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Does your doctor comment on your weight?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    EyeOTS wrote: »
    It's weird that people accept that the BMI is terrible and inacurrate but also seem to be defending it's use. Being over weight CAN be a major health issue. But since it's that big of a deal, shouldn't we want accurate measurments and guidelines?
    I agree with you to a point. I hate BMI as a standard because for me it COSTS me more money. How? Well my life insurance policy is higher due to me being "very overweight and bordeline obese" based on BMI. And there's NO WAY if you saw in me real life that you'd say that.
    I would prefer if we had BODY FAT PERCENTAGE measured accurately as a more usable standard. Lol, but could you imagine how some people would flip out over that? Finding out they could be 40% body fat and still think they aren't unhealthy?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Prediction: if we went to that system, we'd quickly have people telling us that body fat wasn't a reliable indicator, that it didn't tell you how fit someone was, etc etc.

    Many of the people who are critical of BMI would be equally opposed to any sort of metric because the goal isn't to introduce a more accurate system of measurement, the idea is to attack and discredit the idea that there should be ANY system that's identifying people who are at risk due to weight/body composition.
    Agree with you completely.
    I do have clients that state they want to get to say 10%-15% body fat and super fit with abs. And when I take their age and current health into consideration, I let them know that while possible, the amount of change in their life may be quite drastic to achieve it. Especially if they are near the obese category on BMI.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited July 2021
    Has your doc ever suggested you lose weight? If so, were you offended?

    I asked my doc if she ever suggested people lose weight, eat better, exercise more, etc. She said that her answer would be mostly "No." When I asked her why she explained that being a doctor is a business and if she would critique each patients weight, she is sure she would lose patients, especially the easily offended ones. She also said if the patient asks her opinion about their weight, should would gladly help them with a diet/exercise plan.

    My current GP first met me when I was about 160 and beginning to have problems with my balance. That was just over twelve years ago.

    I had been on a weight loss journey then. I was running almost daily, and was in decent shape. Running. And did I mention the unicycle??? My true exercise love since I was a tween?

    She watched as I got larger and larger.
    Not once did she mention weight. Diet was mentioned. And alcohol. And I could see disbelief when I would say I rarely drink. Or that generally my diet was decent. (Obviously I was eating more than I was expending, but that was because of increasing disability) And a couple times in the early days I had to fight to get my thyroid meds properly adjusted. I also had to fight so much for my ADHD meds that I just stopped taking them and that hasn’t been my best decision either.

    She also asked me what kinds of activities I liked. When I said I liked walking on the beach with my partner she told me that was “too dangerous” and that was my last walk on the beach. At the time I was using two canes.
    When I told her I enjoyed using my small chainsaw to cut trash trees in my yard? She was absolutely aghast and told me I should not be using a chainsaw. The fact that it was very small, and I was sitting well braced on a firm seat? Meant nothing. So I stopped working in my yard.

    I got no diet advice. I got no referral to a nutritionist. I got no advice for exercise I could do And - crucially - when I said something like “well, I feel like kitten all the time so it’s kind of hard to tell…” she didn’t order any blood tests except thyroid.

    I developed a fatty liver. My cholesterol went up, which is against my genetics. And my BP went up, also against my genetics. All with no apparent concern from my GP.

    Physical therapists I got sent to clearly thought I was faking my balance issues. Completely ignoring the fact that I used to unicycle all the time so my baseline balance is excellent.

    Meanwhile I have other issues that the doctors just roll their eyes when I mention because obviously I’m fat. So I must just be looking for attention…. A hypochondriac.
    Which is why I can’t feel my toes now. Because the people I trusted to advise me just looked at my size and my mystery balance issue and decided I was fat and stupid and lazy.

    Doctors treating fat people as if being fat is their only problem is a very real issue. I was only a bit overweight when my current GP met me. And that was enough for her to mostly dismiss my concerns.

    Oh. And she’s one of the better ones in my area.

    That said? Body positivity is a good thing at any size. And doctors need to pay attention to their patients of all sizes
    They generally don’t. And that likely has some effect on why larger people have worse health outcomes.

    I know it absolutely was a factor in why I have neuropathy right now. If my doctor had encouraged exercise instead of shutting me down when I mentioned the things I liked to do even with my balance disorder? Or had encouraged me to find an assistive device that would make those activities safer in her eyes? Or had sent me to a nutritionist? Or done a simple fasting blood sugar???? I would have been able to reverse the diabetes in the early stages. I know this because my diet was already not that bad. And I was already exercising some. I just needed to be told to step it up a notch.

    I am diabetic in some part because my doctor chose not to encourage me to exercise. Chose to only look at my fat and not my symptoms And that’s a big problem for a lot of overweight people.

    Oh, this is a terrible story, I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse for not running a regular a1c, yet my doctor didn’t do it either.

    Did your neuropathy improve at all with good glucose control? I ask because I used to have neuropathy in my hands and it mostly disappeared after a year or so with good control.

    Off topic. I would love to explore in a different discussion if you need more information. But the answer is at this point is my control is super tight, has been since the diagnosis, and I’m only 4 months past diagnosis. AND the neuropathy may be caused by whatever is causing the balance issue and exacerbated by the diabetes but it’s still really too early to tell. But to me it felt as if it came on suddenly, and my glucose was never in the astronomical range. (A1C was 9.2 at diagnosis) and my doctor did change my chart from “diabetic neuropathy” to “idiopathic neuropathy” at my 3 month checkup. Without me mentioning it. And then she attempted to define “idiopathic” for me even though I didn’t ask and didn’t show any confusion when she used the word. I just smiled and said yes, I know.
    Ha ha classism …. :(

    There’s a type 2 diabetes group here. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1772-type-2-diabetes-support-group We can discuss neuropathy there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    I am late to the conversation here, but it just amazes me that people (both doctors and patients) have such an issue with the concept of the doctor mentioning the patient's weight. I am paying the doctor good money to help me manage my health in the best way possible, and as it has been well demonstrated and determined that excess weight is detrimental to my health, I EXPECT my doctor to mention it and then help me manage it - whether that be thru referrals to specialists or to simply schedule regular progress check-points to help keep me on top of the issue.

    I don't think the doc should be a total *kitten* about my weight and to be totally dismissive about any health concerns I currently have (you know - 'lose the weight and it will all go away'), but seriously, I ditched my previous doctor for the one I am now seeing because he would rather manage the symptoms (high blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol) than try and get rid of the cause of those symptoms. The doctor I am now seeing has been absolutely supportive and one of my best cheerleaders in actually losing the weight to solve the issues.
    Well at least that's one thing you'll get from me. No *kitten* footing about weight and how it can affect their long term health when I speak to a possible client. I do intros all the time and sometimes you need to let them know where they really stand because it's been dismissed for a long time and they hadn't had concerns until they come in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,153 Member
    edited July 2021
    NVM - wrong thread.