Welcome New Members!



  • trangc901
    trangc901 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! New here and trying to figure out this app.
  • MikeRunsDaily2021
    MikeRunsDaily2021 Posts: 68 Member
    Back on MFP again. Looking for some dedicated friends. I am a very dedicated runner who runs seven days a week and strength trains five days a week. Looking for people who are looking at getting faster. I’d like to lower my body fat percentage and increase my top and speed. Feel free to send me a friend request if that something you’re working on as well.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 635 Member
    you can do this Janeymay79!
  • dawningistheday
    dawningistheday Posts: 2 Member
    Here trying to get healthy and make healthy friends. I've had an account for almost ten years, and with intermittent success, but I'm now resetting once more and trying to do it again.
  • CharlieFBruno1085
    CharlieFBruno1085 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, My name is Charlie Bruno and I am a Fitness Instructor and Entertainer. I have been on again off again user in MFP. Please feel free to add me as a friend and let’s motivate each other.
  • mattruss552
    mattruss552 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm new and just saying "Hello"!

    I'm new as well and would welcome some new friends
  • JMinJordan
    JMinJordan Posts: 5 Member
    Dear All, New to MFP. I started last Thursday. I’m trying to lose 55 lbs. I’m on track for 2 lbs this week. I can see from the app that staying within my calories is not a challenge for me, exercising is. I used to be an avid runner 20 yrs ago. I have a treadmill (which is not the same as running outside). Mostly it’s motivating myself to run during the week after work I find difficult. I don’t know how to add friends yet, but when I do I will start looking for motivation buddies! Thanks for sharing about yourselves! It helps to feel I am with other people fighting the good fight!
  • JMinJordan
    JMinJordan Posts: 5 Member
    Back on MFP again. Looking for some dedicated friends. I am a very dedicated runner who runs seven days a week and strength trains five days a week. Looking for people who are looking at getting faster. I’d like to lower my body fat percentage and increase my top and speed. Feel free to send me a friend request if that something you’re working on as well.

    Don’t you need rest days? I have never heard of people running every day. Is that common or are you promoting every day running? I used to run most days when I was 15-25 (20 yrs ago). I bought a treadmill 6 mo ago and am running 5km 3x a week. I’m working on adding more days!
  • Handsome_Kyle11
    Handsome_Kyle11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello guys. I'm new here and just want to try this app to motivate me to change my bad habits of doing nothing :D . I want to gain some weight but I keep procrastinating lol. Let's do our best!
  • taylormoneymac
    taylormoneymac Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I have had a MFP for over 10 years now. However, I have never been consistent. I decided to create a brand new one to get a fresh start. I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease and I was also told I needed to lose over 50 pounds. I started a calorie deficit diet and I started incorporating working out this week. I have a follow up appointment next month and I am hoping that I will have at least lost several pounds to show some progress

    CW: 182.4
    GW: 150

    I do hope to lose more weight after reaching my 150 goal but I wanted to start somewhere that I felt was reasonable.

  • ryoder6614
    ryoder6614 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Well, I've decided to get serious about this journey TODAY! I have been dipping my toe in this water for long enough. Today is the day that I have decided to dive in. Over the past year since the onset of this COVID season, I have allowed myself to get discouraged and checked out. Well no more. I have put on too much weight and my clothes are not fitting and my body looks too big and old for my young mind. I want to live an active lifestyle and slim down to a healthier me. Today is the day! Thank you for all the encouragement and help along the way. Be blessed!
  • MikeRunsDaily2021
    MikeRunsDaily2021 Posts: 68 Member
    Back on MFP again. Looking for some dedicated friends. I am a very dedicated runner who runs seven days a week and strength trains five days a week. Looking for people who are looking at getting faster. I’d like to lower my body fat percentage and increase my top and speed. Feel free to send me a friend request if that something you’re working on as well.

    Don’t you need rest days? I have never heard of people running every day. Is that common or are you promoting every day running? I used to run most days when I was 15-25 (20 yrs ago). I bought a treadmill 6 mo ago and am running 5km 3x a week. I’m working on adding more days!

    @jmolina1920 so I do run everyday, but the key for me to not get injured is to make sure a lot of my moles are at an easy/ relaxed pace. This keeps me healthy. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but I know it’s somewhat common. A lot of people with too streaks that last several years. Just need to balance your runs and maintaining body
  • dawningistheday
    dawningistheday Posts: 2 Member
    I used to run a lot too. At my peak I ran 4-5 5k's a week. I wouldn't be able to do that every day but I could see doing 2 miles a day or something at a relaxed pace. However it is hills for days everywhere where I live, so that makes it a bit more daunting.
  • Atinyowl
    Atinyowl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm here for round 2. I had success in the past, but also went too aggressively. I'm back now and committed and already am seeing progress after a week and a half :smile:
    MILLERSPARKPEOPLE Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, I'm Miller. I came over from SparkPeople. I had total knee replacement surgery six weeks ago (had the other knee done 3 yrs ago) so am just starting to feel much better with less pain and more function. My plans for the remainder of the summer are to eat when hungry, stop when full (not overly so), and walk or read inspirational books when in need of emotional comfort (instead of eating!). I'm joining the BLC Challenge this fall and am looking forward to that. Now that I have two good knees for the first time in a decade, I want to make walking my new hobby. My family and I have decided, together, that we want more veggies in our meals and no more buying empty calorie foods. I look forward to learning about everything myfitnesspal has to offer and in supporting others on their healthy journeys, too.
  • sheiladerksen
    sheiladerksen Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, first time ever trying something like this. I'm 148kg, do water walking almost every day, eat less than 1000 calories/day and drink 2litres of water but still can't lose weight. This program is telling me I need to eat 2120 calories a day and I'm wondering if that is right. Anybody else feeling this way?
  • elspectre
    elspectre Posts: 26 Member
    Good evening folks. For most of my life I've been big, but never let it limit me. With age (today is my 45th), size has caught up with me, so I'm serious about losing weight and improving general health. Goal is to lost 100 by my next birthday, and about twice that, long term. Nice to meet everyone!
  • paulpriya436
    paulpriya436 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank You for your warm welcome
  • alisonhenry83
    alisonhenry83 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone 👋🏼 I joined mfp a few years ago but never got the hang off it. I’m now back and ready to take on the challenge 💪🏼 My weight gain has just crept on slowly from having my children and I’ve tried various diets with some success but I’m never able to stick to them. I’m really going to try hard and keep motivated this time though.
    Would love to make new friends and we can motivate each other 🥰
  • mamachanged37
    mamachanged37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone new here and trying to get back on track with my weight loss