
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    gym class
    horrible in elementary school. . I was horribly unpopular in 2nd half of elementary school since we moved mid year in 4th grade and, being new, was never accepted by the others. bad at catching, bad at throwing, not fast at running. happy when I was 2nd or 3rd to last chosen in teams, rather than last-last. I hated most of elementary school, would stay home as much as possible. it seemed so structured and boring in first 3-4years, and I was more or less ostracised n 4-6th grade. I had to hang out with the most unpopular girls.

    In middle school and high school I had a little group of friends. I got Ds in gym in middle school. I'm sure we must have been very unenthusiastic walkers etc, or something together. I'm not sure what we did to get Ds but it was not our enthusiasm in athletic endeavours. I remember the Jr high teacher was not nice. I think it felt kind of military in middle school and I couldn't deal well with such an atmosphere.

    the high school gym teacher was nice and encouraging and not pushy. she'd get us to run just a little at least. and occasionally I'd manage ok and maybe get a B I think. And I did ok on isometric holding up for chin up position test. I was very surprised to be good at some sport thing on a fluke. I was slightly less adverse by the end of high school. I think I could sometimes enjoy it as a way to move body and have a different experience. I think the teacher was nice and pleasant, and by then I think I was, in someways enjoying biking and going for walks, in outside life, and though I couldn't make it around the track, I think I might have found alternating running and walking a bit wasn't absolutely horrible. I remember enjoying volleyball

    I don't remember any major issue with changing. it's quite possible we had shower stalls with curtains to change. we had lockers for our shorts and were supposed to wash the shorts every week, if not every session, but I probably washed them every 3 months at best. :o I remember thinking that them wanting us to organise having fresh gym clothes along with all the rest was just more than I could manage. I'm pretty sure I was not alone to go more than a week without washing. If I was only walking for 20 min before changing maybe it wasn't so bad (?). Seems kind of gross now, but it didn't seem to draw any attention or comments so I guess I was within the realm of acceptable at the time...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited February 2021
    Kate UK - Rich kids dress like rich kids even in uniform. You should have seen my threadbare outfit, literally in shreds. I was so envious of the ones whose parents could afford to keep them looking smart. Uniform didn't shield me from shame.
    My kids were lucky as it was just before the time of designer labels and the chic thing was a pair of jeans and a baggy t shirt. They often swapped shirts. Which was great for my kids as I was by then a single mother. I had no money for extra clothes. I felt sorry for the next generation when labels took over everything.
    I used to take groups of work study kids to visit schools. They commented that the rich kids were the worst dressed! That was true at my kids time, thank goodness. Dress down chic! It was a happy time of levelling down instead of conspicuous consumption. I hope that will happen again with attention paid to the environment.
    For me there is nothing worse than enforced conformism. My kids school was a co-ed, comprehensive, with no uniform. Extremely strong in the Arts and even Dance. My younger son got the best GCSE levels in the Borough.
    Kids in school uniform make me feel sick.....really. I am not a fan of conventional education at all. There has to be a better way. So many poor and deprived kids are primed to fail.

    Rant over. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    edited February 2021
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Rebecca - that is a bobcat in the picture. We see the coyotes in our backyard on a regular basis and the deer come right up on the patio and look in the Windows but this is the first time we have seen a bobcat.

    Allie - glad you are home.

    Pip - congrats on the new home.

    Everyone take care Sue in WA

    Woah, stay safe. Bobcats are kind of intimidating! Deer are natures voyeurs!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    edited February 2021
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I have a question- I was logging my food. I put in my salad- a premade one-
    I type in the name and find it- the problem is on the package it says it is 150 calories but MyFitnessPal AND ReadyPac website both say 310 calories. Which one should I use?
    When I am sticking to 1000 calories a day (in case I am not logging exactly so I don't go over 1200), that difference is a snack for me.

    Napa Valley Ca
    I think the package must know. The only explanation I can think of is if the package is telling you the amount per 100 grams (for example) rather than for the serving or package. Otherwise a lot of MFP entries (if not all) are made by humans. And there could be different serving sizes and version in different regions and countries.

