200+ Hot For Halloween!

Hello ladies!

It's time for a new 6-week challenge for the group!

Here's some info for people interested in learning more about how our challenge works/would like to join:

Some general info:
-This challenge lasts 6 weeks
-We weigh in Fridays-Monday mornings, please post to the thread
-I'll post everyone's weights by Tuesday and announce the week's biggest loser!
-Some of us have been together for a long time-- this challenege marks the 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY for some of us!
-We always welcome new members. We just ask that you introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, goals, etc. And just right into the conversation. Please post a starting weight for the challenge.
-Let us know what your goals are for this challenge. They don't have to be weight-related.
-If you miss two weeks (either don't weigh in, or let us know you won't be), I'll take you off the list-- it's too hard to keep up with everyone

For those continuing from our last "Haulin' Off The Weight" Challenge, I'm working on our chart and calculating losses, and will have those up shortly. I'll use your ending weight from that challenge as your starting weight for this one.


  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Yay for a new thread! I've been lurking like crazy and plan to catch up in a few...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    may i join??
    Hello im Christine. Im 22 years old. I have two kids. I would like to 1. increase my water intake and 2 lose about 6 lbs in 6 weeks.(not much but id take more lol i just know my weights going down very slow now lol) my starting weight here was 186 i am 179 now :D so i do believe my starting weight for the challenge would be 179 right?? lol thx
    <3 christine marie :D
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    may i join??
    Hello im Christine. Im 22 years old. I have two kids. I would like to 1. increase my water intake and 2 lose about 6 lbs in 6 weeks.(not much but id take more lol i just know my weights going down very slow now lol) my starting weight here was 186 i am 179 now :D so i do believe my starting weight for the challenge would be 179 right?? lol thx
    <3 christine marie :D
  • bmj1985
    I'd love to join this group! I have a Halloween 5k on October 28th and would love to be out of the 200s by then!! My current weight is 213. I will be posting my weigh-in results on Mondays. Thanks!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Yay Kristina!!! I actually think that I met all of my goals for the last challenge. I definitely surpassed the weightloss goal. I think I only got what I consider fast food 2-3 times in the 6 weeks, and that was an ice cream cone or a strawberry/banana smoothie, and I totally rocked the gym workouts this past month. As far as the sodium, well, I did great until last week, but I will still count that as a win. Thanks everyone for all of your support!!!

    My goals for this 6 weeks:
    ~To get under 300lbs, which is less than 20 away!
    ~To finally go down a clothing size. Can I just say that I'm beyond tired of being in a 22/24? Being between sizes sucks because some things are too big and some fit ok, but they are all the same in between size.
    ~To limit my trips to Panera to 2x during the challenge. I've become totally addicted, and their sodium counts are outrageous!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Yay for a new challenge!!! Here's my goals for the next 6 weeks:

    1) Lose 6 pounds = 182.4 (shooting for more than a pound a week just doesn't work for me)
    2) Run the dogs at least 3 times a week while my foot is healing
    3) Log EVERYTHING (Exception to be made for my week in Paris/Bruges)
    4) Start another round of P90X after I return from Paris

    Here's how I did on my last 6 week's goals:
    I guess I'm gonna have to really STICK to my calories, drink lots of water and start walking once I get the OK from my doctor. (Yay! I did ALL of those things for 99% of the challenge!!!! WIN!!!)

    I never, never, never hit my pounds lost goal but I guess I should set one anyway...my goal will be to hit 192 this challenge (I surpassed this goal and got down to 188.4. WIN!!!)
  • bmd1011
    bmd1011 Posts: 40 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm Beth, 27, and just starting out with MFP after struggling on Weight Watchers. I am currently at 265 (back to my highest weight, but refuse to get any further on the scale!)


    1. Develop an exercise plan that will fit into my busy schedule and stick to it.
    2. Meal Plan, and track everything I eat.
    3. Take walks to de-stress and unwind, either before work (if I can get out of bed) or in the evening- especially on the day sI don't go to the gym.
    4. Drinks lots of water, get rid of my newly re-found soda habit
    5. See a loss (no matter how small) on the scale. Preferably out of the 260's though.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Kristina - I weighed 210.4 late last week.I'm not getting on a scale again until I get back from Europe...and will make goals then too.
  • navajoon
    Welcome Beth, Christine, and bmj (tell us your first name)!

    Thanks for all the support ladies. It's just really tough because I do love my family, but ugh. Now I'm consumed with thoughts of... it's my birthday this week... is my mom even going to call? Is my dad? Am I going to go to grandma's like I usually do every Sunday after my birthday? Just generic neuroses.

    Update on friend who hit his head... the hospital called him back the next day and told him they misread the catscan and that he had a hemorrhage! Good lord... he could have been in serious trouble. Anyway, he went back and they did another scan and said the hemorrhage had resolved itself and they set an appointment with a head trauma specialist for him for followup in a couple weeks. Glad he's okay, but jeeeez! That's some scary stuff.

