

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Today my mother forgot to tell us that my uncle had heart surgery scheduled. But my Dad and I found out last minute and were able to wish him well.

    I finally called to make a memory evaluation appointment for my mother. Another step down the road. I just hope she is able to stay here in the house until the end. She doesn't fall and she doesn't wander. She mostly repeats questions and stories. And she is withdrawn socially. But that's easy to handle.

    My knee complained a lot during grocery shopping, even with a brace. I had to skip horseback riding last week and maybe this week too. Frustrating. I was really enjoying yoga. Oh well. I guess this is part of the challenge of growing older - more time rehabbing various joints. I looked up exercises to do, and I was already doing them as part of my dumbbell routine.

    I bought a Powerball lottery ticket. That entitles me to look at expensive houses online and hope for the best.

    Annie in Delaware, who lost a post this morning.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Sorry just popping in now.. holy cow am I beat..
    Miles cried from 6:45 until 12:15 when Tracy got home except for when i took hom for a car ride down to see her so she could feed him and when i got him to sleep for a 1/2 hr on my bed here at my place.. I love that little boy with all my heart..but Told Tracy she can pick Carmine up this afternoon because im beat...
    I'll be there tomorrow to get Carmine to school.. but Tracy only works M,W,F
    Welcome to the newbies
    Lisa- I want a picture of the chicken tractor...and what is the name of the chinese cook book sounds interesting?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Renee & Kari--Welcome this is a great group for support and friendship. Come often and get to know us.

    Ginny--Glad everyone is ok, how scary!! Great picture of you and your brothers. You all have the same eyes and smile.

    Wish you could send some of the rain or snow my way. It is so dry here I do not know what the farmers are going to do. DH turned and ran our sprinklers yesterday. It has been chilly and windy here so hard to do much outside. After work yesterday we went to DS's for supper and that was nice as didn't have to cook and got sometime with the DGC. Everyone working and they live 20 minutes out of town, so don't see them much.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    today making a sort of gumbo stew. Saute onion, sausage, mushrooms, in a pat of butter with a blob of roasted garlic paste. Add chicken stock, rice (precooked kind you just microwave), leftover cubed potatoes, and cut up shrimp that's tossed in Old Bay. Then add milk and thickener. Voila! Its comfort food thru and thru. I might even add a piece of crusty bread.
    Enjoy the day all!
    Welcome all you new old ladies. Or is it old new ladies.....🙃😂.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Debbie - yes, please do post the recipes! I did find the cookbook on Amazon, but the price is a bit too high for me. My husband loves beef and broccoli, and any tips or tricks are very welcome. Anything that might make me want to eat a vegetable is also welcome. I appreciate the assist and hope your day off is lovely.

    Terri - Happy birthday a few days early! Hope your outing with your daughters is wonderful. Oxford in the summer sounds terrific - visited there and Cambridge a lot on the rare days off my ex and I had together in the early 1980s. I would imagine it's changed a bit in 40 years... :wink:

    Machka - Love the autumn walk pictures!

    Renee in VA - Welcome, we're glad you're here! Just stick with us, we're a talky bunch, but all the love and support you could possibly want. Well done on losing half of you, we know it's a life change of no small proportions.

    Was up earlier than I wanted to be, but I did have a nap yesterday. Apparently, I'm at that stage where I'm catching up on all the naps I resisted in kindergarten. B)

    Tomorrow morning will be busy. Never marry a mechanic with the idea that your car will be taken care of. We've been together more than 13 years and he has yet to change the oil in any vehicle we own. Considering that at work he does four to five oil changes a week for everything from riding mowers to trucks, it's easy to understand his reluctance. So, I'm picking up a few things at the warehouse store in the morning tomorrow, and then taking the car in for service. My car's been yelling at me for an oil change and inspection for a couple of weeks.

    Today has yet to be written, but I do need to get moving and get some bread dough sorted and rising. Making hamburger buns, hot dog buns and dough for calzone dough for dinner.

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    that is CRAZY the price they want for it- it is a very small book. just 55 pages and 5"x8"

    Here is a link for it at a different place- a lot cheaper

    So, the tip to getting the beef(or what ever meat) super tender is to soak in with baking soda for 15 min then rinse, rinse,rinse,rinse and rinse again. I rinse it about three or four times then let it soak in clean cold water until ready to cook. If you don't rinse well enough, you will get the bitter taste of the baking soda. It will bubble up a bit when cooking but that is ok.

    For a really quick broccoli beef I steam the broccoli to just about tender. Prepare the meat as above. Saute it with some fresh ginger and oyster sauce then add in broccoli and cook until the broccoli is the way you like it. There are recipes I have used that have soy sauce, mirin, etc but I found the oyster sauce gives a great flavor and so simple.

    This book has a recipe for egg rolls that we have used many times. We usually at least double the batch and make a bunch then freeze them. One mess but enjoy them many times.
    Another favorite in this book is the almond or cashew chicken.

