

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,615 Member
    Good morning! It is Friday! I thought yesterday was-oops. 3 hours of online training last night. Yuck! No time at work to train, therefore, I hold all of our certifications as I am the only one willing to do after work. Old mechanic thinks he knows it all (he knows lots but refreshers never hurt!) Other is my son in law who has 2 teenagers and no time for after work training. 3 advanced courses due by end of month. They weren't available until springtime. Really, like who has time to train then. SMH
    Was hoping to catch up on work this weekend, but DH may have other plans.....
    Same old same old here.
    Have a Blessed day!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,500 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Barbara - Good to see you! Was worried about you--it's seldom we don't see you for nearly a week at a time.

    Rori - Glad to see you! So love your hair like that. It sounds like Santa Barbara was a healing journey for you, and I'm so glad. Regarding the hanging of a t-shirt quilt (or any quilt), you want to distribute the weight...
    A simple cloth tube fastened by machine or hand-sewn across the back of the top of the quilt, with a few inches room on each side, then a dowel of sufficient size to hold the quilt threaded through the sleeve that's been created. You can make it completely invisible. In the spoiler, you'll see a tapestry I created for a local coffee shop/ music venue to display all the band t-shirts from their first two years. I created a sleeve on the very top, as it was always meant to hang from a wall. They threaded through a large metal pipe (to suit the decor) and suspended it with chains from the ceiling. Unfortunately, the pandemic shut them down.

    Glad it's Friday--no farmer's market tomorrow, as it's the holiday weekend here. Not looking forward to the noise on the 4th--one of the few true drawbacks of living right in the middle of a very small town is that city hall and the city park, which is where they set them off, are only a few hundred yards away. Ah well - only happens at New Year and July 4th. Could be worse.

    Talking to my doctor this afternoon - do love the fact that I can get a phone appointment so much easier than an in-person one. Want to go over all the meds--I'm taking a lot of them right now, and I want to make sure there are no interactions. For instance, the last antibiotic they put me on interacts with the anti-diarrhea medication they had me on, and had a high incidence of shingles in women who take both. The docs never said a word, I had to look it up myself, take myself off the Imodium for the two weeks I was on the antibiotics.

    Need to go across the river this morning to Fort Smith and pick up a few bottles of wine. We're a dry county on this side of the river, no alcohol sales except in restaurants.

    Also want to be at the hair salon at noon to get a cut--the hairdresser who does it best will be there at noon, want to be her first one in the chair. Then home for a shower, then the doctor appointment.

    Busiest day I've had in a while!

    Later, y'all,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Morning Ladies
    When Alfie wants to get up there is no sleeping in..
    Anyway my watch says I got close to 7 hrs sleep ill take it
    Dan works 8-2 today and 1-7 tomorrow so i will be carting him back and forth..
    I am thinking i will block Jean on Facebook, makes my life alot easier
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! Doing the Friday dance, here! I had a new toddler join my crew this week. He is actually the nephew of one of my former childcare kids. He is settling in okay. Just turned two and never been in a childcare setting. SO...he has had a busy week of learning lots of new things (social skills being the most important, right now). He is a first child/only child and has obviously "ran the roost" at home (as many first/only kids tend to do). But within the first couple of days he learned to drink from a regular cup, learned to sit at the table for meals, learned to lie still during diaper changes, and learned to come when I call his name. All in all...that is a good two days of learning! His mom informed me that their pediatrician referred them to a speech/behavior analyst and they labeled him as "on the spectrum". *groan* I by no means want to disregard the speech/behavior profession or the children that are on the spectrum; but it really grinds my gears when they put that label on a 24 month old. Yes, he is always moving; but he is two. Yes, is loud and emits squeals at times; he is two. Yes, he loves to roll and spin things; he is two. No, he isn't talking yet; but he is two (and babbles constantly). In the week that I have been with him, I have seen him do all of those things listed above. But I have also seen him sit and focus on a toy/book for a while. I have seen him quiet, I have watched him learn, I have watched him play and do other things that don't involve spinning/rolling. I have watched ALL of my kiddos spin and roll toys/themselves because they are toddlers. I wish people could just let their kids do things in their own time. I really think social media is quite damaging for those families with kiddos that are not early talkers/doers. Sorry, rant over. lol It has been an interesting week back to work, after my vacay. I actually got the call on Monday, asking if I had an opening for this child. Mom came and picked up paperwork that night and child was with me beginning Tuesday morning! That fast!
    Another interesting thing happened in my extended family. My older brother's family (parents of Ben and Ethan, high school track stars) has a realtor friend who asked if he could show a couple their home. Apparently this couple is looking for a home and was hesitant to buy a "fixer upper", so realtor friend wanted to show my brother's home so that this couple could see what could be accomplished by ordinary people. ANYWAY...the couple went through the house and then asked my brother and his wife if they would be willing to sell! The couple offered them $280k for the house! This is a house built in the 20s or 30s on a small lot in the city. My brother and his wife bought it two years ago for $96k and put $10k worth of work/improvements. SO... they accepted the offer! They live in the next town over from me. Another little lakeside summer resort/type town. Hmmm...makes me think I should have our home appraised again...
    Happy belated birthday, Allie!
    Rori, Rita, Barbara, Penny- Always great to hear your voices! Sending lots of love to you all!
    Pip- How was the double birthday bash? I saw the pics; did I miss the details?