    I'll have to think up some goals for this challenge, but needless to say, I didn't hit any of my goals from last challenge.
  • pinbotchick
  • hkallembach
    Lacey: Hmmmm, I haven't really thought about my goals but now that we are on a new thread for a new challenge I will have to figure them out. Shoot. Also, my camera is a Nikon coolpix S3100. I freakin' love it because it fullfils all my "facebookish" and family taking photos. Fancy but super compact--I LOVE IT! Plus, it was $180 at Target. Amazing 5x zoom, and 14.0 megapixels.

    Amy: I am happy you got a hold of The Hubbs! Dude, shouldn't it be like a requirement for them to have working communication?

    Lacey/Amy: Enjoy Paris! When do you get back from Europe, Lacey?

    Laura: Welcome to ONEderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kerry: Girl (or woman I should say) you look fierce and HOTT! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! How does it feel to be "healthy"? I love your picture! Thank you for the hug, frustration sums up my life currently.

    Nava: ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Karen: If work counts this as social networking I'd say "yeah, counting calories on a website is seriosly social networking." :laugh: You don't need to tell them about the world's coolest people on the thread though! :smile:

    Kendal: Good for you on pre-logging and then adjusting it. Is it helpful? Maybe I should start doing that because I tend to log at the end of the day and think "*kitten* I ate alllooootttt!"...granted it has gotten a lot better since starting MFP.

    Bobbie: Hahahaha, don't take this the wrong way--I totally typed too o's in your name instead of two b's at first. Oops. I still love you and you still love me, hahahah, right!? :heart: I agree about always playing catch up but this why we all rock: we are so chit chatty!

    Since I love looking back at my goals..................

    1.)Continue with my fruit/veggies goal. okish...more fruits than veggies.
    2.)Water is my best friend! (Sooooo, easy to drink over 8 glass/day while working.) I'll try drinking more water on non-lifeguarding days. HECK YES! COMPLETED!
    3.)Walk, jog, run, something, crawl, whatever it takes. GET DOWN MY DRIVE WAY! DUDES! OH MYYYYY GGEEE! I DID IT! I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME BUT I AM A C25K RUNNER! :drinker: :happy: :drinker: :happy:
    4.)Stay active even with school starting up soon. This one is hard to measure since school has been only going for 3 weeks, but I feel like I am rockin' it!
    5.)School related goal---study and not skim through school. Yeah, fail. Ladies how did you get through school/college/studyin' days!? HELP!
    6.)Check in more with this amazing group! Hmmmm, I had my ups and downs!

    All right, goals for this challenge:

    1.)C25K is starting to get more challenging but stick with it. Mind over matter. I know everyone will support me even if I have to go back to an easier week or modifiy things.
    2.)Water, water, water!
    3.)Stay active with school continuing!
    4.)Don't let negative nay-sayers put me down, move on.
    5.)Burn 300 calories (no stupid wrist calorie burner watch calories) 4x's/week
    6.)Post here a lot, don't disappear!
    7.)Start thinking about getting new clothes or trying out new clothing options.

    *******************TMI ALERT**************************

    Of course, I would have a HUGE bm movement right after I weigh-in this morning! *sigh* Heck yes, BM issues are getting better because I usually have 'em daily! :blushing: I feel like a little child who doesn't wet the bed anymore! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!

    ************************TMI DONE***********************

    Let's have a wonderful challenge ladies!
    I would love to join this one. My name is Una and I am 43. I need to loose weight to get my blood presure back down from 150/89. I have been off the wagon for a while so I have gone to pieces.
    Current weight 205 lbs
    Would like to drop 10 lbs by Halloween
    Goal weight is 145
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    food on my brain maybe??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kendal [10:09 AM]: well cheese, I really don't know the answer to that question anyway

    Kendal [10:09 AM]: lol

    Kendal [10:09 AM]: OMG, I thought I typed "well geez" and I looked up and it was "well cheese"

    Kendal [10:09 AM]: LMAO
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Here's the challenege results from our "Haulin' Off The Weight" challenge.

