

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Quick check in. All things are good. Just busy. Trying to figure out if I should quit my weekend job or not. The extra money even though it’s not a ton. It’s nice to have but I’m getting burnt out. They didn’t put me on the schedule this past month and it was definitely nice. Got a lot of things done, spent time with family and friends. And my dogs were definitely better behaved and relaxed. I’m just worried if Murphy decides to make a visit again.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie Yes, that's a start and a good idea to write everything down. Luckily, the pain went away. It must have just been a 24-hour stomach bug or something. Yeah, nudge that sister to come visit with us! LOL

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Congrats on the loss and keeping active! Oh I think it would be fine to use spaghetti sauce in the crockpot lasagna. That's a good shortcut! I do feel better, I think it was just a 24-hour bug. Thanks. Have a great weekend, too!

    @gemwolf110 I don't know how you work a second job, I have no time as it is, if I tried working a second job, I'd definitely get burned out! Yeah, I'm sure the money is nice and you don't want Murphy to visit. Good luck with your decision!

    Hi all. I UNOFFICIALLY lost 3 lbs this week, so, even though my mood shouldn't be tied to the scale, I am happy and in a good mood! I still have to weigh in officially at the WW studio at 9:30 today and I might be up due to my clothing since I weigh in at home in my birthday suit lol. I've got a potluck work party tonight to go to. I am bringing ham and cheese sliders (on Hawaiian sweet rolls). Everyone always loves those. I may eat some fruit before I go so I'm not starving.

    Water yesterday: 75 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, I really didn't do much physically yesterday, but I did get a dress laid out and cut out for baby girl...and my sewing machine that hasn't seen the light of day in years...cleaned, oiled and ready for use. LOL. I did write down what I ate.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Yea, I will use spaghetti sauce too..LOL. Cooking really is not one of my strong points. LOL. I laughed about the deck and the bikes...I would be doing the same thing. I want a place where no animals of any kind live. LOL. You are moving your body and that is the best thing regardless of how we move it right?

    @gemwolf110 Yea, burnout is no joke...I guess you have to weigh the money vs your down time. My DH worked 2 jobs most of our married it's hard I know. I saw something the other day, someone commented live in the now it so struck me I had to write it down...her twin sister was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer and because of some choices (the twin without cancer) had made early on in her she was able to spend time helping her twin in her everyday life...I guess what I am saying, is we really don't know if we have tomorrow, yes we need to plan as if we do, but we also have to live today like it could be our last.

    @trooworld I am doing the happy dance for know I have weighed both ways..and it seems to be the same...I guess unless I have something REALLY heavy I am going to believe you are down exactly what you think you are..congratulations!!!! PS I did tell my sister she was stuck in her closet and to get out..LOL

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @gemwolf110 You do need to weigh the extra time you get to enjoy your life vs. the extra money. Remember that your time is valuable too so take that into consideration when you are deciding. :)

    @trooworld Woot on losing 3 lbs. this week! That is fantastic!! B) Those ham and cheese sliders are one of my go-to potluck dishes too! Everyone adores them. In May we are having a Mexican-themed potluck and I found a recipe for taco sliders that I’m probably going to make. :)

    @cbabie How nice that you can make Baby Girl a dress? My grandma used to make me and my sister's clothes all the time when we were little. Every couple of months my mom would get a box in the mail with little matching dresses. Crazy how they always fit perfectly! :)

    Hello! Today has been one of those all-day cleaning days. After working out, I have done laundry, floors, kitchen, bathroom, our pills for the week, new chair pads on the bottom of our kitchen chairs and cut Joe’s hair, and helped him take a shower. Other than making a ham & cheese frittata for dinner in just a few minutes, I am done for the day! :grin: According to my planner, I lost exactly 9 lbs. in April. I am really happy with that and plan to make May just as good or better! I’m keeping my mind focused on our company coming in June. I really want my weight loss to be noticeable. Am I vain? Heck yeah!!! :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie Oh I'm so good you are going to do something creative! Yay! And yay for writing down what you ate. You know, you were right: I am down 2.8 lbs officially on the WW scale, so I was really close. Thank you for telling that sassy sister of yours lol.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Yeah, I love those ham and cheese sliders. ;) That recipe looks interesting, I saved it thank you! Congrats on the 9 lbs down in April, that's fantastic! You deserve for people to notice your weight loss, I don't think that is vain, you've worked hard for it.

