Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @nsk1951 Nice goals and good that you are still working at it! There are many struggles on they way to health, but the important thing is to not give up. Happy new year!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy New Year!
    Sorry I disappeared for a bit. Things got hectic between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I found I didn't have as much free time to jump on here and read/post in the thread. Somehow I have managed to stay at 212 since Thanksgiving. I don't know how, we have a lot of sinfully delicious foods in the house that I have been grazing on. The only thing I can think of is my daily exercise routine helped burned off all those extra calories I was eating. I had my follow up with my doctor at the beginning of December. I have now "graduated" and can start seeing her every 6 months rather than every 3 months. My blood work looked amazing last visit. My A1C is .2 points away from being in the non diabetic range! Still no word on when I can start weaning off my medication. Monday is my daughter's 7th birthday! We are having a party for her at her gym this weekend (gymnastics). She is very excited. My husband and I bought her a gymnastics bar, balance beam and tumbling mat for her birthday. We were planning on giving it to her on Saturday this way she has all weekend to use it. However, now it looks like we are going to have a snow storm hit on Friday. :s Nothing like giving a birthday gift that cannot be used. HAHA.

    Glad to hear your appointment went well. So sorry to hear about your husband's accident. I hope he is doing better now.

    I love the new picture!

    Congratulations on your new home. That is exciting!

    Welcome back!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone! Well I made it through the holiday season without gaining any weight at all must have been the walking every day that I could or all the snow shoveling. I also didn’t really eat any sweets this year but I ate plenty of bad real food.
    I signed up for 2022 Sesame Street 500 mile fun together fitness challenge. I say a fun fitness challenge because with Sesame Street you can do whatever you want to make the miles it’s not just a walk/run you can jump rope, skateboard, play kickball… You get it. Once winter is over I’m going to be very intentional about separating Riley‘s walks and my miles for the challenge. I’m super excited the medal looks awesome you get little pins every time you hit a certain mile marker. It’s just a way to keep myself motivated.

    @nsk1951- Welcome back to the group.
    @MrsHermit - Best wishes with the move
    @JNettie73- Sounds like fun bday for your daughter. Congrats on your lab results.
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @JNettie73 @mnwalkingqueen Thanks! Looking forward to it!
    @mnwalkingqueen That walk/challenge sounds fun! It's nice to have a fun goal to work towards.

    Currently, I think I have caught the thing, so trying to get over that. DH is further along than I am, getting better. Thankfully I have a few days to catch up on tasks once I get better. Yesterday I didn't really track (went way over calories), just focused on eating a large variety of food/veggies/fruits.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone!! I love reading all of your goals! So inspiring!

    I went to see a lipid specialist today because I have a genetic condition that makes my LDL run very high. I really liked him, as he tool a lot of time to share information and really educate me about my hyperlipidemia. He is starting me on a different statin than I was on many years ago--he said this one is much better for women with my genetics. He also wants me to continue to lose weight as the lower my weight, the easier it will be to control with minimal drugs. He also wants me to track my intake of saturated fats and to keep them below 5 grams/day. I looked at reports here, and it seems I average about 20g/day, so I will need to reduce that number. This will be a new experience for me since I've never really worried about tracking fat intake. When I do pay attention to macros, it's always to increase protein and decrease carbs with very little attention to how much/types of fat. I'm sure I still have some "wrong" foods in the house, so this 1st week or so, I will just focus on trying to keep that number as low as possible while I clear out the fridge/cupboard. I also need to do some research to see what foods will work for me. Obviously, I know fresh fruits and veggies are good, but beyond that, I'm not so sure.

    I made it to the gym a couple more times this week, and another goal is to continue 2-3 visits/per week now that I'll be back at work. I was happy to see my weight back down a bit the past couple of day, and logged my low for this week which was 191 today.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    12/3/21 = 191.4
    12/10/21 = 190.4
    12/17/21 = 191.6
    12/24/21 = 191.4
    12/30/21 = 192.4
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193= -14.4 pounds for the year :)
    1/7/22 = 191
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound May you have great success with the changes you need to make. Can you add Sat Fat to your food log to help track it? 5 G a day! ... 1 oz of regular cheddar cheese would blow that!
    @mnwalkingqueen that challenge sound like fun.
    @JNettie73 that's great about how you've controlled the A1c ... Wow, your daughter is already 7; I remember when you posted on here about her birth! Happy Birthday little girl.
    @MrsHermit hope you and your husband get feeling better soon and don't develop any complications from it.

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/8/22: 229.8

    I had a pretty good week at keeping to my resolve of not overstocking my fridge and using what I have on hand for the cooking I'm doing. Still, I find myself at the end of the week with more items on hand than I have time to prepare and eat while they are in their best freshness. This week I cooked Split Pea soup, Apple Bread Pudding, Chili, fruited gelatin dessert. Today I am making a cabbage salad called Claremont Salad and Ricotta Stuffed Zucchini. I still have 2 other recipes in the wings ... Vegetarian Meatloaf (an Italian dish) and Shrimp and Zucchini with Bowtie Pasta. As I am a 1-person household, I need to concentrate on making small recipes and freezing a lot otherwise I end up eating the same food for days, which is awful boring! I don't plan to shop again until all those recipes are made, because the stuff for them is all on hand.
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I hope you find something that works for you (foods to enjoy, which ones to avoid). Chocolate, dairy, and baked goods, are my problems for sure!

    @nsk1951 Thank you. My husband is pretty much recovered. I think I have it worse than he did, lots of coughing fits still. But I'm starting to sleep some so I guess that's a good sign. Still feel awful.
    Picking some recipes and sticking with them sounds like something I want to do, but for now it's all about clearing out the freezer entirely as we'll be without refrigeration for awhile. I have a household of two, but not sure what I'm going to do about zero leftovers since DH eats frequently. Your dishes sound like fun!
  • mistressphoenixs
    mistressphoenixs Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, I've been here before so many times I don't even remember what my username was or how long ago. Honestly I only remembered RobinsEgg as a slight glimmer then started reading the thread. I hope it's ok to join again. I'll tell my story again as it's been A WHILE.

    So I have 166lbs id like to lose. I was in a horrible relationship which ended when I left last time. I am a single mom with 5 kids 3 of which are in the home still. I still have to deal with the ex a lot which triggers my want to binge eat almost every time. I own my own business but when I got covid in March 2020 it really slowed down my business and I'm JUST getting back to really trying to work. I have multiple autoimmune diseases that make losing weight tough but not impossible, as long as I stick to healthy eating and moving more, carefully. I'm motivated by wanting to do more with my kids and be healthy enough to care for them and enjoy life with them. I'm restarting today and plan on doing my best to stick to it this time. Thank you for listening.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @mistressphoenixs Welcome back. I can relate to your comment about binge eating triggers! I can remember after a love-affair breakup where we tried to stay friendly that every time I talked to that man I would end up a pound or two heaver on the scale soon after. Eventually I just had to completely bow out of any contact with him at all. That's not an option when you co-parent with your ex, at least not until the kids are on their own. That said; it wasn't the guys fault that I binged after having contact with him; it was my own behavior that I needed to modify; my own response to stress. Still working on it! Good Luck.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/8/22: 229.8
    1/15/22: 228.4

    Looks like "I'm back" from the weight-gain stage of my 44-year long Yo-Yo diet life-style. ... not to jinx myself; I'm closing in on getting back to my October 1 2021 weight of 226.8 . It appears, from my records, that I go through seasonal changes with my weight. I guess, just like the wildlife outside, I try to fatten up for the long cold winter!

    This past week, I didn't cook one of the dinners I'd planned on making ... the Vegetarian Meatloaf. I did make the shrimp/zucchini/Farfalle dish and liked it so well that I followed it up with Cod/Italian Zucchini Stew/ Linguine, and then with Italian Zucchini Stew poached eggs. Plus, I roasted some chicken so I had that for dinner one night and for some of the lunches. I also made one of my all-time favorites a couple of nights ... pan fried potatoes; once with tuna fish and a cucumber salad and another time with over-easy eggs. Last night I finished out my week with a cheese and salsa quesadilla with a bowl of soup and celery sticks on the side. ... The great thing about these meals this week were that the only dish that had 'left-overs' was the Italian Zucchini Stew, which was meant to have them so I could use the stew in other dishes. It's one of my favorite vegetable dishes to made and use.

    I haven't made out my dinner plans for the coming week yet. My sister gifted me with a container each of her Lasagna and Italian Zucchini ... I know I want to cook a pan of chicken livers with mushrooms, onions, and potatoes and I want a Salmon dinner. Other than that, I have to see what's going to be on sale at the grocery store this coming week before I make plans.

    Hope everyone has a good week. This is the snow storm season ... Drive Safe! Stay Warm! Be Happy.
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @nsk1951 Sounds like a great week meal-wise! Great job on your progress!

    Weigh day!
    Despite having "the thing" and starting to pack (no room to exercise), I still managed to lose weight at a safe rate. I've been drinking a lot more water and eating lots more fruit lately. I am pretty sure I'm over the worst of the thing just still struggling with congestion and coughing.

    Highest known weight: 262.2 lbs
    Current weight: 240.0 lbs
    Goal weight: 149 lbs (healthy BMI)


    I read an old journal entry from Fall 2019, and was at 235 lbs. Nice feeling that I'm almost there. I really am making progress. I don't remember making solid progress like this before, so I'm very grateful to God.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nsk1951 --Your meals sound delicious. I wish I liked to cook, but it has never been something I enjoy; however, given my new goal of trying to stay below 5g of saturated fat/day, I think I'm going to have to start. I'm finding that most of my staples for lunch have more than half that daily goal. :( I do plan to use MFP to help me track; I ran a report and it looks like I tend to consume between 15-25g/day, so I have a ways to go to get to my goal. We have been lucky to miss most of the snow here in Chicago, but we've experienced some of the cold already, and I'm sure there's more to come.

    @mistressphoenixs -- welcome back to the thread. :)

    @MrsHermit -- I've already made some easy changes: fat free instead of low fat cottage cheese, PB2 instead of real peanut butter, etc. The big challenge for me will be finding proteins that don't have a lot of saturated fat. I used to buy chicken sausages to take for an easy lunch, but one sausage has 4g of fat, so those are now out. Even my Healthy Choice Power Bowls have 1.5-2.5g. I know boneless skinless chicken breast is an option, but I can't find many others. Obviously, I will have to limit my beef intake, but I absolutely LOVE salmon, and that has more than a gram of saturated fat/ounce. I used to eat a lot of tilapia and swai which are lower in fat, but I couldn't find either at the grocery store this past week.

    AFM--It's been a rough week for us. Gunner's anxiety got really bad last weekend, and when I took him on Wednesday, his rehab therapy doctor agreed that it was probably time to let him go. It was his 16th birthday today, so we celebrated last night, and then took him this morning to say goodbye. Here's a picture of my sweet boy enjoying his birthday cookie:


    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    12/3/21 = 191.4
    12/10/21 = 190.4
    12/17/21 = 191.6
    12/24/21 = 191.4
    12/30/21 = 192.4
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193= -14.4 pounds for the year :)
    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound Congrats on your weight loss for last year, and the changes you've already made to your diet. I'm vegetarian so making our own proteins can be time consuming. My problem is snacks and choices that I'm used to (like cream of wheat)... I'm working on it.
    My condolences for your loss - so sad. Hopefully you can remember good times though.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I was passing through before starting my day at work and wow y’all made me even more hungrier after eating breakfast. Love seeing so many yummy choices. I’m not sure without scrolling back through the pages who made the comment about a one person household and eating the same thing over and over. I am that person my diary basically shows the same food day after day. I am trying to switch it up it takes for 30 days to build a habit so we’ll see.
    Karen I am so sorry for your loss. Gunner looks beautiful and had a wonderful 16 years with you.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound ... I am so sorry about Gunner. With deepest sympathy for your loss.

    AFM ... I had a weight gain this week, and I am not surprised. The food choices I made this week were all higher in carbohydrate and fat than I have been eating the rest of this month. It started with eating that wonderful tasting Lasagna my sister gifted me last week. That would have been alright had I thrown in a lot of fresh produce but I didn't. I continued on with dense recipes ... BBQ burgers in a vegetable sauce, Chicken and Rice pot, Chicken and Rice Vegetable soup and Ricotta Pasta ... not bad recipes in themselves. This is most likely where the plan failed ... I ate 14 ounces of pumpernickel bread during the week and had 4 of those burgers. I also made a fudgy brownie box mix and ate all of the brownies this week within a couple of days. Well ... the bread and brownies are gone and I don't plan to restock them! ... I've stashed the heavier carb recipes into the freezer for another time as well as half the burgers. I'm running out of freezer containers!

    This week I plan to cook braised cabbage like my mom used to make ... half green cabbage and half sauerkraut all stewed together with some onion. It makes a wonderful side dish or filling for hand 'pies' or baked stuffed rolls, and dumpling stuffings. I like it by itself as a snack or side dish.

    The plan for this week is to make another Vegetable Stew and eat more fish and raw vegetable salads.

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/8/22: 229.8
    1/15/22: 228.4
    1/22/22: 230.2
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Friends,

    hope everyone is doing well just doing a quick swing by. It is still below zero here in Minnesota so I haven’t really worked out at all which the scale is showing with only a .5 pound loss. However, I have decided that I am going to have at least three servings of vegetables per day. I know that we’re required to eat more but I rarely ate vegetables.
    I thought I would share this with everyone. I love podcast and I found this one about a woman who lost over 100 pounds and she’s made it her mission in life to help others lose over 100 pounds. I don’t know what all is talked about I have only gotten to episode three and the first two episodes were just getting to know her and her struggles before losing the weight.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi @mnwalkingqueen , I’ve also run across Corrine’s podcasts and learned some from her. Her methods don’t fit my personality so I didn’t copy her habits in the end ; just incorporated what I could into my own lifestyle. I hope you get benefits from the podcasts.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @holly--I haven't gotten into podcasts yet, but my husband listens to them quite a bit. Maybe once I get a good pair of wireless earbuds to use with my new phone (it has no earbud jack), I will listen while walking. That looks interesting, so keep us posted if she shares anything interesting. :) It has also been very cold here (-20 wind chills yesterday), but today bounced back up to a balmy 30 degrees. I can't wait for spring!

    @nsk1951 -- thank you for the condolences--we miss our boy, but we know it was the right choice. I have also had a very carb heavy week, and the scale is telling me to STOP!! LOL

    AFM- We had our monthly pot luck luncheon this week at work on Tuesday; the theme was soup and salad, but somehow only a two of us brought soup and two brought salad. I brought homemade split pea and another person brought baked potato soup--both pretty carb-heavy choices. Only two people brought salad, and those were both gone the first day. Most of my colleagues decided to bring some form of carb: donuts, cookies, beer bread, soft pretzels, cornbread, even apple pie. All week I have been grazing on those carbs, and it's taking a toll. In addition, I only made it to the gym one day so far this week, though I do plan to go again tomorrow. Basically, I saw the scale drop to 190 last week, but this week it's been up above that every day, fluctuating between 192 and 194.

    My plan is to do better grocery shopping and meal prep for next week to get my eating back under control.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    12/3/21 = 191.4
    12/10/21 = 190.4
    12/17/21 = 191.6
    12/24/21 = 191.4
    12/30/21 = 192.4
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193= -14.4 pounds for the year :)
    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
    1/21/22 = 190
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hello fellow posters ... January is almost done. Just 2 more days and February will offer us all a 'new start' on Tuesday ... which happens to be the Lunar New Year as well!

    I did terrible this week. No excuses as to why I overate ... even good food is a no-no if I have too much of it.
    The anniversary of my brothers birthdate was during this past week and I think that was why I was so much more hungry than usual. He passed away some years back at a young age. In fact, it was his passing away that bolted me into taking a firmer hand with myself and the steady weight gain that I had been letting happen. I miss him very much.

    To celebrate my bro's memory, I made half a box cake mix on the date of his birth and ate all of it. ... However, the Stewed Cabbage/Kraut recipe a.k.a my mom's style was so tasty and soul satisfying to have. I used some of it to cook pork chops in the oven and they came out so good that I decided not to freeze the left overs but ate a pork chop a day until they were gone. My plans for more vegetables and more fish kind of went by the wayside ... I only ate fish once and the vegetables turned into the cabbage dish.

    This coming week I don't plan to shop until Tuesday, so it will be pantry-cooking until then. On the menu for now is 3-bean salad, egg salad, mushroom pasta sauce, broiled haddock. Next week, after shopping, I will make a big pot of vegetable soup. I haven't settled on a meat type for protein yet. Maybe I'll go meatless all week, maybe.

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/8/22: 229.8
    1/15/22: 228.4
    1/22/22: 230.2
    1/29/22: 230.8
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I finally go outside this weekend for some walking because it was above zero and I didn’t realize how much physically I needed that and mentally I needed that.
    Saturday I went out to lunch with my girlfriends and I had to accomplishments one I didn’t have any liquor and only one soda and the other accomplishment was that I literally brought home my meal. That’s not to say I didn’t eat because I ordered queso Blanca and basically ate chips and queso before my meal. But in the past even a month or two ago I would’ve ate all that chips and queso and ate my entire meal so I feel like that was a huge accomplishment. And as I was portioning out my meal once I got it home it was insane there was enough food for all four of us to eat I portioned it out in 4 ounces for a setting and yeah there was enough for me to put 4 ounces in four containers. I’m about 25 miles in on my 500 mile challenge this year due to the cold winter climate I knew I won’t get very money miles in until the snow melts but I am impressed that I’ve gotten 25 so far.

    @JNettie73 - I believe I saw on my main page that you lost a family member. I just wanna say I’m so sorry for your loss and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    @Karen- Is it crazy how at company functions everybody brings all the bad stuff. I remember when I worked in office it seemed like every potluck there were more chips, cookies, bars, then there was actual food to eat. I pretty much normally listen to true crime podcast I am addicted to listening to those and wrongful convictions except those make me kinda ticked off. I use old-school headphones like beets by Dre like what DJs use because I can’t get those ear buds to stay in my ears are always falling out. Except I don’t use the beats brand way above my budget for headphones.

    @nsk1951 - that was a good way to honor your loved one. I have to say I love sauerkraut. Yeah I’m not so sure if I will learn anything from the podcast or not like I said I’m only a few episodes in. However, I think for me it’s always good to hear about it from someone like me and we had a lot of similarities as she was telling her story. I don’t know we’ll see how it goes I feel like a lot of the weight loss stuff you hear the same thing over and over again it’s just finding someone that you can relate to fort to really sink in.