🍁🍂November Daily Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge🍂🍁



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,262 Member
    Highest Weight: 293 (01/28/2021)

    November 1 - 197.4
    November 2 - 198.4 (It was a special occasion yesterday so I ate around maintenance calories! Had a great day.)
    November 3 - 198.6 (Another birthday dinner last night but calories were where I planned them.)
    November 4 - 197.2 (Food was really on point yesterday. Feeling good working my way further from the 200's.)
    November 5 - 196.6 (Chinese food birthday supper for a friend last night but I got good exercise in and planned around it.)
    November 6 - 197.2 (Burger and chips dinner with Mom last night that I planned for. Today is the last day of birthday celebration events.)
    November 7 - 196.4 (Last birthday celebration last night - my friend is an amazing cook but it's always healthy too. There was homemade amaretto cheesecake for dessert so I planned ahead to have the room.)
    November 8 - 198.8 (Food was good yesterday and my exercise was the most it's been all month. Time of the month started.)
    November 9 - 198.6 (Donated blood yesterday and had a great food day. Lots of exercise already today so hoping to see the scale down even more tomorrow.)
    November 10 - 199.2 (Odd week on the scale this week. I did eat a big salty snack before bed even though it was within my calorie range. Trend weight is still down for the week and no days spiked back into the 200s so still feeling great.)
    November 11 - 197.4 (There we go, body finally released that! Things have been busy but my husband and I continue to stay on track. Looking forward to making some progress for the rest of the month.)
    November 12 - 196.6 (I got lots of exercise yesterday and had a good day of eating. My husband and I got a massage as well.)
    November 13 - 195 (Got my steps and exercised too, ate well. Happy the weekend is here!)
    November 14 - 192.2 (And with that I have officially surpassed the 100 pounds lost mark! Huge flushing of weight that I was holding onto last week.)
    November 15 - 192.8 (Our hiking plans didn't go ahead yesterday but we found other ways to be active. Busy day today so I'm posting late, sometimes the days just get away from me!)
    November 16 - 193.6 (Holy wind Batman! It's hard to get out for steps today with how windy it is, but I'm about half way to goal already. Yesterday we had our volunteer commitment at night and tonight I am sewing with a friend so I'm fitting my exercise in around those other things.)
    November 17 - 193.4 (Had a fun night sewing after work, rode the Peloton before bed.)
    November 18 - 192.4 (Finished my Christmas placemat sewing project last night - two very late nights. Back to regularly scheduled evening programming here although my husband is coming home from a business trip so he may be late and that may keep me up again.)
    November 19 - 192.4 (Found I did a lot of exercise yesterday and enjoyed it. It's just natural now. My husband did bring bakery treats home to try so I made the extra effort to move in order to partake.)
    November 20 - 194.2 (Planned day of eating just below maintenance for my mom's birthday. Did my Peloton FTP test for the first time too. Can't wait to track my fitness progression!)
    November 21 - 194.4 (Had a mini road trip yesterday, ate two bigger meals instead of my normal 3+. Did exercise in many forms. Going hiking today!)
    November 22 - 193.8 (Did a really fun hike yesterday in Banff National Park in fairly deep snow.)
    November 23 - 194.2 (Went to Zoolights yesterday and rode my Peloton for 50 minutes.)
    November 24 - 192.4 (Off work now until Monday - time to have some fun!!)
    November 25
    November 26
    November 27
    November 28
    November 29
    November 30

    Current Weight: 192.4

    November Weight lost so far: 5
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,868 Member
    @deepwoodslady Wrong chat but just wanted to send my strength to Jeff (and you) during this difficult time

    @ashleycarole86 Thank you so much! Please to all who read this, prayers to Jeff in Northern Michigan.
  • kchapmanma
    kchapmanma Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks @ashleycarole86!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    64 yo 5'4" Mary from Pennsylvania
    9/14/20-255 lbs heaviest weight, twice, ugh!
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs MFP start date.
    3 month goal is 15 lbs.
    November goal is 5 lbs, lost so far 2 lbs :-(