    Almond Chicken

    3/4 t salt
    1t sugar
    1/4 cup soup stock
    1 cup celery diced
    1 cup onion diced
    1 cub bamboo shoots
    2 T cornstarch
    3T soy sauce
    8 water chestnuts sliced
    2 T sherry or rice wine
    3 T oil
    1pound of chicken cubed
    1/2 pound almonds, walnuts or cashews

    Dredge chicken in the mixture of salt, cornstarch soy sauce sherry and sugar- marinate for 1/2 hour
    Heat pan, add oil and saute chicken until tender. To the chicken add the soup stock and heat thoroughly.
    All vegetables should be sauteed slightly and added to the chicken mixture and serve hot

    (when I make it, I cook the chicken, remove from the pan, cook the veggies, put the two together then add the broth. The broth and the cornstarch coating will thicken the sauce in it)

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Heading for bed- Dh is already asleep- his alarm will be going off in 1 1/2 hrs- hope to be asleep before that, or I will be awake until he leaves at 1AM

    I think I'd be tempted to sleep in separate rooms.

    M in Oz

    what is even worse is when he only works 4-5 hours and comes home. Never quiet and wakes me up then I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I am a very light sleeper so most things wake me up.
    Like today- he was back home at 6:45AM-Instead of quietly going to his room he banged around- had to use the bathroom, then feed the cats(that are fed in the catio which is on my side of the bedroom and he is talking to them while he feeds them) then does the litter boxes and who knows what else. I was able to get back to sleep off and on but not great sleep. At least he is off tomorrow so I won't get woken up. He is working 5 days this week so 5 days of getting woken up unless he works a full shift like he does on Wed. then he won't be home until 9.
    Only other place to sleep would be the couch and that is not comfortable. I had to sleep on that when I was "quaratined" away from him when I was recovering from covid. I had already been away from him for over two weeks before I even came home. That couch really is hard on my back and I can't sleep in the recliner.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    I'm crazy in love with musicals too Lisa (and Beth) and I agree... that is one I'll say "ODD" looking Easter Bunny. smh. Musicals are still one of the top searches on all of my streaming. Freddy just puts on his headphones and shakes his head. Poor guy.

    Hey Renee! Welcome! I'm an old Sparkie too! I miss that so much. This isn't the same, but it's a place to come and get together with people and there are tools. I definitely like the boards here better!

    We had snow for Easter too, but not 2 inches and not heavy-wet. Freddy and I are doing the traditional ham, potatoes, beans, etc. tonight because it was grandson Kolten's 12th birthday yesterday as well and he wanted Red Robin for dinner so we all went out for burgers! GOD, I love that kid! He's to the age where he can find exactly what he wants for his birthday or Christmas, text me the link and then he gets it 1-2-3 months later or immediately if he "needs" it (for sports, maybe) and he's happy as a clam. So yesterday... it was, not kidding, white Crocs. I guess all the kids love them for baseball cuz they're easy to change in and out of for practice and games, but WHITE?!? WHATever. It's what he wanted, so it's what he got and practice starts next week. Timing is everything!

    Have a great week y'all!

    Carla, in MN

    Carla- my son picked lavender Crocs- I was a bit surprised to see him wearing them as he tends to wear mostly black, then I saw his girlfriend come in- yep- Lavender Crocs.
    He wears things that really are different than his usual choices but I know, she has picked them for him.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Sorry just popping in now.. holy cow am I beat..
    Miles cried from 6:45 until 12:15 when Tracy got home except for when i took hom for a car ride down to see her so she could feed him and when i got him to sleep for a 1/2 hr on my bed here at my place.. I love that little boy with all my heart..but Told Tracy she can pick Carmine up this afternoon because im beat...
    I'll be there tomorrow to get Carmine to school.. but Tracy only works M,W,F
    Welcome to the newbies
    Lisa- I want a picture of the chicken tractor...and what is the name of the chinese cook book sounds interesting?

    here is the link with the picture of the cook book.

    No one is going to pay that much for a small paperback cook book.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Bahaaa I looked up a chicken tractor.. its like an A frame chicken house .. i was having all sorts of thoughts in my head of a chicken chuggin down the road on a small little tractor ha ha ha...
    Lisa thanks for the link for the book.
    So I had an extra scale that i gave to Tracy i bought batteries yesterday.. that little boy weighs 16 lbs and he isnt even 4 months old yet. So between him and the car seat im heaving around close to 30 lbs.. holy moly..
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Worked today then ceramics tonight

    Renee – that’s a great way to lose the weight!

    Kari – welcome!

    Ginny – active shooter!!!!! Glad you’re safe. I LOVE your dress

    Michele NC
    who is going to try to get to the gym tomorrow
  • N2couture22
    N2couture22 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm new too. Kinda. I was once
    a member. I am 52 now, have two sons am trying to get back into good shape again. I gained like 4 sizes after looking my best. I really want to lose these extra inches and feel good again.

    Anyone interested in a supportive friend here, I'm good at showing support. We can do this.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited April 2022
    My Chinese cookbook is a small, slim, Ken Hom volume. Easy and excellent. I use the chicken and black beans and the chicken and mushroom the most. I get unusual ingredients from Amazon. My wok is at least 50 years old, from Chinatown in Soho. I used to haunt that area. I knew the shops and restaurants inside out. My back yard.
    I often just go rogue with stir-fry. Great way to use up left over vegetables. DH has done a pork with 5 spice.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Well i took tylenol
    And onto my nightime meds and wouldn't ya know they took Loveboat off at 6 pm ..bummer. oh well I need the rest...im going to go to sleep early if I can.. we are supposed to get some wacky weather tonight.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member