Women 200lb+, Let's Astonish Ourselves This April!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I have a funny story about shoes in the house!! Okay, so I totally ignored (and continue to) Flylady on the shoes thing. I have hot foot, and it is Houston, TX. I wear flip flops everywhere except church. Well, me and my great-nieces from the Phillipines - we all got hot foot. So one day, I was barefoot around the house and BAM broke my toe on the coffee table! Oh, it was brutal. First question my mother-in-law asks me, "How did you break your little toe on a coffee table? You would think shoes would stop that from happening." Well, maybe they would - if I wore them in the house!! She is not a Flylady follower - because that woman is sorted and so is her home. So I learned. I got rid of the coffee table and have not broken another toe since!!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @rockitwell86 So if that is 4 servings, how many calories are in a serving?
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited April 2022
    @roz0810 Some quotes I found helpful to keep me focused on weight loss, maybe they can encourage you too:

    @ferousavocado quote: “You will never always be motivated, so you must learn to always be disciplined. There is no one big step that does it. It is a lot of little steps. The hardest part about weight loss is not diet or exercise - it's PATIENCE. It takes a long time. I constantly remind myself that we are in this for the long haul. We are in this for life! If I have a bad day, I log it and move on - the most important thing is getting right back to it the next day. It's about sticking with it. Dedication and persistence will pay off over time.”

    @danp quote: "Lessons I've learned in previous failed attempts that have helped me to succeed this time.
    - It's about weight management, not weight loss. Weight loss has an end date, weight management is for life. Weight management is about being in control of your weight. Making conscious decisions about when you'll eat in a deficit to lose weight, eat at maintenance, or even eat in a surplus to splurge and enjoy life.
    - It's all about consistency. It's better to eat 'pretty well' forever than 'perfectly' for a month or two.
    - Weight management is simple (but not necessarily easy) so don't overthink it. When it comes down to it weight management isn't complicated. Find what works, do what works and keep it simple.
    - The old saying you can't out run your fork. While there's a small degree of overlap, generally speaking weight management happens in the kitchen and fitness happens in the gym."

    @cheesy567 quote “Goals must be focused on the habits. You can control your habits, you can control what you *do.* You cannot control the outcome. You can chose to follow your meal plan and exercise plan to a T. You cannot control what the scale says. You cannot control your weight. Weight is a byproduct of the balance of your lifestyle, the balance of all your eating and fitness habits. Focus on your habits, one by one.
  • rockitwell86
    rockitwell86 Posts: 36 Member
    @justanotherloser007 - 259 for the amount of filling I used. About half can of diced jalapeños, 2oz cream cheese, half cup shredded cheddar.

    It's crazy how ADHD does different things to each of us even though the symptoms are the same. I had to stop meds because they were actually making things worse for me. My home was SO BAD and my diet was absolute crap. Work life has never been my issue, thankfully I can set my day up based off how my brain is working that day. The meds caused such a depression crash and lack of sleep I wasn't eating properly, wasn't cleaning, half the time I was drinking WAY too much just to feel something. I definitely have bad days, but much better without meds than with them. I hope you ladies who also are in this boat have found treatment that works best for you.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Managed to sleep in AND get up before everyone, great times. Weight is 192.0 today! So we're slowly getting back to it.

    Plan for today is to clean the house, obtain a birthday present for my niece, get groceries (that fell through yesterday), help Oldest cook something, and pack for the trip to niece's birthday next weekend. I hate a long road trip, but it's important to do this kind of thing. And then make cheeseburgers* and play video games!

    *I'm going to be making a cheeseburger platter for myself, ground beef, mushrooms, cheese, and seasoning, on a bed of spinach, with air fried potatoes, and the correct condiments (but not mayo). The best. :yum:

    Tag party time!
    @JAC581 you know, I see a lot of myself when you say
    Once your "main" priorities are taken care of for the day (whether it be job, kids, etc) it can just feel like you need the remaining time to "survive" and regroup. This usually results in me laying on the couch playing word games on my phone
    I definitely do this sometimes. In fact, I would say I do it quite a bit, and the only way I've found to mitigate that is to move my movement (lol) earlier in the day, or to lift weights while I'm doing other things (like cooking). If I say to myself "I'm going to exercise after everything else is done," no I'm not. I know this about myself.

    @rockitwell86 Ooooh, thanks for the recipe! I like to go lighter on breakfast so I can have snacks of a fruit and a protein bar, so I modded yours a little, looking forward to something different for this week! We'll see how me changing the eggs to egg whites does- I know in a normal quiche, the egg to dairy ratio is important. Either way, I'm going to eat it, lol. And I never add seasoning to the recipe calculator- not worth it to me, but I love penzey's sandwich sprinkle, so probably that, and maybe some poultry seasoning.

