Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    weighing-in for team GREEN!!!

    Weight: 227.4
    Calories burned: 1273 (not nearly as many as I wanted but better than I thought I would get with being sick)
    Water: 48 cups

    Gearing up for another great loss this next week. Cant wait to see what our challenge is for the week!

    Way to go everyone!!! Keep your dreams at the forefront of your minds and put them into action everyday!
  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    Weigh In Time - 266 that is 2 lbs lost. Yeah!:bigsmile:
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    yeah.. did better this week.

    goal was 1940 in exercising.. 46 cups of water

    thur- 413 calories 16 cups of water
    fr i705 calories 16 cups of water
    sat419 calories 8 cups of water
    sun 0 calories 6 cups of water
    mon 0 calories 4 cups of water
    tues 705 calories 12 cups of water
    wed 264 calories 12 cups of water

    calories burned 2506 and cups of water 74 and I weigh 192.2 yeah....

    hope everyone else on team red is doing well.. cant wait to se the next challenge
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I am still up from vacay so I have no loss. Do you want the weigh in number or can I just call it even until I get this off? So sorry, Team Pink! I want to contribute soon!
  • KaeChelle
    My current weight is 275.2, so I am up 2 pounds since last week. On a positive note, knowing I splurged Thursday through Sunday on vacation, I weighed myself Monday morning and was at 278, so I've lost some since then. But my official weigh in for this challenge last week was 273.2, so that puts me at an increase of exactly 2 pounds.

    Week 2 Totals = 1759 Calories Burned, 312 oz Water (Goal 2732/360)

    This week will be better!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Weighing in for Team Blue at 133.2...up 0.2 lbs :ohwell: ....it's not a huge gain which is good, but wondering how that happened since I've been cranking out the exercise...and doing pretty well food wise. Tues & Thurs are hard for me since I'm in school all day. I kind of splurge when I get home & don't usually track on those days...at least not as much as I should apparently. Oh well, on the positive side, I burned over 3000 calories this week, and exceeded the water challenge. So all in all it was a good week!

    p.s. tjradd....thanks for the encouraging words...that 10k may be closer than I thought. :smile:

    Keep up the great work everybody!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    O.K., WTF????? I GAINED again! I'm soooooo frustrated. I burned 4,267 calories last week. Short of my goal of 5000 but still! I drank 79 cups of water. I was under (and not significantly so I sure don't think I'm starving myself) every day! I truly don't get how sodium could be a factor because I sweat so gosh darned much when I workout I don't know how I could be retaining water! I don't know what to do, I'm getting very discouraged here. I don't know if it's the weights or if I'm just really off on my food intake (and I don't think I am!) Maybe I'm one of those people who really can't eat back exercise calories or maybe I'm eating too many of them back. AARRRGGHH!!! I just want to hit something, jump up and down and have a temper tantrum. I want to keep lifting weights because I don't want to quit too soon on something and it really fits my schedule to do them when I do but this scale going up is NOT making me happy.

    O.K., vent over. Congratulations on those of you who DID lose weight this week and those of you who met your exercise goals. Even if you didn't reach your goal, do you feel like you pushed yourself to work harder than usual? If so, that's a success right there. Folks who were sick get a free pass from me this week and those on vacation get a mini-pass!

    So, Tausha, put me down at 139.2 for the week. I'm gonna go drink some water now.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    All I can say is....I gained.....:mad: :explode: :grumble: :angry: :explode: :embarassed: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sick: :huh: :brokenheart: :noway:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Well...I was 214 yesterday, but this morning I weighed in at 215.2. It's still a 1.4 lb loss I believe, so I will take it. I really think it has to do with Wednesdays! I work late, so I'm up later and eat later. Oh well...still a loss!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    O.K., WTF????? I GAINED again! I'm soooooo frustrated. I burned 4,267 calories last week. Short of my goal of 5000 but still! I drank 79 cups of water. I was under (and not significantly so I sure don't think I'm starving myself) every day! I truly don't get how sodium could be a factor because I sweat so gosh darned much when I workout I don't know how I could be retaining water! I don't know what to do, I'm getting very discouraged here. I don't know if it's the weights or if I'm just really off on my food intake (and I don't think I am!) Maybe I'm one of those people who really can't eat back exercise calories or maybe I'm eating too many of them back. AARRRGGHH!!! I just want to hit something, jump up and down and have a temper tantrum. I want to keep lifting weights because I don't want to quit too soon on something and it really fits my schedule to do them when I do but this scale going up is NOT making me happy.

    O.K., vent over. Congratulations on those of you who DID lose weight this week and those of you who met your exercise goals. Even if you didn't reach your goal, do you feel like you pushed yourself to work harder than usual? If so, that's a success right there. Folks who were sick get a free pass from me this week and those on vacation get a mini-pass!

    So, Tausha, put me down at 139.2 for the week. I'm gonna go drink some water now.

    Just a thought. Sometimes when you exercise your muscles actually retain water, not something you can really see in your hands or ankles...lol. You are doing the right things so I wouldn't say this gain was a true gain of FAT and that's what really counts. Keep working hard! Good job!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Well...I was 214 yesterday, but this morning I weighed in at 215.2. It's still a 1.4 lb loss I believe, so I will take it. I really think it has to do with Wednesdays! I work late, so I'm up later and eat later. Oh well...still a loss!

