Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Becky: Sorry to hear about your daughter's finger. I guess they only splint it.
    Not much you can do for that. :ohwell:

    Just took a 25 min. walk at lunch today before the rain storm comes later this afternoon.
    I took advantage. :bigsmile:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    You're the best group of ladies, thank you for all your prayers, Buzz, Jeri, Barbie, Gayla, Sandy, Shirley, Marie & Becky, today
    when I talked to her, she was feeling better and had a good night sleep, hope the rest of the day goes well.

    Becky - Good luck at the specialist and hope everything turn out well for your daughter.

    Thanks again for being so thoughful:heart::heart: :heart:

    Gigi:brokenheart: :brokenheart:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Just read all the posts and glad to hear that you mom is feeling a bit better. I know how special moms are and hope that things keep looking up. Praying for you and for her.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hi again, Well I didn't try the yoga tape until this afternoon, I was able to do about 35 minutes of it. My back feels freeer, if that makes any sense. Anyway I think I will try to do this tape on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. I will continue to walk my 2 miles too. When I write down I will do 2 miles then I do them so it is written. I enjoy walking even with these 2 knee replacements and 3 back fusions. I just do everything at my pace and mobility.

    Went to town this morning to the dentist, then to the financial adviser, then to the casino, and finally took my laptop to Best Buy because my battery doesn't hold a charge long. Well Best Buy said they will send me a new battery ups. My husband just took the dog to get his nails cut and now no clicking on the floors.

    I started with a good breakfast ( oatmeal, banana, and 1 T pb. of course black coffee too). Then someone gave me two cookies and I ate them without much thought. I have to work on that. I had a nice salad for lunch and a diet pop,

    I am going for my walk and then watch a little TV, or just sit outside a while. I picked a bunch of tomatoes and have to make salsa on Thursday. I give some to my neighbors and kids.

    So waving good bye until tomorrow.
  • piquilter

    . I am taking a lesson on making a crumb quilt here on the internet

    Marie, Thanks for the link :smile: A crumb quilt is definitely on my 'to do' list, but not quite yet. In between sewing sessions on placemats I've been FINALLY cleaning and organizing sewing room & while I have been saving scraps from placemats I need to gather some of my others AND before starting yet another project I need to finish some. I did finally post a picture of the set of placemats for the wedding this past Saturday, 8 placemats and napkins, 4 of each color combination.

    I haven't been on here consistently of late in any way, shape or form :cry: I'm not going to offer any excuses, after spending most of Sunday watching 9/11 coverage there's no problem in my life anywhere near what those families have gone through!

    I have at least been keeping up with exercise, need to get back to tracking food, but may not post here very often. It seems once I get on I just don't get anything else done.

    Take care all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi all,

    Gigi, hope you are at peace with all that is happening and also hope that your mom is going to stabilize.

    Marie, I did take a look at that quilt, and it made me dizzy! I had no idea what a crumb quilt would look like. USA Today newspaper had a front page story about Texas' drought.

    Sandy, so good of you to take you ex mil out, I know it is the highlight of her week.

    Becky, maybe it was fate that you dropped that pizza!! you might have liked it so much, you made it one meal instead of two!! Or, it might not have been such a good pizza anyway.. I don't think Ive seen one.. Lean cuisine - yes.

    Chris, you are getting a lot of exercise in, no matter the pace, 2 miles is real progress.

    Irene, did I say hi to you, and sorry that you are having a tough time with this new treatment, I hope it is temporary. I also hope you find something you are able to eat. Perhaps fruit bars, like popsicles only with juice.

    We spent the day, going to the dentist, and wal mart. dh's tooth broke, again, or the filling in it, or something. They let me squeeze in for a cleaning. We have a dentist that is about a two and 1/2 hour drive from our home. We've been going there for years.

    On 'Cat Diaries", we brought home two neutered boys yesterday, and they did very well. We plan on making one of the two an indoor cat, along with one of the girls. We may get the mother cat spayed before we leave on our next trip.. we don't need any more in this house!!

    It was such a pretty day here, even if it got a little warm, I wish we had been able to stay put instead of going going going!! Do you ever feel that way??

    Ginger, it is Ginger? welcome, plz come again!

    Gayla, glad you are enjoying your sports, I know you would love to attend the events live, especially if it meant traveling to another country!! BTW, how is your renovation project going?

    time to start tacos for dinner!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe it has been a hot one. This is the hotest weather we have had since they been keepin a record. It was over 100 todau. and bnother day of 100 then a cool off. yippee/
    I have been workig all afternoon on a greese block. finally got one. The pieces are so small.
    Ths thig is jumping around the place gpomg to close see you guyd tomorrow
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    We had sooo much fun today. We drove our 5 year old twin grandsons to kindergarten for the first time. They will go once a week in the morning and then we take them to lunch afterwards. It is so much fun to spend one on one time with them. What fun.