    @justanotherloser007 it's so interesting how that works out. At the end of last year, I was aware of my weight in the 190s, I was watching it, just wasn't willing to do much about it at that time, and I was just maintaining for quite a while- until the holidays, when I'm doing a ton of cooking and there are treats everywhere :lol: I'm a firm believer in treats, so all of my efforts this time, this last time, are to make sure I know how to balance them out- because if I want them, I'm going to have them, it's just a matter of when and how much. Life is too short.

    Also, flylady would say "told you so" about your foot. :lol: And those are great quotes!

    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 anecdotally, my husband forgets to eat on ADHD medication all the time. It's a real problem for him, as he's normal weight. He'll often joke with me that I just have to get on speed, that's all. :lol: But I have a feeling it wouldn't work that way for me!

    @77topcat the most important thing while you're sick is to get better. I hope you do quickly! Drink some good tea and soup for me! If there's a "favorite" part of being sick for me, it's endless cups of herbal tea with very liberal amounts of honey, lol.

    Have a great Saturday, everyone!

  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    I love frittatas! I make them weekly and then eat the leftovers all week for breakfast.

    I use a modified version of this recipe: https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/ultimate-easy-frittata-recipe-article

    I swap out some whole eggs for some whites - exact ratio depends on how heavy they are. I also often just throw in whatever veggies I have on hand.

    Still traveling and staying with family and having a lot of fun. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've mostly been lurking this thread the past few days but I've skimmed the last page or two of posts and it looks like everyone is making progress and figuring stuff out. You love to see it. Welcome to the new folks sliding in right at the end of the month - glad to have you, hope you'll come with us into the May thread as well :)

    Weigh-in day!

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    SW 252.8 (11/13/2020)
    CW 188.6 (4/1/22)
    4/2: 187.4
    4/9: 186.4
    4/16: 186.0
    4/23: 187.4
    GW for April: Weigh less than my husband by 4/30
    GW for 2022: 145

    HECK. I think I'm gearing up for yet another period and retaining water, but also, last week was far less disciplined than it really needed to be, so some of that could also be fat gain. Womp womp.

    I have been getting more steps this week, so hopefully I'll see that reflected on the scale soon - now that the new LoseIt Challenge is well and truly underway I have that little extra push of motivation to move more, and on top of that my SIL and BIL and I have joined a Lord of the Rings-themed Conqueror challenge. It's an app where you log distance traveled (walking, running, or cycling, outdoors or on a machine) and the app gives you little themed rewards for racking up certain distances. You can form a group ("fellowship" with this theming) and pool your distances to finish faster - so if I walk 5 miles and SIL walks 5 miles and BIL walks 5 miles, we all earn 15 miles. They have a bunch of different challenges themed around real places (Appalachian trail and the like), but the LotR-themed one follows the journey of Frodo and Samwise from the movies. It's a five-part challenge and you get an actual, physical medal, like in the mail, for finishing each part. The first part is about 145 miles; all five parts together, from Bag End to Mount Doom, is about 1900 miles. We've covered over 40 miles between all of us in 5 days, and I'm working on getting my husband in on the fun as well, since he certainly racks up enough steps just on his clinical days, but he also knows he should be walking more.
  • lmgoff232
    lmgoff232 Posts: 277 Member
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 290.6 (4/19/2021)
    SW: 287.4 (7/16/2021)
    CW: 214.6 (4/1/2022)

    GW for April: 207
    GW for 2022: 170
    UGW: 170

    4/2: 214.0
    4/9: 212.4
    4/16: 209.8
    4/23: 210.0

    Well, that is not the way I wanted to move, although some is related to pms water retention I think. I did slack a bit this week though so not totally sure. Kids were with their dad for spring break so I missed my daily/afternoon walks to school, and it totally messed with my routines. Also trying to work my way through all the older excess stuff in the cupboards/pantry so I don't have to move it, and realized that some of it really doesn't hit my satiety needs, lol. Will regroup this weekend, and definitely work on planning a routine to meet my goals over the summer so I don't get off track again. I definitely need to start packing this weekend so I am not overwhelmed when move day gets here!

    Goals for April
    - Meet protein goal at least 3x weekly (or avg weekly at goal) ❌️ only 2 of 7 this week
    - Meet fiber goal at least 3x weekly (or avg weekly at goal) ✔️ 4 of 7
    - Get minimum of 6000 steps daily ✔️
    - Drink minimum of 8 glasses water daily ❌️ 2 of 7
    - Take a day of self-care: Day off work, massage, and manicure/pedicure
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited April 2022

    @rockitwell86 Ooooh, thanks for the recipe! I like to go lighter on breakfast so I can have snacks of a fruit and a protein bar, so I modded yours a little, looking forward to something different for this week! We'll see how me changing the eggs to egg whites does- I know in a normal quiche, the egg to dairy ratio is important. Either way, I'm going to eat it, lol. And I never add seasoning to the recipe calculator- not worth it to me, but I love penzey's sandwich sprinkle, so probably that, and maybe some poultry seasoning.

