60 yrs and up



  • anawake13
    anawake13 Posts: 99 Member
    Steve, I hear you. Stress definitely makes things more difficult. For me, I either get so stressed I can't eat or I go off the track completely. You are doing amazingly well with all you are dealing with. Keep on plugging away.

  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    Checking in - Woke up this morning to 28 degrees F here in East Tennessee. We have been having a cold snap here the last couple of weeks. Even though the mornings are cold the sun has been coming out and making my walks enjoyable. My morning walks have transformed into afternoon walks. The brisker temps are energizing and my pace has picked up. Maintenance is going well. I am actually on the low side of target weight.

    My fitness goals are ahead of target and my non fitness targets are behind a month or 2. Due mainly to the fact that people don't want to work anymore. Since retirement, the focus has been on downsizing and living in the cabin at the lake. We have downsized and are living in the cabin on the lake( 3 months later than planned). We updated and put our previous main home on the market and it is under contract. The first closing date was to be Sept. 17th(3 months later than plan). The new closing date that has moved 3 times is Dec. 23rd. Why? There is a shortage of appraisers. Everything is done except for someone walking through the house and placing a value on it. Even in retirement there is stress.

    Been reading some awesome posts. Congrats to those with great success stories! To those who are having difficulties, hang in there you got this!

    @alteredsteve175 Continued prayers and positive thoughts!

    Happy Saturday Everyone!
  • catsch1958
    catsch1958 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! Been using myfitnesspal on and off maybe six years. I'm 63 years young, need to drop 30 lbs and it's just not coming off. Tried Keto, intermittent fasting, extended fasting, paleo. Hired a personal trainer and lift heavy three times a week. Can't get my nutrition right where this weight will come off. Help???
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited November 2021
    catsch1958 wrote: »
    Hi all! Been using myfitnesspal on and off maybe six years. I'm 63 years young, need to drop 30 lbs and it's just not coming off. Tried Keto, intermittent fasting, extended fasting, paleo. Hired a personal trainer and lift heavy three times a week. Can't get my nutrition right where this weight will come off. Help???

    Welcome to the group, @catsch1958.

    Are you logging all your food? Using a scale to ensure accuracy?

    I've tried different eating schedules and food plans, but none of that is really important for me. I can lose weight when I'm burning more calories than I'm eating.
  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    catsch1958 wrote: »
    Hi all! Been using myfitnesspal on and off maybe six years. I'm 63 years young, need to drop 30 lbs and it's just not coming off. Tried Keto, intermittent fasting, extended fasting, paleo. Hired a personal trainer and lift heavy three times a week. Can't get my nutrition right where this weight will come off. Help???

    Welcome to the group, @catsch1958.

    Are you logging all your food? Using a scale to ensure accuracy?

    I've tried different eating schedules and food plans, but none of that is really important for me. I can lose weight when I'm burning more calories than I'm eating.

    Welcome catsch1958,

    What Steve said is gospel. You can exercise til the cows come home but at the end of the day if calories in are more than calories out you are not gonna lose. You have to accurately count calories and hold your self accountable. You got this!
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Hi all. Checking in and also interested on how you deal with Thanksgiving. I've been doing well with food choices and weight loss but concerned about Turkey Day.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    Which lake?
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,867 Member
    edited November 2021
    Happy belated birthday @AnnPT77! And I love your attitude towards food.

    Food is good. Good food is even better. I tend to not waste my calories on mediocre food. If I'm going to consume calories, the food needs to be a) nutritious or b) amazing. I try to keep that philosophy over the holidays too. And then buckle down January 2 to lose whatever I gained. That's the difference in my "new", healthier, life. In the past I just packed on the pounds year after year.

  • SharGetsHealthy
    SharGetsHealthy Posts: 1,232 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm back. I introduced myself awhile back and then forgot about this board, so this time I've bookmarked it so I remember. Is that a sign of aging? LOL

    I have about 25ish pounds to lose. Just like catsch, I've done various different eating programs; Whole30, keto, fasting, etc., but I've not found any of them sustainable for me.

    I'm hypothyroid and also have SVT (tachycardia) which I take a drug for. I've been on MFP since 2013 and it's interesting to look at my weight graph. In 2018 when I was diagnosed, the graph went up on a steep diagonal and within 3 months I had gained 10 pounds. My doctor and cardiologist both acknowledge the fact that it causes weight gain. So, my cardio said I could try cutting back. I thought he said 25% which I did for a couple of weeks and the weight starting coming back down. Turns out I was only supposed to drop it back by half of that and it seems that the weight has stabilized again. I'm reluctant to change drugs because it is very effective at keeping the SVT in check.