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs
    11/2/21-180.8 lbs
    11/3/21-180.4 lbs
    11/4/21-180.4 lbs-159 minutes on the Elliptical.
    11/5/21-180.4 lbs
    11/6/21-181.6 lbs- 190 minutes on the Elliptical. stayed on track, just the uptick fluctuations I do, before a drop.
    11/7/21-180 lbs- 200 minutes on the Elliptical-15 miles, Finally hit my 4th October weight goal. Had met 3 end of month
    weight goals in October early but not the 4th one I made to be 180 or below till now.
    11/8/21-180 lbs
    11/9/21-179.2 lbs- 210 minutes on the Elliptical-15 miles
    11/10/21-179.2 lbs
    11/11/21-179.2 lbs-210 minutes on the Elliptical-16 miles
    11/12/21-178.2 lbs-76.8 lbs lost of goal of 133 lbs
    11/13/21-178.2 lbs
    11/14/21-176.6 lbs Down 5.2 lbs. My November goal was 5 lbs because I figured it would slow down soon. I've been
    averaging 10 lbs/month. 78.4 lbs lost so far!
    Did 223 minutes today on my Elliptical. I wanted to finish the last 10 minutes of the last movie and
    wanted to hit the 16 miles!

    11/15/21-178.8 :-( Doesn't make sense. Did that elliptical work out yesterday and only 1,266 calories and stayed totally on track but I usually do have a uptick before a drop. So hopefully will drop back off and it must be water being held on to.
    11/16/21-178.8 lbs
    11/17/21-178.8 lbs
    11/18/21-178.8 lbs
    11/19/21-178.6 lbs Had to add these all today. Been busy at work and late nights. Still waiting for the drop of the water weight from the rotisserie seasoning salt to happen!
    Also had some NSV's today. Our desk at work is high and we have high chairs. Today I had the chair set higher than before because I couldn't get into it up high. Today I could because my butt is smaller. Also my L leg that had the Tibial Plateau Fracture could actually now bend enough to put it on the leg rest under the seat!

    11/19/21-177.6 lbs- Edited because I checked my saved scale weight (when I weighed today 11/20/21) and I recorded it wrong yesterday. So some of the Rotisserie Seasoned chicken water weight did start to drop off!

    11/20/21-176.4 lbs Did my Elliptical for 217 minutes, just over 16 miles, today. Hopefully more of a whoosh tomorrow!

    11/21/21-177.4 lbs Has to be water weight although I ate about 400-600 more calories than my usual (1689- usually eat 1000-1200) but still way under my allotted calories (3804) with exercise. I usually don't eat back any of my exercise calories. I expected my weight loss to slow down about a month or 2 ago. Guess its time now. No elliptical today. Was cleaning to get ready for baking for Thanksgiving.

    11/22/21-178 lbs, did 223 minutes on my Elliptical, 15 miles. Making pumpkin 5 rolls today, pumpkin and apple pies tomorrow. They won't be on my log in. I need to figure out by Christmas Keto friendly versions, by trial and error. Recipes I've seen don't look close enough to mine. And I'm well known for my baking. Once a new acquaintance asked me if I baked professionally. I have to work Wednesday. Waiting FAIRLY patiently for water weight to drop.

    11/23/21-179.8 lbs Ugh! Not sure what is going on. Been staying on track. I've been sailing on smooth water and now comes the choppy stuff! Sticking with it but can't say I'm not a bit down hearted about the numbers.
    Had a dentist appointment today and had to split up my Elliptical time in two. But then did total of 241 minutes, total 16.34 miles!

    As @Arc2Arc says "its more fun when the scale cooperates but...it doesn't always cooperate."

    11/24/21-179.0 lbs Well, it came down a little bit. Have to be happy for every little bit.
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Original Weight: 206
    11/1 Weight: 195
    Goal Weight: 180

    November 1: 195
    November 2: 195.4
    November 3: 195.4
    November 4: 194.9
    November 6: 194
    November 8: 196.5
    November 10: 196.1
    November 11:196.1
    November 12: 195.8
    November 13: 195.3
    November 14: 195.3
    November 15: 194.4
    November 16: 194.4
    November 17: 193.7
    November 18: 192.9
    November 19: 192.9
    November 20: 192.5
    November 21: 192.1
    November 22: 193.1
    November 23: 192.1
    November 24: 193

