The Candy Stompers (OPEN GROUP)



  • Kari80
    Kari80 Posts: 3 Member
    Love to join. Didn't realize the Halloween Challenge I tried to join 5 minutes ago was closed. Need some motivation.

    Name: Karina Herrera
    Age: 31
    Location: California
    Starting Weight: 198.4
    Goal Weight: 175 by December 31......Final goal 150.00
  • Name: Francis
    Age: 19
    Location: Northridge, CA
    Starting Weight: 215!
    Goal Weight: 135
    Fun Fact About Yourself: I am obsessed with
    workout clothes, and that's one of my motivations
    for loosing weight: to be able to buy and wear
    cute workout clothes. For now basketball shorts
    and T-shirts will do!

    I was looking to join a group! Because no one I know is on this rough journey
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    I do all the cooking at home (as I get home every night 2 hours before by boyfriend). So I can easily control what we eat. I dont cut anything out of my diet - just try not to eat too much.

    Ive added extra fruit this week - 2 satsuma and a banana a day. (plus normal veg with meals).

    I cant work out how to open the spreadsheet - maybe my anti virus stopping it? I will try again later.x
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Since i'm currently doing the 30DS i'm going to take my measurements after the end of each level. And maybe once in a while in between if I feel the urge! :laugh:
    that sounds like a good idea! i know when i first started the 30DS I took my msmts b/c other people were saying they already noticed a diff within a few days. I did mine after 1 week and there was definitely a shift - its uplifting when that happens!

    hoping i can make it through this time as i'm still trying to shake whatever virus snuck its way into my system :grumble:
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    It's time for the beloved Question Of The Day:

    Does your significant other and/or family support your weight-loss journey? If they do, do they exercise with you or eat healthy foods too? Or do they just seem indifferent to the whole situation?
    I definitely have the support of my S/O and my mom (the people I see the most). My S/O was on a great get-healthy kick for a while, doing P90X every day and eating better and was always encouraging me to join him except I wasn't quite ready yet... Now he's the one struggling while I'm gun-ho on changing my life, so our roles have kinda reversed from earlier this year. Even though he's not in the routine he used to be he is still my biggest cheerleader :) My mom has begun to change her eating habits to healthier choices - I even got her to give up her coffee in favor of tea (huge accomplishment, lol) and she always shares when she notices my weight loss or clothes fitting differently. A big thing for her to point out is how much better my moods and outlook have been since giving up all refined sugar. I was a major sugar addict so having the support of my S/O and mother have made a HUGE difference, especially in keeping those things out of the house.
  • First off Welcome to Fi, Karina & Francis! I'm adding your info to the spreadsheet now :) If you haven't already added me as a friend please do!

    I'm trying to figure out a way to do a spreadsheet of those who posted their measurement's progress......
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Yes and no. Mostly I think they are indifferent. My brother has been supportive but he lives 4 hours away. My sister who lives with me is slightly supportive but doesn't understand the change in my eating habits. She'll often make dinner as she is home before I am and it's often highly processed fatty meals. It's hard to say no when the bad choices are sitting right in front of your face. I don't think they believe I'll stick with it but there is no way I'm going back to the way I was! :smile:
    i certainly hope they come around and become believers but if not i'm glad you have MFP and the people here to rally/support you :happy:

  • Does your significant other and/or family support your weight-loss journey? If they do, do they exercise with you or eat healthy foods too? Or do they just seem indifferent to the whole situation?

    Yes and no. Mostly I think they are indifferent. My brother has been supportive but he lives 4 hours away. My sister who lives with me is slightly supportive but doesn't understand the change in my eating habits. She'll often make dinner as she is home before I am and it's often highly processed fatty meals. It's hard to say no when the bad choices are sitting right in front of your face. I don't think they believe I'll stick with it but there is no way I'm going back to the way I was! :smile:
  • Oh wow I totally just realized that my post copied someone else's instead of posting what I typed!!!
    So embarrassing!

    If you could only eat one healthy food/meal for a week straight, what would it be and why?
  • uuugggghhhhh..........:frown: .and gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ :angry: i am so bloated and have the worst cramps/pain i haven't felt this bad since way b4 i had my daughter, midol sux right now, i need chocolate and a massage and a hot compress i will be lucky if i accomplish any calorie burning this weekend. :cry:
  • Hello Candy Stompers Team!

    I have been really sick for the past few days and havent been online but I'm back today... I hope everyone is doing well on their weightloss, I have lost some of my weight due to be sick but i'm sure once i start eating again it will go back lol ... :laugh:
  • What do you guys think about making a Facebook group?! I think it would be easier to organize things and such!
    Tell me what y'all think!

    if you guys would like me to make a group add me on facebook
  • What do you guys think about making a Facebook group?! I think it would be easier to organize things and such!
    Tell me what y'all think!

    if you guys would like me to make a group add me on facebook

    Sure sounds ok to me, i will send you a request
  • Yay I lost another 2 pounds and i am on my period too lol so i am retaining a lot of water.... I am down to 172 now i am so close to my goal for October.... Super Excited :happy:
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    I don't use facebook but I'm all for people incorporating it if it will help :smile:

    long week, glad the weekend arrived to offer a respite! i'm struggling with eating enough when i exercise later in the day. i tend to underestimate how much i will burn so i end up with an overall deficit that's higher than i'd like. trying to rectify this but its a slow going process. my goal this week is to exercise earlier in the day at least 3x's and see if that doesn't make it easier.
    Hello Candy Stompers Team!

    I have been really sick for the past few days and havent been online but I'm back today... I hope everyone is doing well on their weightloss, I have lost some of my weight due to be sick but i'm sure once i start eating again it will go back lol ... :laugh:
    Being sick sucks! Just got over something myself... hooray for feeling better :D maybe your weight will stay off? *positive thoughts*
    Yay I lost another 2 pounds and i am on my period too lol so i am retaining a lot of water.... I am down to 172 now i am so close to my goal for October.... Super Excited
    sounds like your weekend turned around? congrats on the loss!
  • I don't use facebook but I'm all for people incorporating it if it will help :smile:

    long week, glad the weekend arrived to offer a respite! i'm struggling with eating enough when i exercise later in the day. i tend to underestimate how much i will burn so i end up with an overall deficit that's higher than i'd like. trying to rectify this but its a slow going process. my goal this week is to exercise earlier in the day at least 3x's and see if that doesn't make it easier.
    Hello Candy Stompers Team!

    I have been really sick for the past few days and havent been online but I'm back today... I hope everyone is doing well on their weightloss, I have lost some of my weight due to be sick but i'm sure once i start eating again it will go back lol ... :laugh:
    Being sick sucks! Just got over something myself... hooray for feeling better :D maybe your weight will stay off? *positive thoughts*
    Yay I lost another 2 pounds and i am on my period too lol so i am retaining a lot of water.... I am down to 172 now i am so close to my goal for October.... Super Excited
    sounds like your weekend turned around? congrats on the loss!

    Thank you very much and yes surprisingly it did turn around i thought for sure i wouldn't lose anything this week, i decided yesterday that instead of zumba i would do some wii fit plus for fun and born calories it was about all i could do cause these cramps are killer nothing seems to help... so i am so happy i lost the weight but so sad cause my stomach hurts
  • Down to 134!
  • weigh in 9-19-11 172
  • Gah! I can't wait to get into the hundreds!! I had so much family drama today I didn't get a chance to work out and I totally over ate seeing as I'm an emotional eater. :sad:

    And I forgot to weigh in so i'm going to weigh in tomorrow!

    **Christina I've already added you to the facebook group!

    **Everyone else please let me know if you'd like to join! if so add me on facebook at