Welcome New Members!



  • krjohnson1292
    krjohnson1292 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone, fitness has always been a marathon I can’t seem to finish. Hopefully, I pass the finish line this time around.

    Much success to you all in your fitness journey!
  • BAnttila
    BAnttila Posts: 2 Member
    I've had MyFitnessPal for a long time but just starting to use the food diary (I was using SparkPeople) and also downloaded the MapMyFitness app to keep myself accountable. I am healing from breaking an ankle in March so trying to get back into moving again!
  • trishd25
    trishd25 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. First time here. I was a member of Spark People since 2007 but need to find a new home now. :neutral:
  • Kabootom
    Kabootom Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, I am new here! Hope this community will surely guide me to take proper care of my health.
  • thedreadpiraterobertsrex
    Hey y'all! I'm Jayce, I'm 35 and I'm freshly back at MFP to give it another real chance. This is my "once more, with feeling" I was super successful between 2014 and 2016 with a loss of 140 lbs and healthier habits but I think I came away from the community accountability before I was really ready. I thought I could do it on my own but I've gained it all back and then some. I have some pretty big goals set for myself because now more than ever I have so much to live for.
  • klbaussie
    klbaussie Posts: 24 Member
    I just signed up this morning, and still trying to get used to this site. Once I know it, I'm sure I will like it. Yesterday, I quit Spark People, since the platform I know will be closing down. I don't like the sound of the new platform, too limiting, so I just decided to quit. Hopefully, it will prove to be a wise choice.
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 161 Member
    I'm new here and have put up a couple of posts that I think went away? So... I'll try again. Also, is there any way to swap the order of postings so that the newest appear at the top instead of having to click on the last page to get to the end. I'll give posting a pic another shot as well. Here's the rain on our trumpet vines yesterday just for something to test with. I thought I had posted this before but can't seem to find it?

  • dougs1k0ra
    dougs1k0ra Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I started my weight loss journey back on April 14 2021. I currently am down 15.8 pounds. The scale has lots of ups and downs but am losing overall. It is tough! I was on noom, I just canceled my membership there. I find the food database to be much more accurate and easy to use here. Am looking forward to "losing" with you all. I'll most likely be going to premium soon. So much easier to record data here and impressed with added functionality, even in free mode.

    Prayers for you all to exceed your goals.

  • sleepysensei83
    sleepysensei83 Posts: 6 Member
    Transitioning from Spark People and trying to get the hang of this app again. On the battle to lose 100 lbs and already about 17lbs toward that so far.
  • ghostieboi6969
    ghostieboi6969 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I’m ghost, (they/them) And I just signed up. I’m currently 163 pounds. My goal weight is 140 pounds. I wish everyone luck.
  • 222shrapnel222
    222shrapnel222 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2021
    I'm trying to figure out what's going on on this website🤔
    I've been exercising for a while now. But I really needed something to boost up my exercise habits. I needed a community. This is the best one I've seen.
  • FocusedNotFinished
    FocusedNotFinished Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    Just signed up here. I will be starting Exante on Monday - would love to meet some others on the plan so we can support each other. 💕
  • amyallyn1
    amyallyn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Message me if you need an accountability buddy!
  • blair698
    blair698 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am hoping to get to grips and get rid my weight once and for all. I am really struggling with motivation and energy.
  • mikethewriter
    mikethewriter Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all! I am new here. Looking forward to hearing health related tips.
  • sarahjoegklc6
    sarahjoegklc6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m new here just started yesterday.
  • hnrygtch
    hnrygtch Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. Found this through Nerd Fitness. Trying to gain weight from 50kg to 55kg in a month or so. Male btw. Any help or tips on gaining is pretty much welcome.
  • Btrflydog
    Btrflydog Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hi I'm moving over from SparkPeople. This site looks promising. Still figuring it out.
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 161 Member
    Can't seem to get my butt in gear. I'm doing well with nutrition but can't seem to get motivated for outdoor walks. I do alright with the step glider and dumbbells for exercise, but I'm just barely squeezing in my minimum 5k steps each day and with an outdoor walk I usually top 9k. Time to draw on the motivational reserves. Here's a picture of a baby sunflower about to be born that was taken on a walk around the garden a few days ago.

  • livimil
    livimil Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everybody! This ain't my first go round with weightloss but this will be the go round that counts the most! Looking forward to making friends to motivate each other!