    I've been meeting calorie goals but salty food late, consecutive nights, may be what's stalling the scale. I came in with 400 calorie deficits last night and tonight to further the cause.
  • gorple76
    gorple76 Posts: 162 Member
    Highest Weight: 202.7 (in may 21 but was probably 240-250lbs in my 20s)

    Current Weight: 162.6

    November Weight lost so far: 0.9

    November 1 162.6

    November 2 162.8

    November 3 163.3 post-TOM bounce - find these hard to handle 😬

    November 4 163.7 fingers crossed this is the peak now…

    November 5 164.1 argh trying to hold my nerve - when I panic I end up restricting and binging. This happens every cycle but I find it so hard every time 😖

    November 6 164.4 peak is slowing at least 😂

    November 7 165.1

    November 8 165.3 didn’t check in yesterday as had a family celebration- but had weighed at least. Keep checking back to last cycle to see that this ‘bump’ (which feels more like a mountain right now) is normal, and it totally is for me. I just can’t seem to get use to it and keep wanting to do something drastic. Holding my nerve….

    November 9 165.4

    November 10 165.3 phew! This is my trend weight - actual weight reading is down a full lb in the last couple of days so hopeful the trend will follow

    november 11 164.8 yay!!

    November12 164. Feeling much more settled now. Also noticing a big improvement in my flexibility today which has given me a real boost.

    November 13 163. The trend is looking much better. Tough weekend ahead though - lots of socialising. I navigated a night out last night really well though (can under calories and just 2 G&Ts all night so no hangover - winning!)

    November 14 162.8

    November 15 162.8. It’s my 6 month anniversary of logging in today. Plus I managed to run up the hill to my house without stopping this morning (it’s very steep and long). I’ve had a great weekend with friends too so all in all a fab start to the week. Happy Monday folks ☺️

    November 16 162.8

    November 17 162.6 back where I started 😂

    November 18 162

    November 19 161.6

    November 20 161.3

    November 21 161.1 Had a very sociable day yesterday which was lovely. I ate over my calories but not drastically (3-400 cals), stopping myself where I could see I would lose control and feel regret. This is a huge achievement for me. I’m really going to focus on this over the next 6 weeks - eat at a deficit on normal days, eat more for social events, with the aim of hitting January having maintained my weight. Then I can push on down again.

    November 22: 161.4

    November 23: 161.7
    November 24: 161.7
    November 25:161.7
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there! I’m Athena, I’ve been struggling on and off with my weight for a good while and was recommended to try accountability buddies to help each other reach our goals. Thought this would be a good route for that! Let’s see if we can survive turkey day! 😆

    My plan for the weeks ahead are to focus on eating at home and only go out to eat on Saturdays/Sundays (restaurant/fast food) and to focus on portion controlling. I’m also planning to work out for an hour three times a week.

    Currently, I am only 4 pounds away from my heaviest but determined to make that number bigger this month.

    Highest: 165 in 2017
    Goal: 130
    Current: 161
    End of month goal: 157 (6 pounds)

    Nov. 1 - 163 (home cooked/ walked 15 min.)
    Nov. 2 - 161 (home cooked/ Yoga 1 hr)
    Nov. 3 - 160 (home cooked/ Zumba 1 hr)
    Nov. 4 - 161 (home cooked)
    Nov. 5 - 161 (home cooked)
    Nov. 6 - 161 (went out)
    Nov. 7 - 161 (went out/ Zumba 1 hr)

    Weekly goals met!

    Nov. 8 - 161 (home cooked)
    Nov. 9 - 159 (home cooked/ Yoga 1 hr)
    Nov. 10 - 159 (home cooked)
    Nov. 11 - 160 (home cooked)
    Nov. 12 - 160 (home cooked)
    Nov. 13 - 159 (went out)
    Nov. 14 - 159 (went out/ Zumba 1 hr)

    Weekly goals almost met! Only worked out 2 times.

    Nov. 15 - 160 (home cooked)
    Nov. 16 - 158 (home cooked)
    Nov. 17 - 158 (home cooked/ Zumba 1 hr)
    Nov. 18 - 158 (home cooked)
    Nov. 19 - 159 (home cooked)
    Nov. 20 - 158 (went out)
    Nov. 21 - 158 (went out/ Zumba 1 hr)

    Weekly goals almost met! Only worked out 2 times.

