Battling prediabetes and fatty liver

Hi everyone!
My name is Anne. I'm 40-ish, married and mom to an awesome 20 year old. I teach K-2 students with Autism.
I lost my mom to cancer two years ago and I've definitely let myself slide. I've been feeling pretty gross lately. Last week I ended up in the ER with what they thought was an upper GI bleed. Thankfully that wasn't it! But they did discover fatty liver disease.
At my follow up with my doc, she ran blood work and my glucose levels were high. Not super high but enough to make me realize I need to do something.
I weigh 197 pounds right now. I want to get down to 145/150. I want to do it for me but my dad also needs a kidney. If I want to get tested, I need to be at a healthy BMI, which means dropping almost 60!
I need people to keep me honest because I always start off strong and give up. I can't give up.


  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    I lost my mom 2 years ago in November. And then with the pandemic starting a few months later and all that entailed, I saw a decline in my health. I’m going to send you a friend request. Hopefully we can encourage each other.
  • TMarieCleg
    TMarieCleg Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Anne, my husband is diabetic and had to change is whole diet ! I have a 21 year old son :) Send me a FR and we can support each other