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / Final Weight (Difference in Pounds, % Body Weight Lost)

    Victoria / 194 / 194.5 (+0.5)
    Kendal / 212.6 / 214.4 (+1.8)
    Lacey / 211.6 / 210.4 (-1.2, 0.57%)
    Amy / 195 / 188.4 (-6.6, 3.38%)
    Kerry / 173.9 /164 (-9.9, 5.69%)
    Hailie / 249.8 / 252.6 (+2.8)
    Karen / 220 / 216.3 (-3.7, 1.63%)
    Nava / 223 / 228.6 (+5.6)
    Laura / 203 / 199 (-4.0, 1.97%) <-Welcome to ONEderland!
    Gonnadoitjenn / 310.4 / 305.8 (-4.6, 1.48%)
    Pam / 221.2 / 215.8 (-5.2, 2.44%)
    Sarah (Wigglentwink) / 195.7 / 185 (-10.7, 5.47%)
    silver02bullet / 210.8 / 206 (-4.8, 2.28%)
    Bobbie / 333.6 / 316.2 (-17.4, 5.22%)
    Hosanna / 220 / 220.7 (+0.7)
    ladyg0915 / 276 / 275 (-1.0, 0.36%)
    Sarah (rainvc) / 242 / 234.8 (-7.2, 2.98%)
    Katheryne / 280.4 / 281.8 (+1.4)
    qofsheba / 200 / 193 (-7.0, 3.5%)
    jessikerlaine / 279.6 (this was the first weigh in I had for you, so this will be your starting weight for new challenge)

    Great job ladies. This challenge's winners:

    In terms of # of pounds lost, Bobbie is the winner with 17.4 pounds lost!!
    In terms of % of weight lost, Kerry is the winner with 5.69% of her body weight lost!

    Everyone who's posted since I started the thread, I'll add you to the new spreadsheet for this challenge. Welcome!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: LOL!

    Hailie: I know, right?!? The guys from The Hubbs work here called me today to see if he had another number he could be reached at and I was like, "Dude, he ONLY has the company cell phone - if you can't get a hold of him then maybe you should make sure that the cell plan covers England." LAME.

    Nava: WOW, that's super scary that your friend had a hemorrhage and it wasn't treated.

    Welcome: Una, Beth, BMJ, & Christine!! These ladies are awesome and super-supportive - you'll love 'em!

    Bobbie: Yay for meeting all your goals last challenge, that's awesome!!!

    Pam: Hiya!:flowerforyou:

    My neck is STILL killing me. I can't think about anything else and I'm super pissy...everything irritates me today. And the cheesecake is calling....
  • bmj1985
  • navajoon
    yeeeeeeeee, Vitamin B shot today. I think I did it wrong as my thigh is super stiff and achy.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Hi there

    Would it be ok for me to join in?

    My goals are:

    My goals for this 6 weeks:
    ~To keep active through at what is typically my busiest 6 weeks at work.
    ~ To lose 12 pounds
    ~ To drop a dress size
    ~ To complete C25k

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I can't seem to find what my goals were for last time, but here are my goals for this one:

    1.) Be able to jog for 30 minutes without stopping. This is a biggie, because I've never been able to run for that long that in my whole life. I'm up to jogging for 13 minutes straight right now, and on the running plan I've been doing the next step is 14 minutes and then it jumps to 30. So I'm not far off from this goal...hopefully!

    2.) Run my first 5K. Hey, if I'm going to be able to run for 30 minutes then I should be able to work up to a 5K, right?

    3.) Lose enough to be less than 10 pounds away from onederland.

    This week is going to be challenging for me...my friend's wedding is at the end of the week and I know there will be much eating leading up to it and after it. Doh. Plus it's also TOM right now and I feel like eating everything in the world. Double doh. The good news is that I am 90% sure I am going to wear that dress I got from ideeli to the wedding...woohoo! If I do, I'll post a picture here. :smile:

    Okay, now to catch up a little!

    Nava, just reading your post about your family made me angry. The fact that you were able to stand up for yourself is great though; I know how hard that is to do. Fingers crossed that they will change their minds...maybe you moving to London will give them the space to realize how wrong they've been. Scary about your friend; I'm glad he's okay!

    Kerry, that pic was sooo cute -- you look fantastic!

    Laura, WOOHOO for onederland!!

    Sarah (WnT), you are super duper hardcore. One Jillian DVD makes me want to kill her, and you did 3 in a row? Holy cow! And YAY for being so close to your goal!

    Megan, hope all is going well food-wise with your work meeting!

    Qofsheba, welcome back from Cambodia! Got any pictures to share?

    Kendal, yay for the running! I ate pizza and tried to run it off this weekend too. It seems really unfair how much running it takes to work off just one slice of pizza...

    Amy, ugh, if it's not one thing it's another. I hope that your neck feels better soon!

    Rain, from what I've been told Starbucks doesn't use whole milk in their drinks anymore, they use 2%. So unless you specifically asked for whole milk, your pumpkin latte may not have been as bad as you think! The whipped cream is always the really caloric part of those drinks, so if you ask for no whip it's not so bad. I can't wait for the gingerbread latte to come back. I love getting a half gingerbread, half vanilla syrup latte...that first one of the season always signals the holidays for me. :smile:

    Kerry and Bobbie, congrats on rockin' the last challenge!!

    Welcome to all the newbies to the thread! Jump on in!