    Nov. 22 - 158 (leftovers)
    Nov. 23 - 156 (home cooked)

    Monthly goal met! 💪

    Nov. 24 - 156 (home cooked)
    Nov. 25 - 156 (Thanksgiving food)

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Looking forward to relaxing this holiday. Hope everyone has fun. No worries about resetting for the next couple of days, only get this food for the holiday!

    Nov. 26 -
    Nov. 27 -
    Nov. 28 -
    Nov. 29 -
    Nov. 30 -

    Looking forward to doing this challenge with everyone! 🍁🍂🍁🍂
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,868 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,262 Member
    Highest Weight: 293 (01/28/2021)

    November 1 - 197.4
    November 2 - 198.4 (It was a special occasion yesterday so I ate around maintenance calories! Had a great day.)
    November 3 - 198.6 (Another birthday dinner last night but calories were where I planned them.)
    November 4 - 197.2 (Food was really on point yesterday. Feeling good working my way further from the 200's.)
    November 5 - 196.6 (Chinese food birthday supper for a friend last night but I got good exercise in and planned around it.)
    November 6 - 197.2 (Burger and chips dinner with Mom last night that I planned for. Today is the last day of birthday celebration events.)
    November 7 - 196.4 (Last birthday celebration last night - my friend is an amazing cook but it's always healthy too. There was homemade amaretto cheesecake for dessert so I planned ahead to have the room.)
    November 8 - 198.8 (Food was good yesterday and my exercise was the most it's been all month. Time of the month started.)
    November 9 - 198.6 (Donated blood yesterday and had a great food day. Lots of exercise already today so hoping to see the scale down even more tomorrow.)
    November 10 - 199.2 (Odd week on the scale this week. I did eat a big salty snack before bed even though it was within my calorie range. Trend weight is still down for the week and no days spiked back into the 200s so still feeling great.)
    November 11 - 197.4 (There we go, body finally released that! Things have been busy but my husband and I continue to stay on track. Looking forward to making some progress for the rest of the month.)
    November 12 - 196.6 (I got lots of exercise yesterday and had a good day of eating. My husband and I got a massage as well.)
    November 13 - 195 (Got my steps and exercised too, ate well. Happy the weekend is here!)
    November 14 - 192.2 (And with that I have officially surpassed the 100 pounds lost mark! Huge flushing of weight that I was holding onto last week.)
    November 15 - 192.8 (Our hiking plans didn't go ahead yesterday but we found other ways to be active. Busy day today so I'm posting late, sometimes the days just get away from me!)
    November 16 - 193.6 (Holy wind Batman! It's hard to get out for steps today with how windy it is, but I'm about half way to goal already. Yesterday we had our volunteer commitment at night and tonight I am sewing with a friend so I'm fitting my exercise in around those other things.)
    November 17 - 193.4 (Had a fun night sewing after work, rode the Peloton before bed.)
    November 18 - 192.4 (Finished my Christmas placemat sewing project last night - two very late nights. Back to regularly scheduled evening programming here although my husband is coming home from a business trip so he may be late and that may keep me up again.)
    November 19 - 192.4 (Found I did a lot of exercise yesterday and enjoyed it. It's just natural now. My husband did bring bakery treats home to try so I made the extra effort to move in order to partake.)
    November 20 - 194.2 (Planned day of eating just below maintenance for my mom's birthday. Did my Peloton FTP test for the first time too. Can't wait to track my fitness progression!)
    November 21 - 194.4 (Had a mini road trip yesterday, ate two bigger meals instead of my normal 3+. Did exercise in many forms. Going hiking today!)
    November 22 - 193.8 (Did a really fun hike yesterday in Banff National Park in fairly deep snow.)
    November 23 - 194.2 (Went to Zoolights yesterday and rode my Peloton for 50 minutes.)
    November 24 - 192.4 (Off work now until Monday - time to have some fun!!)
    November 25 - 192.2 (Fun day, we took today and tomorrow off so we watched football and had a turkey too. Nice visit with family.)
    November 26
    November 27
    November 28
    November 29
    November 30

    Current Weight: 192.2

    November Weight lost so far: 5.2