I Don't Care About You -well I do but not like this

RA_Warrior Posts: 29 Member
I am trying to find my way around here. I try to figure out what to do, and what to expect. I wonder if I am too determined and too serious. Am I?

I am not interested in funny pictures or silly quotes. I am interested in serious a..-kicking if I don't stay on top of my game. I don't care about your puppies and what car liter you just bought or if Uncle Bob just came back from vacation. I care only about weight and health. I am fighting for my health, there is no plan B.

Friendship must grow. Does it still apply or am I old-fashioned? Is MyFitnessPal just like any other social media page and small talk rules? I am looking for friends. To be honest I would love to have an army of friends beside me as long as I will be here, which could take a while. I need to hear the truth when I slack off, I need to be 'yelled at' when I quit for no reason. I want to be with a group that takes this all seriously. I am afraid my expectations might be unrealistic?

I just realized that we are all starving for even the smallest show of kindness and attention after almost a year in logdown, even if it’s just a random stranger online. Am I unfriendly?



  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    and for what it's worth, my standards for considering someone my friend are not all that high. There's basically one bar to cross and that is understanding the line between someone supporting you in your endeavors and when things are hard, and someone taking responsibility for your *kitten* and over relying on them - for tough love or otherwise - and making your crap their responsibility.

    I am NOT old fashioned, and I am NOT talking about social media friends. I'm talking about decades old friendships that have been together through some serious crap. The day one of those people ask me to 'kick their *kitten*' for not doing something THEY need to do for THEMSELVES is the day we'd be having a talk about what it is and is not okay to expect from me.
  • RA_Warrior
    RA_Warrior Posts: 29 Member
    I haven't been in the forum much, other than the success stories. I was talking about my 'MFP friends; and my newsfeed. I should have made it clear, my bad.
  • RA_Warrior
    RA_Warrior Posts: 29 Member

    You & I are MFP friends, my diary is open to friends (you'd be welcome to snoop if I'd only log: not consistently doing so recently) . . . your diary is not open to friends. Did you realize that?

    Nope, thank you. Not sure how it happened I haven't changed anything in settings. I thought all diaries were open.
  • RA_Warrior
    RA_Warrior Posts: 29 Member

    I tried to be your friend and you were not interested in my journey on MFP….I thought losing 110 lbs myself might help and inspire you…I am 70 years old….this was and is not a game to me….I had almost completely given up on living….my entire life has changed….I have an open diary and I am honest….this journey is for everyone and not just you….if I can help others along the way that is a good thing….I hope you find what you are looking for![/quote]

    I remember. Your 'openness and the number of lenghty posts you wrote about your husband and your private life shocked me on day one. All the best to you. I am sure you will succeed.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,076 Member
    RA_Warrior wrote: »
    I can now see that my expectation of 'an army of friends' here at MyFitnessPal might be a bit far stretched. I thought being 'friends' at a fitness board might work like the biggest loser team. Something like in the morning sharing MyFitnessPlan and in the evening admitting that it didn't all go as planned.

    I want to learn and exchange 'fitness and weight loss tips and ideas. I want to snoop in my friends' diaries to get ideas. I want to listen (read) and see if what they are doing, would work for me. I expected to talk about fitness, health, wellbeing, setbacks and triggers, motivation, and inspiration.

    Sometimes a pat on my back, sometimes a kick in my butt. I found my motivation, I look at it every morning.
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    No, you're not unfriendly, IMO. You're entitled to want what you want, need what you need.

    Inter-humaning is hard. I'm grateful to be introverted, not need a whole bunch of it. 🤷‍♀️ I've been especially grateful for that during the pandemic.

    Not sure if I am introverted, but I don't need people to be happy. Kind of a loner with a handful of great friends who all happen to be slim. I am not much into sensationalism either and drama either.

    It sounds like you might find what you want either in the challenges forum, certain threads in the success forum, or some of the groups. None of that is what I come here for, so I can't offer any advice more specific than that.
  • RA_Warrior
    RA_Warrior Posts: 29 Member

    Your OP comes across as everyone else is doing it wrong - maybe you didnt mean that and I am misinterpreting it

    I dont think you are too determined or too serious - but you do sound too critical of the way others interact and you do seem to have the unrealistic expectation that everyone will do MFP in a way that suits you.[/quote]

    Correct! You misinterpreted. I am glad you did. I was wrong to write about it. I should have just left MyFitnessPal and do my thing.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I hide all the subforums I don't wish to see the posts to.

    I view the remaining subforums via the recent discussions list. The recents discussions posts would be full of chit chat and fun & games posts if I didn't hide those subforums.

    How do you do this? And how do you interact with friends on their feed? I am new (but not my firstrodeo lol), with a long ways to go and also have found many threads wonderful in their camaraderie, but consumed by topics not of interest to me (at this time at least).

    But I do want to plug in somewhere.