Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I love when people tell me how impressed they are with me as a military wife to spend months away from my hubs with limited communication etc etc....tonight I would just like to say how impressed with YOU ALL I am that you have ur hub's 24/7 and you have successful marriages etc etc....while I love my husband w all my heart and he is my best friend he is driving me CRAZY already and we have barely been home a week!!
    The evening started well - we sat down and made a game plan for the next few cycles, just in case - then had leftovers for dinner (which apparently he hates but I told him he had to suck it up once a week bc I cant stand the idea of wasting food) then we took P to soccer practice...he fussed at P a lot (which bothers me a little bc I feel like he expects too much of him...but maybe I don't expect enough....) bc he was NOT listening.....then we get home and we got in a STUPID fight over FACEBOOK!! He says he doesn't like every minute of his life updated on flash buddy - I've posted 1 status a day for the past 4 days and NONE of them had to do w you....and I proved it - well then it turned into "you're on Facebook to much" and I told him he needed to pick his argument before he tried to fight w me about it bc now it seemed like he was just picking at me to pick.
    After a heroic kitchen cleaning on my part (had a HUGE ant infestation and had to rapidly unload/reload the DW and spray down the counters) he had cooled down and I guess realized I wasn't always on Facebook? (obviously bc if I was always on Facebook I wouldnt have noticed the ants and rescued the kitchen *insert snarky tone here*) so I cut myself a HUGE piece of chocolate birthday cake (P turned 6 this weeken and we celebrated all weekend so we have candy, krabby patty cupcakes and chocolate cAke for DAYS) and I sit down and tell him that if he gets football 100% of the time Saturday-Monday I get it Tuesday-Thursday and we can share Friday....and I get complete disgression. Which means real housewives of every state and county I want! His response: I change my mind, I don't want you to take the Meds anymore.

    Hopefully he will learn but for now - I'd like to start today over!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Alisa- Sorry for the bad night! I'm sure it will take awhile to get back into the grove of things. We are here to hear you! By the way what ant killer are you using- I'm on the market for a new one mine isn't cutting it this year...we are having a much worse ant year than the last couple years and I'm finding them EVERYWHERE.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Fingrs crossed for you Luki!

    Emily, I'm so sorry for what you're going through (and all those in a similar osition). I can completely understand how horrible it must be.

    Alisa, I had the exact thing when my OH came back from each deployment. I would be so happy to see him and then found that it was really hard to adjust to him being back in what had become 'my space' and disrupting my routines. Once it even came close to splitting us (he had only been home for about three weeks of a whole year that time and it felt so strange living with him again). We did work through it though and things got back to normal as we both adjusted. I think your plan of small compromises like the TV is definitely the way to go. I'm sure you'll be fine, just give yourselves small breaks if/when you need it!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hello Everyone! Whew, I'm off the board over night and it blows up :) I had a lot to catch up on

    Megan: Good luck with the ultrasound. My advice with the CF is to ask yourself if having the gene would change your mind about TTC if it would keep you from TTC, then maybe test for it but if you are going to ttc no matter what then why stress yourself out? My thought is that if God decideds to give me a child with CF then he knows better than I do and I can deal with it. Just because the gene is present does not mean that your children will have it 100% That being said, one of my friend's daughter has CF times do get hard for them but she is SUCH a blessing! She is a great kid and a hoot to be around. Just remember God's will wont take you where his grace can't carry you

    Reno: welcome!

    Pantera: i think we are the same person living in paralle universes! haha Hang in there chica and thanks for all your support!

    Luki- good luck with the test this weekend! hang in there, I hope that your weight gain is a baby! :)

    Alisa- I totally feel you with the whole military wife thing. I'm stationed on land so right now it's not much of an issue, but I know that a lot of military wives get so used to taking care of the house without the husband that it gets tough when the husband is around, it's a total adjustment period every time he leaves and then again when he comes back. Hang in there lady! Also, the whole expecting too much seems to be a military trait. I wonder if I will be like that with my kids. From what I can tell when hubby and I are with kids, I am definitely a bit harder on them than he is.

