Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Today feels like Sunday. We went out to our dd's for breakfast and had great fun playing with our grandson. Our dd only has the 1 boy and he turns 2 next month. They are expecting #2 in April. On the way home we stopped at our other dd's place. She's the one with 7 kids. We had to show off our new car to them. We gave them our old one. Now when they drive somewhere to take 1 or 2 kids or if they have to run errands, they don't have to take their huge van. They were a 1 car family. You can imagine with a family that size that money is a little tight. So I got to see all my family today. I am so lucky.

    Here's a photo I took last fall. Hope you enjoy it.

    Mountain Scene by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, forgot to tell you I walk with walking poles or I couldn't walk more than a half a block. It takes the stress off the knees and back. Otherwise I can only walk a short distance with a cane.

    Chris do the walking pole help you walk? Just wondering if this old lady could used them.

    Marie, in my opinion, they are good for walking and hiking, but you might have greater control of your balance with your walker. Id rather see you walking with the walker than the poles. Its your dizzy spells that I am concerned with.

    Hi Marilyn, great to hear from you! Hope you are glad to be full time at Tim's.

    Hi everyone else, have a great week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    It’s great to be back to my regular life after the exciting and fun week of dancing. I didn’t post food or exercise but my eating was limited to Isagenix shakes and meal replacement bars except for a snack of yummy trail mix and Thursday’s pizza dinner. Exercise was an hour’s walk in the morning plus walking to and from the workshop in the morning and at lunch (a mile each way) and dancing nine to noon, one to three thirty, and seven to nine each day. There were 28 new dances taught during the week and time for dancing favorites by request. I didn’t learn all the new dances but I had a lot of favorites and I didn’t dance all the dances at the open dance time but I knew a lot more than half of them.

    I didn’t keep track of calories burned but I always carry my pedometer so I know how many steps
    Sunday 28200
    Monday 30100
    Tuesday 26000
    Wednesday 33800
    Thursday 24000
    Friday 27800

    On the way home I stopped at Deception Pass and walked the trail down to the beach and a trail in the woods then walked across the bridge and back. We’ve driven across the bridge a lot but never had time to stop. This time, traveling alone, I made the time by leaving the minute the workshop was over and making a reservation for a late afternoon ferry.

    I read most of the posts during the week but didn’t post much. Most of my time on the computer was spent watching YouTube videos of the dances I was learning.

    Jake and the pets were delighted to see me. Jake grilled steaks and made salad for dinner and the animals were all over me. This morning the dogs were almost bouncing when I put my shoes on to take them on their morning walk. We had a long, fast, and fun walk. Later I got to work in the yard some more. We went out to dinner at a new Indian restaurant. I fell victim to naan with spinach and cheese----lots of calories and lots of sodium and delicious
    I brought most of my entree home

    Tomorrow I'll get back to responding more personally.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Birthday Irene!! I hope you have the most wonderful day! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Hi to the rest of the gang! Dave and I are alone this weekend. Neil had a couple of activities so he stayed at his home. He did call several times as he was re-thinking his decision. I was strong and he ended up staying and having mostly a fun day. He is really fearful of new things, not sure why that has started. We will just keep encouraging him to try it. Our weather continues to be lovely except for 2 nights of frost. We are enjoying garden fresh vegetables. So yummy.

    I promise that I will do my best to post personals tomorrow. I think of you all so often. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Birthday, Irene, you deserve two birthday celebrations!! LOL
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: A gloomy day here, where is the sun? :grumble: My step daughter did not come in, they had some flooding in their kitchen so she missed her flight. :noway: She has a flight booked in December so not sure she will reschedule this flight sooner then that or not. :ohwell: Been working on transferring my home movies to DVD, it is time consuming and the VHS tapes are so old the quality is not very good but hopefully the kids will appreciate all my work. :tongue:


    :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRENE :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Since you are so special we celebrated two days this week!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Gayla, Neil wants to be independent he is just a little nervous about doing so. :bigsmile: I do like when Babe and I are home alone, just to chill and do whatever we want. :wink:

    Barbie, I can't believe the steps you take on your pedometer, that is just amazing. I got the one from S2H yesterday and by the end of the night I had 5000 steps so it should take me two days to get 10,000. Once you get 10,000 you record the code on the computer and then with the points you earn you can get gift cards from many different stores. :bigsmile:

    Phoebe and Chris, I do see a lot of women walking with the ski poles, I am told it is a really good form of exercise since you are using your arms as well. Right now I am doing fine with walking Daisy, I listen to music on my phone and try to keep up with the beat until Daisy becomes too tired. :laugh: or is that me?

    Jeri, you have seen such beautiful places and take incredible pictures to remember them, thanks for sharing with us. Your daughter has 7 children, that is wonderful. Is she tired all the time? :laugh: How generous of you to give your old car to your daughter, I bet she really appreciates you and dad. :heart:

    Marie, I agree with Phoebe, stick with your walker, it will give you better balance. Are you going to be watching your beloved Cowboys today? :love: Alice sounds like wonderful daughter, she does so much for you, it is so nice when our children help us when help is needed. :heart:

    Marilyn, thanks for checking in, we missed you. I am glad you are feeling better and your mood is better, what ever works for you and makes you feel good is the plan to follow. :drinker:

    Time to read the Sunday paper, have a great day everyone!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    LlWe, we always leave something at home, this week it is my phone chargers. Swapping trucks gets things misplaced. So, unless I find one in the stores during our trip, I wont be online for a week or more. Be safe.
    Sandy, I didnt bring a kitty, but two of them are indoors! Lol, couldnt leave them outside without us there, one of them went for a walk on the roof of the house!
    have a great week!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Beautiful weekend so far. Ate out Friday night with my girlfriend and her
    husband. She is having knee replacement surgery on Monday and is
    very nervous so we tried to keep her spirits up. She also has to have
    the other knee done at a later date.