    Sandy - I've been reading back at old posts and I loved your discription of meeting your son's fiance's family. It was really funny. I remember meeting our oldest dd's to-be inlaws. We invited them all over for supper and I'm not the most adverturist cook. Mel's new f-i-l, loves to cook and I wonder what he thought. LOL We all get along fabulously now. They had 2 sons and we 2 daughters. Both Mel's f-i-l and my dh are engineers. Mel's m-i-l, likes to do lots of the same things we do. It was like our girls grew up in parallel families to their sons. It was different with our youngest dd. We still don't have the same rapport with her inlaws. Their lives are much different than ours. Hope you did good at the casino. We haven't been for awhile. Loved the joke too.

    Gigi- hope your Mom is still doing better. Best wishes and my prayers to you all.

    Thank you BARBIE for the comment on my picture. We had a wonderful time. I made up the waffles ahead of time and froze them. I eat gluten free, egg free and dairy free so I make most of my breads. They were yummy.

    BirdieM - I can't figure what's going on either. Hmmmm

    Marie - how can you stand it being so hot. We had a bit of hot weather when we were camping and it played me out. That quilt looks wonderful. You have my sincere admiration.

    Shirley - I love walking and I am sure your increased exercise will help. It always motivates me. Thanks for the compliment about my picture.

    Chris it sounds like you had a very busy day and yet you managed to get in some exercise. Good for you.

    Phoebe - poor you spending time at the dentist. I hate going to the dentist. When my girls were young I always sent my dh with them. I didn't want them to see me as nervous as I was. That worked well, but I used to give him heck because after the appt. he'd buy them candy as a treat for going to the dentist. LOL Oh well, they were never scared - unlike me.

    Here's a shot from our camping trip.

    Sheep River by FancyLady, on Flickr

    Take care and until tomorrow.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeri, my oldest married into a family who lives so opposite of us. They are quite rich. They remodel their homes and then move to another one. They make a lot of money doing this. So, the only things we have in common are the grandchildren.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I am hopeing that the weather will give you a break soon. It had cooled off here. In the 50s when I left the house this morning.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I certainly wouldn't want a dentist that far away if I had a tooth ache.

    :flowerforyou: piquilter, go thing that you are still exercising. Ok now...get busy working on your foods.:bigsmile: We all are behind you rooting you on.

    Chris, I think that any exercise will help loosen a person up. I have noticed that I can move more freely since I got back into the YMCA classes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri, another lovely photo. Must be a fantastic county up there.
    Indeed we are having our share of hot weather. But soon it will just be a menory. We stayed in with A/c you wouldn't want to know what our electricv bill is. But it was worth every penny of it. That brutal heat is deadly.Don't know how many died from heat stroke. Probable around 25.

    Sandy you said I must have been one of the oldest MFP. No Becky beat me by a few months. She join Aug 2008 I din't join till Dec. 2008 Phoebe and Gayla join right sfter that. And then came you and barbiecat.I think Jeffery came in 2008 also. And barbs was one of the older poster. She must have come in early 2009

    Good morning all of you sneakers.

    My blood sugar is creeping back up. But have not had to add the fast acting insulin back on yet. So I am really watching my diet.. I have been eating more meat here lately. Think I need to drop it again for awhile. Got to eat them beans.Lay off the starchy veggies.

    See you guys later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Rainy sort of day with cool temperatures. :grumble: Still a great day though since it is our 20th wedding anniversary. :heart: We are going to the movie theater that serves food and drinks while you watch the movie to celebrate by ourselves which we love to do. :love: My daughter wrote a cute tribute for our anniversary so if you have time read it and see how young my hubby and I were 20 years ago. :laugh:

    Spent at the most about 2 hours at the casino with Donna (95) she got tired after we ate lunch. She lost on the slots and I won about $40 between a slot and a short time at 3 card poker. I didn't have enough time to play so after I drove her home I went over to the casino near my house and lost all that I won. :explode:

    Becky, now that I think about it we rarely see any of our children's in laws since all my married children live out of state as do their in laws. My step son's FIL was killed by a drunk driver when she was a teenage and we only see her mother occasionally. Will have to wait and see how much we socialize with the new in laws. :tongue: What did the doctor say about your daughter's finger?

    Jeri, another beautiful picture from a beautiful person. :blushing: I love grandchildren, like the old saying if I had known how much fun they were I would have had them first. :laugh:

    Marie, I would gladly switch our weather for yours so you could cool down, I prefer hot weather compared to cold weather. :flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, I hate the dentist also, whenever he works on my teeth I have to have both novocaine and nitrous because I am a baby. :blushing: Great job on nuetering the kitties, you a responsible person who loves animals.

    Jackie, you have made your goal weight and as long as you keep exercising you should be ok, but I did gain without recording my food because I started eating some sweets and should have known better. I am back on track and back to goal but like you I am sure there will be days I will not record. :tongue:

    Chris, I used to take a yoga class and was impressed with myself because I could do most of the moves. Your 2 mile walk sounds like enough exercise for me especially with 2 knee replacements and 3 back fusions. :love:

    Phyllis, how did your back to school program go?

    Gigi, we are here for you as your are for us. Prayers and love still going to your mom. :heart:

    Shirley, glad you got your walk in before the rain. Being Catholic I thought the joke was also funny. :laugh:

    Ginger, are you still with us?

