2022 Cycling Challenge



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    As my Peloton instructor said on the bike tonight... "the only bad workout is the one you didn't do"

    Man my legs felt GASSED tonight - but onwards I pushed! And of course I feel like a million bucks now (especially after my hot shower) :)

    Time to collapse into bed! Goodnight riding friends

    Feb 24 - Peloton ride for a total of 14.57 miles
    Previous - 642.95

    YTD - 657.52/2022
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Y'all amaze me with your mileage and dedication. I miss the me that was like that. Slowly I'm finding her again. Just gotta put the pride aside and realize I'm back at square 2, and I'm not going to be competitive for a while.

    Skipping the bike tonight in exchange for date night with the hubby. Hitting it hard tomorrow with a trainer session on the roadie. Kind of irritates me to ride it cause I'm fat and out of shape so it isn't as comfortable as it used to be. Up side is I can lose weight and the bike will be my bestie again soon.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    wendsg wrote: »
    @ashleycarole86 The Livestrong challenge is across the month of March, so it starts March 1st. :smile: I'll be doing my 150 mile ride on March 2nd because March 1st I have tons of business to take care of at the base nearby and won't have time!

    Right now, I'm about to go do my Rapha Rising ride (Alpe du Zwift, a pixel-by-pixel recreation of the Alpe du Huez, is VICIOUS and that's today's ride. I am regretting doing a 1/2 marathon run yesterday more than I thought I would). At least that'll give me some milage for this week! (and stage 2 of Rapha Rising tomorrow, and stage 3 of Rapha rising on Saturday - gonna be short distances with ridiculous elevation changes. Wish me luck!)

    Forgive my ignorance- but what is a Zwift ? A type of indoor cycle or a trainer that you use your outdoor bike on? And I second @Bill70sStrong ! You are killing it!!!
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    I wish I had something inspirational to say, but instead I shall simply drool all over myself because Mt. Ventoux is /hard/. Rapha Rising stage 3 is tomorrow! Huzzah!

    Ride - 23.01
    Previous - 766.13

    Year Total - 789.14/2022

  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    January 225kms (I was on holiday 3 weeks)
    February 1305kms (not back up to normal yet)
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Not my best effort in Spin class tonight

    Prev: 250.38
    Spin total: 13

    Total: 263.38

  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Woo hoo! Finished the Rapha Rising stage 3 climb today! Nice way to finish, going up Zwift's Epic KOM. That's always a fun climb.

    Now it's time to soak in a bath lol - tomorrow'll be a 1.5 hour effort on the Volcano Circuit CCW route to see if CCW or CW is faster. :smile:

    Ride - 24.02
    Previous - 789.14

    Year Total - 813.16/2022

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Last night's ride:

    Feb 25 - Peloton ride for a total of 8.00 miles
    Previous - 657.52

    YTD -665.52/2022
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just couldn't get excited to climb on the Peloton yesterday or today. Decided to listen to my body and take a couple complete rest days!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Good idea @Bill70sStrong

    I did other exercise today off the bike... back at it tomorrow! See you all then.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @Bill70sStrong and @ashleycarole86 I’m the same. Was messing with taxes and wanted to get in a little skiing. Only did two short workouts because of time and fatigue. Wish me luck on my long run this afternoon. Probably will do a series of peloton classes on the tread. It’s currently 8 degrees outside so a little cold and icy for me.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    @Bill70sStrong and @ashleycarole86 I’m the same. Was messing with taxes and wanted to get in a little skiing. Only did two short workouts because of time and fatigue. Wish me luck on my long run this afternoon. Probably will do a series of peloton classes on the tread. It’s currently 8 degrees outside so a little cold and icy for me.

    Have a fantastic time. You runners impress me! We are off to go snowshoeing in the mountains today!
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    January 250kms (holiday 3 weeks)
    February 1450kms
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Two rides today in Zwift - the first to figure out if I'd be going clockwise or counter clockwise through the Volcano for my Livestrong 150 mile challenge (going clockwise - the 6% long grind going CCW just isn't as much fun as the short and punchy 6% efforts going CW). Then joined in a Zwift-sponsored solidarity ride for the people of Ukraine.

    Ride 1 - 30.65
    Ride 2 - 23.37
    Previous - 813.16

    Year Total - 867.18/2022

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Easy trainer ride

    Prev: 263.38
    Spin total: 15.0

    Total: 278.38

  • Sparticus_2022
    Sparticus_2022 Posts: 23 Member
    Peloton 5.48

    Previous 99.02

    YTD 104.50/2022
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Feb 27 - Peloton ride for a total of 19.44 miles
    Previous - 665.52

    YTD - 684.96/2022
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Today's actually a run day, so this is likely going to be the only ride I get in. :tongue:

    Ride - 3.90
    Previous - 867.18

    Year Total - 871.08/2022

  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Halfway to 2022 miles
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,225 Member
    Everyone sounds like they r doing really well!

    Previous 610.59
    Today 20.07
    YTD 630.66