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New York becomes first U.S. city to order COVID vaccines for restaurants, gyms



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Nooshi - I fully expect that to be mandated here in Australia soon too for all workers in Aged care and public hospitals - given this is already the case with flu vaccine - and for some other health areas, also other vaccines - whooping cough, Hep B, MMRV
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Nooshi - I fully expect that to be mandated here in Australia soon too for all workers in Aged care and public hospitals - given this is already the case with flu vaccine - and for some other health areas, also other vaccines - whooping cough, Hep B, MMRV

    I’m glad to hear it. Right now, people’s lives are more important than our freedoms IMO.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    @jogman, I read an article yesterday (just an article, didn't delve into the science behind it) that cited a study that showed that people who had covid and then received one vax (I think it was phizer but I wouldn't swear) had a marginally greater degree of protection than either fully vaxxed or covid-recovered people. Hope it turns out to be true :)
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I basically feel the same way. I got vaxxed sooner after I was eligible and I think I a private business wants to establish rules for entering their business, no problem. But I don't agree with government imposition of those rules.

    I disagree.

    I think it is better when governments make something important mandatory for all relevant businesses.

    Examples in Australia - flu vaccine mandatory for all workers and visitors to Aged Care facilities.
    Each organisation doesnt make its own rule - it is a legal requirement, not an organisational discretion thing, and applies nationally to all to them.


    Works both ways.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    But its so easy to fake a vaccine card.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    There was a demonstration in the last few days in our state capital, bunch of people with signs like "My Body, My Rules". Based on what the speakers at the rally said, they oppose mask mandates and vaccine mandates, either by government or employers.

    I can support "My Body, My Rules", but I don't understand why that doesn't imply legitimacy for things like "My Business, My Rules", etc., if this is all about freedom.

    IMU, it's long been the case here that employers can require nearly any silly, arbitrary thing they wish of employees, as long as doing so is not blocked by some legal protection. There are dress codes, codes of conduct that apply to behavior outside of work, drug testing, prohibitions on alcohol consumption during work, smoking prohibitions at the work site, and more. Violating those kinds of rules can get a person fired.

    (I'm not saying I think vaccines are silly or arbitrary, BTW. I'm saying employers can enforce quite a variety of limitations on personal freedom. The individual's option is to work elsewhere . . . though of course trying to get authorities to block requirements via legal protections is of course within the right of free speech.)
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,476 Member
    jogman wrote: »
    I guess I just don’t get what all the fuss is about. According to the CDC, vaccinated individuals can pass on the same viral load as unvaccinated so it seems like the end result is the same where ever there are groups of people, vaccinated or unvaccinated. If you are vaccinated, the risk seems to be the same. Less chance of getting sick but the same chance of passing on to someone who may not be able to be vaccinated due to whatever reason. Seems like the focus should still be on masking and social distancing not excluding/including different parts of society. I also find it interesting (when you dig for it) that natural antibodies seem to be proving to have similar efficacy to the vaccines. I probably would not have bothered to be vaccinated if I knew I had already had it.

    I had it and got the Pfizer shots. Hopefully good for a whilr.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,813 Member
    yes, if fake vaccine cards are a big issue (are they??) then make vaccine cards which are harder to fake.

    I dont hear anyone saying don't have drivers licences because they could be faked - but of course we don't make them easy to fake either.

    Yes. It seems fake vaccine cards are becoming a big problem. Which is why my family is going to keep on social distancing and wearing masks for the foreseeable future.

    I agree the vaccine cards should be difficult to fake, but there are a lot of logistical issues in the way. Which will have to be solved.

  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,813 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    The Venn diagram for people who don’t understand science, people who are anti vaxers, and people who are anti maskers is essentially a circle.

    I agree with that. But also admit, when vaccinations were first being distributed, between fear and ignorance, I was hesitant to get it. Luckily I had no choice because I was helping my sister with her dh at the time.

    Fear because I had no clue how it would affect me physically and I'm the biggest wimp at heart.
    And ignorance because I didn't know if the efficacy of it would be worth the risk.
    Months later, I'm so glad I had the vaccine and will not hesitate to get all recommended boosters, etc.

    I think too many people are letting their fears take hold. And *that*, I understand.
    And then you've got the ones who are claiming their freedoms and rights are being taken away. :( And *that* I do not understand because ultimately everybody's freedom and rights will be taken away. :(

    But then again, I don't have a problem with being told what I can/cannot do. Our parents do it. Our employers do it. Our schools do it. Our government does it. Do I still feel free?? You bet your butt I do. I'm free to take a walk and not have my town shot to hell through mortar attacks. I'm free to go to our lovely local library and pick books I like. I'm free to practice any religion I choose, if I chose to. I'm free to go to my grocery store and pick up whatever I choose to for dinner. I was free to get an education and still am if I chose to. I'm free to simply visit my friends and neighbors, whether masked/vaxxed or not but feel I don't want to strip their freedom of being healthy by being thoughtless.


    Yep. 100%.

    I don’t lump the reluctant with the absolute science deniers.
    Especially since my anti-vaxer attitude hardened way back with the disgraced Dr Wakefield.
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