April 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Damn @7lenny7! That is a very impressive ice beard!!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    edited April 2022
    02.4: 3.0km in 25 min
    08.4: 4.2km in 34 min
    11.4: 4.3km in 35 min
    12.4: 5.0km in 40 min (plus few seconds)
    14.4: 3.5km in 30 min
    18.4: 1.1km benchmark run
    19.4: 3.6km in 30 mins, 20 second stride repeats
    21.4: 5.0km in 42 mins, slow run
    24.2: 1.609km in 12 mins
    25.2: 4km in 33 min

    Bugger, I'm just not getting better. As in: running doesn't get easier. Either I had a really, really bad cold/bronchitis in March and it's still holding me back (all covid tests negative, including pcr), or I'm low in iron again. Or something else is going on. Getting frustrated.

    @quilteryoyo what I was about to ask: How bloody big is your drive? If I was to walk on the typical drive here I'd walk 5 steps in one direction, then 10, then 5 and then 10 and then I walked once around it :D
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited April 2022
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 and anyone else who might be interested in joining... Let me know if you want to join the Run the World Challenge and I will get us some more credits and post the link.

    @shanaber Sure, I'll join. Let me know who to pay and how much.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    @7lenny7 That is a very impressive ice beard!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    Ok @7lenny7 you are all set to join and this is the link

    No payment needed - I still had some extra from others. I bought enough that 2 others in addition to @7lenny7 can also join. @Aine8046 - were you wanting to join too? Now is your chance...

    Note: when you link to Strava I believe you can have it synch your previous runs to date. You can also add runs manually if you don't have Strava or one of the applications they support.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    4-1 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill - doubles tennis in the morning
    4-2 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway
    4-3 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway
    4-4 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway after push mowing at mom's
    4-5 = 0.6 mile walk - 2.00 mile run part on driveway and part on treadmill
    4-6 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-7 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-8 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-9 = 2.00 miles walk - treadmill
    4-10 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-11 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Fast Finish Run - driveway laps
    4-12 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Foundation Run - treadmill
    4-13 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-14 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.10 mile Speed Play Run - driveway laps
    4-15 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.50 mile Foundation Run on the road
    4-16 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Foundation Run on the treadmill
    4-17 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-18 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.50 mile Fast Finish Run on the treadmill
    4-19 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.25 mile Foundation Run on the treadmill
    4-20 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.0 mile Foundation Run driveway laps
    4-21 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.30 mile Speed Play Run driveway laps - later push mowed for 24 minutes
    4-22 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway - Doubles tennis this morning
    4-23 = 0.70 mile walk - 3.00 mile Foundation Run on the road
    4-24 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-25 = 1.00 mile walk - 2.00 mile Fast Finish Run - driveway laps - planted garden earlier in the day

    51.75/70 miles

    My brother and I met at the county clerks office this morning to finally transfer dad's car into my name and the truck into my brother's. When I got home, I noticed that she had done them backwards, and I had the car. So, I'll have to go get that straightened out. I called her when I found out so that she wouldn't submit the paperwork to the state until it was correct.

    While I was in town, I bought mom some garden seed, cabbage plants, and onion sets for her garden. Since it is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow and the neighbor tilled her garden up for her over the weekend, I went down and helped her set everything out. We worked 3.5 hours - did take a couple of breaks. She does really good for 86 yo.

    We were both tired, so when I got home, I ate a bite and then sat to rest a few minutes. I think I wound up taking a short nap. Anyway, it was over an hour before I got myself up. I thought about running on the treadmill since it was 80°F and I had already been in the sun for 3 hours, but I went outside to see how it felt and thought it wasn't too bad. Of course, I was standing still. LOL The run on the driveway was hot and slow, but I got it done. I was scheduled to run 20 minutes easy pace - goal was to keep my HR under 143 bpm. It crept up to 148 bpm, but not for long. Then 5 minutes at a medium pace - HR between 153 and 163...I actually had 5 minutes in that range with a max HR of 160. Overall pace was 13:27 min/mile. The faster five minutes averaged 11:22 min/mile. Not scorching by any means, but a lot faster than slow. I'll take it.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Whoa! That's some serious drive! :o I'd like to blame the small drives here to city living, but those in villages aren't bigger really.

    No running today I think. Manager wanted me to come into the office. So I guess my rest starts a bit later than usual. And I'll be HUNGRY!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,739 Member
    4/1 – 5.41 miles
    4/4 – 4.21 miles
    4/5 – 5.37 miles
    4/6 – 4.56 miles
    4/8 – 3.17 miles
    4/9 – 6.32 miles
    4/11 – 5.02 miles
    4/13 – 5.76 miles
    4/19 – 5.07 miles
    4/21 – 5.23 miles
    4/22 – 5.09 miles
    4/25 – 7.82 miles
    4/26 – 5.10 miles
    Total 68.11/90 miles

    Still waiting for my Garmin to be replaced so I had to use Strava app on this morning’s run. Strava only gave me 4.78 miles. I run this route all the time and I know that it usually measures between 5.11 and 5.15 miles plus I head my friend’s watch beep when we hit 5 miles so I’m counting it as 5.10 – take that Strava!

