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April 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    @7lenny7 That looks like a great trip. I am in TN. Unfortunately, I am about an hour NE of Knoxville, so about 4 hours from Nashville.

    @yirara Sounds like you understand the problem, just need to get someone to help you get more iron in your system. You are doing great.

    @polskagirl01 Great running and great news for you and your guests.

    Great job @Mari33a .

    I am leaving in a few minutes to get my MRIs done. Wish me luck that the open MRI they say they have is really open and not just "large bore." I am having my brain and eye orbits checked to see if there is an obvious reason for episodes of double vision (which I haven't had since scheduling an appointment with the neurologist about 1.5 months ago) and visual migraines.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,245 Member
    @martaindale I'm curious, how was your HR. Did it show you were working harder even if the pace wasn't what you wanted it to be? Some days are just harder.

    My HR crept up to mid 160's within 1.5 miles and didn't really come down. I ended up with a max HR of 176 during the mile where I turned it up, but it didn't recover too much during my cool down. 160's isn't unusual during the warm weather for me even with easy efforts and one of the reasons I don't typically do speed work in the summer. I am on the last month of a 10k plan right now so I'll do what I can. I am mixing up my training plans a bit more this year but the weather caught up to me on this one.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,245 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    I registered for 5 Dallas marathon yesterday. It's real now!

    Awesome! Is this the one in December? I have no doubt you'll do great!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,245 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Here's the general route I was thinking of taking but my route could easily change. My brother-in-law and his wife are in Manchester, TN so that's a definite stop for me. Heck, I might have to make this a 2 week trip and really let myself wander.

    Checked out your route. You are really covering a lot of ground! I hope you'll post some pics of your stops along the way. I can vouch for the section in AR from little rock north being a really pretty part of the country. One of the places we go to climb outside is horseshoe canyon ranch in Jasper (just a bit off your route). The drive up there is so pretty!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited April 2022
    April totals: 89.2/100 miles

    4/1: 3.2 miles
    4/2: 6.5 miles
    4/3: 3.2 miles
    4/5: 4.1 miles
    4/6: 4.3 miles
    4/8: 3.1 miles
    4/9: 7 miles
    4/10: 3.1 miles
    4/12: 5.1 miles
    4/13: 4.7 miles
    4/15: 5 miles
    4/17: 8 miles
    4/18: 3 miles
    4/19: 3.1 miles
    4/20: 5.1 miles
    4/21: 3.1 miles
    4/23: 4.1 miles
    4/25: 3 miles
    4/26: 4.8 miles
    4/28: 5.7 miles

    I ran after work yesterday. By the time I got home it was 83F and sunny. I just couldn't. So I waited until after dinner to let the sun go down a bit. Headed out about 7:15pm when it had cooled to a brisk 81F. The best part of running in the early evening here is the humidity is at the lowest point you will see all day. We don't get big differences between highs and lows so once it gets hot, it's just hot all the time. But having the humidity super low, like it was last night, and letting the sun get below the tree line makes for a much more pleasant run. I remember now why I used to do all my runs at this time.
    With the high temp and it being so late, I knew intervals were a lost cause. But, the mileage added up to be close enough to my failed progression run from the day before that I figured I would give that another shot. If it wasn't meant to be I would just do some fartleks and check the box for having done some speed work.
    The conditions, though technically warmer, were easier to run in. Paces were: 10:41, 10:26, 9:46, 9:34, 10:06, 10:27. A major improvement from the day before! The goal of this progression was to build up to 10k pace for 4-5 minutes around mile 4 then gradually slow it down. I probably got close to target pace during mile 4 given the overall pace. Comparing to yesterday, my HR crept up into the mid 160's by mile 1-1.5 again but didn't hit 170's until mile 2.5, peaked at 179 around mile 3.5-4 and actually decreased into the 160's by the end of my cool down. So, still high for sure (mostly zone 4 but nothing in zone 5) but reacted more appropriately to effort.

