

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Stiff and sore from all the gravel shovelling and hauling and all the gardening this weekend.

    But we are making progress!

    I've planted more flowers in the hope to flood the bed with foliage that should be there, instead of weeds and I'm trying an experiment on a patch of lawn. I've determined that our lawn consists of crab grass, super dandilions (I've never seen anything like them), these other weeds I can't identify, clover, and now something small with flowers. The super dandilions have roots like carrots and they produce a yellow dandilion flower but it's about a foot in the air. Perhaps it spreads easier that way. I can vouch for its success. And I don't mind clover in a lawn but when it throws out vines everywhere, it gets a bit annoying. I wasn't aware that clover did throw out vines.

    So I'm digging up some of the weeds and putting grass seed in it's place. Real grass. Either the super weeds will choke it out or maybe we'll get some actual grass going!

    Now to hobble to bed.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member

    Kirby is on the phone with Costco already. It’s 7am and he is still fuming
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well 3 mini date loaves made and 3 mini cranberry orange loaves made for little gifts for our little appetizer party this afternoon..
    Im bringing a veggie platter and cranberry juice and sprite zero ,no cocktails for mr. But will be a fun time as usual.. want to be home by 7:30 as Charlie Brown Christmas is on PBS..
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Heather - I figure out when I was about 7 that there was no Santa when I recognized my Dad’s handwriting. It was confirmed when I heard him and my Grandfather placing things under the tree and deciding where what would go. 🎄
    Lauryn, Jonah’s Mom believed until she was probably 11 or 12. Her two years younger sister quit believing when she was 7. We always put stockings on the foot of their bed and she saw us sneak in to her room.

    Barbara - I miss the incandescent lights, the LED are a little too bright. It’s better to be safe though. Do you have ornaments that are vintage for inside?
    What a treat to drive home to.

    Machka - what a tragedy.

    Lisa - I love the rubber ducks! What a great idea. It’s great that something so simple made your son’s girlfriend’s day a bit brighter.

    Allie - I haven’t sat and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas in years. I should do that this year.

    I wrapped presents most of the day yesterday and into the evening. My DH is having a nap in preparation for our long day today. I am watching Christmas movies and painting my nails.

    A relaxing morning
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather – Congratulations on your writing achievement! It looks as though you may be getting a feature in a national newspaper for your book. WOW! :bigsmile:

    Barbie – My husband has diabetes and MS. His prescriptions are not cheap, but they are very valuable. I am grateful that we are able to get them at our local pharmacy.

    (((Lisa))) - I am so sorry that the VA is not supporting you as well as they should. In fact, it makes me more than a little angry on your behalf.

    Kim – I hope things go well for your mom. It sounds as though the cardiologist is observant and wise.

    Yesterday we brought our Christmas tree into the house and decorated it. The tree is a dwarf Alberta Spruce and it lives in a pot outside all year except that we bring it inside to be our Christmas tree in December. I had fun decorating it yesterday.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    I had just come downstairs from my nap when I got a phone call from my old university friend, L. I had been thinking about ringing her. She sounded very upset, so I knew something was very, very wrong.
    Her long term partner, M, had had a heart attack this morning and died. It was downstairs in their house and he called out to her. CPR etc did not save him.
    A friend is driving up to be with her tonight and her sister is arriving tomorrow.
    She is one of the closest people to me.
    She asked me to ring another university friend, A, so I have done that.
    M was 9 years younger than L, so he was 63, and it was unexpected.
    Such a shock.
    I'm glad that she is not going to be alone tonight. She said the neighbours, who she didn't really know, have been really good.

    I was already pondering the death of Richard Rogers, and reading about his life online. (A famous British architect) He was 88 though and lived a full life. He was part of the crowd I moved in in London, though I never met him.

    Death is tapping us on the shoulder.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member


    Here is one of the Yorkies with a Dingo Ring. That's all she will eat. Just the red stuff, then leaves the rest of the rawhide unless quite desperate.



    Love the Yorkie! Lol

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,005 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: BP, 10 min stroll w/Joe and dogs before nail trim
    Bonus: got Joe set up and new pharmacy, picked up rx, made pecan fudge, spiced rum balls and (failed) English Toffee,
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    18: Ask for help and let someone else discover the joy of giving. Joe and the Christmas lights and tree?

    Stiffed the puppies today on play training and powerline, time crunch to nail trim appointment.

    Probe failed on thermometer while making English toffee, but can’t blame candy failure on it, left the water out OOPS so the butter and sugar never completely cohered. Any suggestions, Debbie, KJ or others who make candy?

    New thermometer ordered with two professional replacement probes and this is the 2nd time cheapo probes have failed. Kinda hope the replacement probes fit the other to thermometers as I like their design better for setting temp alarms.

