Welcome New Members!



  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 160 Member
    Sounds like a plan and I agree with everything except the 'reward' of food part. Go for it! 👍👍
  • newbeginnings51
    newbeginnings51 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I'm new to this app, day 1 for me. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2016 and have put weight back on. I! 60 year old female looking for similar people that want to have a support system to lose up to 60 lbs. Live the app so far. I had to pay a $79 fee for the app. Did anyone else pay this?
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 160 Member
    Hello. I'm new to this app, day 1 for me. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2016 and have put weight back on. I! 60 year old female looking for similar people that want to have a support system to lose up to 60 lbs. Live the app so far. I had to pay a $79 fee for the app. Did anyone else pay this?

    Something sounds off to me. First, the free version is just that... free. It works for most. If you find after trying the free version that you want more control, then the Premium version is $49.99 a year or $9.99 a month (in USD), so secondly, unless something has recently changed then something is not right with a $79.00 "fee". You may want to contact MFP support and see what's up?

  • tldomant
    tldomant Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! My name is Trisha! I have used/had this app for a while but never really joined the community. I'm looking for some accountability buddies. I'm a busy working mom, so any tips to help me stay consistent would be appreciated!
  • craig007usn
    craig007usn Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone! I used to be on here about 4/5 years ago. I joined the navy, deleted my old account(on accident! Lol) and decided to join up again! I made some great friends on here that were very encouraging of my goals. Looking forward to making new friends and supporting them through their journey. Feel free to add me :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,548 Member
    Welcome to MFP @newbeginnings51...welcome back @tidomant and @craig007usn thank you for your service ...my son is also in the Navy :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • MrsKiser9384
    MrsKiser9384 Posts: 3 Member
    I started on Jan 10th, 2022! I’m already down 8lbs! I can’t wait to get rid of my “mom bod”
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,548 Member
    I started on Jan 10th, 2022! I’m already down 8lbs! I can’t wait to get rid of my “mom bod”

    Welcome to the MFP Community ... What an awesome start of your weight loss ...Congrats :)
  • Be_ExcellentToEachOther
    I just joined yesterday. I've been Carnivore since January 2020, OMAD since March 2020, and have seen huge health benefits, but I'd like to start tracking my micronutrients to ensure I'm getting everything I need to support my wellbeing.

    I've landed at a weight I'm content with. If I lose more weight, I won't be at all happy with my face. (Will look too gaunt even though, honestly, I'd still like to lose another pound or two from my abdominal area.). If I gained a pound or two, my face would probably look a wee bit better to me, but I'd be really frustrated with my abdomen. So, yeah, I'm right about where I probably should be. I don't think *anyone* is ever truly 100% satisfied with their whole body. ;)

    I'm hoping to add more exercise to my daily life and to move my OMAD to a consistent time before 2PM each day. Up until just recently, my OMAD was sometime between 5:00 to 9:00 PM, but I've recently learned this can undermine optimal health. Apparently, if you're doing OMAD, your last food should be taken no later than 2PM. This is going to be a serious challenge for me. :/

    I'm here pursuing health. I'd love to learn from other people's Carnivore and OMAD journeys. And I'm happy to hear from *anyone* who has made progress with peripheral neuropathy, anxiety, and depression.
  • bmcasula
    bmcasula Posts: 2 Member
    HI myfitnesspal friends! I joined fitness pal in 2019 but never get to my goal...but I'm here trying once again but this time I'm determined to reach my goal!
    Hope I can make new friends here so we can motivate each other.
    Happy day!!!
  • gnheeke
    gnheeke Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, joined today and looking forward to get this Covid weight off. Is there an area on fitness pal this has a generic meal planner to help you get started?