    @polskagirl01 I'm so happy to hear your guests were able to get housing. I'm sure that is a huge relief for both you and them!
  • SwimBikeRun_Mom
    SwimBikeRun_Mom Posts: 46 Member
    Yesterday I had an easy 1:00 run on the schedule, my coach told me to keep it to an easy/long run pace - so for me that's around 11:15-11:45 per mile. She also said to focus on cadence and form. I'm happy to report that I kept my cadence around 169-171, prior to training with my coach my cadence was always 162. Literally no matter how I ran, what I was doing - always exactly the same. So - happy that I'm slowly improving cadence.

    Curious if anyone else feels this way when trying to focus on cadence but running slow - I felt like I had to really concentrate the whole time. Which was fine because running slow for an hour... nice to have something to think about, lol. :wink:
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited April 2022
    Curious if anyone else feels this way when trying to focus on cadence but running slow - I felt like I had to really concentrate the whole time. Which was fine because running slow for an hour... nice to have something to think about, lol. :wink:

    Yes, I had to really focus on keeping my stride short to maintain my cadence while trying to slow down. At first it felt really weird. After a few weeks of really committing to the slower pace it started feeling more natural. Now there is very little difference in my cadence no matter the pace. For example, on my run yesterday which had paces with a difference of about 1:10 from my slowest to fastest miles my cadence looks to be about 165 on my first couple of slower miles and about 170-ish on my fastest 2. Overall average of 167 with a little spike of 174. Sometimes on my longer runs I play around with this and do little fartleks where I really focus on lengthening and shortening stride to keep the cadence while playing with the speed. It's a fun little mind-occupying game.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,812 Member
    edited April 2022
    4/1 – 5.41 miles
    4/4 – 4.21 miles
    4/5 – 5.37 miles
    4/6 – 4.56 miles
    4/8 – 3.17 miles
    4/9 – 6.32 miles
    4/11 – 5.02 miles
    4/13 – 5.76 miles
    4/19 – 5.07 miles
    4/21 – 5.23 miles
    4/22 – 5.09 miles
    4/25 – 7.82 miles
    4/26 – 5.10 miles
    4/28 – 5.12 miles
    Total 73.23/90 miles

    I met a friend at 5:00 am this morning for an early morning run. It was clear and 42F. During the run the right side of my lower back hurt a little but I just kept going. I’m paying for that now. I don’t know if its an inflamed nerve or what but if I move the wrong way pain shoots all the way down my leg. Walking is ok as long as I take slow, granny steps. I’m falling short of my monthly goal but in addition to my running miles, I had 61 miles of intentional walking and hiking. On the good news side – I got a replacement Garmin in the mail yesterday.

    I’m glad you have a treatment plan @shanaber. Hoping surgery will not be necessary.

    @7lenny7 – Nice to have a race to work towards and I love your driving plan! How will you determine where to run in each state. Will you just randomly pull off the road and take off or are you looking for trails/parks along the way?

    @yirara – Ouch on the blister and I hope you get your iron levels stabilized soon.

    @polskagirl01 – That is fabulous news! You were so gracious and generous in opening your home to the two Ukranian families but it has to be nice to have your own space back. Bless you!

    Great second attempt at a progression run @martaindale.

    Sounds like your work with your coach is paying off @SwimBikeRun_Mom. I do a poor job at paying attention to my form and cadence.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,104 Member
    April Goal: 100 Miles

    4/3: 10.02 miles
    4/5: 5.25 miles
    4/6: 5.31 miles
    4/7: 5.14 miles
    4/10: 10.02 miles
    4/12: 5.13 miles
    4/13: 5.13 miles
    4/14: 6.02 miles
    4/17: 10.04 miles
    4/18: 5.4 miles
    4/20: 5.15 miles
    4/21: 5.16 miles
    4/23: 0.29 warmup miles
    4/23: 6.27 Run For The Children 10K
    4/26: 6.06 miles
    4/27: 5.16 miles
    4/28: 5.62 miles

    101.17/100 miles completed for April

    I ran 5.62 miles this morning to bring my April total to 101.17. So I made my 100 mile goal. The run this morning was nice. It was a little humid and cloudy, but still pretty good at 66°F. There was some wind, but it wasn't too difficult to run in and it helped to keep it cool enough to be pleasant.

    @polskagirl01 That is great news!

    @teresa502 I hope your back is better soon.


