December 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,050 Member
    @rheddmobile - ☹️ I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. My fingers are crossed for a sooner apt and good news 🤞🏻
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I did not get in my planned run last night after getting stuck in Atlanta traffic and getting home way later than planned. I plan to make it up tonight.

    I DID sign up yesterday morning for the 2022 Wineglass Marathon! I’m so excited to run it again, and my best friend has decided to run it as well.

    Regarding running jackets, I usually just layer, but I actually ordered a Brooks jacket that I found on sale for Black Friday. It isn’t anything very heavy, but I don’t need heavy for Georgia winters.

    @rheddmobile You’ve been on my mind the last couple of days. I hope you can get some answers soon.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    I don't have my laptop today... it's in the shop, so I have a hard time commenting on my phone. I have read and liked or hugged as appropriate. You guys are all doing great with your running or walking.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    @rheddmobile I sure hope you can get some answers soon. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    But I've also transitioned to needing fewer layers from when I first started. Too many layers and you overheat.

    I don't deal with the winters you guys do, but I have also noticed this transition. Now I run in shorts and short-sleeve shirt well into temps I used to need leggings and a long sleeve, ear cover and maybe even gloves for. And it has to be around freezing for me to even use my heavier weight leggings, and that usually only happens a few runs a year here.

    I bet you're dealing with the heat better in the summer as well. Our bodies can be pretty good at adapting!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited December 2021
    12/1 – 7.02
    12/2 - 5.02

    15.04 of 110 miles

    @mshawski I get the same way, I like something and get annoyed when it's been replaced or no longer able to get it. Hope the Tek Gear works out, congrats on the weight loss.

    @quilteryoyo I'm the same too hard to make all my comments on phone, I need my laptop.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,868 Member
    But I've also transitioned to needing fewer layers from when I first started. Too many layers and you overheat.

    I don't deal with the winters you guys do, but I have also noticed this transition. Now I run in shorts and short-sleeve shirt well into temps I used to need leggings and a long sleeve, ear cover and maybe even gloves for. And it has to be around freezing for me to even use my heavier weight leggings, and that usually only happens a few runs a year here.
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @SummerSkier RE: Steps/Min & Stride Length.
    When trying to increase stride length, you want to concentrate on reaching back, not reaching forward. You still want your foot to land underneath your hips as much as possible to avoid stressing your knees, shins, achilles, etc.

    I haven't really done measurements for my stride length but I have adjusted my natural gait over the last year to focus more on this exact mechanism. My natural gait was heel-striking and reaching my leg forward. As I have mentioned here before, my right knee is a pretty much constant bother but adjusting to more of a mid-foot strike with my foot landing under me and really thinking about pushing off instead of reaching has made a huge difference in my knee pain during my runs. And I am not having to rely on icing as much afterwards either.

    same here. After URI last year all of a sudden running in a t and shorts in the 50's no problem. Just a few layers more for 40's but shorts also depending on other factors wind, rain etc.. I am following the stride discussion but @Scott6255 where do you get your data? I looked at my watch and phone and they just give me stride length for when I carry my phone which doesn't help for runs where I only use my watch.

    I did notice today that my avg SPM is probably closer to 180 but my first qtr mile is quite slower so my watch gives me a lower total avg.

    Today's run another 4.06 which gives me 8.1 out of 100 for the month and only 86 more left to go for run the year. Still all splits under 10 and quite a few more were under 9 today as I was keeping an eye out on my SPM. Mostly in the low 180's on the splits under 9 min,

    @rheddmobile your health issues sound really hard to deal with. Lupus is so scary sometimes esp because it's hard to get treatment and really hard to ALWAYS have to advocate so strongly for yourself. Hope that you can get resolution soon.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Tonight's training run called for 30 minutes at 11:13-12:13 pace. I ran on the treadmill at the gym. The weather this weekend is supposed to be warmer, so I'm looking forward to some nice outside runs and pleasant temps for Saturday's 5K.

    November Miles: 2.83
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @SummerSkier - the original runner who started this challenge years ago had talked about cadence and how it should basically be the same regardless of pace. I was always curious how that could be even if you shortened or lengthened your stride to accommodate, but when I monitored mine it was in fact very close to the same whether I was running slow and easy or pushing my pace. I will see if I can find any of the articles he referenced and post later.
    We are on the road and like @quilteryoyo and @skippygirlsmom, I hate updating from my phone!
    @RunsOnEspresso congratulations on hitting your yearly goal a month early!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @SummerSkier the Garmin app has the stride length metric for each lap (mile) when I view the run after I get home. My watch doesn't show it real-time in any of the data fields. I tried to find a widget in the Connect Store to add it to, but never found one that worked very well.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,868 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @SummerSkier - the original runner who started this challenge years ago had talked about cadence and how it should basically be the same regardless of pace. I was always curious how that could be even if you shortened or lengthened your stride to accommodate, but when I monitored mine it was in fact very close to the same whether I was running slow and easy or pushing my pace. I will see if I can find any of the articles he referenced and post later.
    We are on the road and like @quilteryoyo and @skippygirlsmom, I hate updating from my phone!
    @RunsOnEspresso congratulations on hitting your yearly goal a month early!

    Interesting @shanaber I am not convinced for me that cadence is going to be the end all to improving pace but it appears to be a significant factor. Of course I don't know the accuracy of my watch but the #s don't vary much out of the 170's. I can just see my slower runs over time have been low 170's and the faster ones higher. LOL. Very scientific I know. It could be a metric which is just a side effect vs the primary cause but it is kind of fun to play with it. I wish my apple watch would track my stride length during a run also. Perhaps when I increase my tempo my stride length is also increasing.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    12-1 7k slow
    12-2 7k slow
    12-3 7k slow

    Don't Rest December Total: 21k
    Don't Rest December Goal: 180k

    Cloudy, low 30s F, and hardly any wind at all to blow around the few lonely snowflakes falling from the sky.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2021 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs (second attempt)

    2021 Races:

    6/26 Direction Up 5k, Solon, OH 31:48 chip; 31:59 Garmin; 53d overall; 2d male 65 and over
    7/17 Run of the Ox 5k, Mantua, OH 32:19 Garmin; 44th overall; 3d place male 60 and over
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,050 Member
    3 miles this morning. I opted for less than my scheduled 5 because my right quad started being problematic during class at the gym last night, I did a lot of quad and glute stuff last night and now can't sit down without making lots of random noises, I for some reason scheduled a personal training session tonight on top of the run with the same trainer who runs the classes that left me sitting challenged, and I kind of still want to have gas in the tank to run something - however small - tomorrow. (And the excuse train is done. LOL.)

    I just ordered a Polar chest strap to try to get a better idea of my HR. My watch said 191 today, so I stopped to take my pulse and in under 10 seconds the watch dropped to 144. I don't think either were accurate. Sadly, it kept giving me notifications that ruined my ability to see the timer so I didn't get an accurate manual reading either. LOL.

    I hope everyone has a great day. It seems like today might be one of those days when everyone needs a little extra coffee in their mug.