

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    I went for a slow walk this morning along the seafront in the glorious sunshine. I woke up this morning with my legs feeling like I'd run a marathon! Now they just ache. A lot. I feel better in myself though.
    I'm lying on my bed, having a coffee, and a bath seems like too much trouble.

    Another easy day for me, I think. It's all good.

    I rang my friend L while I was walking. She is coping. Busy organising the funeral, wake, etc. She has lost some weight, which she did not have to lose, and is having difficulty eating, or finding time to settle to cook. She has food issues. Her partner who died was the cook and nourisher. Otherwise she is not doing too badly. Was putting on the laundry when I called.

    So, I am giving myself one more day to be 'recovering'. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Machka you look great! Beautiful smile!

    Barbara you are right, maybe I can dance! Thanks for the encouragement!

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,369 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,539 Member

    Machka - well done on the 10K and the hair, and the pretty in pink! Your smile says a lot in that end of run picture. Love the fact that your shoes match your shirt!

    Heather - I'm learning the "easy day" concept myself, and here nearly two years since I retired, I'm trying to give myself room to have down days. Yesterday was one for me, and I didn't feel guilty once! :smiley: Baby steps. Hope you're feeling better!

    KJ - I'm sorry you had to shut down for the week, and so agree that the little ones are so scary when they get sick. Many good thoughts headed that way for your health as well as your kids.

    Kelly W. - Welcome!

    Headed to the dentist this morning for teeth cleaning. Any time I have an appointment, it's unnerving. Any appointment, seriously. Makes me all wobbly time-wise. Hard to think of anything else. I was hoping that retiring would stop that, but no, not so much. The fretting about the time starts when I wake up and doesn't stop until I pull into their parking lot.

    For the first time in years, though, I've also averaged more than seven hours of sleep per night for the last two weeks. It helps everything in my life, from my mood to my thought processes. It's been wonderful. Also seems to be helping my blood pressure and my resting heart rate, which is back down to 73 this morning.

    Onward and upward, kids, time to jump in the shower.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    KJ Sorry you had to shut down. Hope you all feel better!

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Morning ladies
    Hope all is well
    Fed the pup and im going to hop in the shower,made an appointment with the weight loss surgery center through the hospital no im not getting surgery but a consultation and a dietitian for a 70 minute time slot... couldnt have that type of surgery anyway or else i couldnt have the kidney transplant..
    Lets see if this helps me find a way to get rid of this weight
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    Early bird weekly shopping trip this morning. It was a dry bright morning so we went for a walk after it was all put away, and spent a while in the garden before lunch.

    Heather: Hope you’re back on form quickly.
    Kelly: So sorry you had to close the daycare, but probably a wise decision in the circs. Hope your test is negative.
    Machka: Your photo was like a breath of fresh air. Such a rosy glow! Love the art work. Congrats on the 10k. You look as fresh as a daisy as you cross the finishing line.

    It’s 4pm and already dark here. I’m taking it easy for the rest of today as I exceeded my daily steps target just after lunch. Having coffee with my feet up and watching Place in the Sun. Wishful thinking 😂


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: 142.2, Joe, readings, BP, SWSY, osteo back, dogs to powerline, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, H20x6, steps >7400, mfp50+.
    Bonus: Post Office, BiMart, Grocery Outlet, bequest and firehouse emails.
    Workin’ on it:
    Happier January 2022
    12: Connect with someone near you, share a smile or a chat.

    Debbie thanks, didn’t know what a “shusher” was.

    Margaret, Beth, Cheri, Tina, Terry, Kate, Karen, Mary, Sue, always good to see your smiling faces.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    I am sure that what Allie is calling a shusher is different than what we were calling one-
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Machka, congrats on the run! You look so amazing! Proud of you, and I'm sure you're proud of yourself as well!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2022
    Pip - I love the wonderful pup photos. Yogi is a charmer. I am wishing him a very happy birthday. :heart:

    Sue – I love this comment-“Believe in our capacity to change. We’ve got this.”

    Dr. Katie – Sending good thoughts your way. I hope your father gets better each day.

    Barbara -- I am envious of your proximity to the beach. Keep those photos coming. They are wonderful.

    Rori – I am delighted for your sister’s negative test for CoVid. Three cheers! I hope you find a great destination for your birthday.

    Krwestlund7 – Welcome! This is a wonderful group of supportive women. Stop by often to give and get encouragement.

    Machka – Congratulations on finishing he Cadbury 10K run!

    Lisa – I hope your trip to the dentist is positive for you & the dentist is excellent. Today I will be headed to my own dentist for teeth cleaning. We transferred to her last year at the recommendation of our neighbor. She does good work. My appointment is at 12 pm & DH’s appointment is at 2 pm.

    Karen in VA – Sending good thoughts your way. Navigating the university medical center with your brother to help him to see his orthopedist was a big challenge for him and amazing support from you. You are an awesome sister. :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,539 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Lisa – I hope your trip to the dentist is positive for you & the dentist is excellent. Today I will be headed to my own dentist for teeth cleaning. We transferred to her last year at the recommendation of our neighbor. She does good work. My appointment is at 12 pm & DH’s appointment is at 2 pm.

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Thank you, Katla! It was a good appointment. Bless his heart, the dentist is older and deaf as a post. He always tells me, "Your teeth are absolutely beautiful," although he did say I need one filling yanked out, refilled, and a crown on it. It always makes me wonder what he says to people whose teeth are awful... :smiley: Hope your appointments went well for the both of you.

    So the dentist is done and dusted until they get back to me about the crown. One more on my list of things I have to get fixed.

    I also have to get in touch with the local social security office and get an appointment to take my set of papers on name changes, first marriage certificate, and divorce papers, and second marriage certificate, certified birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc. Though I could send them directly to the Social Security people, the thought of sending them through the mail seems like just asking to get them all lost.

    Time to get a roast ready for the oven for the hungry man when he comes home.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Did my elliptical and yoga. And bought groceries. Now I am about to have a migraine, so I will forgive myself for not writing yet. Nap first.

    Annie in Delaware