
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Just back from Tom and Elenas Alfie ran around like a spaz as usual,Homer feels so much more comfortable there .
    Anyway - Tom downloaded a free security app on my laptop for me so that was nice..
    Dont worry he got no information off my computer..
    Did contact Delta ,so i can take the carry on, a personal item which will be a big honkin bag ,and then i can have my Cpap as a 3rd .. so im happy..
    Its getting closer and closer.. eeeeeeee
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    worked a lot on writing and tracked food. a bit over goal but probably net loss (hard to gage sometimes). it's 8:15 pm. I was gonna go over a text with my corrector but she might not be free this evening.

    kind a tired as usual in evening gonna watch a video or something and relax for the night if I don there from my corrector.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Its a bright sunny day, but very cold and windy. I will write two letters I have gotten this weekend, and maybe organize my recipe file. Lee made beer bread yesterday, and I warmed up bean soup for them. I had a diced chicken and tomato sandwich at 2 pm, my molasses cookies with a marshmallow warmed in the center with coffee after. Recd a call from my BFF that lives in Connecticut. We talked for 2 hours. I met her when we lived in Japan, her husband was on the Midway and were fast friends. Over the years we have gone thru all the hardships, bouncing stress off each other. We have only lived close together during those three years in Japan, but our friendship has lasted 32 years. Lee commented after I came downstairs, "I am so glad I don't have a friend where I have to yack on the phone for 2 hours"! Guys just don't get it... I think because we don't live close together, is why our friendship has lasted honestly. She is kind of a hoarder, a very outspoken personality. When we would go out dancing in Japan, (both of our husband's out to sea), her wildness rubbed off on me, and my quietness rubbed off on her. So between the two of us, we didn't get in too much trouble.🙃😂 I was hoarse a bit after chatting for so long though! Having bean soup helped, and I sipped the last 1/3 of the Brown nut ale, husband had used for the beer bread. Dipping hearty crusty bread into rich broth. Well that's heaven right there. I might make chicken soup with some light flaky biscuit dumplings in the broth. Oh I love fall, when its soup weather!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Athens is a darling! :)
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Athens is a darling! :)

    Her hair is getting so long, but at least its away from her sweet face.💖🙃
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Just back from Tom and Elenas Alfie ran around like a spaz as usual,Homer feels so much more comfortable there .
    Anyway - Tom downloaded a free security app on my laptop for me so that was nice..
    Dont worry he got no information off my computer..
    Did contact Delta ,so i can take the carry on, a personal item which will be a big honkin bag ,and then i can have my Cpap as a 3rd .. so im happy..
    Its getting closer and closer.. eeeeeeee

    I am glad you checked with Delta- That is what I thought they would say. Dh can take his CPAP and it doesn't count as a carry on.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs 25min 32sec, vacuum, dust, laundry, fold and put away clothes, wash clean patio, Change bed sheets = 950c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Rebecca- what part of Connecticut does your friend live in? Is her husband still in the military, if so she is probably down near the Groton sub base..
    I just had an apple it was quite refreshing...
    Usually when we get together for these big family things we chip in and go to the store and either grill or cook together.. i mean its a zoo trying to feed a ton of people and the last time i know they kept bi honkin coolers full of water,juice and soda down in the garage.. Im packing my Yeti cup so that i can have either a hot or cold drink and ill know which one is mine...
    I dont mind flying so much its the take of and landings that freak me out ,I take a 1/2 an adivan 20 minutes before we take off and im ok..
    When i flew with my dad i was white as a sheet and when i got to Tennessee and talked to my aunt she said oh you need this.. and she gave me some and it was a good flight home lol..
    Believe me I dont travel much..
    Alfie is going to have a blast with my friend Leah and her 3 dogs ..he will sleep for a week when he gets home
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,790 Member
    edited October 2021
    Machka: <> That's why I like drinking from bone China. There is just a whole different flavour with it. Art is just sooooo relaxing. I like doodling. This is my Habit Tracker from July and one of my mandalas.

    Thankful for:
    Family, and our get togethers
    Comfortable home in a quiet area with good neighbours, and excellent transport links. Five minute walk to the bus stop and the world is my oyster. Well, it was before Covid 😂
    Time to indulge my passions and pastimes

    Lisa AR: I had melamine when the children were small. And it's still in the cupboard somewhere. Is Corelli a little bit like Pyrex because I have some lovely Pyrex plates that I use for lunches. I bought those in the charity shop. This is one of the melamie cups, and one of the Pyrex plates.

    😍 Ahhhh!!! Athena fix 😂

    Allie: <> Safe travels, and soft landings 😂

    Gotta switch of in 6 mins lol.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday


    Page 20
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Rebecca- what part of Connecticut does your friend live in? Is her husband still in the military, if so she is probably down near the Groton sub base..
    I just had an apple it was quite refreshing...
    Usually when we get together for these big family things we chip in and go to the store and either grill or cook together.. i mean its a zoo trying to feed a ton of people and the last time i know they kept bi honkin coolers full of water,juice and soda down in the garage.. Im packing my Yeti cup so that i can have either a hot or cold drink and ill know which one is mine...
    I dont mind flying so much its the take of and landings that freak me out ,I take a 1/2 an adivan 20 minutes before we take off and im ok..
    When i flew with my dad i was white as a sheet and when i got to Tennessee and talked to my aunt she said oh you need this.. and she gave me some and it was a good flight home lol..
    Believe me I dont travel much..
    Alfie is going to have a blast with my friend Leah and her 3 dogs ..he will sleep for a week when he gets home

    She divorced not long after leaving Japan moving to Hawaii. Husband was in a motorcycle accident, and under morphine he told her about the Thailand girlfriend he's had for years! It was crazy. He has passed away now, got cancer. I helped deliver her baby, kyle, and I'm his Godmother💖, when she was in Japan. She lives in Norwich, CN.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    edited October 2021
    Rebecca- she is about 40 minutes away from me.. im smack dab in the middle of the state. Our little town was known for its shade grown tobacco,and all that brownstone you see in NYC .. thats from the quarry here in Portland, Ct.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Rebecca- she is about 40 minutes away from me.. im smack dab in the middle of the state. Our little town was known for its shade grown tobacco,and all that brownstone you see in NYC .. thats from the quarry here in Portland, Ct.

    Oh wow, yes your city is very important!! She is a school bus driver, works way to hard, and never seem to catch a break men wise. 🙄😁
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2021
    Cheri – I am a fan of your knitting and enjoy your comments. :heart:

    Rebeccca – Happy you heard from a dear friend. :star: Athena is lovely! :smiley:

    DH & I are getting along okay after our third CoVid vaccinations yesterday. I’ve had an easy day today, but DH has not been as lucky. I hope things will improve as time goes by. :heart:

    Regarding Halloween Town—we have stayed home so far due to vaccinations. I hope we get some energy back and are able to enjoy the festivities.

    Katla in HalloweenTown
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) Today is Jake's birthday. He doesn't make much of the day but I bought him a card and he got long phone calls from his brother and two good friends as well as texts from other friends and family and a Zoom call with his oldest granddaughter and her three children in Ohio. I sat quietly and didn't say much but my knitting caught the attention of the older great granddaughter and she told her mother that she wants yarn for her birthday and wants to learn how to knit.

    :) I had my usual walk with my Sunday friend and my usual Sunday phone call with my friend in California (I walk while we talk).

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    Rori, those dogs are so cute! Your trips sound so much fun, enjoy!💖👍
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member