🍁🍂November Daily Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge🍂🍁



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,868 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Oct 31st): 188.2
    Goal: 183.2 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Loss for November: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    11/01…...189.4…..(Trend Weight 187.7)
    11/02.…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 187.8)
    11/03.…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 187.9)
    11/04.…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.1)
    11/05.…..188.8…..(Trend Weight 188.2)
    11/06.…..188.0…..(Trend Weight 188.2)
    11/07.…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 188.2) 11/08.…..189.2…..(Trend Weight 188.2)
    11/09.…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.4)
    11/10.…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.6)
    11/11.…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.6)
    11/12.…..189.4…..(Trend Weight 188.8)
    11/13.…..189.2…..(Trend Weight 189.0
    )11/14.…..191.0…..(Trend Weight 189.2)
    11/15……191.0…..(Trend Weight 189.3)
    11/16……189.6…..(Trend Weight 189.4)
    11/1-.…..189.8…..(Trend Weight 189.4)

    11/18.…..190.6…..(Trend Weight 189.7)….. Very bad news from Primary Doctor yesterday in regards to my blood work. A1C 11.8 so she will be adding more medication for Type 2 diabetes in conjunction with what I am already taking. Thyroid has gotten worse and my medication will be increased. My sodium is super low and so a medication for that is being added. My LDL cholesterol is bad so she is adding Atorvastatin for help that. What a hot mess! These medications will help but I know in my heart of hearts that diet and exercise is the healthiest answer to all of this. I’ve got to do better! With all these holidays coming up, it just couldn’t be more challenging!
    11/19.…..190.8…..(Trend Weight 189.8)….. Travel yesterday was unexpected and I didn’t get home until 8:30 PM. Only slightly over 5000 steps, not enough water, lots of sitting in car and restaurant for late lunch/dinner. I’m surprised scale isn’t up more so I’m nervous that a bigger number will pop up in the coming days (right before Thanksgiving ugh!). Pushing water today.

    11/20.…..190.2…..(Trend Weight 189.8)…..A nice little drop today. Yesterday I rolled up my sleeves and put in the work. It could have been even better, but I definitely turned it around and it paid off.

    11/21.…..187.6…..(Trend Weight 189.5)…..A huge drop due to an overdue TMI (potty). That probably left me dehydrated a bit so I’ll drink lots of water today and expect a bit of an uptick tomorrow. Overall, yesterday was a imperfect but pretty good dietary day. It is nice to see myself back with the 7 on the end of my weight. I don’t really feel firm in a decade until I see that 7 because of easy fluctuations. Hanging on by my fingertips until Thanksgiving. I don’t want a gain BEFORE the holidays too, but I can handle normal small fluctuations.

    11/22.…..188.4…..(Trend Weight 189.4)….. I am happy to see my trend weight going back down. I feel this is my true weight after a very large drop yesterday where I was likely dehydrated. I’ve got to log my food DAILY! It makes all the difference…..

    11/23.…..187.2…..(Trend Weight 189.2)….. A nice drop on the scale after delayed TMI. Travel today will not help the cause but I will try to choose carefully.

    11/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    11/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    11/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    11/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    11/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    11/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    11/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,262 Member
    Highest Weight: 293 (01/28/2021)

