
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did the Firm Cardio Overdrive DVD today. Then took a walk around the block before it started to rain. Actually, it was spritzing a bit but that really didn’t bother me a whole lot. The plan for tomorrow is to do Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt DVD and then use the recumbent bike

    Katla – we also have a tub with a jacuzzi built in. We don’t use it a lot, either. But it sure is nice when we need it. I’m guessing that Yogi can take the heat from the fireplace for a long time. I know our cats will lay in the sun to the point where they’re fur gets real hot, yet they continue to lay in the sun

    Allie – I’m sure pip bought that fireplace for Yogi. He MAY let pip and Kirby use it. I do hope you are able to take care of Alfi fully. On one hand a pet can speed up your recovery, just like going home from a hospital does. But on the other hand, I don’t want to see you extending yourself. Maybe you can take care of Alfie one day and Tom the next?

    Rainy day here. I’m thinking that when I go to church my car will be outside and the pollen will be washed off

    bananas – that’s weird how your age determines which vaccine you get. Wonder why?

    Drkatie – are you going to get the other eye done? Vince can’t get over the difference after he had his surgery! Glad you came thru it fine

    Lectored tonight for the first time in over a year. It felt good.

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Annie in Delaware: Calorie trouble can be balanced by extra exercise. You can also deliberately take smaller portions or use a combination of both strategies. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara: DH’s virtual doctor appointment was all handled over the internet via Zoom. We could see and talk to the Physician’s Assistant and she provided excellent support. We were both impressed, and DH was very pleased. Neither of us wanted to drive into the doctor’s office in an area with higher Covid risks. We have both been vaccinated, but the trip there would be very tiring for DH. :star:

    (((Kylia))): So sorry you’re suffering with a migraine. I hope it goes away soon. :heart:

    Heather: Your cloudless day sounds almost magical. :smiley:

    Allie: I hope you get Alfie back soon. Dogs are great companions. :heart:

    Carol: We’re having a rainy day, too. Temp is currently 47F, with a projected high of 52F. I’m happy enough to be inside and warm. :flowerforyou:

    I stopped into the ice cream store yesterday for a small scoop of Tillamook ice cream. They had happy news about getting vaccinated. They provide portion control that I need. Bringing home a carton of ice cream is too tempting and I eat too much. :embarassed:

    People in our town are all still wearing masks in public. including those who have been vaccinated.


    Tillamook ice cream is so good- I don't eat any ice cream very often but that is a great tasting treat.
    Love stopping in Tillamook and sampling all the cheeses when we do a road trip up that way.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michelle: Our dog is a Keeshond, and a sweet old boy. His name is Schooner. Yogi is Pip’s black Lab. Some of us are dog lover’s & some are cat lovers. Others like many different pets. I am definitely a dog lover. I’m lucky to have a friend who is a horse lover who lets me spend time with her horse, Arrow.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tracy: Thanks for the good wishes regarding a new grandchild on the way. We’re hoping for an easy pregnancy for our DDIL and a healthy baby. ❤️
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited April 2021
    Ooooohhh Tracey, what a lovely day. Warms the heart. <3<3<3<3
    I'm hoping for a super tea time today when the family comes over to play boules. I always tempt my son with the offer of feeding the kids, because he gets tired of being the main cook. My DDIL can do light kids stuff, but he does most. They get takeaway delivery on Saturday nights to give him a break. :)
    I'm going to bake some scones for the adults, for a tea-with-jam-and-scones type tea at 4 pm , then the kids dinner/tea will be after 5pm. Bacon rolls for Max and Edie (they are only allowed nitrate free bacon at home) and Bea can put in hers whatever. It could be Marmite.
    Lovely sunshiny day here.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Plus super strawberries for the vitamins! :D:p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well a very tossy turnie night,didnt sleep well at all.but nothing unusual..
    We have rain today,so like i said will try and hoe out my walk in closet.. i love the sound of rain on the windows..
    My DD is going for her implantation today they are doing some type of acupuncture first to help it take..she is driving herself there the whole process will take about 2 1/2 hrs.I told her i could take her down but she said she would go alone. I told her ok but sometimes you need your mom..and that I loved her..
    So we wait..
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Caught up again! It does not take long to get behind on here. Was kept busy again last week.

    Julie-they live in a Phoenix suburb. Goodyear is on the Southwest side of the greater Phoenix area.

    Kim—wherever do you find black licorice ice cream,?!

    Rebecca-tendons in hands could be Deputren’s contracture. I have had two surgeries for removal in same hand, two different spots. My fingers started drawing. A bit uncomfortable procedure for a week or so but full hand mobility was worth it. Athena has so much personality that comes through in pictures.

    Lisa-Levi is adorable! First haircut is priceless! Hope hot tub works well for you.