    Thanks, I would rather it be 150!!
    It is one of those ready made, individual salads(comes with everything including a little fork) that I add more lettuce and cucumbers too because alone it isn't enough for a meal for me- I LOVE my salads. Sometimes I use all the dressing that comes with it but other times I use 1/2 which is plenty or use my own. I get which ever salads are marked down. Love when they are $3.99 with $3 off!, that is the only time I get them.
    I emailed the company to ask them about the difference in calories but haven't heard back.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: rx, BP, dogs to powerline, input last of 2017 and through May 2018 call sheets into NFIRS.
    Bonus: tried Terri’s high intensity dance routine, followed with Zumba gold.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, livestream church, fire district: finish inputting 2018, start vehicle grant app, call Credit union re: credit card, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, research effective conflict resolution, index mutual aid files; call S, call C, call R, FM Cu, watch STAS Day 20, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, Sleeping with the Devil, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed; broadcast cover crop seed in veg garden areas, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reconcile Joe’s EOB’s Thrivent shows only 2263.48 so far, next BGBS ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, call Wild Rivers (541 247 3514) for dog wash/nail trim appointments.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan next year’s garden, wishlist replenishments,
    Friendly February:
    6: Get back in touch with an old friend you’ve not seen for awhile: bday card to Cubby.
    7: Make an effort to have a friendly chat with a neighbor: hmm
    Lagopus wrote: »
    February Alphabet Challenge:
    1. A - Aerobic Dance video: https://youtu.be/yN3GgCUmmXw
    Terri - I did your Aerobic Dance video a couple days ago and :scream: I'm still sore! Actually it's an exaggeration to say I "did" it. That friendly fit woman with the shirt tied casually around her waist kept saying "Stay with me" and "Almost there" and I did my best. But DANG! I couldn't follow the moves because I've got two left feet. Later, I couldn't do anything except jump up and down in time to the music. Terri, if you followed along through the whole program, all I can say is: "You're a better (wo)man than I, Gunga Din!" >:)o:)
    Penny neither could I follow the moves. Old knees and zero upper body strength meant I just stepped high instead of jumping and did teensy pushups from the desktop instead of the crazy down out kick up in up pushups. Think I’ll try dee’s Disney dance workout next, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BvagMy85bI or the Zumba gold one.

    Margaret, “sent home from kindergarten…” you rebel you!
    Carol, Julie, Heather I remember wearing a girdle in jr. high, guess I’ve always had a pot belly so a garter belt was out. Rejoiced when controltop pantyhose were invented. Our high school’s dress code dictated that skirt hems be within two inches either way of the center of the knee. No slacks allowed back then. It changed in 1969, the year AFTER I graduated ;)
    Tracey it only took 95 years for them to get over the shock… ;) Your daughter is both creative and touchingly thoughtful. Sorry your frozen back hurt so much, and diverted your physio from the hips.
    Allie please don’t stress about keeping up. Rest is the best rx.
    Flea no slips? Another rebel!
    Katla your gym uniforms sound much cuter (and more practical) than our blue, one piece, snap up, short, polyester jumpsuits. Ugh. Hadn’t thought of them for decades.
    Rori thanks for checking in. “praying daily for a miracle…” me too, for a couple of them for you.
    Debbie does the label say how many servings are in your salad? If its one, then in mfp when you click on the food, click nutrition info, when it asks “is this correct” click “no” and edit it to correct the info and save.
    Julie good direction!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    February: leaner/stronger/kinder than January.
    daily: sit with Joe: 6, weigh/wii: 6/1/x, steps>5627=3518, vits=6, log=6 CI<CO=6, CI<250<CO=5, Tumble=2 Shadow=4 mfp=6 outside=4 up hill=4
    wkly: BB&B,T’ai Chi or SWSY x3= rx=1 dance=1 clean 30 mins=1 packwalk=1, wt=1/31:141.3 2/7: 2/14: 2/21: 2/28
    mnthly: board mtg= , grant= , 21 plan= bonus: AF=4 play=4 sew= waist=42.5
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    The salad is one of the individual premade salads that come with everything, including the tiny little fork. 7.25 oz
    I emailed the company so waiting to see if I hear back from them. If they say the package is correct, I will change it on MFP.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Just found out that BIL ashes can be interred at last it’s next Friday and only 6 can attend. His cremation was last June. It means not even his grandkids can attend.

    Kate UK ❤️

    Kate: perhaps someone could video-record the service and put in on YouTube? I know that sounds terrible (it did for me the first time I heard it suggested) but you can make the recording private and only people who have the link can view the recording. My aunt in So Dakota did that when my uncle passed. Their 4 kids/grands were in 4 different states and because of the laws about quarantining after traveling, 3 of the 4 kids could not attend. They shared the link with family members and it was so nice to at least be able to watch (and hear) the service. It's a thought.

    I will suggest that to my mom and also to my best friend when we are both able to have services for her mom and my dad. As of now, the service for my dad won't be until May 30th(what would have been their 65th anniversary) and for my friend's mom, hers is in June on her birthday, as she didn't want a regular funeral so it will be a birthday party for her.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I have to get my 2nd vaccination tomorrow and I have a cold! I'm afraid they will tell me to go home. Crossing fingers that I will be over most of it by tomorrow. Sneezing, burning eyes, itchy throat....Ugh!