    November 1 - 197.4
    November 2 - 198.4 (It was a special occasion yesterday so I ate around maintenance calories! Had a great day.)
    November 3 - 198.6 (Another birthday dinner last night but calories were where I planned them.)
    November 4 - 197.2 (Food was really on point yesterday. Feeling good working my way further from the 200's.)
    November 5 - 196.6 (Chinese food birthday supper for a friend last night but I got good exercise in and planned around it.)
    November 6 - 197.2 (Burger and chips dinner with Mom last night that I planned for. Today is the last day of birthday celebration events.)
    November 7 - 196.4 (Last birthday celebration last night - my friend is an amazing cook but it's always healthy too. There was homemade amaretto cheesecake for dessert so I planned ahead to have the room.)
    November 8 - 198.8 (Food was good yesterday and my exercise was the most it's been all month. Time of the month started.)
    November 9 - 198.6 (Donated blood yesterday and had a great food day. Lots of exercise already today so hoping to see the scale down even more tomorrow.)
    November 10 - 199.2 (Odd week on the scale this week. I did eat a big salty snack before bed even though it was within my calorie range. Trend weight is still down for the week and no days spiked back into the 200s so still feeling great.)
    November 11 - 197.4 (There we go, body finally released that! Things have been busy but my husband and I continue to stay on track. Looking forward to making some progress for the rest of the month.)
    November 12 - 196.6 (I got lots of exercise yesterday and had a good day of eating. My husband and I got a massage as well.)
    November 13 - 195 (Got my steps and exercised too, ate well. Happy the weekend is here!)
    November 14 - 192.2 (And with that I have officially surpassed the 100 pounds lost mark! Huge flushing of weight that I was holding onto last week.)
    November 15 - 192.8 (Our hiking plans didn't go ahead yesterday but we found other ways to be active. Busy day today so I'm posting late, sometimes the days just get away from me!)
    November 16 - 193.6 (Holy wind Batman! It's hard to get out for steps today with how windy it is, but I'm about half way to goal already. Yesterday we had our volunteer commitment at night and tonight I am sewing with a friend so I'm fitting my exercise in around those other things.)
    November 17 - 193.4 (Had a fun night sewing after work, rode the Peloton before bed.)
    November 18 - 192.4 (Finished my Christmas placemat sewing project last night - two very late nights. Back to regularly scheduled evening programming here although my husband is coming home from a business trip so he may be late and that may keep me up again.)
    November 19 - 192.4 (Found I did a lot of exercise yesterday and enjoyed it. It's just natural now. My husband did bring bakery treats home to try so I made the extra effort to move in order to partake.)
    November 20 - 194.2 (Planned day of eating just below maintenance for my mom's birthday. Did my Peloton FTP test for the first time too. Can't wait to track my fitness progression!)
    November 21 - 194.4 (Had a mini road trip yesterday, ate two bigger meals instead of my normal 3+. Did exercise in many forms. Going hiking today!)
    November 22 - 193.8 (Did a really fun hike yesterday in Banff National Park in fairly deep snow.)
    November 23 - 194.2 (Went to Zoolights yesterday and rode my Peloton for 50 minutes.)
    November 24
    November 25
    November 26
    November 27
    November 28
    November 29
    November 30

    Current Weight: 194.2

    November Weight lost so far: 3.2
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Highest Weight: 204
    Current Weight: 186 lb
    November Weight lost so far: 3.5 lbs⬇️

    November 3 184.5 lbs ⬇️
    Wednesday is my normal weigh-in. Glad to see some change going down. So far 1.5lbs

    November 10 185lb
    I have been having problems logging into Community with the app. I have to go through the internet. Wednesday is my normal weigh-in and I lost.

    November 17 184.5 lbs ⬇️ My regular Wednesday weigh-in. This month has been more consistent in the weight fluctuations. I am down 1.5 lbs mid month. A couple things I have noticed for myself is not drinking enough water does make a difference in the peaks of my weight gain. Always been a big water drinker but I have to be more diligent. Also reduces the carbs in the morning have been helping. Carbs are my weakness.

    November 18 184 lbs ⬇️
    November 19 184 lbs ⏹
    November 20 184 lbs ⏹
    November 21 183.5 lbs ⬇️
    November 22 183 lbs⬇️
    November 23 182 lbs⬇️
    November 24 182.5 lbs⬆️
    My regular Wednesday weigh-in. Not a bad week. Consistent and some actually weight loss.

    November 25
    November 26
    November 27
    November 28
    November 29
    November 30
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    🍁🍂November Challenge🍂🍁

    Highest Weight: 234
    November starting weight: 212.4
    Current Weight: 209.3
    November Weight lost so far: 3.1 pounds

    🍁November 1….212.4… this is my jumping off point… October was pretty much a wash…. But I’m happy to have maintained. Here we go!

    🔸Logged & Weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸7,849 steps taken
    🔸ATE UNDER CALORIES…. Without starving myself.

    🍁November 2…211.1…getting back my groove! 💛🧡❤️ Feeling fabulous!

    🔸Logged & Weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸9,460 steps… walked Roxie an 10 minute Up to the Beat uTube warm up video
    🔸ATE UNDER CALORIES… 2 day streak

    🍁November 3… 209.5…am I still sleeping? Is this a dream? 😴 😁

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸10,030 steps
    🔸Ate under calories… 3day streak! Still not starving…. Just more water and less night time snacking.

    🍁November 4… 208.4…everything is working in sync… let’s keep it going! 🙂🙃🙂

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸8,275 steps
    🔸Ate under calories… 4 day streak!

