dressing and a little pack, maybe a teaspoon of bbq sauce and a little pack of croutons(don't use the sauce or croutons).
    I know I can make a salad that is a lot bigger, lower in calorie and cheaper but I like to have them on hand for quick lunch. I only buy them when I get them on a great sale(like marked down to $1 instead of $4.
    I tend to add a lot more veggies- tomatoes, cucumbers, and maybe more protein like chicken breast.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Happy Monday from snow packed Nebraska. We ended up with just over 9 inches of snow this weekend and today it is -8. DH is so happy to have his new snowblower and been helping with several of the neighbors.

    Fun time at work. Found out my new night person is having mini-strokes and so had to put her out on medical leave until she finds out what is going on. Which means I am back to working 55-60 hour weeks and Saturdays.

    DH is not happy as we were to go on vacation next week and going to Iowa to visit grandkids for a couple days. But have to do what I have to do as being the boss it falls on me. I have other employees helping also and I am happy about that.

    Flea--my understanding of the shot is if the 2nd one makes you sick, it means it is working. Over half my staff was ill several days after getting the 2nd shot. Hope DS is feeling better now.

    Allie--Do not worry about keeping up. You need to rest and take care of yourself. It will take time and lots of rest. I am just glad you are home and still with us.

    Tracey--What a great Christmas gift and sure worth the wait. I so love things like that.

    Rori--Sending lots of hugs and prayers.

    All this talk about school and PE. Once I hit 2nd grade we moved at least every year until my folks were divorced when I was 15. So I just never fit in and did all I could to miss school or stay in background so on one would notice me.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE Where it is now -6 out side. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member