Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I weighed in at 300.7 this morning. WOOHOO!!! I'll be 2-riffic in no time flat, then I have a long journey to being 1-derful, but I'll get there! I'm seeing so many changes, wish I'd measured pertinent areas before starting 3 months ago. Oh well, I can see and feel the changes, I don't need to see numbers on a page to prove it to me! Keep it up everyone!

    Great job! Isn't it great when you break through to another number on the scales. I started calling them decades, which drives my friend nuts!
  • h0taru
    3.5 lb lost in 2 weeks for the moment... But I'm loosing slower and slower, so I will probably just be at -5lb at the end of the month :)
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    My TOM has been visiting so it seems that food is not safe around me. I lost a pound (YAY!) and gained it back (YUK!). I'm hoping next week I will have better control. Never give up!
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    One pound in two weeks - I'm editing this because I wrote that I was pleased ... But I'm really not. I feel like I am putting a lot in and not getting much out. Feeling pretty low at the moment
  • foxiedee
    foxiedee Posts: 13 Member
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    One pound in two weeks - I'm editing this because I wrote that I was pleased ... But I'm really not. I feel like I am putting a lot in and not getting much out. Feeling pretty low at the moment

    But, you're heading in the right direction! You're already so close to your goal weight, it'll take longer for it to come off. Just stick with it, and you'll get there! You're doing great!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Hang in there guys, everyone's doing wonderfully! Hang tough for these last two weeks and let's see how much we can lose as a group!

    9/2: 120
    9/9: 117.6 (wow!)
    9/16: 116.6
    9/23: ?
    9/30: ?
    Total Lost: 3.4 pounds so far!

    I beat the number I set for myself, which was just to get to 117 even so I'm very happy. I'm aiming for at least 116 by this time next week, hopefully 115.6 so I can use the final week to slow down a bit and since with my anniversary coming up I know I'll be eating more then. It feels great to be slipping further away from the 120's, even after I dressed this morning I was below 120 which was a great motivator!

    I didn't do as well as planned food or exercise wise this week though, so I'm thankful to have gotten the full pound off. I definitely splurged more than I should have, with lots of snacks Saturday and a split McDonalds meal on Sunday, but I've been clean through the week itself (and the fact I split a meal rather than eating my own was a huge improvement over my past self). I'm telling myself my blood donation Saturday made it okay since they took weight away in blood :tongue: Only 1.5 pounds left for the month, I've got this!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Sept 1st SW: 193.8
    Sept 9th 195.8
    Sept 16th 193.6
    Sept 23rd
    Sept 30th

    It's finally a loss and I'm happy but at the same time, still feeling blah til we get things under control here. :/
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6

    9/9/2011~ 192.4

    9/16/2011~ 188.8



    Okay! Doing better than I thought! 3.6 pounds this week! Not quite sure how I pulled that off! lol!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6

    9/9/2011~ 192.4

    9/16/2011~ 188.8



    Okay! Doing better than I thought! 3.6 pounds this week! Not quite sure how I pulled that off! lol!

    Wow! Great job - keep up the good work!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    STILL at 148/149.

    Went for a run Wed night, did the same loop as last week, and shaved off 2 min (31 instead of 33). Due for another run tonight.

    Really struggling with cravings the last day or two... probably hormonal.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6

    9/9/2011~ 192.4

    9/16/2011~ 188.8



    Okay! Doing better than I thought! 3.6 pounds this week! Not quite sure how I pulled that off! lol!

    Wow! Great job - keep up the good work!

    Thank you!
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    urgh... I have even added an extra workout class (or 3) to my weekly exercise regimen. I now do purebarre and gentle flow yoga mon, wed, fri, with just purebarre on sun and Hot vinyasa yoga tues, thurs, with short form ashtanga on sat.... I would be thinking that I would be losing instead of gaining!... Getting very frustrated

    On a side note.. (sorry, a little gross note, also) I feel very... :embarassed: uhm, stopped up. Any quick remedies? Yes, I have been eating veggies, and activia... and drinking about 4-6 cups of water a day... So, I am a little confused as to why..... thanks in advance!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Well, I had a bit of up this past weekend, even though I rode a 37 mile hilly bike ride and ran my 5 k, I still managed to eat more than enough calories to sustain me for the week. Anyway, I gailed 3 pounds back and now today I am at 154. The weekends KILL me. I work out a lot but eat more than I should.

    I am going to try and stay focused so I don;t gain over the weekend. I have my long 11 mile run tomorrow morning (going to try and skip the breakfast after--it is at a mexican food place--yummy). can anyone say chips and salsa?
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Weighing in this week at 215 lbs even steven. Down 0.4 from last week (2.4 lbs total this month). I'll take it! That's 2 less butter sticks of me.

    p.s. Today's profile picture = my motivation to exercise this weekend. This is what 5% body fat percentage and 48% muscle looks like . (The rest if water, tissue and bones = my triathlete son.)
  • scubagirl86
    scubagirl86 Posts: 19 Member
    09/02: 174
    09/9: 171
    09/16: 172 (up 1lbs :( Makes me sad) Goals changed due to my weight gain.
    09/23: Goal 168
    09/30: Goal 166
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sep 01: 191.4 lbs
    Sep 09: 192.4 lbs
    Sep 16: 190.6 lbs
    Sep 23:
    Sep 30:

    Finally the scale is going in the right direction, but I never would have dreamed it would be after the week I've had. I'm not getting any time to do my workouts and only got a run in Saturday & Tuesday - 5K both times. Other than that I've been SO freaking busy & emotional. A very dear friend had an aneurysm on Tuesday and the visitation is today, with the funeral tomorrow. Then right after the funeral I have to go to a wedding that is over 2 hours away. Plus TOM is here so the scale going DOWN really is a shocker! I've been eating treats pretty much every day - you know the sweet cravings are here! I really need to get running since I have to run the last 6.2 miles of a marathon with my friend Jen next Sunday (25th) for support to get her to the finish! I was hoping to get a long run in today of at least 6 or 7 miles, but since I have the visitation, I don't forsee that happening. I just hope I'm ready to run with her next Sunday!

    Also I haven't seen CJ all week with our schedules & he's been extra busy with the sherriff's office and his regular chief job, then he had a board meeting and I did too....so anyway its just been one heck of a week. Then he calls me last night & knows I'm wearing a dress to the wedding tomorrow, but he really wants to wear jeans & a polo shirt - I'm like :noway: REALLY? I've never known him to EVER be difficult, but this week I cannot take it. I finally gave in & told him to wear his new jeans and a dark blue button down long sleeved shirt. Do you think that will be ok at a wedding? I personally don't, but what do you ladies think?
  • azhkrgrl
    azhkrgrl Posts: 509 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope you are all having a great week whether or not you saw the scale go down. The fact that we are doing something helps. I am down 0.2 pounds. Was hoping for me but I have been so exhausted this week and not working out as I had wanted, but I will take what I can, do my best and forget the rest. Below is my update for this week:
    Sept: 1st = 179.8
    Sept. 9 = 177.2
    Sept 16 = 177.0
    Sept 23 =
    Sept 30 =

    Good luck everyone and keep up the good work.
    Have a great weekend......
  • Mkrug221
    It's my TOM and I gained back 2 of the 2.5lbs I lost last week. I'm trying to drink a ton of water and hopefully in the next couple of days I will be back down.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Congratulations on the losses everyone! I am down another 2 pounds 184
    Have a fantastic weekend all.