

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie I love buttercream frosting, it's my favorite. .2 lbs is basically maintaining! You can sneeze and it will come off. ;) Yay for tracking! Thanks, you are right: food wasn't even in my fore thought. I did okay at work. :)

    @theslightedgeforever That's nice that your son is here. That's going to happen to me when my brother comes in a few weeks and then him and his family leave and my best friend comes 3 days later. Of course, they can't stay in my condo because we have an aggressive dog. But I have to entertain them all the time they are here. Where are you going on vacation to? Congrats on losing! Woot woot! Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. I would rather wear that mask than be stuck at home, too!

    @TeresaW1020 Me too, it will be hard to swallow if they don't accept it. The mandate is dropped as of today but you still have to wear it if the business says you do. ;) I will add Downton Abbey to my list. How's your back doing with the tabata? I hate spiders!

    Hello all. We arranged for an electrician to come out and give us an estimate on installing a Ring on our old doorbell this morning but we can't find the Ring! It's around here somewhere, I suppose we'll have a good look in a little bit. I sure hope we find it. I did well at work yesterday: I didn't get into the vending machines but I did go to the cafe. I only went to the cafe because I didn't have anything to pack for snacks and I wanted to buy hardboiled eggs. I bought the eggs right after breakfast (so I wasn't hungry and tempted to get something else). When I went to eat them, one of them was rotten! I was so mad. It was all gray and green. :( I didn't eat that one, I threw it away. But then I ended up really hungry until lunchtime. Oh well.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I didn't do anything yesterday. It was 113 here, I had to go out a couple of times and the heat just drained me. I also got into the cake...UGH. However, I know today will be better.

    @trooworld I am so sorry the egg was bad..but you held your ground! LOL. Maintaining is still better than gaining. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever You should just not want a routine..LOL. KIDDING. I can understand how you feel about having company or no routine all the time.. :). It's a little hard for us folks that are set in our ways. :wink: Congrats on the loss!!

    @TeresaW1020 I laughed about the PITA and starbucks..I bet that was funny. I hope you feel better today.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Yaay on not getting something from the vending machines. You were hungry but you survived. That is how you lose weight. Not giving into impulses. I'm not going anywhere exciting just to MN to see my daughter. I've never been to her new home. Maybe later take a trip to see cbabie so I can nag her in person about healthy eating and exercise. ;) Although my dd wants a roadtrip while I'm there so we'll see. My son was telling me yesterday about Ring saying we need to install one.

    @cbabie I'm learning routine breaks are like holidays. There seems to be one around every corner. If I keep going off plan because of them, no wonder it's taken me years to get to goal. I just have to do it despite company, holidays, etc. I've said no to Oreos two days in a row now. So I've put them on my plan for tomorrow as a snack.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 You'll eventually figure out your numbers. Great job on the exercise. If I hadn't got skin cancer smack in the middle of my face, I'd be laying out too getting a good tan. I look so much better. But every time I look in the mirror it reminds me. HA on the pita. I might have to steal it and start calling hubby that.

    179/238 Green
    Rest Day
    25% water
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie Oh gosh, I wouldn't do anything in that heat, either! Today will be better. I did hold my ground! Maintaining is better than gaining.

    @theslightedgeforever I did survive. I was grumpy but I survived! That's good you'll get to see your daughter. And you should go bug cbabie in person! LOL Yeah we've had the Ring for a couple of years but haven't done anything with it. Time to use it.

    Hello all. Like cbabie, it was hot here too, at 4:00 pm, it was 97F! Needless to say, we slept with our portable air conditioner on for the first time this year. For breakfast this week, I am making acai bowls and it is soothing in this heat but I keep getting a brain freeze because I need to slow down but don't lol. Here's a pic of one of my bowls.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld That acai bowl looks good. I'm going to try and make one when I go visit my dd and show her how to make it. anything refreshing would be good in the heat. Have you been staying within your points this week?

    I'm all off on my days. I thought it was Tuesday. I walked 31 min on Monday and not a rest day. Tuesday was 0 minutes.