    Tracey-I hope your cousin and spouse are able to get help walking through issues.

    Michelle NC-difficult situation with your daughter. Hope it is not abuse.

    Kylia-hiring in the Miami Valley is difficult. There are tons of jobs but very few applicants for them.

    Allie-maybe getting Alfie back will also help with your sleep issues.

    The off and on weather has been crazy. Plan for today is finish review of grants for a local non-profit agency (have 5 left to do, due by midnight tonight). On-line church, walk with friend at reservoir this afternoon. House stuff in between. Can’t believe how much stuff got behind for the 6 weeks or so dealing with hip and back.

    Friday morning after doing stretches I could feel last of tightness in back go away. It was a strange but wonderful feeling. Still some bursa discomfort but nothing major. Looking forward to getting it all checked out Tuesday. With doctor approval I want to get back to my weights, etc. Right now still just stretches and walking. It is hard for me to be compliant!

    Ventured out to two stores yesterday. Keeping my time in them short. Part of me getting used to be out more.

    Off to do stretches then finish grants. Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Sunday,

    Well..........I LOVE having my brother and sister in law here! They are both just absolutely wonderful humans. They are good for my soul!

    My husband added to our stable of cars yesterday.......Our stable is OVERFLOWING! We are now owners of a 2021 Ruby Red Shelby GT 500. She is sleek, classy, and seductively sexy. I am not a fan of the new mustang body style, but she is the right color combination to make her sexy. I haven't driven her yet. I gave my brother the honor of driving her home from the dealer yesterday. He was STOKED!!! He also is a car lover. He is hoping the roads dry up early today so that he can take her out one more time before he leaves to head home. My husband only told his sister he was getting her. ( and of course me and my brother) I can't believe there is another car in the stable!!!!!!! But it brings my husband great joy and he has waited almost 2 years for her. She isn't exactly as the one we had on order, but close. Our dealer found one at another dealer as soon as he found out that Ford was shutting down the production until at least October. We already had some accessories here for her. I will get to drive her later today.

    Thank you for all your hugs regarding working with family. I do appreciate you all! Ginny- You are right about hiring. Really don't understand how people are paying bills, etc and not working.......I feel old fashioned when I hear people say they only want to work these days or hours and would rather not work at all if can't get $x in pay. I just want to know I am contributing. I remember when it was shameful to get help or live off the government. It is a strange time we are living in. I now our shop needs help, but I think it needs more help than the current owners are willing to do. Old style management, old style book keeping (though one step closer to getting at least that done. The old mechanic needs to be let go, he is a bad attitude bad apple person! We need updated workshop, concentration on training, and two more mechanics. We need one more counter person and one more just "guy friday" to help with set up of equipment, unloading trucks, cleaning shop and equipment, trash, etc. With more employees, we could offer more weekends off. NOBODY wants to work 6 days a week! I would love for my brother to come in and help build up our business. He built his from the ground up and sold for multimillions. He is a smart business man. It will be interesting to see where we are in a year if changes aren't made. I truly believe my son in law is just putting in his time right now for me. Without some major changes, he sees no future in the shop. He could definitely get hired elsewhere for more $ and less family drama.

    Family is awake now! Love you ladies!
    Kylia in Ohio still shaking her head at another car!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Kylia- with this pandemic if they are collecting or are getting supplemental income why work?
    Right now im being very careful as i am living on the alimony that i receive, it pays the bills but not much else..
    Even if Tom wanted to fight to lower payments ,once the judge hears i have had surgeries and can no longer work.. im sure and hoping it goes in my favor..
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Allie - hoping for the best possible outcome for your DD... and glad you've got Alfie back. Our four-footed furballs are the best medicine for a lonely heart.

    Heather - enjoy your boules!

    Tracy - Sounds like an absolutely spiffy day, full of wonderful moments with family. Spoiler has hot tub stuff. Skip for those who aren't interested.
    Well, I was right about having it up this weekend, and wrong about where. We took hours going round and round the whole idea of putting a deck up to put the hot tub on and size and costs and compromise, and just couldn't bring ourselves to spend the money, time or energy right now. So we put it up in the carport for now. Admittedly, it's just about as Beverly Hillbillies as it gets, but if it gets my husband his Sunday bath, who cares? However, I think I will refer to it as a "spa" from now on.


    Don't know yet if I'll be willing to get in, as I'm a very private person, but there have been stranger things happen. I'm working on putting together a privacy screen. If I have to put on a bathing suit, I probably won't do it at all. The original thought for placement in the back corner of the house would have been private, but the good thing about an inflatable spa is we'll be able to move it easily when it's time to do so.

    One thing I like, even at 5'2" tall, I'm able to get in and out without needing stairs.

