Coronavirus prep



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member

    Positivity rate is 2.3%, so it's not just people not getting tested. Only 20 current hospitalizations. NYTimes says 75% over 18 are partially vaxxed and 68% fully (the vax numbers on the site I linked are for everyone, including kids under 12 who are not eligible).
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Agree that approving vaccines for school aged children before school starts would be a big step to reduce risk. It's not possible to reach herd immunity without children. It may not be possible with them either given vaccine take rates, but it's definitively not possible without them based on their % of overall population.

    I saw a US Congressman prominent person with policy making responsibility on TV last night. He honestly seemed to think not taking the vaccine caused risk only to the person not taking it. He seemed (or pretended to be) totally oblivious to the dynamic wherein spreading = variants. No spread=no variants. How is it even possible for someone with that much responsibility to be so oblivious to infection basics?

    In case I'm veering into the political, I'll bring it back to the personal. DD#1 was the 1st vaccinated in our family by virtue of being a 7th grade teacher. Pfizer. She survived a whole year of germy 7th graders without getting sick. But now she is. She was with a friend group over the weekend, all vaccinated, and one tested covid positive yesterday. Awaiting DD's PCR result. Breakthrough infections are becoming more real all the time.

    They also need to remove the emergency usage tag and officially approve at least one of the vaccines as soon as they have adequate data. Any administrative or red tape related delays have to be removed, just like they did for the trials. Obviously if they still have questions that need answering it wouldn't be a good look or idea to gloss over that, but a lot of people I know who aren't vaxxed fall back on "I'll get the shot when it's actually approved and not still experimental".

    Is your daughter feeling sick, or just has to get tested because of the close contact? There is one unvaxxed woman working on my floor and the company is not enforcing her wearing a mask. I avoid being around her for more than a minute or two, but I've been drawing comfort from figuring even if she gives it to me, I wouldn't have to worry about spreading it to other vaccinated people.

    Unfortunately, DD feels really sick -- fever, cough, worsening congestion. Yesterday CDC chief Walensky indicated the delta viral load is sufficiently high that vaccinated people can not only contract covid but also spread it to others. So back to mask wearing in places currently experiencing substantial or high community transmission. ETA: for vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

    When was your daughter vaxxed? It could be that with this new super contagious variant, we're all going to need boosters earlier than we thought...

    February 2021
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    As of Monday, it seems any of you in the US who are twice vaccinated and wish to come to England are welcome, Scotland and Wales, by default, the English Welsh border is too open to keep effectively closed. Caveats seem to have been added over night, the pre and day 2 testing and the eligible vaccine are ones used here and in the EU, so that makes for more complications. My expectations are there will be more factors added as Monday approaches.

    There was no mention of the hoops any who were contemplating travel in this direction might have to go through for there return home. Its not as if our issue with the Delta Variant is over, total numbers had dropped over the previous couple of weeks but in the last accounting week there was another rise. Several ideas have been put forward. Schools are out so the youngsters are not being tested, just to be at home being the principal one.

    Another suggestion is persons are not using the UK test and trace app because they fear being pinged to self isolate because it does not differentiate yet between the vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. I was also suggested the app, I think it best I don't mention its name, does not know enough to realise there is a solid wall between two persons effectively in two buildings. Its so complicated.

    I think its another two weeks before those twice vaccinated + two weeks, will be able to do tests to ensure they are not affected by any form of the virus its this which is causing delivery difficulties because of the broad brush once pinged you must isolate. 10 days ago the government was said to be providing additional testing support to food transportation industries and other "essential services" but I've not heard of any substantial supported testing being available as yet. It seems like a muddle to me.

    I hope the current spikes in cases you're experiencing can be brought under control very soon to keep everyone safe on your side of the pond. Deep Commiserations. Best wishes to you all.

    any idea why they aren't letting Canadians in under the same rules? Canada has less COVID and higher vaccination rates than the US, so it's a bit of a head scratcher.

    only thing I can think it may be related to is our willy-nilly vaccination rules - using expired doses, "mix and match" different types of vaccines, longer intervals than supposed to? but that is a total guess - everything I've seen does not explain why Canadians are being excluded.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I'm very, very sorry, I'm not able to second guess anything that is going on in Downing Street.

    For me, I'd favour Canadian consideration, I recognise the Commonwealth. One or was it two countries who opted out rather a long time ago, possibly before the Commonwealth became a thing. I'd like to see the vaccination levels as good as possible throughout everywhere too, we are all safe when as many as are humanly possible to vaccinated are vaccinated.

    Now I'm hearing Global Warming is 70 years ahead of what we were told to expect! Humanity is good at prevaricating.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    I'm not against the vaccine, but there are a few recent scientific studies out where they are showing that "natural" immunity (aka, those of us who've had covid) is actually better than the vaccines in terms of re-infection, spreading, and long term protection (T & B cells).

    One link here:

    I wish that main stream testing for natural immunity would be pushed as hard as the vaccine - I would have no issue (for things like travel and crowd-type events) providing one or the other, but as someone who's had it, I am very hesitant to consider taking a vaccine with no knowledge on the long term side effects when covid had almost no impact on me (other than the loss of smell, I've had worse seasonal allergies).