    157/164 Yellow
    42 min walk
    50% water

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited June 2021
    2cbabie@ Ugghhh the heat!! We have a gorgeous day today but yesterday it was 88 and muggy. :s

    @trooworld that acai bowl looks like a work of art!! You really should be a food blogger! Ugghh brain freeze is a killer! :D

    @theslightedgeforever I hear you on the skin cancer and have had a change of heart with the laying out in the actual sun. I’ve gone back to the self-tanner. I don’t love it but it is safer and wayyyyy less hot. 😉 We call the dog Little Pita. :D

    Hello! Not much going on today. I’m loving my new workout program! It’s called Control Freak Off the Wall and it uses weights and Tabata cardio. There is the density portion where I do as many rounds as possible of 5 different moves in a race against the clock. There is the complex portion where I do back-to-back exercises without rest using weights. And then there is Tabata which is intense but fun. The workouts are under 30 minutes, so I’ve been adding in some treadmill walks too. And with the Data Driven Fasting things are going better now that I’ve come to the realization that it’s still like IF. It’s just now I don’t decide when to open my window and eat. My blood glucose decides for me. Since starting this I haven’t done any afternoon snacking and have kept my two meals a day to high protein with moderate carbs and fats. So, I figure with all this healthy eating and hard workouts my weight will get with the program sooner or later. Just wish it would be sooner. :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @theslightedgeforever They are really good. Here's the recipe I used: I am -1 for the week, due to an indulgence on Saturday. But the scale has been trending down this week.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I once thought I would start a blog and I posted one post but decided it was too much work lol. I love the name of your workout. Yeah I'm sure your weight will start going down once your body adjusts.

    Hello all. I'm eager for the weekend to come even though it will go by quickly. I got into snacks yesterday and just realized I didn't track my snacks so @theslightedgeforever, I am more negative than that. I will go track my snacks. Back, I am currently -21 pts for the week. :( My goal today is to not snack on anything but fruit.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I thought I had posted yesterday. We had a storm hit here night before last, not sure we got any rain, but we got the wind!!! Pool full of leaves, twigs, flower petals, etc. Yard was a mess, umbrellas knocked I spent the day mopping my floors and cleaning the back yard and pool. I almost got too hot...but baby girl made me come in..LOL

    @trooworld Your bowl looks refreshing!!! I had to read what acai-bowl was. congrats on the scale going down.

    @TeresaW1020 I too like the name of your program..LOL. Glad you like it and your getting into your groove. It's good nothing is going on..I like peaceful!! LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You are getting your moves ON...great job. Good job on the carbs.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 Eventually the scale will have to move. Just think of all the good habits you are making.

    @trooworld Hooray for trending downward scales. Oh just read about the snacks. Just a slip. Acknowledged and moving onward.

    @cbabie At least you were moving doing all of that clean up. That burns calories. I know it's hot there but what are you going to do towards planned exercises? How about jogging in place in the pool while the little one plays next to you? You can always do arm exercises in the pool too using the water as resistance.

    I had to take mil to the eye dr today for regular check up. While I was there I had him look at my eye. I have a stye I think. I woke up on Tuesday with my eye hurting and a small red bump in the lower inner corner. So I started antibiotic cream left over from my shingles and warm compresses. Tea bags too. lol Under my eye is swelling now just like it did with the shingles I'm starting to look like Quasimodo again. But he said it's not shingles. I need to go get those shingles vaccines. Dh said I'm like an old car....once you get too much mileage on it you fix one thing and the something else needs fixing. That's the way I'm feeling lately.

    165/164 Yellow
    42 min walk
    25% water

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie Oh dear, that must have been scary. Do you ever get tornadoes? The bowl is refreshing! Thanks, I hope it stays down until tomorrow lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I'm onward! Oh that eye sounds painful. You DO need to get the shingles vaccine, you don't want to get it again. What model of old car are you? I would be a VW Bug, I think. Not that I drive one, but that's my personality. ;)

    Hello all. I did not snack yesterday at all and had this Crunchy Thai Peanut & Quinoa Salad (added chicken) for dinner, it was really delicious: My weight is the lowest it's been since the beginning of May. Tonight is going to be busy: we have to go to the grocery store, I need to make my husband's birthday cake, and we have to ready 3 paintings for drop off at a gallery tomorrow. There is no guarantee they will make it into the show, but I'll try.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all!! I did horrible was a bummer day. Today is a new day and I don't give up that easy.