    Carol in GA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Oh Carol - I hope you get it
  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    Kylia: Your Sara sounds like a great dog! It does take a while to be ready for a new one after you lose such a friend. Everyone thinks Bumble is a Great Pyrenees because of his coloring. He also has pretty long legs for a Golden I am noticing. I also hated gym class with a passion. I am totally uncoordinated and was just a failure at all of it. I did enjoy canoeing. It was the one event I actually could do and in high school we did go horseback riding once so I was pretty awesome that day, but overall gym class sucked. I really like the way they do it now. Most of the gym classes I have observed are more about life long fitness skills and less about who will make the football team. I see kids learning line dances and yoga and zumba. Things they might actually use for fitness as they grow into adulthood. Not very many kids are going to go on to be Olympic gymnasts. I feel like those things like gymnastics or soccer should be after school lessons and things like walking or basic fitness should be the goal of gym class. I am sure I failed at having a fit life due to my extreme paranoia of doing anything physical caused by gym.

    Carol: Hope you are feeling well enough to get your vaccine. Fingers crossed for you!

    Never have been a fan of school uniforms. I feel the wealthier kids always find a way to make something else exclusive to cut out the others. And, I never found private school kids any better disciplined or to behavior better than public school children. I did some student teaching in a private Catholic school, I did not enjoy it.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I went to first grade at Catholic School in Puerto Rico in 1951 when the nuns were still wearing full habits. I'm not Catholic but the public school wouldn't take me because I was too young and the Catholic school accepted me. We wore black wool skirts and white blouses (in tropical weather).

    I love this picture!!

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Well, we are just going to call this a rest day ;) I did get laundry done. Deviled eggs made to take to friends home for super bowl get together (small). Hard boiled eggs for us to snack on for a few days. Paperwork sorted, but not done-rrrr. Will have to work on it in the morning. Had a change in plans mid stream when Wanda came to cut husband's hair and brought her son and his girlfriend with her. Now my husband isn't happy. He is a private person. He doesn't just go around showing people our things. Now we had two strangers in the house-smh. Her son we know, but he is not the brightest bulb on the planet. Wanda thought Steve could show him some of the guns which really made Steve UNHAPPY! Thank goodness for alarms and cameras. Steve says he will talk with her later. Four smokers in one garage, air purifier on high, I am now heading to shower and put clothes in washer. Yes, I use to smoke, but have only vaped for several years now. I can't handle the smell of cigarette smoke anymore especially cheap ones.Ugh.
    Few steps
    little water
    no hot tub
    protein- well, yet to be seen. It could be a deviled egg night as I am not a fan of meatballs or sausage cheese dip.

    Thank you all you lovely ladies!
    Kylia in Ohio ready to get the stink off.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    So I remembered a bit more to comment on, still working on a borrowed computer so things are a bit limited. My new computer came and is set up but I am trying to restore from Carbonite - which as been clear sailing in the past, and is giving me grief this time.

    The question about 1 hour and $10,000 is one that I have had a hard time answering but have had many a discussion with friends about. I finally came to the conclusion that I would spend it at a roofing place, the roof on my house is getting close to needing to be replaced, and I think it will be in that price range.

    Wearing of pants, what the school allowed was never as much of an issue as what my mother would allow. My mom made all of my clothes including underwear, even knitted my socks and sweaters... skirts and dresses kindergarten- 6th grade, in 7th through the end of high school I got to wear pant suits one day a week, my mom made pants, a vest and a jacket in some color of double knit polyester. For gym I did have a blouse and shorts and the school required that they be bought from the uniform shop, I was not allowed to wear the home made ones... That was a scandal as far as my mom was concerned, I was so delighted to wear what everyone else was. I hated the shower and communal dressing ! Off to college (1976) and with my hard earned money I bought jeans a peasant top and birkenstocks... on my second day!

    Allie - ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Annie in Delaware - congrats!

    Pip - congrats on the condo! and is that your sister talking in the ad?

    Love Kim in N. California

    She didn’t talk. The Santa looking guy with the hat is her husband and the guy he is helping is their son. Janie is the short one and the other girl behind the counter is her daughter.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    edited February 2021
    @Lagopus - Penny I did 'finish' the dance video, but I modified some of the moves, and substituted others with with some moves of my own. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 😂

    TV shows: I spend altogether far to much of my time watching daytime TV! Although I do often pick up the dumbbells, or walk during them, especially on wet days. DH and I often watch different shows in different rooms. Although we also watch BBC dramas together. I like arts programmes and he's not keen. Watched Dancingbon Ice, The Big Pottery Throwdown, and Finding Alice tonight; a double episode of Death in Paradise last week etc.