    @quilteryoyo – I love planting gardens. Mom was just talking over the weekend how much the price of seed potatoes had increased. Did you notice a big difference in what you purchased? Sorry about the mix up with the car titles.

    @katharmonic – love your pictures from your Portland adventures! I’ve only been to Portland once for a conference. It was shortly after I began running and I wasn’t nearly as adventurous as I am now. I remember trying to run from my hotel one day and at every intersection I would have to stop and wait for traffic before I could cross the street. I did take an extra day and took a tourist bus out to Multnomah Falls, the vista House, Booneville Dam fish ladder, and a few other spots. It was a nice tour.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    @katharmonic Love the pictures from your Portland hike/run. Sounds like a really great day and worth taking the wrong trail. I'm really going to have to do better about running when I travel, if I ever do again.

    @yirara Sorry you had to go into the office. I heard on the news today that those who were working from home and now going into the office are spending on average $33 more a day, just to go to work. That seems steep to me - esp. where I live, but can see that if you have a long commute, buy coffee, and eat out. Crazy and doesn't really seem worth it.

    @Teresa502 Yes! All of the seeds/plants are so much more expensive than in the past! She quit growing potatoes a few years ago because she said it's cheaper to just buy them from the store. We used to plant a lot and had bushels and bushels when I was growing up. She still does sweet potatoes.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    @katharmonic Beautiful pictures. That is an area of the country I haven't visited much and would love to get there for a longer period of time.

    @quilteryoyo My parents always had a garden and I have gotten spoiled to homegrown produce. Their sweet potatoes are the BEST! So much better than store bought. I will miss that so much when they go full-time RVing.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    @yirara Sorry you had to go into the office. I heard on the news today that those who were working from home and now going into the office are spending on average $33 more a day, just to go to work. That seems steep to me - esp. where I live, but can see that if you have a long commute, buy coffee, and eat out. Crazy and doesn't really seem worth it.

    Per day?!? Wow! Nah, people tend to have smaller cars here that don't use a lot of petrol, my ride is 30 minutes. And people don't buy food or coffee or those kind of things at work here. Most people just bring their lunch, really. For me, it's mostly getting up earlier and coming home later compared to working from home. Negotiated 1-2 office days per week with my manager. Once covid numbers go down again anyway.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    Thanks @7lenny7 . I am just now getting back to being consistent. While you were AWOL I had back issues that kept me from running much, and then my heart started acting weird. Turned out I have scoliosis, which I never knew before but have probably had most of my life, and the heart was having a lot of premature ventricle and aortic contractions. I started taking magnesium oxide for my heart and it has really made a huge difference. I started a 10K plan that I am determined to follow to the best of my ability. This is week three and I am doing great so far. I am also still streaking with at least one mile walk a day. Keeps me from being a couch potato on days I'm in a mood or lazy. The driveway is a godsend when it is hot out in the summer. Even though it is mostly hills, it is at least shady. Thanks for joining Run The World. You have us back on track.

    @martaindale Home grown sweet potatoes are a lot better than "store bought." So are tomatoes! I hate it when I have to buy a tomato from the grocery store. The only ones that taste decent are the vine ripened ones that are still on a piece of the vine.

    @yirara I thought that sounded really steep too. I'm sure it was for those places with higher cost of living and they were probably throwing in new work clothes, etc that not everyone would get.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,036 Member
    4-1 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill - doubles tennis in the morning
    4-2 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway
    4-3 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway
    4-4 = 2.25 mile wun on the driveway after push mowing at mom's
    4-5 = 0.6 mile walk - 2.00 mile run part on driveway and part on treadmill
    4-6 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-7 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-8 = 1.00 mile walk - treadmill
    4-9 = 2.00 miles walk - treadmill
    4-10 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-11 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Fast Finish Run - driveway laps
    4-12 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Foundation Run - treadmill
    4-13 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-14 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.10 mile Speed Play Run - driveway laps
    4-15 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.50 mile Foundation Run on the road
    4-16 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.00 mile Foundation Run on the treadmill
    4-17 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-18 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.50 mile Fast Finish Run on the treadmill
    4-19 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.25 mile Foundation Run on the treadmill
    4-20 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.0 mile Foundation Run driveway laps
    4-21 = 0.70 mile walk - 2.30 mile Speed Play Run driveway laps - later push mowed for 24 minutes
    4-22 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway - Doubles tennis this morning
    4-23 = 0.70 mile walk - 3.00 mile Foundation Run on the road
    4-24 = 1.00 mile walk - driveway laps
    4-25 = 1.00 mile walk - 2.00 mile Fast Finish Run - driveway laps - planted garden earlier in the day
    4-26 = 1.00 mile walk - 2.00 mile Foundation Run - treadmill

    54.75/70 miles

    I ran on the treadmill after work today. The plan called for a 25 minute foundation run, so goal was to keep my HR under 143 bpm for the entire run. It went up to 144 for one second. I'll call that a win. Today, I ran 4/1 minutes at xxx/4.2 mph....the xxx was a ladder from 4.5 - 4.7 - 4.5 mph. No walking today. It turned out to be fairly easy. It's harder for me to do that on the hills outside.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    6 miles this evening. Needed some PT, so a slow treadmill run was what the doctor ordered