    Better get ready for my big anniversary date, hope you all have a great day!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, i have never heard of a movie theater that serves food. We do have a dinner theater that has plays. I have only been to it once. It is quite expensive.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you are right about the starches. They can cause a jump in your sugar. You know that they turn into sugar.:grumble:

    Ok, if I have been here so long why am I still struggling with my weight????

    The doctor took the splint off of Lydia's finger. He feels that the splint was causing her more pain. It is still taped up with the finger next to it, with what the doctor called "buddy tape".

    Can't wait for my strength class tonight. I love it because I always feel healthier afterwards.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, i have never heard of a movie theater that serves food. We do have a dinner theater that has plays. I have only been to it once. It is quite expensive.

    Check it out Becky, we love it!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    By the way Becky, do you realize you have 8 children??? You look fabulous on your profile picture and should be proud of how great you look. :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    By the way Becky, do you realize you have 8 children??? You look fabulous on your profile picture and should be proud of how great you look. :bigsmile:

    WHAT?????? I have eight children?:laugh: I have always loved babies.:heart:

    And, thank you for the compliment. I was always a skinny kid so I don't feel right. I was just thinking this morning that I weigh 35 more pounds than I did after I had my second baby.
  • piquilter
    Nothing can alter the appearance of a room like Minnesota's first killer frost warning. DH helped move in the plants that will winter indoors. Took a picture with my phone & posted it in my photos, taken on the phone so quality isn't great, but will give you the general idea :laugh: Keep in mind this is the guy whose idea of landscaping is "pour concrete & paint it green" and refers to my plants as my "weeds". He wanted to keep the snail vines because they are just loaded with blooms and buds. These things are in big pots with trellises no less! They have a wonderful fragrance & I'm just not sure with my allergies that "indoors" is where they should be :laugh: I'll see how it goes, but I don't think it will be long before I cut them way back & let them go dormant for winter. Gotta love MN variety though, it was 90+ degrees on Monday :laugh:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    the back to school night went great. Had all but 4 of the parents show up. Once I got talking i wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. You'd think that after all these years of doing this every year that I wouldn't get nervous.

    the wellness challenge is in full swing at the school We are in groups of 4 on a team and get points for all these things we do to be healthy and well. Three categories one is exercise. anther is social and the third is healthy actions. I have over 12,000 steps today. that is my all time high. got up and did exercises at the school tract this morning, jogged, walked and did stairs. I am ready for bed now. I think I have put in a good days work.

    Barbie, I don't think I could ever walk as many steps as you do. I know that dancing and jogging does help to add on steps faster than just walking normally. too bad I can't wear the pedometer when I am swimming laps. are you still at the dance workshop?

    Hope all is well. Phyllis
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all, got the mama cat spayed today, slowly but surely, we are getting them 'done'!

    Sandy, you are just beautiful!! Happy Anniversary, and thanks for sharing the photos and your daughters blog with us.

    Marie, sorry your sugar is rising, probably had to be though, remember the Wendy plan, the way it was supposed to keep your body adjusting? maybe thats what is going on. Hang on dear heart, cooler weather is around the corner.

    I have a pile of things to do today, and already two trips to town and back, so I had better get going..
    Phyllis, please don't think you must get near as many steps as Barbie, 12,000 steps is enormous!! Glad you had a good parents attendance.

    Yes, Minnesota is getting ready for snow, isn't it..not literally, but I know it will be soon.. you probably feel like you just thawed out!!
    Becky, I agree with Sandy, you look wonderful in your photo.

    Oh before I forget.. what is Clean Eating? My nephew posted on fb that he is enjoying it, and I saw a magazine in the store called clean eating, I think. what is it all about? No processed foods? is anyone here practicing this method? I will google it

    Take care
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello out there, anyone homea?
    Today got up early again, went to town to Wal-Mart and bought my granddaughter a tripod for her camera, she will be surprised.

    Had breakfast, 2 waffles, 1 T pb, and a banana and. Went to have coffee with friends. Came home and cleaned house and worked on a quilt. I hope I get it finished by Christmas. I haven't worked on it much, I am almost finished with the top and then the back has to be something with camoflage. Go figure, my granddaughter (23) like green and pastels, my grandson in law likes camo. So grandma will do something for both.

    Did a short walk (so far), then will ride my stationary bike a little, and then my major walk for the day. So I better go, see you later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeannie your quilt is very lovely . Just love them colors You a good quilter. I am still working on my 2 blocks. My machine is showing ita fudge. mean old thing. I guess I am going to have to take one of my new machine in and get them to show me how to operate it..

    Phoebe I don't know anyone that is on a true clean diet. You are right no process food I have been eating a lot of fresh veggies since I got those plastic containers with the vents to used in microwave . They steamed veggies just great. Could not do without them.Takes very little water. I have TV dinners on hand in case I need them. So I better go drag them all out and have dinners Not the TV dinners My home made pickle beets, baby carrots, beans and cold slaw I eat them all up and replace them with some kind of veggies I tied some mushrooms and onions in the vented containers and they steam them just great. I put lemon pepper on the, I wanr to try eggplants with tomatos, onions next week.. I love the okra and tomatoes,onions. Yummy.Seems like teamin the veggies give them more flovor.