    February Alphabet Challenge:

    1. A - Aerobic Dance video:
    2. B - I had to exercise in my bedroom today as it was bucketing with rain.
    3. C - I did some chair yoga today.
    4. D - Dawdled to our local park.
    5. E - Endurance circuit
    6. F - 2 sets of 10 seconds of forward lunges, front raises, fire hydrant side leg raises, fast feet, and forward bends.
    7. G - Generosity - I was generous to DH today and went out with him for a walk, despite it being bitterly cold.
    8. H -
    9. I -
    10. J -
    11. K -
    12. Free day
    13. L -
    14. M -
    15. N -
    16. O -
    17. P -
    18. R -
    19. Free day
    20. S -
    21. T -
    22. U -
    23. V -
    24. W -
    25. Free day
    26. X -
    27. Y -
    28. Z -

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I need a crocheting gif. 😂

    Me too! 😁

    :) I spent a few minutes this morning looking for a crocheting gif. and found photos of crocheted toys, blankets, etc. and lots of knitting pictures but not one with someone crocheting.

    Thanks Barbie. I have spent time myself looking but with no luck.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    edited February 2021
    Just found this cute crocheting mouse. Yay!!!


    Off to bed now. It's after midnight here.

    ☘️ Terri
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did a Leslie Sansone walking DVD today. Work tomorrow so no formal exercise. Only bowling then mahjongg in the evening

    Rori – how good it is to hear from you!!! (((HUGS))) my dear.

    Tracey – here the mandate is that you wear a mask in a store. I offer one to people but if they refuse, I know that I can’t ask them why. There are some people who have medical/emotional/personal reasons for not wearing one.

    Debbie CA – I would go with what the package says. The 350 cal. One could be for a different size.

    School clothing: I wore uniforms all the time. High school was better, still uniforms. But you can wear any color shell you wanted. Plus…we had a spring uniform and a winter one. The only time we were allowed to wear pants in elementary school was when it was really cold out and we had to wear them under our skirt and, of course, take them off when we got to school

    Mrs_Hoffer and Kate – that’s what a friend of mine did..she had a virtual memorial. It was nice in that a lot of people could be “in attendance”.

    We got about 3 inches of snow, and as you can guess, the city is closed down….lol Well, it’s starting to melt, so maybe now people are going out a bit.

    Made chocolate bran muffins – some to take to FL. Washed part of the floor so I only have to run the Roomba tomorrow. Am doing the updates for my laptop then want to be sure the DVD’s I have (that I downloaded so they don’t take up as much room) work in my laptop. Need to get the snack ready for Vince to bake tomorrow before bowling. Got my lunch ready to take because most of the times they have hamburgers supplied by the bowling alley and I really don't want to eat them.

    I’ll continue to wear my mask even after having my second vaccination (which is in two days, can’t wait, just hope I don’t have a reaction)

    Annie DE – congrats. Did you get a lot of snow?

    I am constantly amazed in MFP’s database there are some entries that have 0 calories. How does a food have 0 calories?

    Beth – congrats on paying off the mortgage!!! When Vince first retired he would tell me how to run the dishwasher. I’d only been doing it for 23 years, didn’t he think I knew how to do it. Then he would tell me how to cook. I know that he just was so used to going to work that he really didn’t know how to be retired. I finally said to him “go downstairs, just go downstairs”. Eventually, he got involved more with his trains and computers so that kept him busy. Plus moving from PA to NC. He likes to be the “planner”. When we’re going to do things, how he’s going to load the truck, etc. That’s OK, I’m fine with him working things out mentally, I’ll be the “go” person.

    Carol GA – I get my second vaccination Tuesday! Just hope I don’t have a reaction

    Vince went to a private school with Yogi Berra’s son who was expelled!

    Love Bumble’s coat. And Sara is so cute

    Michele NC
    Soon to be FL temporarily
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    Allie... Rest and more rest. Hugs to you

    Rori... great to hear from you.

    M from Oz this challenge is hard. You can see I have to use some of my gray matter to come up with the activity of the day.
    1. Aerobic zoom class
    2. Bird Watching along the Bike Trail
    3. Calisthenics workout
    4. Dog walking with neighbor
    5. Ebike trial.... nope going to keep my old bike..
    6. Fast walk for 30 minutes
    7. Garbage pickup on the old highway
    I'm having fun and doing some different things because of this challenge. How is everyone else doing with it?

    Betsy in NW WA

    I have found a couple of the letters difficult ... like F on Saturday and today's H isn't easy either. The weekdays are easy and if I were in Hobart for work today, H would be really easy, but it's a long weekend. I suppose Home or House could work.

    M in Oz