    I don't like the fact that there is no seating built in. It is basically a big vinyl bowl with straight sides, or a tiny, warm, above-ground swimming pool. Not sure how to deal with that for me--I know I'm going to need something to sit in or on, and something to brace my feet on, as I have a rather large bootie that bobs to the top when I'm in water.

    The design has issues, in that the cover floats on the surface of the water, and even if you leave the water under it low enough to clear it, it gathers condensation because it is also vinyl. The point is that, when you pull it off and put it to the side, you end up with a large puddle no matter what you do with it. This may be the same with all spa covers, I don't know.

    Regarding the seating - Whatever I figure out will have to be something that doesn't float, but doesn't absorb water, and doesn't puncture the bottom, as the bottom is effectively one layer of super-heavy vinyl. Still thinking. They want $20 to $30 for spa seats that inflate with water...

    My husband plans to get in it tonight with a beer and a book, and that will help figure out whether we need to do something about seating overall. . The water was 51 F (11 C) when we put it in the spa at 1 p.m. yesterday. In 17 hours, it has risen 30 degrees, to 81 F (27 C). It's maximum is 104 F (40 C), so there's a good chance it will get fully up to temperature by 7 p.m. tonight, taking about 30 hours to do so. Considering it got down to 39 degrees overnight (4 C), it's doing a pretty good job for a pretty small pump. It's also quieter than I thought it would be.

    If you're expecting water jets, this doesn't have it, just lots of bubbles -- air comes out of a ring right around the bottom edge, but they're small holes and not jets. My husband hates jets in tubs, so that doesn't bother him at all, he just wants the long, hot soak. I would have liked jets, but not interested in bubbles, so that means the bubble feature probably won't be used at all.

    Am sure the pump running all hours for the moment will spike the electric bill some. The water bill probably won't go up, or not much anyway, as it's only 300 gallons total.

    Not a lot planned for today. I've felt more like myself energy-wise and just feeling well during these last couple of days than I have in a year and a half. So nice to have energy. The weather is sunny and warm the next couple days, and with lots of rain Thursday/Friday, everything green is about to explode into growth.

    My daughter's not too happy - for those who don't know, she is a soldier and her husband is as well, stationed in Kansas at Fort Riley. He was supposed to leave in July, headed to Poland for a 9-month temporary duty. They've moved that up to early June, which is when they were all supposed to visit us. Don't know yet if she will come down here with the youngest two without him (the oldest is with his birth father for the summer), or if they'll just try to change their leave dates and come down in May. That's really hard to do with the kids still in school, so I don't expect we'll see our son-in-law before he goes to Poland. I do expect we will see our daughter as often as she can get down here for those nine months, though, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

    It kind of fascinates me that when the military gives them dates for major transitions, she believes them. She's been in for 11 years now, and she's still an optimist! The military ALWAYS changes dates. If you expect that, you get a lot less upset when things change. Ah well, she'll be OK. She stands up under pressure an awful lot better than she thinks she does--she's just a lot more verbal than me about it.

    Hope it is, was, or will be a peaceful Sunday for us all,


  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Lisa- Not sure how tall the seating needs to be; but IKEA has plastic step stools with rubber non skid bottoms that would work as a seat. OR you could lay down bath mats and put something like a Rubbermaid step stool on the bath mat. THEN...for your cover... I would put a couple of hooks on the wall to hang your cover on while in use. IF you don't want the water pooling as it hangs, lay a sheet or cloth shower curtain on the floor beneath where it hangs. Then when you replace the cover on your hot tub; you could hang the curtain on the hooks to dry. IF you get a shower curtain with a nature-y design it will look very nice on the wall. Added atmosphere.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My parents had a hot tub on their very private deck outside their bedroom. My mother's doctor wrote her a prescription for the hot tub to help her back pain and she wrote off the expense as a medical deduction on their taxes. After they died, Jake and I moved into their house and the first year I sat in the hot tub almost daily and read so the time wouldn't be wasted. When we moved, we thought we'd get another hot tub, but the new house and property had so much to do that we never bothered getting another hot tub. I didn't miss it.

    :) I walked yesterday evening in the drizzle and I'm meeting my Sunday walking friend this morning for another drizzly walk. We have adequate clothing so it will be fine.

    :) Our big adventure yesterday was a drive to curbside pick up at the library and this morning we'll go to curbside pick up at the grocery store.

    :) I spent an hour on the internet yesterday with Jake helping from his computer looking for a spring and summer coat to replace the one I've had for ten years. It had to be mid thigh length, warm (but not too warm), waterproof (or at least water resistant), with a two way zipper and at least three good pockets, and a fabulous color. I found what I wanted and it will be here by the end of the week.

    :) Barbie in NW WA