Less Alcohol ~ JUNE 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Stressful day after all. Morning funeral for a friend's husband + when my mom (84) drove in Thursday late afternoon we realized that she needed to go to the doc after her fall Wednesday morning (stubborn woman) so Friday morning talked her out of getting her nails done and going to the doc instead ... she ended up with surgery last night for a broken wrist + the party for DD and her husband.
    Ended up with 2 margaritas ... 1 when I arrived and 1 with dinner then switched to water.

    June accountability: 8/30 days AF
    Alcohol: 10 days (24 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.

    6/1 - AF
    6/2 - 2 wine
    6/3 - 5 … 1 beer + 3 wine + 1 Benedictine @ New Orleans
    6/4 - 4 … 3 wine + 1 Whiskey Diet Coke @ New Orleans
    6/5 - 4 … 1 whiskey sour + 3 wine @ Wedding in Natchez
    6/6 - 2 wine
    6/7 - AF
    6/8 - AF
    6/9 - AF
    6/10 - AF
    6/11 - 1 wine @ 1 year anniversary party for goddaughter
    6/12 - 1 wine
    6/13 - AF
    6/14 - AF
    6/15 - 1 wine
    6/16 - AF @ Book Club
    6/17 - 2 wine (SKIPPED ZTA Sisters Unwine'd @ Unwine’d Wine & Cheese Lounge)
    6/18 - 2 margaritas @ Another celebration for DD. Fiesta planned in 2020 before her wedding that had to be postponed. The 9 couples (friends of my son in law’s mom) hosting are insisting on a party to celebrate their wedding as well as an excuse to party and get together after a year of the pandemic.

    Oh your poor mom! Hope she recovery well and quickly. She’s lucky she had you to drag her to the doctors!!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @Womona - Thank you ... she is one tough cookie :)
    My sister & I were thinking of canceling our trip this week but she insists. So bundling her in the car Tuesday morning and off we go our our Girls Trip to Hot Springs AR.