
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Annie, the two tenths of a pound you lost, found me this week. I've been careless about my logging and it showed up on my Friday morning weigh in. Ha
    Carla, so hard and frightening I'm sure for your Mom. Also sad for you to watch her struggle.
    Got a heat pump put in today because my DH is always cold. His circulation is very bad because of his heart failure.

    Betsy In NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 19.47min, 87ahr, 1.04mi= 92c
    Strava app= 126c
    Other- sweep front entryway and front patio- 82ahr= 99c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava app- 1hr 27min 34sec, 850elev, 104aw, 12amph, 141ahr, 159mhr, 17.5mi= 795c
    Strava app= 521c
    Zwift stats1hr 27min 48sec, 853elev, 103aw, 63arpm, 11.96amph, 17.5mi= 522c
    Walk to blood donation n back- 20.05min 110ahr, 133mhr, 1.08mi= 115c
    Strava app= 131c

    Total cal 1101
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    edited January 2022

    Thanks to all those who commented sayin u luv my pooch pics!
    DONATED blood today, glad it is walking distance!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Lisa - Nothing beats a boiled chicken. I do mine in the IP for 25 mins. I don't know why I ever bothered to roast them! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I've been boiling chicken since the early 1990s.

    I was having all sorts of digestive issues and went on an elimination diet.

    For an elimination diet, I had to eat boiled chicken breast, rice and pears for 2 weeks to "clear the system" (and my digestive issues went away!)

    Then I would add in one thing I suspected might cause a problem for a week to see how things go.

    Then back to chicken, rice and pears again for a week.

    Then add in another suspected food.

    And so on.

    I did that for a total of 8 or 9 weeks, lost quite a bit of weight, and discovered what was causing my digestive issues. :)

    But after all that, I still really like boiled chicken breast, rice and pears!

    If you shred it while you boil it, the meat is really nice in wraps and tacos and things.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    We are planning on going to friends' this weekend and I'm concerned about how I'll handle eating. They are making pulled-pork, which will be pretty easy to avoid, cuz I'm not big on meat. It's the chips, cheese and wine that will be the hardest. Any tips?

    Beth from Texas

    Bring a veggies platter so you can nibble that. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Carla from Lakeville, MN wrote
    Karen in Virginia, Mom had a really bad day yesterday. Thanks for asking though. I think between the realization of it all and the pain kicking in, she's not doing great. Crying a lot, wanting to "go home", "get outta here", etc. And of course, the dementia as I mentioned above doesn't help. Vascilates between forgetting and getting crabby.
    Yeah, dementia is a beast. I remember that from back when my mom was still able to communicate. She firmly expected her father to come pick her up and take her home, and grew increasingly agitated when he didn't show up. It felt bad to lie to her, but we didn't have the heart to tell her he had been dead for forty years. It's so hard!
    /Penny, who used to live in SE Minneapolis (near you!) but now lives not far from the

    I can relate ...

    It was so hard when my husband (severe brain injury) turned to me and asked why his parents had not come to see him in hospital. They both passed away years before.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Lanette: So good to see your update. Sorry about your DH. I have sent you a lengthy PM.

    Carla and Penny: When I was caregiver to my DH with dementia, I hated to lie until a counselor taught me that therapeutic lying was the best way to deal with him. You can never convince them of your reality, so best to try to operate in theirs to the ultimate goal of having them feel safe and cared for. The book "Dementia with Dignity" (it is also a website) is full of good tips. So when mom says "I want to go home", the best answer is "Okay, let me work on that, but first let's do your physical therapy".
    I found sometimes I had to get very creative with my therapeutic lies, but it would calm him, and eventually I could deflect his attention to something more manageable.

    I did a lot of that in the first year or so after my husband's brain injury. Even now, I'll do it once in a while when he's having a bad day.

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    As I write this, my application has been accepted for a job as an usher with a company that staffs most of Denver's sports and entertainment venues. I have a training next Tuesday, and once I start, I can work as few or as many events as I want. I am stretching out of my comfort zone by going out alone at night to work. I think I will actually enjoy this.

    Mars the leash-loving cat who goes out no matter the weather, has deemed it too cold today. We have spent alot of time reading and watching the snow accumulate outside.

    Stay well. Keep smiling. We can do this.

    Renewal in Progress
    Colorado Foothills

    Well done with the job! :)