    Ate out again on Saturday night with two other couples and ate and drank too
    much. Oh my, the scale on Monday. :cry:

    Stayed overnight on the boat last night and it was very cool and great for sleeping.
    We did have a sail on Saturday but it was too rough in the lake so we sailed in
    the river.

    Next weekend will be our last weekend on the boat with the my daughter's in laws
    for a visit and sail. I hope the weather is suitable for sailing otherwise we will have
    to go wine tasting. :tongue:

    Managed to walk 35 mins. today and it was so beautiful out. Next week mostly rain.:sad:

    Have a good one !!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Marie, Listen to Phoebe about the walking poles. They are not easy for some people, it sounds like your walker is best for you.

    Barbie, you amaze me on how much exercise you do. I bet you lost a couple of lbs. line dancing so much. It sounds like you have a lot of fun with anything you do. Keep up the good job.

    Irene, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU:drinker: :heart:

    Today we went to visit a friend, then I decided to get a new recliner for the living room, so had to visit a few stores but found one and bought it. I am short 5'2" and my husband is 5'6" so we need a short seat so our legs feel comfy and we finally found the one that fits us.

    Today I made healthy decisions on my eating and hope to keep it up as this week we will be eating out a couple of times.

    I enjoy the company of all of you and hope your day is happy.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    DEAR dear IRENE....Just made it to wish you...:bigsmile:

    And you know we wish you many many more...:drinker:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Irene..Happy Birthday !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, do not worry about this weekend. It is now in the past. So, you can begin to look forward. Decide now what you will eat and what you will do for exercise tomorrow. Nothing can be done for the over-eating and drinking. I have been there myself too many times.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, thinking of you and your husband sitting on regular chairs with your legs dangling reminds me of the kid's TV show on PBS...I think the name of it was "The Big Comfy Couch", or something like that. It starred a woman dressed as a little girl sitting on this huge couch. This made her look more like a child. It was so funny.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe...what would life be without our phone chargers !!! Actually, my phone needs a new battery so I like to carry my charger where ever I go.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Marie...I LOVE that Twitty Bird. So cute.

    Tomorrow I will weigh for the second time at work for the challenge. I have been losing so I hope that it really shows by the scales.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    To Irene,

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Swissmiss that is funny. I tried out my new recliner and it's better than we had before, my feet reach the floor now. Take care

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    :bigsmile: Marie, I wish you lived in my neighborhood. We have smooth flat roads that are kept clean, few cars, and 15 MPH speed limit so it would be a great place for you to walk. There are many people who walk with walkers in the middle of the day when the weather is the warmest.:bigsmile: your quilt squares are great. You are so talented. It may seem simple to you but those of us who don't quilt, it is amazing

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I wish you the best at your weigh in tomorrow. You have been working hard on this challenge.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, I love your pictures. I traveled through Alberta when I was in my 20's and 30's and loved everything I saw.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your yard looks great. do you do a lot of the work yourself or does Babe do it or do you hire someone to take care of things?

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, if you can keep your popcorn eating under control, then keep it in your food plan. I have had to eliminate many foods that I can't eat in moderation. Glad to hear that you have a full time job

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Chris, your exercise plan sounds amazing for someone who has had so many surgeries (actually it's amazing for anyone). I'd love to hear more about your line dancing. What are your classes like? What dances do you like? Are there men in the class or just women? What is the age range?

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, Neil isn't the only one who gets nervous about trying new things. How great that you are able to support and encourage him.

    :cry: Phoebe, sorry to hear about your phone's amazing how dependent we are on technology now. I play music on my phone and would be lost without it. I am so glad to hear that two of the kitties are living indoors now :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Shirley,, we ate out last night and really overdid it, too, and we're picking ourselves us today and getting back on track.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I took the dogs for a long walk this morning and got my 10,000 steps in before noon. I thought I would walk them again later, but Jake wanted to get some steps so he took them out the rest of the day:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • clairemariemiller
    Hi all! I've been a member for a while but am just now realizing there is a whole community of us out here! I am Claire, 51, and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have RA, which makes excercise "challenging", but not impossible if I set my mind to it and am sensible about what I can and cannot do.

    I've lost 11 lbs since September 1st, when I finally "got serious" about getting healthy and losing weight. It's nice to know this forum is here, so I can turn to others on the same journey, for support!

    Have a great week!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    :heart: Hi everyone! Sheesh!! I just typed in my little personal notes using Word and now I can't find a way to paste it here. I am not sure what happened to my toolbar. I will save it and get Dave's help tomorrow.
    Signing off frustrated!! Gayla :huh:
  • viliberty1957
    Swissmiss that is funny. I tried out my new recliner and it's better than we had before, my feet reach the floor now. Take care


    That's so funny. I do the same thing. When I bought my chair a few months ago I "tried on" all the chairs in the store before I decided. Same problem.....short legs.