    I know that I don't get enough exercise and I don't drink enough water. I do like to walk. Usually 2 or 3 times a week, a couple of miles at a time. Do yoga once a week (should be more) and have hand weights but don't use them. I have a treadmill (which I'm not in love with, but it's better than nothing when the weather is not co-operating).

    The latest program for me was a modified keto where I had altered my macros in MFP to highter protein and fat with much lower carbs. I've since set everything back to almost default, using their calorie count of 1290. The only thing I've tweaked is to lower the carbs by 10% and up the fat by 10% because I do function better on lower carbs.

    That's my story. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    tnh2o wrote: »
    Which lake?

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    catsch1958 wrote: »
    Hi all! Been using myfitnesspal on and off maybe six years. I'm 63 years young, need to drop 30 lbs and it's just not coming off. Tried Keto, intermittent fasting, extended fasting, paleo. Hired a personal trainer and lift heavy three times a week. Can't get my nutrition right where this weight will come off. Help???

    Belated welcome!

    (Apologies in advance for what has turned into a freakin' long essay!)

    I'm another in the "calories are key" camp, with a nod to an opinion I think I maybe mentioned up-thread, that personalizing one's strategies and tactics is a major success factor. Each of us has different preferences, strengths, and limitations; figuring out how to work with those is useful.

    Further, I think those in our age group have a secret advantage, if we recognize and take advantage of it: We probably know ourselves pretty well by now, and we've practiced maximizing our preferences, exploiting our strengths, and working around our limitations to accomplish other life goals that involve patient work over long time periods, such as education, career, raising a family, home-making, etc.

    For those reasons - for myself at least - I'm not a fan of popular named diets. We're unique individuals, and those diets are cookie cutters, and some are even gimmicks, IMO (designed to obfuscate what's simple in order to generate profit for someone(s) via book sales, for-pay training programs, etc.).

    I'm not making an argument that this would work best for all (because personalization! 😉), but what worked for me was to start from what I was already eating and enjoying, start logging, get a calorie goal, and gradually tweak my eating in more positive directions. Longer term, the goal was to balance tastiness, nutrition, satiation, practicality, and more, within my calorie goal . . . but I didn't need to do all of that at once. (Humans are adaptive omnivores: If not starting with a major diagnosed deficiency, eating improvements need not be instant, can take a few weeks or months to accomplish, and that can help make them sustainable.)

    This describes that kind of "gradually remodel your eating" approach that worked for me, in more detail (with some mistakes and false starts left out 😉):


    Just the logging helped lots, for me: I found very quickly that there were things I was routinely eating that were "expensive" in calorie terms, but weren't subjectively all that important to me for happiness, nutrition, or satiation. You may not find that, since you've been on MFP for a while, but it was eye-opening for a then-newbie like me.

    Others on MFP do succeed primarily by manipulating the calorie balance equation mostly/entirely on the exercise front, but similar to comments by others above, that didn't work for me. In my case, I'd proven it to myself by becoming very active in my mid-40s, but staying near the class 1 obese line (little over/under) for well over a decade . . . this was training 6 days most weeks in a short-endurance sport (rowing), even competing in races (not always unsuccessfully, in age-group terms). I lost some fat and gained some muscle (over yeeeaaaarssss) to the point of dropping a couple of pants sizes, but my weight stayed fairly constant: It was super easy to eat those few hundred extra daily calories from exercise, when I wasn't counting them. (Guilty admission: I wouldn't even have done all that "exercise" if it hadn't been super fun, so fun that I would've done it even if it hadn't been good for me. I'm a weak character, when it come to discipline/motivation. Gaming my weaknesses, that can work. 😉)

    Since I'm shamelessly promoting threads here, another thing I'd mention is that daily life habits (other than exercise) can be surprisingly meaningful. There's research suggesting that fidgety people can burn a couple of hundred extra calories daily, compared to otherwise similar non-fidgety ones. I'm not encouraging fidgeting as a lifestyle necessarily, just using that as an example of small changes adding up. I don't know about you, but as I've aged, it's been easy to gradually adopt less movement-oriented habits, without even noticing. That's a thing that can be countered, too, essentially creating a bias toward movement in daily life. This is a thread where people shared ideas about that:


    TL;DR: My advice would be to eat in a way you enjoy/sustain at proper calories, find fun exercise, and create a bias toward moving more in daily life. Personalize!

    Best wishes!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member

    Hi how are you doing?