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,060 Member
    Ran 6.02 today for a monthly total of 127.99 out of 125 goal. I think I should make my over 131 stretch goal :)

    @shanaber you are actually the second person I know with a very high humerus break. A good riding friend of mine broke hers on Monday. Her's is worse than yours tho but her ortho did not recommend surgery (which was odd because originally she said it was displaced and she is in a LOT of pain with just a sling).

    It looks like everyone is really doing quite well to their planned goals.
    @7lenny7 I am only about a year or so watching this group so you are "new" to me. But I am happy you have joined our run the world challenge also (and company for Scott!) so that we can fly by Shanghai quickly.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    @martaindale The heat and humidity do make a huge difference in how our bodies handle running. Do you have a 10K you are going to run soon? It sounds like today's run was a lot better!

    @SwimBikeRun_Mom Sounds like you did great on your run. I don't pay any attention to my cadence. Maybe I should, but I don't.

    @Teresa502 Sounds like the run was good, but really, really sorry about your back! I hope it is short lived and feels better tomorrow. Yeah for your replacement Garmin! Reading @shanaber 's post above reminded me to ask how Sharon is doing. (Sharon is the right name, isn't it? I'm horrible at names.)

    @kgirlhart Great run and congrats on meeting your month's goal already! Same to you @SummerSkier !

    Thanks @Scott6255 . Yes, I do get dizzy if I am standing up when the double vision hits. Fortunately, after having 7 episodes from Jan thru early March, I haven't had any more. I still wanted to get the MRI's for peace of mind that nothing serious is going on. I'm glad you are going to stick around with us this summer. We miss you when you are gone.

    The MRI machine was indeed an open MRI. Thank goodness because I was in the machine for about 1.5 hours total for the basically 4 procedures...brain and eye orbits with and without contrast. I couldn't have managed that with a closed MRI. Now the wait to hear the results. I figure if there is nothing significant I may not hear anything until my follow up with the neurologist in late May. I know from experience if they see something major, they'll let me know before that.

    After that I worked until 4:15, stopped to talk to mom a few minutes on the way home, mowed my lawn, and walked a mile for my streak. Been a long day.

    Oh, I did have something happen at daycare that was a bit scary. One of the little girls was running on the balcony, tripped, fell, and hit the head on the metal railing separating the different classes spaces. The scary part was that when she fell, her arm went between the railing and the concrete wall, which is not a very big space. When I went to help her, I couldn't get it to come back out. I think her elbow had gone through and she had turned her arm, so that it would no longer fit. The thought flashed through my mind that we were going to have to figure out how to keep her calm and call the fire department to come get her out - maybe cut the post away. Fortunately, that wasn't necessary as she managed to get herself lose. The arm was okay, just red and scrapped, but she had a huge pump knot on her forehead. Bless her heart. I stayed over to comfort her and put ice on her forehead until she decided it was okay and got up to run around and play some more....about 15 minutes. Kids are so resilient.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,812 Member
    My back is 99.9% better today - I'm so thankful. I'm still being cautious in my movements but hopefully by babying it a few days, the pain will not return. One of my friends suggested it might be my piriformis rather than back. IDK. Anyway, thanks everyone for your good wishes.
    @Teresa502 Sounds like the run was good, but really, really sorry about your back! I hope it is short lived and feels better tomorrow. Yeah for your replacement Garmin! Reading @shanaber 's post above reminded me to ask how Sharon is doing. (Sharon is the right name, isn't it? I'm horrible at names.)

    Sharon is doing fabulous! She ended up having surgery on the shoulder to put in a plate and screws to put the bones back together. They will need to do another surgery in 3-4 months to repair the tendons and ligaments. Her bruising and road rash have all healed. They believe her hip has also healed and will re-check it in 4 weeks. At first they thought it was also broke and she would have to be in a wheelchair for 4-6 weeks. The fragment chipped off her elbow has reattached itself. She started PT yesterday but she has already been out walking 5-6 miles everyday.

    I'm glad your MRI experience wasn't bad and hopefully you will get some answers soon. Glad the little girl at daycare wasn't hurt seriously and that was very kind of you to stay over with her and comfort her.