Women 200lb+, Let's Jump To It This July!!!



  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    July recap - Moto Slow and Steady Wins the Race - but this turtle got distracted by the squirrels again :p

    SW 230 Nov 27/2020
    July 1 198.2
    July 31 203.4

    Had an interesting month weight wise, needed to do a readjust with the scales and also really played with the same 4 pounds. Got off track with my walking( 3 days instead of 6-7)

    No worries, following own advice, have readjusted and pressed reset so goal for August an ambitious 196.

    Seeing my daughter, son in law and grandson in end of August, coming from UK so very excited and a girl's overnight with my other daughter in two weeks.

    Have a wonderful August everyone <3

  • JuneyCleaves
    JuneyCleaves Posts: 92 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: I've started/stopped so many times.
    CW: 200.6
    7/4: 200.6
    7/11: 199.2 (-1.4)
    • coming up short on my steps
    • coming up short on the number of workouts
    • nutrition is more intentional: had 3x meals out this week and had a few drinks 1 night: need to respect my deficit goal more
    7/18: 198.6 (-0.6)
    7/25: 199.2 (+0.6)
    • 3 days out from TOM, so not surprising
    • had a few carb heavy/veggie light days
    • still inconsistent with ... everything
    • best step day = 17,000
    • worst step day = 2,500
    • average step day = 6,000
    • no form of consistent exercise, no sleep routine
    7/31: 198.6 (-0.6)
    GW for July: Anything less than current!

    2 pound loss this month.

    - 8k daily step count, minimum
    - Workout 4-5 days/week
    - dial in my nutrition
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4
    SW: 320lbs May 19 2021
    CW: 268lbs (7/31)
    7/3: 282lbs
    7/10: 279lbs
    7/17: 276lbs
    7/24: 272lbs
    7/31: 268lbs
    -14lbs this month

    I've been working my a** off with a healthy diet and exercise. I'm proud for all I've done this month and looking forward to crushing it in August. I am aiming for an 8-10lbs loss for August. I'm glad everyone is doing well! We should definitely do an August thread.

    I know we've started the next month's thread, but just wanted to reply here to say - holy heck, you are doing great!
    By my calculations you've lost 52 pounds in a little more than 10 weeks. That's literally working your *kitten* off!

    Makes sense to me to reduce your monthly goal a bit, but I wouldn't put it past you to crush that, too! :)
    Congrats and great work!!
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Posting my July results to have them here

    July Challenge Weigh In Day

    Age 44
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 3/2020
    CW 218.8
    GW for July 215
    UGW 145

    7/1: 219 lbs
    7/8: 218 lbs
    7/15: --
    7/22: 218 lbs
    7/31: 218 lbs
    Total month loss: 1 lb, 1 inch at waist
    High sodium this week and maybe hormones doing their thing

    Weekly goals:
    -Continue logging on MFP
    -Work out 5x per week – 3 cardio & 2 strength
    -64 oz of water each day
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Posting my July results as i'm very behind with my posts!

    Weekly weigh-in.

    Name: Cari
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 3"
    SW: 206lb/14 stone 10lb (16/3/21)
    July SW: 188lb/13 stone 8lb (-18lb)
    July GW: 184lb/13 stone 4lb (-23lb)
    GW: 140/10 stone (to be re-evaluated nearer goal)

    Weight tracking:

    25 June: 190lb/ 13 stone 8lb (-16lb)
    2 July: 188lb/13 stone 6lb (-18lb)
    9 July: 187lb/ 13 stone 4lb (-20lb)
    16 July: 184lb/ 13 stone 1lb (-23lb)
    23 July: 183lb/13 stone 0lb (-24lb)
    30 July: 183lb/13 stone 0lb (-24lb) no change
  • kadohi
    kadohi Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Wednesday post
    Age 47
    Height 5’ 6”
    SW 244 (June 1, 2021)
    7/14: 231
    7/21: 228.1
    7/28: 225.8
    8/4: 224.8
    Current goal: 220 by end of August and keep exercising when work starts up (school)

    I hit my goal for July, but had a hard week — on Sunday I was craving bread and ate too much, and in one hour really threw myself off track and now I have just barely lost one pound this I week, but I DID get back on track and hopefully I am able to keep tracking downwards.

    If I can meet the August goal — whenever it is met — that’s 10% of my starting weight, which is a bit of a milestone to me,

    (is ONEderland having a ONE as the first digit? I love that!!)
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    I'm struggling a little bit - been working out (gym 3x/week, long walks 2-3x/week) and I'm not seeing ANY loss. I'm wondering if I should be eating back some/all of my exercise calories. I'm going to try that for a few days and see if it jumpstarts my losses again. I'm big enough that I should be dropping steadily!

    Do you all eat your exercise calories? Or stick to your daily allotment and ignore the exercise calories altogether?
  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    I'm struggling a little bit - been working out (gym 3x/week, long walks 2-3x/week) and I'm not seeing ANY loss. I'm wondering if I should be eating back some/all of my exercise calories. I'm going to try that for a few days and see if it jumpstarts my losses again. I'm big enough that I should be dropping steadily!

    Do you all eat your exercise calories? Or stick to your daily allotment and ignore the exercise calories altogether?

    I normally eat back 75-90% of my exercise calories. Seems to be doing well for me so far. I’d like to hear what everyone else is doing :)
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @kadohi yes Onederland is starting with a one. Can’t wait to get there!

    @seltzer_lover sorry to hear about your stall. I eat most if not all of my exercise calories back and have still been losing pretty steadily.

    BTW there is a new August thread as ravenstcloud posted above. It is in Community under Motivation and Support.
    BBIPAD Posts: 17 Member
    My weight loss good day