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,548 Member
    Welcome to MFP new members and returning members .... I hope you have great success on your journey ...@gnheeke I believe if you have premium you can get meal plans or you can just search pinterest or other websites for a generic meal plan for free :)
  • lnl8689
    lnl8689 Posts: 3 Member
    Have had this account for awhile but never put to good use. I am hoping to find inspiration from others who struggle with chronic pain. If you know of any good groups to join or advice, please feel free to let me know! Thanks 🙂
  • four__db
    four__db Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I have had this app for many years, used off and on, not consistent with journaling although I know its helpful. Covid "50" as in lbs has me pulling out my numerous books on different ways of eating. I don't want to refer to these as diets. Paleo, Whole 30 and Keto. It's overwhelming and where do you start? So, I thought I would give My Fitness Pal another good try and go from here. Looking forward to revisiting and see what it has to offer.
  • sarahagilman
    sarahagilman Posts: 3 Member

    I'm newish to MFP having had the app for a few months but not really commented. I've been eating healthy Mediterranean diet on/off for as long as I remember but have always had very slow progress and lots of plateaus that last weeks which then leads to my good habits waning. As a result my weight keeps increasing.

    Hoping to lose some weight by logging my food. Since September I've lost 1 stone and I still have a way to go to reach my target. I'm not really one for calorie counting and have always hoped that by eating healthy and exercising I can lose weight, which I do but very slowly.

    I'm a pescatarian that enjoys eating veggie/vegan food. I do eat dairy but I like oat milk in my (decaf) tea and coffee!

  • Back_2_G
    Back_2_G Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Long time user looking to add some friends to help motivate me and I hope I can do the same.

    Feel free to add me to your fit crew…
  • Jenchunkymama123
    Jenchunkymama123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! New to MFP (says I joined in 2015 but I can't remember, back when I was slim as well 🤦‍♀️). Put on sooo much weight during the first lockdown then weirdly lost a stone when I was pregnant so thought I'd try keep the momentum going 😀 want to be a chunky mama no more! Or maybe just a LESS chunky mama lol, Started two weeks ago today and have lost half a stone so just shows how much rubbish was eaten!
  • simabega
    simabega Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I am Simona. I was trying to losse weight since I was child I think. I lost 10 kg. In really short time when I was in high school but they gradually come back and after 9 or 10 years I got to even heavier weight. I am 163 cm. high and I weight almost 80 kg.
    I used to hate most of the sports but now I am in love with running. I want to get healthier and lose at least 10 kg. I am trying to fix my eating habits and my exercise schedule but I am working in 3 part time jobs, I am active member of few NGOs and even chair person in some of them and I am trying to be more active in my political party and to prepear for exams to get to university. Again. I never finished my studies.
    I am 24 years old and I fell that I am juggling so many things that I can not do that without some kind of community and inspiration from other.
    Lets conect and help each other!
  • HocusPokkus
    HocusPokkus Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! New here. Actually, not new - but this time I will use this app for more than 2 weeks. Last time, I became bored and then started logging on my fitbit app instead. I am hoping that if I can add some 'friends' to my newsfeed and be motivated by their activity that this could be fun.

    Please send me a friend request if you'd like to. I would love to help keep you motivated!
    Thank ya! Have a nice day.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    lnl8689 wrote: »
    Have had this account for awhile but never put to good use. I am hoping to find inspiration from others who struggle with chronic pain. If you know of any good groups to join or advice, please feel free to let me know! Thanks 🙂

    It may not be quite what you are looking for, but at least somewhat close.....


    I deal with back issues myself, and have good and bad periods of time. When it's right I hardly remember I have back issues. When it's not..... I could never forget. I have to be cautious, but can still do most workout related stuff with caution at least sometimes. When my back is acting up, I have to just stay loose and avoid much weight bearing stuff or sudden shock type exercises.... not much for running and jumping. :smile:

    Welcome to all the new members, as well as those returning. And just a small piece of advice since many are looking to add friends. Please put at least something brief in your profile regarding goals, maybe some general info like age and such, and give people something to go buy when they click on your profile to consider adding you.

    If you are very large with disabilities, a person that is an elite athlete might not have first hand advice. Though an extreme example everyone is different. Some want to reach or maintain a healthy weight but could care less about being more athletic. Some don't care if they carry some extra weight but want to run a quick 10K.

    Just a thought.... often you can't tell much by a photo. And more info is better. Much like RL friends, some are better "fits" than others.