    Great job!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Thanks Melleyd, I'm trying to change my mindset like that but it's really hard to change 48 years of dieting habits!

    Donna, I know EXACTLY how you feel (see above rant!)

    Anniep-awesome on the loss!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    My goal for the week was 2031 calories. 1580 plus the 451 I lacked for last weeks goal. This week I have burned a total of 2740 calories. Total water consumed 41. 4 more cups today won't be a problem!
    I am checking in @ 155.5 today! Loss of 2.5 pounds!
    Good luck everyone finishing up your goals!
    Go team red ladybugs!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    My goal for the week was 2031 calories. 1580 plus the 451 I lacked for last weeks goal. This week I have burned a total of 2740 calories. Total water consumed 41. 4 more cups today won't be a problem!
    I am checking in @ 155.5 today! Loss of 2.5 pounds!
    Good luck everyone finishing up your goals!
    Go team red ladybugs!!

    Great job jenneyd!

    --melleyd (giggle giggle)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    my progress from today

    9/9- 390cals water 11 cups
    9/10- 446cals water 10 cups
    9/11-429cals water 10 cups
    9/12- water 11cups
    9/13-717cals water 12cups
    9/14- 520cals water 13 cups

    total burned 2502 from exercise and water 67 cups

    sorry for being so quiet all week, been very busy and internet time was limited. will catch up with you all soon. Some fab burns this week! well done everyone.

    team orange! well done ladies! sorry for being a bad team member this week. will catch up soon!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Team Orange - I know we've been pounding hard, but it appears we need to pound harder & refresh.

    I didn't gain but I didn't lose either.... AGAIN! I am seriously looking back at my diary & seeing my downfalls - little things that I have allowed to get out of control & not holding myself accountable - doing the almost ostrich effect (sticking my head in the ground so I don't really "see" what I'm doing wrong!)

    It's time to step back & re-*kitten*. My food diary is open for you to peruse & tell me what I should maybe cut out which may be impeding my progress & if you'd like, open your diary's & I'll do that same. We can see things in each other that we don't see in ourselves - and that's what this is all about.

    I also just found out that my in-laws are offering to pay for me & Hubby to take a mini-vacation since we never got to get a Honeymoon when we got married earlier this year (we got one day together the day after & then it was back to work & life so still haven't got to "celebrate" our union!). The only time we can both get off work is less than 2 weeks away!!!! SO..... I HAVE to lose at least 4 pounds so I can wear my bathing suite & shorts and a couple of my cute dresses if we go out. I'm not worried about gaining from vacation as we're getting a unit with a mini-kitchen so I can still prepare my own foods (safer with my food allergies for me to take care of myself), but I need to get a handle on my foods. Critisism from anyone is WELCOME!! I need it right now :wink:

    To everyone that lost & met or exceeded goals - that is AWESOME!! You're retraining your body & mind now so it will be easier to maintain a month from now - Congrats!!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Rynatat - Keeping carbs low always helps me lose pounds fast. Good luck on the 4 pounds!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    TOTAL CALS BURNED: 2193 (GOAL-2025-MET!)
    TOTAL CUPS OF H20: 64 (GOAL-56-MET!)

    WI: 128.4lbs- EVEN (I had a loss for my normal WI...must have been the extra sodium I had yesterday?! but I'm ok with it)
    Suzanne-you KILLED your goals...WTG!!! Glad to have you on my team!!:drinker:

    Pat-you did a great job with both of the goals this week!! And even if you were a little short on water, you still tried to get in more than normal, and that is what counts...wtg! and CONGRATS on your loss!:drinker:

    Renee-good comeback girlie...you were so close!


    Anita-no prob...you are gonna do great at a 10k...I know it! and don't be too upset about the small gain...sometimes when you start cranking out more exercise then your body is used to, you will have a gain due to the water retention and build of of lactic acid in the muscles for rebuilding...it's normal and should come back off soon!:flowerforyou:

    cardbucfan-read my message to Anita....same goes for you!!! PLUS, you are soooo close to your goal, your body will not give up those last 2.7lbs easily! My suggestion to you: take your measurements ASAP and start using that along with the scale numbers, and try switching up your workouts...no reducing strength...just start a new routine! once your body gets used to one type of exercise, iot tends to not react so kindly to it....keep your head up, you are doing great, and it will show on the scale sooner or later:flowerforyou:

    Donna-same as I told Anita and cardbucfan....and just keep your head up!:flowerforyou:

    Rynatat-great idea to open your diary to your team...it always helps having extra eyes and extra ideas!! and CONGRATS on the vacay offer...I am sure it will be a blast, and it gives you something to work towards!

    Tausha-what's our new challenge for this week?? did I miss it? :ohwell:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Hiya Team Yellow!

    I'm down to 175lbs, 1.2 loss this week. I was hoping for more, but I'll take this weeks loss. It's better then gaining.

    Here is my personal goals this week, Tausha, feel free to add in any challenges that pops up in your head!

    Goals this week
    Calories burned: 3500 set.
    Water: 75cups! Thats like 11c a day for me..
  • hannyt
    checking in!

    weight: 176!
    calories- 2250!
    water- 30