    Hi all. At the WW scale, I lost 2.8 lbs with clothes on so yay! I went to the potluck party last night and I listened to my body. I waited to eat until I was hungry and I only took about a tablespoon of the things I took (and I didn't eat everything, I took about 8 tablespoons full of stuff). I did have about an inch square of homemade tiramisu. The scale rewarded me this morning.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Closets are organized. Hubby and I both have walk-ins and I ended up with 7 big garbage bags of garbage and 3 for charity.
    Now I’m still not done decluttering. I have to organize all my jewelry. Plus some of my mothers. Plus buy some containers for storage. I still have liked in my bedroom but everything is sorted

    @cbabie I think Teresa had some good advice about tracking. Take your keys 😂. My eating habits are more like dad. I’m still trying out vegetables

    @TeresaW1020 are those three rules on your NEVER list or where do they fall. The 17 hr fast confused me. I’m enjoying the book. My friend and I are doing it together. Good job ignoring the pig squeal.

    @trooworld 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 On blue dots I don’t like avocado either. But I was listening yesterday to a health podcast and they were talking about broccoli. Someone said they didn’t like broccoli and the dr said how many times have you tried it. Just the once they said. The dr says there are thousands of broccoli recipes. Keep trying til you find one you like. So maybe I need to do that with avocado

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I have a rebounder too. Are you just bouncing around or do you do it to videos?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's great, that's a lot of clothes to give away, congrats! You and your sister do not like avocado, wow! Yes, maybe you could substitute it for mayo in egg salad or something. I've made deviled eggs with avocado in them before, too, that was good.

    Hi all. I did well yesterday except I didn't drink enough water. :( I will do better at that today. I meal prepped 3 dishes plus cut up 2 pineapples and then I made dinner. I couldn't get started until 3:30 pm because my husband was cooking things for his family. He does this every weekend. I told him from now on, he either needs to start cooking early in the morning and be done by 11:00 or let me cook first or he can cook on Saturdays...I just don't have the energy to do the meal prep that late in the day. Because I lost weight Saturday, I lost a WW point. I now get 17 personal points per day. Not much room for junky food there.
    The good thing about the new WW plan is that you can earn 1 pt to your daily total/weekly total for every cup of non-starchy veggies you eat. So, last night, I had a big salad with dinner and earned 2 personal points. It's nice because if you eat into the negative early enough in the week, you can catch up with non-starchy veggies + exercise + drinking enough water (you get 1 pt for drinking at least 60 oz of water).

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Congrats on your 2.8 lb. loss this week! That is awesome and you did amazing at the potluck. Way to exercise self-control! B)

    @theslightedgeforever I know you are feeling much lighter having your closets so cleaned out and organized. I did get into mine and straighten it up and got a box of donations out of it. Hubby says if I would get rid of some shoes it would look even better. Uhhh NOT!! :p I will rewrite my food rules below so they are clearer. I hope! :D I’m glad you like the book. I do too!!

    Good morning! I was happy to lose 2.2 lbs. this week and I’m hoping to do just as well this week. I have my rules in place and a vow to do each day 100% and get a sticker in my planner. At the end of the month, I want to be in these green pants and a cute matching shirt that I have never worn. The pants have been in my closet for a year and the shirt for at least five years. I have several eating events this month but I am NOT using them as an excuse to go off my plan. And I realize that I have to fight each day to keep up this mindset and not let the Pig get the better of me. She will try at every turn and I have to be ready for it. OK, I’m off to work out. I can’t believe how much I’m loving this new workout, Chalene Extreme. It’s a great program and I’m actually motivated to go in and do some cardio this morning!

    Never Again Rules:
    1) Eat sugar/snacky foods at work—NO sneaking, stealing, or buying junk food is the rule!
    2) Gain weight more than two days in a row—unless I’m sick, on vacation, or having company visiting.
    3) Fast clean for at least 17 straight hours—This is from the last bite of dinner to the next day when I open my window to eat again.
    :star: REWARD for doing my rules 100% is a cute smiley sticker in my planner! :grin:
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Congrats on your 2.2 lbs, wtg! I'm so glad you are enjoying your new workout. Have a great day!

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, well I didn't do much yesterday. I let things get to me and I am working on not allowing that. Funny story, (NOT) I got on the scale yesterday before church and was the same as last week, got on this morning ( my normal WI day) and gained 2 lbs... So I am going to own it and hopefully next week it will go back down + some.. LOL. I didn't drink enough water I think is part of my issue and I didn't write down all my food last night. I really am working on getting the me back that I was a few years ago. Somewhere along all the drama/trauma in my life...I lost her. My DH is still sick, his cough is terrible and now he tells me he thinks he got a hernia from coughing so hard...but won't go to a yea I need the other me back. LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Wow you got a lot accomplished and so proud of the loss for the month. That is really something to be proud of and no you are not vain because you want to look good..I like your never rules..and love the bullet point. my kind of girl.

    @trooworld Yea on the loss, ugh on the lost point. I remember when that happened to me..don't be like me..I gave up. I didn't like the restrictions. LOL. Of if only my DH would cook..yes I am done by 3pm on a Sunday and maybe even 1pm..LOL. btw, I made your lasagna yesterday, family loved it.. I just realized I didn't eat it..LOL, I always try to eat the left overs to clean the refridge...knowing I will get to something I liked at some point. Thank you for sharing the recipe. It was nice to come home from church and not have to COOK.

    @theslightedgeforever Not sure how you cooked Avocado that I would like it. Yea on the closet clean out..I really need to do that again. It seems to get cluttered every month. I saw some clothes in my closet and like said I will never wear that and then put it back saying well maybe...(don't throw it away)... LOL. I listened to a person talking about trends for spring and gingham is in...I said NOT, but she said if you don't like that you can get away with houndstooth. I said YES that is more my style. LOL.

    Great job to all of you, now lets see what we can do for May!!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie Oh man, I hate the scale sometimes! We cannot control the scale but we can control our actions. Yes, water matters a lot. Oh gosh, your poor DH. I'm sorry! re: losing a point...I'm definitely not going to give up. I'm in this fight for the long haul! I've felt like giving up but I don't. I'm glad the lasagna was a hit. You SHOULD eat those leftovers! LOL Yeah I love slow cooker recipes because of that.

    Hi all. I ended the day with a blue dot but I realized that I didn't track these fruit jelly snacks I ate yesterday. I went back and tracked them today. I feel like I didn't sleep well last night, I'm very tired. I wish I could go back to bed.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    WELLLLLLL yesterday was a bust of my old better choices today. I just hate meal planning...someday that job will go to someone else. LOL. I did go for a walk, took baby girl to the park, but other than real movement.

    @trooworld LOL I think we must have both had the same thoughts. MY eyeballs are killing me, want to go back to bed, but can't. I am going to jump in the shower and see if that helps. I can control my actions, and I don' time to start being in charge of ME> LOL.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie LOL I love meal planning, I love to dream about the foods I will have next week haha. That's good at least you went for a walk. I hope the shower helped your eyeballs. I hate when my eyeballs are sore! Yes, time to be in charge of YOU! :D

    Hi all. Another blue dot yesterday. Today's meal isn't prepped, it's the only meal of the week that isn't. But it's easy to make and my husband has to make it since it is his night to cook. I survived yesterday, I wasn't too tired because I had more coffee. I lasted until my eating window expired (a 16-hour fast).

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, I was an emotional eater yesterday, did go to the park, but basically got some work done at my desk. It was a productive day, but not a healthy day. I triggered myself by eating too early in the morning. I know that I have to wait for a bit and not eat or it just sets me on the wrong path. Luckily I also got some "cookies" out of my house, unfortunately I got them out by eating them. LOL. Won't buy those again. No one liked them but me and I just couldn't throw them in the garbage. Do any of you have to fight the mental thought to clean your plate? I will clean my plate no matter if I am full, almost sick to my stomach, etc. I try then to do small portions..but sometimes....

    @trooworld So glad you made it!!!! 16hr fast window, that is a long one. LOL you planned for this to be DH night to cook with no meal prep. I know you did. LOL. Yes the shower helped...sat in HOT water for a very long time..but it felt sooooooo good.

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all.. weather is better today..finally quit raining! They say Mon we might hit high 80's. Wow...go from winter to summer, no spring! Lost internet awhile ago---they are putting a new electrical line through the easement in our back yard & nicked our cable/internet. Think they have it going again. I guess the new electrical is because when Metronet put fiber through, they nicked our neighbors electric & they are without power. We first saw them working there a few days ago, hope they haven't been without power that long!! When I saw them messing around the electric box (without knowing what was going on) all I could think was don't knock out our electric, lol. Dh went outside this am & they told us what was going on.

    @cbabie Well, at least you got desk work done. Unfortunately, I would probably eat the cookies too, "just to get rid of them", lol. My latest indulgence has been dark chocolate coated pretzel thins. Ooh, so good, but shouldn't buy them because I don't think dh eats them. (at least not like I do, lol) I have been trying to walk on treadmill first thing, so usually don't eat breakfast until about 9:30 or so. (dh has already had breakfast & a snack by then, lol) Just keep trying!!

    @trooworld I don't meal plan..I keep thinking I will, but just don't get it done. 16 hrs is a good fast. You are SOOO lucky that your dh cooks!! Mine makes his breakfast, but no meals.

    @theslightedgeforever You asked about my rebounder. Right now all I do is bounce..I read that it is good for your lymph system. I wanted one, but never got it, & then found one at a garage sale last fall in OK. Dh (& my brother, lol) thought I was nuts that I wanted it, but I got it anyway. They thought I wouldn't use it, but I am, so it was a good purchase. Never thought about trying other exercise on it, but not sure I will. One broken leg was enough for me, lol.

    Well, when the internet was out, I started doing some of my bookwork, etc., so I suppose I should get back to it.

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,238 Member
    April 17: 273.4
    April 21: 267.2
    April 28: 265.4

    Total loss for April: 8lbs

    May 5: 261.4
    May 12:
    May 19:
    May 26:

    Total loss for May: 4lbs

    Super happy with my results! Especially when I went out for dinner last night with family. But I've been working hard all week! 😁

    Hope everyone's having a great start to May!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry your day was not healthy but am glad it was productive. You were the human garbage disposal with those cookies lol. I most always clean my plate. I'm working on listening to my body and am getting better at it. Yeah, that's how long I aim to fast every day. I have been making it more lately. re: DH cooking...I figured I did enough meal prep, he could do some cooking too lol.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt That's good it stopped raining. Just think how green everything will be! That's too bad they knocked out your internet. I'm glad they fixed it. So you don't meal plan, do you just go to the store and get stuff that sounds good, kind of make up your meal plan on the fly? I have to make meal plans lol. Yeah, DH loves to cook and I know I'm lucky! Good luck with your bookwork.

    @roz0810 Wow you are doing great! Keep it up! Consistency is the key. ;)

    Hi all. I did not get a blue dot yesterday. It was the snacks. I will do better today. I'm glad I'm working from home today. I'm not in the mood for company lol. I should get a blue dot today.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, I tracked yesterday, but I went over as usual. I was mad at myself and was grumpy. So today needs to be the reset day...I have been getting lots of things done, but not exercising. It's starting to get too hot already, so I have to figure this out because my body just plain hurts when I don't move it. I took baby girl to hobby lobby yesterday...she says what is this? I said its a store that other people just love...she says I love it too!!! she had to buy a little piece of fabric.It was used as a blanket for her baby..I told her I had LOTS of fabric at home she could pick from...but NO....I had to get out of the fabric dept..I spent more than I planned on..LOL

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I am there with you on the broken leg. LOL. Glad they fixed the internet, but I would say they need better employees. LOL. skill set not to good for what they do. So glad you are using whatever that thingy is you bought to bounce on. LOL

    @roz0810 Great have found your grove..keep it up..

    @trooworld Sorry no blue dot...I think I should use dots for my moods..boy I would have some color in my book. LOL. I used to meal plan and buy food, now it's just get to the store buy what you remember and hope you have the rest...I HAVE TO CHANGE THAT FOR SURE!!! I look up to you..

    @theslightedgeforever hope you visit us soon.

    @TeresaW1020 know you are busy...just wanted you to know I am saying prayers for your household.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld sounds like you are working hard on the blue dots. Practice makes perfect.

    @cbabie Why not make a weekly plan for 6 weeks or 4 weeks and then just start all over again. I’m going to do a 4 week plan. I’ve got the first week set up on Trello. I have a meal planning board and a What I’m eating this week board. Sorry to hear about dh. I had sore ribs from coughing too hard back when I had Covid in early 2020.

    @roz0810 You are doing so well. Keep it up. Such an inspiration

    @RetiredAndLovingIt yes that’s why I got a rebounder. For the lymph system. I hardly use it though. I took it downstairs close to my gym. It won’t fit in the gym. I’m shooting for one day a week.

    So I ate an some avocado slices in my salad today. I usually take them out. Still don’t like the texture and it has no taste.

    Walked 21 min with hubby.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @cbabie That's good you tracked, that's a start. Awww, baby girl is so cute! It's okay I didn't get a blue dot on Weds, I got one yesterday. LOL about using dots as your moods. I could not do meals the way you would, that would drive me crazy not knowing.

    @theslightedgeforever I am, I think it is helping. Maybe put salt on the avocado. It's such a healthy fat.

    Hi all. I got a blue dot today but the scale has been going up daily since about Tuesday. I know I've been working hard and I can't control the scale, only my behaviors so I will keep doing what I'm doing. This weekend is going to be very busy: tomorrow, we are going to a music festival that is pretty much all day and Sunday is Mother's Day and we will be spending it with my MIL and family. Somehow, I need to find time to get groceries. I think I will do it tomorrow morning before the festival.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"