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!

    Kids arriving! I better fly! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    edited July 2021
    Yo peeps. Someone asked me why am I running at a slow pace for a short distance. I am pretty confident that I can do 5 or 10 miles in my usual pace but if I did after not consistently running, I would kill myself. My calves would be screaming. Doing it this way, I’m easing into it and I won’t feel any pain. My fastest mile in the last few days since I started was a 9.30 min mi just to see how I would feel. With all the walking and riding the spin bike one would think there shouldn’t be a big problem, but the muscles are used with different intensity so it does make a difference, at least for me it does.

    I usually have been only weighing myself after my workouts. I’ve decided to weigh in the morning and after workouts. Just like I thought, I loose 2-3 lbs after the workout for the day. crazy..

    We r going to b spending more $$$. Along with redoing the front patio, we were going to do cement stamping but I decided to do pavers instead. There are pipes underneath in the ground and if we or the condo association needed to get to them they would have to break up the cement that we paid for and would have to do it again. We are also going to color and paint the back cement patio with epoxy. Kirby does like how dull the kitchen floor is so we are going to epoxy the kitchen floor, gotta think about the colors that I want for all these areas. And finally, gonna epoxy the garage floor, also paint and redo the ceiling. All this will cost about 6-7k. It will be done when we go to Washington for the MS ride so when we live the car and Bette will b out of the garage and when we come back it will b nice and fresh. We won’t have to move anything either, bonus.

    Speaking of the MS ride, I’ve stayed stagnant with my donation raiding, still at $245. Since I am not working, I don’t have access to my work contacts anymore, oh well
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    edited July 2021
    You cant keep letting people suck the life out of you if you keep handing them the straw...
    My motto ,especially with my SIL. Her father left her with quite a burden saying not to put there mother in a nursing home, he left a very large trust fund so that wouldnt happen,she lost one brother 12 yrs ago and the other has mental health issues so she has to deal with a mom with Alzheimer's ,pay all the bills and take care of all the trust paperwork,so yes she is under alot of stress ,but she is also mean and a bully..so like I said distancing myself from her for my well being is the best I can do
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,099 Member
    Lost a pound since last week! Yay! And that's without walking. The wet carpet is now on the back porch, smelling hideous, like some chemical off gassing. Walking barefoot on concrete is not gonna happen, so I guess I need shoes. I put it off long enough!

    Today is Teddy's vet visit. He's getting older so I'm nervous as to what might show up. But he seems happy and healthy to me.

    I have two lunches in the next week that haven't settled on a date. And a possible trip to the airport. Time to get definite, people!

    And Machka yes there was an awful high rise condo collapse outside Miami. Over a hundred people are still missing, presumably crushed by falling floors of concrete. Now they are going back over the building inspection reports and finding known structural damage. It's truly horrible.
    Prayers for the survivors and rescuers. It really puts my little wet carpet in perspective.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • JustKeepTryingNeverGiveUp
    JustKeepTryingNeverGiveUp Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2021

    ((Need to go across the river this morning to Fort Smith and pick up a few bottles of wine. We're a dry county on this side of the river, no alcohol sales except in restaurants. ))

    Lisa, I used to work at Fort Smith Lumber many, many moons ago...I was pregnant with my son when we moved to Lavaca, AR. I quit the lumber yard about a week before the tornado hit and blew the whole thing away.

    So glad it's Friday! Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday this weekend. Will chat more this evening :)

    Candy LA

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jenn - Two pounds lost is not shameful, it is progress. :flowerforyou:

    Candy in LA - It has been unusually hot but today we have cooler temperatures and overcast skies. It is still early, but a cooler day will be welcome. :star:

    Rori - I am glad that you were able to enjoy your time in CA and scatter a small tin of DH’s remains from Stearns Wharf. It seems fitting for him and I’m sure he’d approve. Kayaking with your niece sounds like fun for both of you. :heart:

    Pip - “Proudly serving whatever you brought” is witty and fun. Nice gift! :bigsmile:

    Penny - Change your signature if you wish. I would keep it if I was in your situation. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki – Our sweet old dog was terrified of fireworks, so we went out of town and camped in a county park where no fireworks are allowed. It was good for him and for us. He has passed away and I still miss him. :ohwell:

    Today is a busy day for us DH has a doctor’s appointment this morning and our new microwave and oven combination is to be delivered today. The old one wore out after 25 years of use. The new appliance is supposed to arrive between 2 pm and 6 pm today. We will be home in plenty of time. A local business will haul away the old microwave/oven set and install the new one. The old one died a few weeks ago after 25 years of service.

    Katla in NW Oregon