    Destar-As of last night we had an open position on my team if you want to join. I know you said you're done with the challenges but we have a very dedicated little group of women on our team and it's been a lot of fun. Just let me know :)

    Kitty- YAY for getting a tattoo, I'm addicted! :) Also, I am with you on wanting to get financially fit before ttc, I ultimately came to a position where I realized that I will never be ready for a kid, but I know that I will be able to make the most of it no matter what so we decided to just go for it. My sister says that a baby is well worth going into debt for

    Jalara- I understand not wanting to tell you family. I have been very careful about who I tell anything. My sister is the only one in my family to knows that we're TTC and my mom has expressed that she REALLY thinks we should wait until we've been married longer as have a handful of my friends (and that's without me even telling them we are ttc). I think it is necessary to have support but it's also necessary to chose who that support is going to be, the last thing you need when going through these trials is for someone to be insensitive about it

    AFM- for the first time ever I'm looking forward to going to the gyno. I'm not looking forward to the exam, but I'm looking forward to really sitting down and talking with the doc about my fertility health and what I should and shouldn't be doing. Other than some spontaneous miscarriages, I have no reason to thing that anything is wrong with my system so I hope I leave the appointment feeling the same way. I know that spontaneous miscarriages are very common, but I can't help but think they are indicative of my ability to carry a pregnancy to term. good luck and baby dust to you all!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- Don't really know where to begin. I've been feeling down this weekend, for no apparent reason. Except that the team I was on for the September Tribal Challenge disbanded so I feel kind of abandoned! I'm so weird sometimes, LOL! I've decided to give up on group challenges for the time being and just focus on doing things on my own.

    if you want to join something low key for support, here is my group:

    no pressure.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Made some realizations lately.....and gonna go and talk to someone....been snippy and anxious and taking it out my my hunnie.....and it kicked in when he rubbed my belly the other day and said "I don't want an angry baby". Then my friend said that I should really get things off my chest before I have a baby, cuz if I leave things un dealt could get worse. And I know they are right.....and have finally accepted that I can be an angry person sometimes.....ARG this sucks!! LOL I used to be the counselor for crying out loud and now I'm the one that needs to talk.....boooo LOL I guess I just let things built up over the years.....because I would always fix other people....and never once thought to myself that I needed to deal with my own past. These feelings sure hit me like a rock now that trying to have a baby is becoming real.

    talking to someone seems like a good idea. i hope you find someone you connect with.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Miranda (cupcake0325) - I have PCOS and use OPK's and I don't know if I'm actually ovulating or not, but it's way less stressful than temping for me. I didn't have any luck with Clomid or Femara, so I'm in a holding pattern with natural trying until we decide if we're going to do IUI or IVF. I like the OPK's because they at least give me the right window, so if I actually do ovulate (and not just get another damn cyst), than I have a better chance of success. Oddly, the healthier I've gotten, the more regular I've gotten and the more I feel that I am actually ovulating.

    that is how i feel about opk's. they are actually comforting to me.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Unfortunately, this week isn't going to be any better. Sad news, my grandma died over the weekend so Tuesday we're headed to South Dakota for the funeral then Montana for the burial. I'm at peace with her passing, but I think it has been really rough on my mom. I'm anxious to get there so I can be there for her.

    i am so sorry for your loss. please drive safely.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    And then I signed myself up for Weight Watchers Online yesterday morning. Nice side effect, I discovered that my little guy like broccoli! Who would have guessed...

    good luck using weight watchers! my boys love broccoli and asparagus and brussel sprouts. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    On another note:

    Thoughts on getting tested to see if you are a carrier of the cystic fibrosis gene? My doc recommended it, I'm curious if any of you have done it, considered it, did it, didn't do it and why?

