Gryffindor Common Room



  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    Hey is there still anyway of joining you guys it sounds awesome!!!!

    Just found this Common Room myself--I think and am hoping that the answer is yes, we can still join, but I'm not certain because I skipped about 15 pgs of posts! lol Gotta go back and read thru everything to get caught up and understand...
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Missb92, you're badge is beautiful, and looks so good on you! Congratulations. :-)

    Maybe print it out and put it on your refrigerator door as a constant reminder of what you can do!

    You know I might just do that! ;)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Extremely proud to be wearing the prefect badge! Hopefully thats gonna keep me extra focused this week to do just as well :) Everyone is doing so great! Cant wait to weigh in tomorrow :drinker:

    I know, I am so excited! Last time I made prefect there weren't badges. Congrats fellow Prefect!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    Hey is there still anyway of joining you guys it sounds awesome!!!!

    Just found this Common Room myself--I think and am hoping that the answer is yes, we can still join, but I'm not certain because I skipped about 15 pgs of posts! lol Gotta go back and read thru everything to get caught up and understand...

    i believe we are still taking members!!! if so welcome to our little family
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Weighing in today instead of tomorrow as im heading back to college so wont have a scales in the house!

    CW: 153.4
    GW Sept 1st: 150

    OWLS/NEWTS: 35
    HP: 73

    Very happy with this weeks loss! Slightly nervous about my first week back in college though.. hope I dont ruin all my hard work!

    Good luck fellow Gryffindors :bigsmile:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey is there still anyway of joining you guys it sounds awesome!!!!

    Just found this Common Room myself--I think and am hoping that the answer is yes, we can still join, but I'm not certain because I skipped about 15 pgs of posts! lol Gotta go back and read thru everything to get caught up and understand...

    i believe we are still taking members!!! if so welcome to our little family

    YES! Welcome to Gryffindor, both of you! :)

    Read the links in my signature to get familiar with the rules and ask me any questions. We're about to start a new week, so read the challenges on Page 19 of this thread. Please still post your current weights from this week before the end of Monday and a goal for October 1st so your numbers next week will count!

    And seriously, ask me questions if you have them! :)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Hey fellow Gryffs! I hope your weekend was great and that you have a nice week.
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,759 Member
    HI Mindy, I had a wonderful weekend! I have a beautiful 2 year old granddaughter and I got to spend both days with her! Wonder what chasing after a 2 year old would be logged under!! haha!
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member

    ok my weight as of Friday the 23 is 220

    my goal weight for october first is 218
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,759 Member
    Here's my stats for the week....

    9/18/11 Sunday
    CW: 137.5
    GW: Oct 1 = 135
    OWL: 1 point per pile kick = 120
    NEWT: water instead of soda = 35
    HP (exercise minutes) =
    Monday to Sunday = 55 minutes

    I think it's funny.... I drink diet soda all day long, breakfast, lunch, dinner and all times in the middle. The NEWT challenge was exchange a soda for water. Big challenge for me, but I think there was some strange hand in this whole thing! It was a busy week and I never got to make my lunch so I had to go out for lunch every day. I pick my lunch spots based on who has a fountain soda machine! Subway, Quiznoes, Togo's, Soprano's, and a small little mom and pop place.... all 5 had non working fountain soda machines or non working diet soda drinks!! So no soda for lunch all week! How strange is that....
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member

    ok my weight as of Friday the 23 is 220

    my goal weight for october first is 218

    I just realized i said the 23 instead of the 16th
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone! Check in time.


  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    HI Mindy, I had a wonderful weekend! I have a beautiful 2 year old granddaughter and I got to spend both days with her! Wonder what chasing after a 2 year old would be logged under!! haha!

    What a coincidence. I have a two year old grandson that I had Friday and Saturday. What a bright spot in my week! Yes, chasing a two year old should be on the list!
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    No change this week Still 180.4 :( I did really good on the exercise this week, but I made very poor food choices. I am just glad I didn't gain.
    OWLS- 5
    NEWTS- 10
    House Points- 825
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Check in time! Hope everyone had a good week. :)

    SW: 154.2

    GW Oct 1: 145

    Week 2: 157.6
    Week 3: 155.2
    Week 4: 157
    Week 5: 158
    Week 6: 161
    Week 7: 158.6
    Week 8: 156
  • Week 8 - the Same again. I seem to either fluctuate or plateau lol.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Weight - no change.
    OWLS and NEWTS: none - I saw the post too late.
    House Points: 72

    Started running again this morning. I'm hoping to run 3 days a week for about 1/2 hour each day, and do TKD on Saturdays.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I am going to have to hit pause on my gryff career. Sorry guys. Be back when I can. Just too much to juggle
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I am going to have to hit pause on my gryff career. Sorry guys. Be back when I can. Just too much to juggle

    :( I get it, but we'll miss you!! Come back any time!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I started out great with the challenges and got busy, which I'm tired of making that an excuse. That's gonna change, and soon!

    CW: 256.8
    OWLS: 25
    NEWTS: 5 (I love my coffee too much!)
    HP: 72 (man, I need to step it up!)
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