    And Rhody the leash-loving cat has gone to sleep in the cool of our house. It's too hot for him outside. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Evening ladies
    Today is the 4th anniversary of my dads passing.. oh how I miss that man..even though he would drive us batty sometimes ,it doesn't matter. He was still dad..
    Dementia.. Sundowners is so hard..in my years of caretaking like Rori said you sort of have to lie but not hurt there feelings or talk down to them..its frustrating and I had to honestly teach Tom how to deal with his dad.. and by golly he got it ..and up until his dad passed his dad who remembered nobodies name,remembered, his son Toms.. and for that I am forever grateful.
    I cant understand how some families just dont care for there parents..
    Take poor Lil for instance.. our almost 92 yr old friend that was hospitalized.. she had a follow up appt with her GP. Her daughter lives about 1/2 away she is about a yr and a 1/2 younger than me a im sorry to say a real ditz.. she has been out on workmans comp.for almost a yr for something miniscule..trying to eek it out so she can retire from the state with pension and benefits 🙄
    Her other son.. who knows what he was up to lives about 20 minutes away .. neither of them could come take her to the dr.. they said the roads were bad..( roads were dry today) so son calls her an Uber
    Who shows up late and pulls way down in front of the garages where Lil couldnt walk down..Luckily Trudy saw all this and got Lil in the car and they made it to dr just in time but do you think her son,made arrangements to have her picked up?
    Oh sweet lord what is wrong with people.. Trudy and I were just shaking our heads..
    We found out she has a lesion on her lung and on her pancreas.. so at 92 if thats whats she is dealing with thats ok.. but really.. im ashamed of her children the only normal.one lives in Florida. Go figure

    I really don't understand people like that. Even though she is really mean, I wouldn't even do that to my mother in law.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Worked then the soup kitchen and I actually got to the gym for some HIIT. Go me! You have no idea how hard it was for me not to stay at the soup kitchen and help peel potatoes. It really was hard! Then went to the Salvation Army and got a sweater, a top, a ladle (we needed one) and (yes, Barbara, it does exist) another DVD that I don’t have. The plan for tomorrow is to do Method Cardio Flex Band Workout and Shape’s Bikini Bootcamp DVD’s

    Julie – your cake looks wonderful, can I have some????

    barbie – the only reason I wouldn’t decline the invitation to the wine & beer thing is because of this one couple. However, I think we’re just going to pass. We’ll just tell them that (and this happened the other day) we needed to help Jess with her airline flights for her interviews.

    Speaking of which: WE NOW HAVE A DVM IN THE FAMILY. Earlier Jess texted me that she got the results of her licensing exam but she will check them when she gets home. I texted her back “why bother? You passed” So now she’s officially Dr. Jess.

    Heather – I was planning to freeze the wine in ice cube trays for that exact same reason!

    Anne DE – Consistency – you’ve got this girl!

    Allie – it’s so wonderful when someone has a grandparent nearby. How great of you to help out so much! Wish I had had a grandparent nearby when my kids were little.

    Beth – can you put ½ glass of wine and the other ½ seltzer water?

    It’s COLD here but, fortunately, no precipitation

    Penny – your story about your mom reminded me of my cousin. Her MIL was in a nursing home but in the meantime her son (my cousin’s hubby) passed away. How do you tell a 90year old that she’s outlived all her children? So every time she’d ask about Joe, he was cutting the grass or something like that. Fortunately, there was a guy who worked at the nursing home who from the back sort-of looked like Joe. So Patty would say “there he is now, going down the hall”. I thought that was about the most compassionate thing.

    Katie – sounds to me like your dad was sundowning

    Rori – your job application sounds so neat. Bet you’ll get to see lots of shows. I know a friend of mine has a job like this and she sees lots of concerts in addition to sports games.

    I’ve heard that you can cook a chicken in the IP and then use the air fryer lid to brown it. I want to try that

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele - Congratulations to your daughter, Jess, the new DVM! You must be a very proud mother. ❤️👍🏻

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,997 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    You load 16 tons, what do you get?
    Well, OK, today's was 0.6 tonnes of gravel. 🙂

    I also got 6 largish, flattish stones for stepping stones for one of the garden beds. I "planted" 3 of them, but then the sprinkler system came on.

    We've been having trouble with the timing and a few other aspects of the sprinkler system. It wasn't supposed to come on then, but that gave us a chance to see where it isn't watering and so I hand watered those areas - hauling the watering can up to them, and back and forth and back and forth.

    It's interesting ... each summer for the past several years, I've felt like the summer has been incredibly short (it is) and that I didn't get out to enjoy it. I go for rides, walks, and runs. I go to the beach now and then. I will sit outside in the sun occasionally. And then, before you know it, summer is over.

    Each year, I go into summer hoping that I will be able to enjoy summer more.

    This year, for the first time in a while, I feel like I'm enjoying summer and I think it has to do with the amount of time I'm spending outside in the garden. I still go for rides, walks, and runs. I go to the beach now and then. I will sit outside in the sun occasionally. But I'm also spending hours outside digging and hauling gravel, digging soil, pulling weeds, hauling water, and planting.

    Instead of spending a couple hours outside on a Saturday, I've been been spending 4 or 5 or 6 hours.

    It's been a great break from sitting in front of my computer ... and I'm noticing upper body muscle tone! Plus I'm enjoying summer. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Michele - Many CONGRATULATIONS to Jess! :drinker: :D<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Speaking of which: WE NOW HAVE A DVM IN THE FAMILY. Earlier Jess texted me that she got the results of her licensing exam but she will check them when she gets home. I texted her back “why bother? You passed” So now she’s officially Dr. Jess.

    Michele NC

    Congratulations to Jess!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Gardening AND Cycling ...


    Machka in Oz