♥️❤️February Daily Log-in & Weigh-in Challenge❤️♥️



  • ksl10
    ksl10 Posts: 14 Member
    Starting weight: 178
    Daily Goals for February:
    Check in and log every day
    Keep net calories at 1500 or less 6 days per week, 2000 or less day 7
    Exercise 30 minutes per day or more 6 days per week
    Weight under 175 by the end of February

    February 1— 178, 1,677 calories, exercise 48 minutes,
    February 2—
    February 3—
    February 4—
    February 5—
    February 6—
    February 7—
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    February 10-
    February 11-
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    February 17-
    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-

  • rafaelaxxx
    rafaelaxxx Posts: 4 Member
    hi guys I’m Rafaela, 42, 5’9”

    >Lose (at least) 1kg per week

    Starting weight:77.3kg
    Current weight: 76.7kg
    February goal weight: 73kg
    February weight lost so far: 0.6

    February 1—77.3
    February 2—76.7
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    February 27-
    February 28-
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Highest Weight: 150.8
    Current Weight: 149
    Total Weight Loss: 2
    February Weight Loss So Far: .02
    Feb 1: 149
    Feb 2: 148.8 ⬇️😊
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    Hi! Excited to participate in another challenge! I’ve kept off 7 pounds so far after starting these challenges in October. I’m planning to work out every work day for 45 minutes, restrict eating out for the weekend, log and drink 8 glasses of water daily.

    Highest weight: 165
    Month start weight: 155
    February weight lost so far: 0

    February 1 - 155 (home cooked/ ran 45 m)
    February 2 - 156 (home cooked/ ran 45 m)

    Ah poops! Back to 156, gonna keep working it. Been drinking less water so I’ll see if that helps. I’ve been loving running as hard as I can during my workouts, it’s a super freeing feeling. Trying not to kill my knees though, I’ve only been running for a month now. Those puppies are sore all the time now so lots of stretches for me, might need to make sure I’m carefully pacing myself, don’t want to get injured.

    February 3 -
    February 4 -
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    February 24 -
    February 25 -
    February 26 -
    February 27 -
    February 28 -
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hey all, for me this is the first challenge, so I'd like to ask a few questions first. The idea is to copy-paste the main message every day and fill in the updates every day? And how can I reply with text to individual messages that others have posted here? I can only select a flag, a quote, a like etc.

    Hi Sylvia,

    You are correct about copying and pasting daily. 👍

    If you select “quote” while you’re in someone’s message… it will do what I did to your post right now….

    If you start a new post and do @SilviaLastname Great job!

    It’s like a shout out to that person.

    Hope this helps!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,051 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from January 31st): 197.0
    Goal: 192.0 (Five lb Loss)
    **************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME**************************

    02/01…...197.0…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Pro: No change. There’s that! Con: Only 28 days to get something done!

    02/02.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Meals good. Snacks bad. No TMI and exercise ziltch but the renovation is moving along, although slowly.

    02/03.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx}…..
    02/04.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/05.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/06.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/07.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/08.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/09.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/10.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/11.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/12.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/13.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/14.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/15……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/16……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/17.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/18.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    02/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    02/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • AshesSquared
    AshesSquared Posts: 130 Member
    Height 5'5"
    SW May 7, 2021: 169 lbs

    ❤️February GW: 140 lbs 💪
    ❤️Overall GW: 130 lbs
    ❤️Exercise 2-3x/week consistently!
    ❤️ Water

    January SW: 144.8 lbs
    February SW: 142.8 lbs

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️
    February 2: 142.8 lbs

    140 lbs I'm coming for you!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Highest weight: 293 (1/28/22)
    Current weight: 178
    February weight lost so far: -

    February 1—178 (A new short month is upon us. Looking forward to firmly establishing myself in the 170's this month and continuing to make progress towards my fitness goals.)
    February 2—178.4 (Had lots of fun exercising yesterday - shadow boxing, indoor cycling and upper body strength. It's cold so I'm finding fun ways to exercise indoors.)
    February 3—
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    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-

    Thanks @Arc2Arc ... such a great supportive group we have here. Love being a part of it!
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 15 pounds by July 1

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️ Exercise at least 15 minutes a day.

    ♥️ Log my food honestly.

    ♥️ Drink at least 64 oz of water per day.

    Monthly Goal: 75 points (86%) where 1 point for each daily goal. Total points possible 87.

    January 31- (164) It was a good day. Got a short walk outside. Did 15 minutes of exercise at my desk. Logged my food and kept calories less than 1500.

    Feb 1- (6/87 & 164) Day was a success

    February 2— Similar stresses, dealing with even less sleep than yesterday.
  • andi012
    andi012 Posts: 24 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Andrea, 56, I’m 5’5” tall. Trying to turn around the results of my sedentary lifestyle over the past year.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Work out 5 x week to tone up

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Log food daily
    ♥️Drink more water
    ♥️Stop mindless snacking / no snacking at night

    Highest weight: 212
    Current weight: 210
    February goal weight: 202
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—209
    February 2—209
    February 3—
    February 4—
    February 5—
    February 6—
    February 7—
    February 8—
    February 9—
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    February 11-
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    February 18-
    February 19-
    February 20-
    February 21-
    February 22-
    February 23-
    February 24-
    February 25-
    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • LilPetesMama
    LilPetesMama Posts: 12 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    Jodi. I'm 5'5 and 46 yrs old. Been doing MFP on and off for a while now.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 5 lbs a month… 60 pounds this year
    ⚫️Get below 200 pounds

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Plan meals and log in
    ❤ Avoid at best any lunch take out
    ♥️ Stop eating after 8pm.
    ♥️Eat at or under my calorie goal
    ♥️Get up to my step goal per day.
    ♥️Drink and log more water

    Highest weight: 246
    Current weight: 239.6
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1— 239.6
    February 2—238.8
    February 3—
    February 4—
    February 5—
    February 6—
    February 7—
    February 8—
    February 9—
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    February 27-
    February 28-
  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm Jacquie - 59 years old from Canada. My goal is to lose the 15 lbs that have crept back on over the past two years. I'm looking forward to being accountable each day to help get back on track. I enjoy working out so didn't add any exercise goals but want to work on logging consistently and accurately and staying within my calorie goal each day.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 pounds each week
    ⚫️Reach my goal weight of 130 lbs

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Plan my meals and snacks each day
    ♥️Log consistently and accurately
    ♥️Eat within my calorie goal
    ♥️Avoid mindless snacking

    Highest weight: 170 lbs
    Current weight: 145.6 lbs
    February weight loss so far:

    February 1— 145.6
    February 2 - 144.4
  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 691 Member
    ♥️♥️February Challenge♥️♥️

    Hi, I'm Stacey, from Montana.
    I am feeling better and back for another round with Jill! I was looking over last months numbers and was surprised to see I actually lost a couple of lbs during the month.
    Hoping to lose 5 pounds in February :)

    5'2" 55 years old
    Highest weight: 182
    Current weight: 144.6

    February 1—144.6
    February 2—144.6
    February 3—144.8 Too much sodium in last nights dinner.
    February 4—
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    February 28-