    Update: this looks so gooooooooood. I multiplied the recipe by 2.5, so this will be two work weeks' worth, in a 9 x 13 pan.


    I didn't bother shredding the cheddar for the top or cutting the turkey bacon into bits, feel fine about it.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @Cluelessmama1979 Welcome sissy! Nice to meet you too!! Glad to see you here. Now is the right time, and here is the right place.
  • Cluelessmama1979
    Cluelessmama1979 Posts: 129 Member
    @justanotherloser007 hi! Thank you! I think I should have tried these forums a long time ago, lol. Even just getting a reply at all is so motivating! :p
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    I've mostly been lurking this thread the past few days but I've skimmed the last page or two of posts and it looks like everyone is making progress and figuring stuff out. You love to see it. Welcome to the new folks sliding in right at the end of the month - glad to have you, hope you'll come with us into the May thread as well :)

    Weigh-in day!

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    SW 252.8 (11/13/2020)
    CW 188.6 (4/1/22)
    4/2: 187.4
    4/9: 186.4
    4/16: 186.0
    4/23: 187.4
    GW for April: Weigh less than my husband by 4/30
    GW for 2022: 145

    HECK. I think I'm gearing up for yet another period and retaining water, but also, last week was far less disciplined than it really needed to be, so some of that could also be fat gain. Womp womp.

    I have been getting more steps this week, so hopefully I'll see that reflected on the scale soon - now that the new LoseIt Challenge is well and truly underway I have that little extra push of motivation to move more, and on top of that my SIL and BIL and I have joined a Lord of the Rings-themed Conqueror challenge. It's an app where you log distance traveled (walking, running, or cycling, outdoors or on a machine) and the app gives you little themed rewards for racking up certain distances. You can form a group ("fellowship" with this theming) and pool your distances to finish faster - so if I walk 5 miles and SIL walks 5 miles and BIL walks 5 miles, we all earn 15 miles. They have a bunch of different challenges themed around real places (Appalachian trail and the like), but the LotR-themed one follows the journey of Frodo and Samwise from the movies. It's a five-part challenge and you get an actual, physical medal, like in the mail, for finishing each part. The first part is about 145 miles; all five parts together, from Bag End to Mount Doom, is about 1900 miles. We've covered over 40 miles between all of us in 5 days, and I'm working on getting my husband in on the fun as well, since he certainly racks up enough steps just on his clinical days, but he also knows he should be walking more.

    OMG I was just looking at this during the week.....I might need to revisit it! Love LOTRs!
  • porquenoirl
    porquenoirl Posts: 76 Member
    SW (Feb 3rd): 220

    Feb: -6lbs
    March: +3lbs

    4/2: 217
    4/8: 212

    April GW: 212

    🌻 April Goals🌻

    🌻 Keep moving
    🌻 Bring in some strength training
    🌻 Some light fasts

    Ok this is why weekly logging like this is such a good idea, I was totally feeling like I'd messed up and not made any progress because I vaguely remembered being at 15 stone earlier sometime and I thought that was last week, but it was this week. So I did get down to 15 earlier in the week, had a big dinner out (which was so lovely to do) and got back down again. So yet again thank you all for this space keeping me sane!

    Some of you will have seen I was struggling with a challenging social situ this week, I'm feeling a lot better about it after some sleep and active rest today. Thanks all for the support etc on it.

    I shaved more time off my swimming this week (I'm doing a 800M challenge to improve my swimming for the end of May so gradually working on improving that over the next few weeks). I haven't been doing much but I think the time in the pool is also helping to just get me more comfortable for when I have a bad swimming stroke, or someone splashes me. And we're off to the woods tomorrow morning for our first outdoors archery experience, looks like we'll join the club (once I can scare up the money).

    Apart from that my hip is super inflamed again, I hadn't used my little tens machine in a few weeks but blasted myself today. Have only been for one walk-jog this week, I want to see if my hip will settle a bit more before trying again, so going to give it a few days and keep using the anti-inflam gel to get it down.

    So fab to see everyone checking in and the new faces, hopefully I'll get a chance to pop in during the week. Best to you all! Also I'm 15 stone! I'm excited to not be 15 stone again EVER!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @porquenoirl do it! The story and postcard rewards are great little nuggets of motivation that come in at steady intervals - we haven't gotten the medals yet obviously but they look cool as hell in the promos. Especially if you're the type who is motivated by spending money LMAO. Note, they advertise a "refer x people and get a discount/free entry" promo but the LOTR challenges specifically are excluded from that - we found that out the hard way, womp womp