    @theslightedgeforever No I can't do pool exercises with baby girl, she is not ready to not be held while in the pool. I will just keep trying to do SOMETHING. Hope your eye feels better and I hope a Dr never tells me that..LOL. Even if I am the older sister.

    @trooworld We really don't get tornadoes, one time a couple of years ago they said maybe we did..but we get dust devils, HUGE dust storms. One year it was like a WALL of dust ran over the was horrible. No real warning... how exciting do drop your paintings off!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie Yup today is a new day and you can turn it around. <3

    @trooworld Wahhhooo that your weight is at itslowest. My fingers are crossed that your painting will be accepted! B)

    @theslightedgeforever Yikes, I hope your eye gets better soon! Do get the Shingles shot. DH got it and will kick your butter but it’s better than suffering through the Shingles. And tell your DH that you are NOT an old car! You are a classic who needs lots of TLC. :p

    Hello! Not much going on here. I had a half-pound gain this week, which is frustrating because my eating was great, and I’ve been doing the new workout. I do think it’s possible I’m not eating enough with the workouts that I’m doing and of course my muscles have been hurting all week. Whatever, I’m keeping on and the scale will get with the program eventually. I spent a good portion of the day trying to finish this awful puzzle that my sweet DH got me. I’m over halfway done and determined to finish it and move on to something more enjoyable. :grin:
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie No, never give up! Every day is a new day. I hope today is better for you! Dust devils sound horrible. I can't imagine driving when hit with a dust devil. Yes, I'm excited I just hope they accept them!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Half pound, that is basically maintaining but I know it's frustrating. I hope you have a good day with your puzzle.

    HI all. I lost 2 lbs this week, so I'm happy about that. I made a good veggie soup for dinner last night. I have such a busy day: WW meeting, acupuncture, the gallery, and then we are going over to my brother-in-law's apartment to celebrate my husband's birthday.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Yaaay on no snacking. I think I'd be a '64 Mustang convertible. Lots of fun to drive. Fingers crossed on the gallery. Hooray for your weight loss.

    @cbabie So here's something to work on. Salvaging the day. If you mess up earlier in the day instead of saying I'll just start again tomorrow; I already it blew it for the day this is what can happen.

    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals and a donut 800 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals, a donut, and a dish of ice cream 1200 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals, a donut, a dish of ice cream, and a big candy bar 1500 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals, a donut, a dish of ice cream, a big candy bar, and a bag of chips 2000 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals, a donut, a dish of ice cream, a big candy bar, a bag of chips, 3 pieces of cheese 2300 cals
    Large piece of frosted cake 500 cals, a donut, a dish of ice cream, a big candy bar, a bag of chips, 3 pieces of cheese, 2 choc chip cookies, a large muffin, 3 T PB, and a soft pretzel 3500 cals

    If you stopped after the cake and then got back on plan for the day, look how many calories you can save.

    @teresaw1020 Just keep tweaking your program. You'll figure it out. It's entirely possible you aren't eating enough. Just move it up slowly by adding in extra protein, or fruits, or veggies.

    185/164 Yellow
    20 min walking
    50% water

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Yayyy on your loss this week! Are you enjoying the WW meetings and getting good info for you to use? I did like the weekly scale accountability the most about going in person. Have fun celebrating DHs B-day!! :)

    @theslightedgeforever Girl, we are almost the same except I would be a ‘66 Mustang convertible. That is the year I was born and the car my first boyfriend drove. I’ve always wanted one and when DH and I go to antique car shows it’s the car I seek out to lust over. Mmm, now I really want a large piece of frosted cake!! :D

    Well, of course, the scale moved down almost a pound this morning the day after weigh-in. I’m just starting early for next week’s big loss! I also lost a half-inch off my waist, which is one of the measurements the DDF challenge has us track. My workout this morning was Control Freak triceps and chest, and I did 20 minutes on the treadmill. Most of the day, I worked on that insufferable puzzle and binged watch Top Chef Just Desserts. I just love a good cut throat challenge show! :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's a good car. Yes, lots of fun to drive. Thanks about the gallery.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Yes, I am enjoying the meetings. I am getting some good info, but a lot of it I already know since I've been in WW so long. But the comments from the group really help. Oh geez, that's too bad about the scale. But yes, it's getting a jump start on your next weigh-in. My husband loves Top Chef. ;)

