The Candy Stompers (OPEN GROUP)




    I'm posting a link to a YouTube workout video. Add this video to your daily workout routine its only 10 minutes but its a full body workout for beginner/intermediate exercisers! Report back and let us know your progress and what you think of the workout!
    Remember to modify things where and when you need to. Do not over do it! As Jillian Michaels' would say "NO Injuries Please!"

    This week try to eat an extra fruit, veggie or both a day.


    What's your favorite healthy/low fat recipe?? Post it and pictures if you have any!
  • My favorite healthy food is a grilled chicken salad with nuts(any) a little low fat cheddar cheese, and light ranch dressing i also like to add these salad toppers they have all kinds but my favorite is these crispy won ton strips they are awesome.... Sorry i don't have a pic, if i remember next time i make it i will take a pic lol....:laugh: :happy:
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    Weigh in!

    Starting Weight: 288
    Current Weight: 279
    Goal Weight: 175

    Pounds lost : 9 pounds!

    On to week three! :D
  • Weigh in!

    Starting Weight: 288
    Current Weight: 279
    Goal Weight: 175

    Pounds lost : 9 pounds!

    On to week three! :D

    That's awesome! But I do have to ask what are you doing each week to make you drop so much weight? Can you give me some tips?! lol
  • 9-12-2011

    Weigh In - 174
    Goal weight for December- 160
  • Weigh in: 174.8
    goal weight by christmas 150.
    I didn't lose much this week. My clothes are fitting great though. I have 4 more days of 30 day shred and I am going to start it again.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, think I will give this a try.

    Name: Helen
    Age: 30
    Location: UK
    Height: 5'7
    Starting Weight: 147
    Goal Weight: 140
    Fun Fact About Yourself: Help on my boyfriend farm in my spare time!

    Im not far from my goal weight and at the mo it moves from 143 to 147 (so Ive recorded the higher weight). My main aim is to be a UK size 12, Im not far off. I also want to be fit.

    Im off to cut the grass (before it rains), walk the dogs and do 30DS. I iwll log back on later and see what other questions I need to answer. x
  • kathryn2bfit
    kathryn2bfit Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! I totally forgot to weigh in last week, probably because I haven't had any changes.
    9/5 weigh in: 210
    9/12 weigh in: 210

    I've been hanging at this weight for so long and can't seem to pass it no matter what I do, slightly frustrated!
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    That's awesome! But I do have to ask what are you doing each week to make you drop so much weight? Can you give me some tips?! lol

    Thanks. First add me as a friend and you can look at my very odd food diary. It might not hold any answers for you, but it is fairly healthy. Basically I try to go the the gym 4 times a week and burn 500 calories each time. I walk on the treadmill. My Dad always used to say, "The treadmill don't lie" and it's funny but really true. I mix it up all the time and push myself! For example I'll have it set to an incline of 5.0 and speed of 3.5 I did that for a week and when it didn't make me feel like I was dying I tried other things. Sometimes I'll put the incline up to 8.0 and 4.0 speed and do that for a bit (10 mins) then change it to jogging with a low incline and speed of 4.5 (for 5 mins) and just change it to see how hard I can push myself before I feel like I'm going to die! Then I move it to a slower pace until I feel better and try again. I like to challenge myself to see what my body can take.
    Then when I work I work at a nursing home so I'm walking up and down floors all night! I just ordered 30 day shred and am I'm waiting to get that in the mail.

    I eat sandwhichs for lunch or dinner normally I'll eat a turkey, cheese, mayo, tomatoe, pickles, onion,lettuce on it. Or I'll eat a tuna sandwhich with cheese, but I eat the turkey more. I'll eat yogurt as well. I drink tons of water. Oh when I'm hungry I snack on those apple cinnamon cereal bars by hannaford, it always craves my hunger. I might eat 2 of those a day. I also might do the more calorie nice cereals (Cheerios, ect) with half a cup of milk in an actual drinking cup as a snack. That's about it. Keep in mind I live in a college dorm so my food choices are limited! But I try to stick to healthy things but dont' get me wrong I'll still drink diet root beer soda but not every day and I try to do 1 or 2 cans when I do. I also willl eat ice cream but I buy the tiny size at the gas station that has only 220 calories so I'm very calorie worried still. Or I will eat Lays kettle cooked sea salt and vinegar chips (140 for 18 chips) but when I add it in I plan for it. Like I wont eat any junk for a bunch of days in a row.. maybe every 2 days? Or something like that. But I'm in college and the food choices I have are limited so this might not work for you.