    Heather :love: your Buddha vision, and the Christmas Bingo card. This would have been fun to play at last week’s girls’ movie night, with some Americanization adjustments. Maybe next year ;) Truth in that poem. Thank you.
    Barbie “only joy and no disappointment” is due to your attitude as well as your choices. Bravissima. Thanks for sharing the morning lights.
    Macha I almost choked snorting my cocoa when “. . .the Tree is done” appeared. Think I’ll do that tomorrow to surprise Joe. :laugh: 2 tonnes of gravel? :nowah: Will you feed your bees the leatherwood honey?
    Karen Hallmark Christmas movie then falling back asleep sounds like just the rx! Had to goodle Dingo rings. Hmm…
    Lisa back on the elliptical as well as back to smiling. YAY! “. . .mouth-breathing, itchy-faced, snotty little sniffler…” Boo!. :sick: ((hugs))
    Annie what Lisa said about resetting and timing. 2 mins would be a good place to start and now would be the best time (says she who is 5000 steps below goal NOW.)
    Pip just :love: the Yogi pics He has such an expressive face.
    Allie it always amazes me how the sound of a dog getting ready to puke can rouse me from a deep sleep to standing, picking up dog, carrying to bathroom floor before eyes focused and without glasses.
    Katla sounds like you’re prepared to receive hard news about your 2009 computer. ((hugs))
    Mary ((hugs)) Parkinson’s is such a hard dx.
    Tracey so relieved to see your smiling face! Fingers X’d for the ultrasound. Can you set a time limit for listening to the needy friend? Like when she calls, say something like “I want to hear you but I have to leave the house at 3pm, Will that be enough time?” Really listening can be an exhausting gift to give, especially when the caller won’t take steps to help themselves. Boundaries are necessary for self-care. Read a book about effective listening, can’t remember the title or author, who recommended rephrasing what we hear in terms of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It was really hard to do but could be effective if I could detach enough to keep my ego and emotional reactions out of the conversation.

    Christmas cookie memories: making almond crescents and holiday nut balls with Mama. If I do nothing at Christmas I make a batch of each. It is important to me.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/5a/f8qt1s098sxm.gif Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    The recipes I use are just simple ones-no temp checks-
    The cracker toffee is just butter and brown sugar, bring to a boil for 3 min, pour over the laid out crackers , bake five minutes, sprinkle with choc. chips, spread while hot then sprinkle with chopped nuts- that is it.
    It is called Cracker Crack- so simple but so good.
    The caramel corn is basically the same start but it does have corn syrup and baking soda added after you take it off the heat(and before you pour over the popcorn- that one takes an hour to bake on low.

    I made cracker toffee with a bag of cheap animal crackers my husband bought. He thought he was being thrifty, but he learned the official animal crackers in the small boxes taste way better. But they were a nice crunch in the toffee.💖👍

    I use the saltine crackers. I got some that Grocery Outlet had marked down to .50 a box. They are great- they are in sheets of four crackers instead of individual or two crackers. Taste really good too. The sheets make laying them flat in the cookie sheet so much easier/quicker plus they don't float while baking like the single ones do. Also easier to spread both the toffee and the chocolate.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,005 Member
    edited December 2021
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: BP, dog group, dogs to powerline.
    Bonus: researched and ordered telescope for Joe, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s for rx
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    18: Ask for help and let someone else discover the joy of giving. Joe and the Christmas lights and tree?

    “I don't want to be smart, I want to be emotional! But I love you and don't want you to die in a house fire.” So agreed to let Joe throw away all the vintage, incandescent, twinkle bright lights. He could tell that decision hurt my heart, so is putting them up in the garage which has a reliable circuit breaker, to see how they do. Gotta love that man!

    Dragged my unwilling butt to dog group. Despite a few sprinkles was glad I did. Then stopped and Grocery Outlet “for just one more bag of chocolate chips” and found all the produce needed for the week. Other than an early morning trip to the post office Monday or Tuesday, and dog group, I can hunker down and not leave the house ‘til after the holiday.

    Annie, rock ON!
    Debbie your cracker crack and caramel corn sound yummy!
    Karen Oh what a naughty little look! Better the red stuff from the dingo ring than the sandal ;)
    Machka the “sat quietly in the glow of holiday lights” square reminded me of my BFF. She used to overnight on my couch and loved to watch the Christmas tree lights randomly blink off and on. She told a story about her and her sister as little girls “kissing” each Christmas light goodbye when their mom took the tree down. Like Barbie and Katla, the lights give me great joy.

    Oooh, twinkly lights strung above the garage windows and around the rafters! Coming home from dog group, driving into the garage, was like driving into a magical Christmasland. Thank you Joe!

    Pouring down rain now, all the more cozy reason to stay in.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    Don't you love all the treasures you can find at Grocery Outlet. We have two in our town, two in the town just north of us(one is where my son works as a produce manager), one in another town just NE of us and one just north of there. All have different stuff/different prices. It is a treasure hunt for sure.
    On our road trips up to Seattle, it is always a game to see how many GO's we can find and stop at. There are quite a few going up 101 and coming home on 5.
    My son likes the owners he works for. So much better than working at Safeway. Just a better fit for his personality. Everyone we have talked to at the different stores all seem to like working for the company
    That is our favorite store. We shop there first, then check out the two Lucky's in Napa. Last is Safeway(that dh works at). Love to find my bargains!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    edited December 2021
    Karen - <3

    I am feeling very mortal.

    Heather UK xxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,867 Member
    The sun is shining! After all the rain yesterday it is especially nice. I have been to church and am going to take the dog for a walk in a short while.she had to spend most of her outdoor time yesterday in the barn instead of the pasture.

    Lisa - love the rubber duckies.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Loving the duck emotions. <3Lisa

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
    Stat for the day-

    housecleaning etc- 2hrs 24min 32sec, vacuum, dusting, change bedsheets, sweep, rake leaves from front patio= 700c
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,086 Member
    edited December 2021
    I put on my calendar that I would write three hours a day but I can only stand about an hour in the chair. My shoulders are stiff. I think the keyboard is in a good place, but I hunch over to see the screen of the laptop. Hope I can work the kinks out of the position!

    Meanwhile I'm spending more productive time and less hanging around time. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    I put on my calendar that I would write three hours a day but I can only stand about an hour in the chair. My shoulders are stiff. I think the keyboard is in a good place, but I hunch over to see the screen of the laptop. Hope I can work the kinks out of the position!

    Meanwhile I'm spending more productive time and less hanging around time. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware

    Do 45 min then stand up and stretch for 5 min, walk for 5 min, then write again for 45 min and repeat.