Women 200lb+, Let's Be Magnificent This March!!!



  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    Hello, all!
    I'm super excited because tonight I took my first yoga class in about 6 years. It kicked my butt, but this is the jumpstart I need. I've signed up for a trial of 6 classes (3 per week) with a friend who has been doing yoga for a while now, so hopefully she'll keep me on the straight and narrow.

    I haven't been wanting to cook at at all, but I'm sticking to my Meatless March (and also avoiding dairy and chocolate which are definitely my trigger foods for over eating--along with fried chicken.)

    Overall, I'm feeling very good about this month so far. 💜💜💜

    Yoga is so beneficial, I'm rooting for you to continue! Great job keeping up with your goal of meatless march and avoiding your trigger foods.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @lindseydennison8 ah crap, you just reminded me I was going to take measurements last weekend! LOL thanks for the reminder!

    Your measurements are close to what mine were last month. I don't know about you, but it seems like I so rarely see ladies with bodies like ours in spaces like these, so thank you (and the other shorties in this group - @sarah12277, @Arralethe, @ashleydhill777, @AstraL12 @ashmherrin - if there's any other fun-sized folx here, I see you too, but not everyone puts their height in their status update posts) for sharing your journey, and I hope you get something out of seeing me share mine.
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    @lindseydennison8 having major surgery in September really puts your body in shock. It is very traumatic and now you are finally starting to heal. It takes a LONG time to recuperate and all the swelling, etc. internally to go down. So glad you joined up and are here, and it's awesome your hubby is so supportive. Sending you good vibes!!
  • lindseydennison8
    lindseydennison8 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah, more short ladies!! @pungshe1 welcome! Nice job on that 40-day streak, keep it up!

    @lindseydennison8 I hear you on both counts, the "measuring makes it real" and being heavier than your partner. It's like I'm worried about drawing attention to my body, like somehow he hasn't noticed? I don't know if it's the case for you, but I've been big the entire time - it's not like he fell in love with a 125-lb waif in college that doubled in size over 10 years. I, and all of my rolls and assorted jiggly parts, have all been here the whole time, and I have it on good authority that he is both aware and appreciative of ALL of them. So my Jerkbrain trying to tell me "oH No bE cArEfUL oR eLsE hE's GoNnA NoTiCe YoU'Re fAt" is 1000% illogical and runs counter to all available evidence, but for some reason it still gets me down??? Like it's a password or a cheat code that unlocks Sad Mode for no reason. Stupid brain.

    I was a little heavy when we got together in the 160 range in the past 10 years 2 more pregnancy back to back, lost the weight then back up and in the last 2.5 years its been a steady gain.
  • lindseydennison8
    lindseydennison8 Posts: 11 Member
    Woo new thread! Happy March everyone!

    I've decided I'm attempting 10,000 steps a day this month. We're only 4 days in but so far so good. Yesterday I left it so late and I did the whole 10,000 steps in go hahah GOSH my feet burned! It took an hour and 29 minutes if anyone is curious and was 4.38 miles according to my watch! It's going to be a struggle challenge this month, but I'm going to give it my best :blush: (walking workouts on youtube come in so handy when the weather is vile!). I'm going to give myself one day off if Shark Week destroys me on the first day as it's wont to do (so, 300,000 steps in March)

    Here's my stats :smiley:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'7"
    Original SW: 242lb as of 01/02/2021
    February End weight: 233.5 lb

    March Progress:
    1st: 232 (-1.5lb)
    Weight lost so far this month (-1.5)
    GW for March: 226lb (-7.5lb)

    Was curious what type of watch do you have. I have a Samsung and was trying to figure out how to link my watch to the fitnesspal. Wondering if you dont mind telling me how to do it?
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @RachelWeir10 If you can do video games and have access to a Nintendo Switch, the game Ring Fit Adventure is a really fun way to incorporate cardio and bodyweight/basic resistance strength exercise (it involves a Pilates ring, so there's some resistance, not a ton). I talked about it a bit back at the start of this thread. If you aren't already, consider adding some kind of resistance training to your activity - it does burn calories, not as much as cardio for sure but it's super important especially for women. It helps lower the risk of osteoporosis as we age. I can't stand the hamster wheel (treadmill), but walking outside is lovely, and when it's safe to get back into a gym I'm so looking forward to lifting again.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    @Kaken21 Don't beat yourself up. I did the same. I lost 80lbs several years ago using MFP and gained back about 98% of it. The good news is, I know I can do it again, and I know what to do to keep it off. We've got this!!

    @rew2021 I was not raised Baptist (Church of God), but I don't dance either. Actually, I would love to, but I have no rhythm. Ha, ha, ha. Once you find a cardio you like, it'll be easier. I use YouTube to inspire me for exercise ideas.

    @pungshe1 Welcome.You're practically my twin as far as your stats. When I weighed myself in Jan, I was 219 plus some ounces and I'm 5'3 1/2, but I round up. 😁 I weigh-in on Fridays and will see where I am in the morning.

    I wish I could comment on everyone's post, but this thread is getting filled with women on a mission, and I love it. Keep pushing ladies!!!!