    i'd only have it done if a positive would change my mind about ttc. otherwise, i think it is unnecessary, even if insurance covers it.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- Still up 2 pounds for the month, but I’m going to blame it on the progesterone and hope it comes off…or am pregnant :o) I had my first pregnancy dream in almost 2 years Saturday night. I was very strange to wake up and think, WOW that was a pregnancy dream. I’m hoping it means good things and not just wishful thinking. If I wasn’t on progesterone yesterday would have been CD1 and my body seems to be fighting the hormones- I had stabbing cramps on and off all day yesterday and light spotting today…but I’m trying not to give up on this cycle until it is actually over. On a positive note I have been nauseous the past four mornings (but that could be because I moved my vitamins to the morning so I don’t take them at the same time as the hormones) I laugh when I think that being nauseous is a positive, but I’m soooooooo looking forward to the possibility of morning sickness considering the payoff. I test on Saturday morning and then will know…

    hoping for a bfp.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I have a question about prenatals...

    My doctor prescribed prenatals because I told her we were thinking about TTC soon. I was looking at the directions and it says to take an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours there a reason for this? I haven't looked at the iron content, but that is usually why I cannot take vitamins on an empty stomach so I am leery about taking these on an empty stomach as well.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I have a question about prenatals...

    My doctor prescribed prenatals because I told her we were thinking about TTC soon. I was looking at the directions and it says to take an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours there a reason for this? I haven't looked at the iron content, but that is usually why I cannot take vitamins on an empty stomach so I am leery about taking these on an empty stomach as well.

    My Materna pills say to take with food.....I keep forgetting to do that....and never take them at the same time of day......So is that bad?????
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    AlisaToth- Sounds like hubby is having a hard time adjusting to normal life again......sorry you have to go through that......I hope you guys are able to start over....and enjoy some time together!!!! I don't know how you feel.....I'm with my hubby 24/ together, work together.....and we do drive each other crazy sometimes.
  • vdonalds
    vdonalds Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! I:smile: would love to join your group. My motivation to join MFP was simply to lose a considerable amount of weight before TTC. My previous pregnancies had serious complications due to preeclampsia. I know there is no known cause for it, but I would like to hope that diet and weight loss may help.

    Ginger D
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I have a question about prenatals...

    My doctor prescribed prenatals because I told her we were thinking about TTC soon. I was looking at the directions and it says to take an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours there a reason for this? I haven't looked at the iron content, but that is usually why I cannot take vitamins on an empty stomach so I am leery about taking these on an empty stomach as well.

    My Materna pills say to take with food.....I keep forgetting to do that....and never take them at the same time of day......So is that bad?????

    Weird! I'm so confused! I don't know if time of day is as important with prenatals as it is with other meds...but it couldn't hurt to take it at the same time of day. I'm very new to all of this...including the idea of wanting a baby. *yelp*
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I take my prenatals at night bc of the iron they make me sick otherwise. To my knowledge they are just a multivitamin that have the proper nutritional aspects that you need during pregnancy (I.e folic acid, iron, etc)
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    AFM- Still up 2 pounds for the month, but I’m going to blame it on the progesterone and hope it comes off…or am pregnant :o) I had my first pregnancy dream in almost 2 years Saturday night. I was very strange to wake up and think, WOW that was a pregnancy dream. I’m hoping it means good things and not just wishful thinking. If I wasn’t on progesterone yesterday would have been CD1 and my body seems to be fighting the hormones- I had stabbing cramps on and off all day yesterday and light spotting today…but I’m trying not to give up on this cycle until it is actually over. On a positive note I have been nauseous the past four mornings (but that could be because I moved my vitamins to the morning so I don’t take them at the same time as the hormones) I laugh when I think that being nauseous is a positive, but I’m soooooooo looking forward to the possibility of morning sickness considering the payoff. I test on Saturday morning and then will know…

    hoping for a bfp.

    Ditto. Fingers crossed for you.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I take my prenatals at night bc of the iron they make me sick otherwise. To my knowledge they are just a multivitamin that have the proper nutritional aspects that you need during pregnancy (I.e folic acid, iron, etc)
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input on the CF question. You 3 really hit the nail on the head. What would I do if we were both positive? How would it affect out TTC? Good questions. I'll have to ponder on the answers for sure. Emily your words really hit me for some reason. Thanks!