    🍁November 5…208.2… really enjoying this roll I’m on. Happy Friday 🥰

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸Ate under calories… 5 day streak

    🍁November 6…208….😁😁😁

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸10,300 steps…Walked Central Michigan University with my daughter… She had a scholarship competition and a campus tour.
    🔸Ate OVER calories…. But I am so proud of my 5 day streak!

    🍁November 7…208…whew! Glad for maintaining. This may readjust tomorrow, but I’m ready for it. Happy Sunday!

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸5,793 steps
    🔸Ate OVER calories

    🍁November 8…209.2… there is the correction from the weekend. Still happy it’s below 210. Back at it today! Happy Monday!

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸6675 steps
    🔸Ate UNDER calories

    🍁November 9… 209…😁 moving back in the right direction. Only 5 more pounds from my 30 pound challenge!

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸12,034 steps
    🔸Ate UNDER calories

    🍁November 10…207.9…🥰 back on eating under calories and increasing step count. Feeling great!

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t track water
    🔸8413 steps
    🔸Ate OVER calories

    🍁November 11…210…😕There is the correction from yesterday’s Popeye’s lunch. I would have been fine if I ate salad for dinner, but I did not. Ah well, it’s been logged and it’s time to move forward. No guilt monster… just healthier choices today.

    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t track water
    🔸8398 steps from walking the dog, vacuuming, and putting away deck furniture for the winter.
    🔸Ate UNDER calories

    🍁November 12…207.8…😁 kind of shocked to see it go down so far…
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t track water
    🔸7788 steps
    🔸Ate Over calories

    🍁November 13…208.8
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t track water
    🔸8180 steps
    🔸Ate Over calories

    🍁November 14…209.5…OK no more😟
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t track water
    🔸7168 steps
    🔸Ate OVER calories

    🍁November 15…209.2..time to get back into rhythm. Time to move down and not up. Happy Monday!
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Didn’t drink enough water
    🔸7376 Steps
    🔸Over ate snacks! I let my snack 👹 run wild yesterday. Butter pretzels are not my friend. I ate the entire bag of 1,120 calories… and it wasn’t even a big bag…. Ah well, water under the bridge.

    🍁November 16…210.2…yep… there it is. Not surprising. I woke up so thirsty this morning, so I’ve had 32 ounces of water so far! Today is about hydration…let’s see what happens. 💦
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸10,524 steps
    🔸ATE UNDER CALORIES- 1 day streak started

    🍁November 17…209.2…back at it! It’s amazing what proper hydration, a kick start to my morning routine with a dance walking video , and eating under calories can do. Feeling fabulous and back in control. Today I’ll dance clean the house then pick up groceries. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸7516 steps
    🔸Ate over calories by 100. Sa constant work in progress. 🙂

    🍁November 18… 207.9…getting it together!
    Progress with imperfection. 🥰
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸10053 steps… another campus tour with my daughter… glad I had my winter coat on!
    🔸Ate over calories.. 😟.. gonna pay for it tomorrow.

    🍁November 19…207.1… kind of shocked after eating pizza, garlic knots, and brownies for dinner… not gonna lie. Skipped lunch but overindulged dinner.

    I did my usual step on the scale 4 times and divide by 4… just to make sure.
    Today I will make up for it with salad for lunch. 🥗.
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸7960 steps
    🔸Overate hummus and pita crackers for dinner. 😟 Did not feel good afterwards. Logged and acknowledged it, and today begins a new day.

    🍁November 20…207.9…Got my booster shot yesterday and was not feeling well last night at all… especially after over eating hummus and crackers… 🤢
    🔸Logged and Weighed in
    🔸Tracked water… drank TONS of water today
    🔸4401 steps
    🔸Ate over calories

    🍁November 21…208.5…Feeling much better, but achy and a bit foggy 😶‍🌫️
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸6925 steps
    🔸Ate over calories

    🍁November 22…209…Feeling more like myself
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸8615 steps
    🔸Ate at calories

    🍁November 23…209…Last day of work before Thanksgiving! Can’t wait to have my son home from college.
    🔸Logged and weighed in
    🔸Tracked water
    🔸9,374 steps
    🔸Ate over calories

    🍁November 24…209.3…Gotta stop the slow creep… after Thanksgiving. 😉

    November 25

    November 26

    November 27

    November 28

    November 29

    November 30
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,262 Member
    @deepwoodslady Wrong chat but just wanted to send my strength to Jeff (and you) during this difficult time
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,262 Member
    @kchapmanma Welcome to the 220's!!!