    But keep in mind this is my 3rd week on the diet (well starting my 3rd week) and you tend to lose more when you start a diet. Or so I get told. But I've only lost 9 pounds and wont to lose 81 more pounds so feel free to add me as a friend! :D

    Basically I try to mix it up and not let my body get into the same workout, eat, ect things. I mix up how many calories (under a safe amount!) I eat and what I do when working out and how I push myself. I like to think of it as my body going, "Ah! What are we doing today?!" so it doesn't get stuck in the same old thing. I've heard if you mix it up you tend to lose more weight as your body doesn't get stuck in the same events and used to it. I just keep my body from getting used to it in a sense.
  • Weigh - In for September 12,2011

    Starting Weight: 220lbs
    9/5/11 Weight: 210lbs

    Weight as of Today: 212lbs :cry: this is what I get for not working out and watching what I eat for 4 days... Started over today!

    I've updated the spreadsheet, anyone else who hasn't weighed in please do so!!!

    New "Question Of The Day" coming soon!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    if you are still wanting group members, i'd love to join. i just signed up for a 10 week weight loss challenge but it would be nice to also be in a group like this with the food/exercise challenges and discussion/support (as opposed to a contest) to go concurrently.

    i'll take new msmts in the AM - haven't done so in 2 weeks but I've also not been able to exercise as much (getting over the tail end of illness so i'm rebooting my eating and exercise as of tomorrow) but i'll include the ones from the beginning of the month.

    Name: Fi
    Age: 31
    Location: California
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 233.8
    GW: 160s
    By December 31st: 208
    Fun Fact: i love to knit and want to one day dye/spin my own yarn

    9/1 msmts (will update in AM but I don't think they've changed a whole lot!):
    Waist: 44.75
    Hips: 51
    Chest: 43
    Neck: 16.75
    Arm R & L: 13.5 / 13.5
    Thigh R & L: 26.5 / 26.5
  • 9-12-11
    weigh in is 214 still no change but i guess that s what i get for not working out over the weekend and drinking.... :tongue:

    so i have to kick it up a notch this week....
  • I ran out of fruit i am going to try to get to the grocery store tomorrow i got a lot of shopping to do..
  • Weigh in on 9-12: 221.8 :( Ugh...I blame the sodium haha.
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    To those tracking measurements in addition to weight:

    are you doing them weekly? I was thinking of doing mine every two weeks or so with a weekly weigh in.

    anyways, my updated msmts are
    Waist: 44
    Hips: 50
    Chest: 42.75
    Neck: 16.5
    Arm R & L: 13.25 / 13.25
    Thigh R & L: 26 / 26

    I'm going to try and get back in the swing of doing the 30DS every day... saw great results in inches lost even though the scale # didn't move a whole lot so I want to try and keep with it (even though Jillian drives me a bit nutty lol).
  • To those tracking measurements in addition to weight:

    are you doing them weekly? I was thinking of doing mine every two weeks or so with a weekly weigh in.

    anyways, my updated msmts are
    Waist: 44
    Hips: 50
    Chest: 42.75
    Neck: 16.5
    Arm R & L: 13.25 / 13.25
    Thigh R & L: 26 / 26

    I'm going to try and get back in the swing of doing the 30DS every day... saw great results in inches lost even though the scale # didn't move a whole lot so I want to try and keep with it (even though Jillian drives me a bit nutty lol).

    Since i'm currently doing the 30DS i'm going to take my measurements after the end of each level. And maybe once in a while in between if I feel the urge! :laugh:
  • Hey Fellow Candy Stompers!!!

    I have updated the spreadsheet! For those that don't have the link here it is again!

    It's time for the beloved Question Of The Day:

    Does your significant other and/or family support your weight-loss journey? If they do, do they exercise with you or eat healthy foods too? Or do they just seem indifferent to the whole situation?
  • QOTD- My fiance supports me a lot he helps me watch what i eat, he will make me veggies instead of potatoes or whatever else he eats with his dinner we also only eat chicken or pork, every once in a while we might have a steak but that's like once every 2 or 4 months maybe even longer. he drinks a lot of juice so i keep stocked up on water even though i don't drink much of anything i don't get thirsty much its weird.. We keep a lot of fruit around too, my daughter loves fruit and veggies so that's awesome. he also gives me my space and time to do my zumba dvds and we try to go for family walks every evening...:happy: :heart: :wink: Also my mom just joined me on mfp Yay!!!!
  • I got to the store today but there selection of fruit sucked:ohwell: they have had this melon called lemon drop melon and omg it is so so good if anyone comes across it you gotta give it a try, they seem to run out of it really quick. I personally do not like any other melon then this lemon drop i cant stand cantaloupe or honeydew, watermelon is ok but i don't really care for it.... But seriously if you see lemon drop melon GET IT!!!!!! :happy:

  • Does your significant other and/or family support your weight-loss journey? If they do, do they exercise with you or eat healthy foods too? Or do they just seem indifferent to the whole situation?

    Yes and no. Mostly I think they are indifferent. My brother has been supportive but he lives 4 hours away. My sister who lives with me is slightly supportive but doesn't understand the change in my eating habits. She'll often make dinner as she is home before I am and it's often highly processed fatty meals. It's hard to say no when the bad choices are sitting right in front of your face. I don't think they believe I'll stick with it but there is no way I'm going back to the way I was! :smile: