
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    edited January 2022
    Lanette - so happy to see you! But sad to hear of what you are dealing with. <3 I dread getting to that stage. It is one of my secret worries, especially as DH will not make a LPA. Grrrr! I still hope he will change his mind.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2022
    Good morning ladies! Our trip to San Diego is going to be shortened to one day and an overnight. The grandkids and adult children are all coming down with covid like symptoms. They will be getting tested today to confirm. We still have all their Christmas presents since we had to miss because of our covid experience. So our plan is to drop them off on Saturday with a prepared meal. We will then spend the night at the hotel and leave in the morning.

    Lisa I think that your obituary is fantastic! I love the humor! I am not having a funeral both my husband and I are going to be donating our bodies to the Mayo hospital. We are requesting only a family celebration of life.

    Heather is it true that you no longer are under any covid mandates? In certain States they are doing that as well. Here in Arizona everything is voluntary.

    Have a great day everyone!

    💞 Mary from Arizona/ Minnesota
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    Heather, I dug out our Financial and Medical Power of Attorney documents recently. I am amazed at the good job our attorney did 10 years ago, these documents are timeless. As appropriate now as they were 10 years ago. It is a relief having them, that's for sure. Our doctor has the medical one and it has guided his handling of DH's health I'm sure.

    The nursing home status in some areas is iffy right now and probably will be for a while. I heard that they are having a hard time keeping staff, and they are getting picky about the patients they'll accept. Some requirements are the patients must be pleasant, short term, and pay well. They can turn away patients that don't meet their criteria. I'm not sure if this is true in my county or not.

    There's no way DH could live here by himself.

    But I've been investigating how we can better age in place in our home. It's one-story, but we may need a frame around the toilet for support, other equipment for example. I'm getting DH in on the discussion (in the morning when he's "fresh") and he has some good ideas. No more pooh-poohing the idea which is good.

    On another note - has JanetR posted recently? She may have and I missed it. As I recall she had a lot going on with DGD killed in a traffic accident. Sending good thoughts her way.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Lanette ~ So glad to see you here. And, so sorry to hear about your husband's decline. You are a strong lady and I know you will see this through with courage and hope.

    Carol in GA

    Carol, thank you. Most days I count my blessings that we have so many things to be grateful for. It helps a lot. <3

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • cpblondie67
    cpblondie67 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I'm just trying out the community to see if will help me with my weight loss resolution. It was great to see this discussion and I hope to make some friends here.

    I'm in Texas and we are having our first winter day today. So I'm curled up on the couch playing on the computer.

    I am recovering from back surgery (hopefully last) I had in September. I just got doc approval to start walking without my walker, so I'm encouraged that I might actually start losing weight.

    Happy belated New Year to everyone
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    HEATHER Great that your SO has been such a boon to your life. I am not counting on someone like that "coming along". (or being found or whatever) if it happens great! otherwise I'll just do my best.

    RITA I'm so sorry about your son.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    edited January 2022
    Quite pleased with my stuffed peppers I made for tonight's dinner.

    I have three more double portions of ragu to freeze. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Stunning cake...
    Lovely peppers Heather
    Went over and got Homer outside the boys enjoyed it.. Homer bless him cant see a thing but still has alot of spunk..
    Watching the Waltons... I really enjoy watching the old shows
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2022
    Lanette — It is good to see you posting again! I have missed you. My DH also has health issues. His stem from diabetes and MS. Good medicine helps.

    Grab bars in the bathroom have been very helpful for him.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 20.25min, 2.94ap, 82ahr, 1.02mi= 94c
    Strava app= 124c
    Walk home to gym- 10.48min, .52mi= 52c
    Strava app= 62c
    Treadmill skip/sidestep/sprints etc- 60min, sp4-8, incl 0-2, 127ahr, 166mhr 4.52mi= 477c
    Other- 180# tire toss, 5 times- 1.35min, 102ahr, 124mhr= 21c
    Walk gym to store to home- 22.08min, .95mi= 111c
    Strava app= 115c

    Total cal 755
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,789 Member
    Lanette - So good to see you! I'm sorry your husband's issues are intensifying.

    My heart goes out to everyone that is caretaking, whether spouse or parent, and those with family who are ill.

    Speaking of which, Corey is still struggling with whatever it is he's got - whether it's covid or just the worst head cold in the world. He's going to work anyway, but says more than half their workers are out sick. Whatever it is, fingers crossed, I haven't picked it up so far, and I am grateful.

    I've had a good day - was able to do the usual chores, laundry etc. without being exhausted, and then made a couple of tuna casseroles, which I bake and then portion into servings and freeze - Corey is not a fan, but I really like them for a quick hot lunch - they heat up in the microwave in three minutes, are reasonably good nutrition, and only a couple hundred calories. Also made a pan of blondies with white chocolate, which I'll portion up and send with him to work tomorrow for whoever wants them.

    He'll be home in about an hour, so I need to get some bacon going for breakfast tacos for dinner... That's the plan anyway, we'll see what he's in the mood for when he gets here.

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Catching up on reading while sitting with Daddy. He is much improved (a relative statement at almost 93).

    Machka, congrats on the NSV. My absolute favorite pjs are red flannel with little black dogs on them. My husband bought them along with a matching robe back when I was much heavier. They were too small. I actually need at least one size down now, but I love them too much to discard them. They are so comfy and the roominess reminds me of how far I’ve come.

    Regarding dishwashers. I find it interesting that Bosch and hard water aren’t supposed to be good. My Bosch is the only dishwasher I’ve had that seems to not be affected by my hard water. We went through one about every 4 or 5 years before we installed this Bosch. I love it and their customer service has been phenomenal. No dishwasher would be a deal breaker for me. When this one breaks, I’ll have a new one ordered before the day is done. Now if my stove breaks, that can wait a while. Lol.

    Lanette, I do remember the favorite panties conversation. Minicooper, that was before your time but an example of a seemingly random comment that takes a life of its own in the conversations. I know that I sometimes skim so quickly that I miss important things I should have noticed. Then someone will comment on it and I’ll read that. Then I’m asking myself what all I’ve missed. Or say why are we talking about panties or dishwashers or whatever.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Crackers-I can’t explain the mystery. I believe the last time I bought some was before Christmas at Meijers. I could not believe they only had like two brands and took up very little shelf space-very strange the things that are in short supply right now.

    Terri-love the poem. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

    Lisa-great obituary!

    Vicki-that does sound like a very awkward funeral. I do hope no one shows up and causes trouble.

    Lanette-I have a ryobi edger that is battery operated-easy to use. Sorry for you husband’s issues.

    Mary-I was getting out to Az twice a year before covid. Also DIL was a stay at home parent. Now with both of them working I will plan trips in when they can have a bit of off time (I also respect that they would want some of their limited time off for just them). Hope to at least be back out at Thanksgiving/Christmas time.

    Heather-peppers do look good. My husband always liked them (and made them). Haven’t had them since he dies.

    Julie-I understand what you mean about some not understanding we singles. GF cake looks good-how did you get the leaves on it?

    Lisa-regarding Corey’s illness-we tend to forget there are other things going around. A friends grandson has a case of the flu that is pretty brutal-it is also going around the school.

    Trip to Columbus went well. CT looked the same. Won't have another one a year unless 6 month blood work looks bad. Insurance will no longer cover Synthroid brand name. I have been on that for nearly 26 years for suppression therapy for thyroid cancer. Endo says that the thinking on that has changed over the years. I prefer not to pay the out of pocket for it if not necessary. I have better than 90 day supply from last prescription. I will contact them for refill in a couple of months. Going to try the generic. He said if I have any problem with it he can then petition insurance.

    Need to go tend to a few work emails.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,145 Member
    Lisa - What fun! I'm not very funny, but I am honest, so might try writing something. In the German series I mentioned people have all kinds of ways of marking their passing, Minicooper - One had a band and joyful procession, one attacked her mother's coffin, and one wanted to control the obit. Etc etc. I find people so endlessly interesting.
    I didn’t even realise that you don't have to have a funeral until a female undertaker came to give a talk at our W I. You can just have the body disposed of for a reasonable sum. I would prefer the money spent on a nice dinner/party with speeches and music. I hope everyone will be joyful. I've thought of some music, including, 'Enjoy Yourself, It's Later Than You Think.'
    It's different when people die young, but I have lived a fulfilled life and "je ne regrette rien."

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    When we get back to Hawaii, we are going to take dh's aunt's step grand daughter and her family out to eat instead of having a service for his aunt. She didn't want any kind of service plus, really, there is no one else left except us and her step grand daughter. We always said we would have her favorite meal- prime rib, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, a glass of white zin, and a piece of cream pie. That is what she had every time we took her out each Sunday. Even at over 90yrs old, almost always had the same thing. Occasionally she would have pasta but not often.

    As for people not going to a service, the way worked it out for relatives that couldn't come to dad's, we told them to just come when they could- This was better for mom- she had more one on one time when my cousins got here plus she had something to look forward to a few months later. My cousins came and spent a week with her and I got more cousins together for a mini reunion. That meant so much to mom and my aunt(dad's sister- the last surviving sibling of the ten kids). We had a great time and want to do it again soon- These cousins came down from Seattle and from Arizona)

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: 141.3, :smile:, Joe, readings, BP, osteo back, dogs to powerline, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, mfp50+.
    Bonus: 2 laundry, 15 mins vacuuming, 5 mins cleaning Mbth,
    Workin’ on it: H20x05, active 4.37
    Happier January 2022
    19: Focus on what’s good even if today feels tough.

    Evelyn thanks for the caution against Samsung customer service. Uh oh, we have a Samsung range… no trouble so far…
    Alllie :cry: for your neighbors and your friend.
    KJ that over the sink drainer looks very very interesting, despite the funnily translated captions. The Doc’s office sent your son home, did they keep your DH? Hope they help him sooner. Please keep us posted.
    Machka I’m reading “The Brain’s Way of Healing” on your recommendation. Fascinating but can’t say I’m enjoying it all that much ;) What I really want to curl up with are my Susan Conant dog myateries and Charlotte MacLeod cozies :laugh: Like you, one of the good things to come from how I try to keep safe from Covid is that neither have I been sick for years, not since my DVT when we moved here in 2017. Good luck in your two new job adventures!
    Carla sorry my comment about your mom got lost in the shuffle. Whooshing care and support.
    Flea so sad about your coworker. In addition to what you mentioned, we can also boost our general immunity with exercise in the fresh air, wholesome food, and supplements like Vit D3, K2 and zinc.
    Terry thanks for sharing the good gyn checkup news. Every bit of positive helps.
    Rebecca every NSV is to be celebrated. ConVERY grats! Your story of your fall and no neighbors coming to check on you reminds me of the first time I broke my wrist. My BFF and I were in Yosemite, trying to learn how to cross country ski. She was with the rest of the class, sitting up the hill, eating their lunches, watching me struggle to get back up on my feet. Finally someone, (NOT my BFF) came down and said “Can I help you?” I said “Yes! Get these D@M# things off me!!! I sat in the car and read while BFF finished the afternoon lesson, then finally got her to take me to the valley clinc. Yup. Busted good. And it was my 30th birthday. Poor BFF never forgave herself.
    Lisa “…symptom whack-a-mole…” what an image! So apt!
    Ginny, no I hadn’t noticed, but you are so right. Thanks for the smile!
    Heather wise insight about your abstaining or moderating intake at the wake. Love that pic of you and Ros, almost felt as if I knew her and was so sad about her illness.

    And pip, seeing your yin/yang Yogi pics, here’s our current yin/yang pair.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    Thanks for your support and kind words.
    Oh wowsa! Wrists are delicate things really, the bones small. I have only broke my toe, *I'm knocking on wood now* but my wrist did ache just reading your story.💖😳🙃