    Hello all. I dropped off my pieces at the gallery and should know on Thursday if they accepted them. I ate a light lunch yesterday (veggie soup) so I could enjoy myself for my husband's birthday. We had Thai food and I made a lemon cake. Everything was really good. My stomach was messed up from it all though.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all...I am still around & reading posts, but guess I just haven't felt like posting anything. Still a few things to test on the elimination diet, I have kind of slacked off on it. It was pretty constricting, especially since nothing seemed to change.

    @trooworld Beautiful picture at the art gallery. Hope your works get in the next one. Happy Birthday to your DH.

    @TeresaW1020 Yay for losing the pound & the half inch. I would almost be more excited about the half inch, it would help clothes.

    @cbabie Wow, I am envious of your pool, altho I know they are much appreciated in AZ. I love to swim! Havent tried the public pool here yet this year. (they were closed last year of course, but are open now)

    @theslightedgeforever Wow, now I want cake, too, but you could keep the frosting. Glad you are back with your program again. Is it a big adjustment with DH home all the time?

    We have gone to OK a few times this spring which is not helping the weight loss. Dd & gkids will be coming here on 6-30 for about 3 weeks. Hope it goes well... the gkids here & the gkids there are so different, it can be trying.

    Found out the 14 yr old GD got her Covid shots. Guess the 2nd one really made her sick for a few days. She's the one that DD thinks maybe had Covid way at the beginning, even tho at that time, it wasn't a diagnosis.

    I am still doing pretty well with my walking, although now that it has gotten hot, it is more on the treadmill than outside. (bummer!) Haven't been quite as diligent with food, so my weight has pretty much stayed the same. But maintaining is still OK, lol. Trying to eat more healthily & hopefully then the weight will come off. We are trying to get pumpkins going again this year (guess we never learn, lol), but DH says this is definitely the last year. Yup, that's what we said last year, too, lol. Have green beans, zucchini, & tomatoes growing here, but nothing from them yet.

    Hope everyone has a good week & I will try to be a little more chatty.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 Woohoo on the weight loss. That's why we're here. That along with a healthy body. I thought that cake thing was a good visual. I always tell myself I'll start tomorrow and then think of it later as I just had one day off plan but it could be worth a couple of days if I ate like that. lol

    @trooworld That's great that you planned ahead and ate a light meal in preparation for a heavier meal.

    @retiredandlovingit We missed you. Well how about shooting for 1/2 lb a week loss. What one little thing could you do to cut off 50 or 100 calories a day? I could keep the frosting and give up the cake. lol We are doing a little construction project outside so he's busy with that but he's also more stressed so I get all the blowback. Yaaay me. I'm adjusting. I guess thank God for covid cause it gave me a 6 month pre-trial. All the times I say I want grandkids, I hear my mom saying, Be careful what you wish for. lol My kids used to fight with the cousins at times. I would leave and take my kids somewhere when I knew my sil was coming over to my mil's house just to avoid trouble at times. I'm glad they are vaccinating the teens. At least you keep trying with the garden. Healthy food at home.

    208/238 Green
    30 min walk
    25% water
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt I'm sorry you haven't really found out anything on the elimination diet. Thanks, I hope I do get in, too! Thank you, he had a good day yesterday. That's good that you've been spending so much time with family and that DD and company will be coming to see you. That's funny about the pumpkins. :) Nice to hear from you.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes but it didn't turn out that way. :/ More below.

    Hi all. I had *planned* on having a light breakfast and lunch so I could enjoy DH's special dinner with no guilt but life happens: DH wanted pancakes and sausage for breakfast so that's what we had. I didn't have lunch. For dinner, he hand-ground chunks of beef into sirloin burgers. He even made the hamburger buns! It was delicious. We usually have leftovers for lunch but I'm actually going to buy lunch at my work's cafe.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS