

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2022
    It is raining outside and cozy inside. It is 4:11 am and I find myself awake. Time to get back to sleep. 😴
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited May 2022
    DEBBIE ~ It seems like your whole life is one big unhappy mess! I am so sorry and agree with the advise Lisa gave. I sure wish you were able to distance yourself from all of it but have no idea how you would do it. Praying for you and all around you!

    Carol in GA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Welcome, Shelley!
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 615 Member
    Debbie, I am so sorry about all of the things going on with your mom and the family and the new roommate. Family issues are the worst. Been there too. I like what Rebecca said, "You can either participate in the drama or distance yourself." If it were me, I'd try to keep my distance. I know that would be hard and I'm actually having "nightmares" (so to speak, bad dreams) about us selling mom's house and never being able to go there again, but it has to be done. She hasn't lived there in three years and all the furniture is gone. It's not like any of us are ever going to be able to afford to buy it. It just kills me not to have the land in the family.

    Sue, your zen-deck-secret-garden looks just lovely. I really can't wait until we get our deck rebuilt. First, it was not enough money after the residing and windows. Then, it was paying that off and lumber going sky-high. Now that we've paid off the first loan and lumber is still high, we have to take out an even higher loan, but DANG we need that deck back!!! I need my flowers and birds and chairs and fireplace.

    Love you Betsy! Have a wonderful summer!!!

    Such a BEAUTIFUL day in MN!!! Going to enjoy it.

    Carla out!
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,316 Member
    BETSY ~ Wishing you a peaceful, happy summer with your family!

    Carol in GA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,493 Member
    5/12: Chose well: Joe x2, readings, BP,
    Bonus: Workin’ on it: 142.6, H20x4 , active 1:44
    Meaningful May
    13: Find out about the values and traditions of another culture. 16th c Spain and St. John of the Cross?

    Thursday was least active day in recent history so CO not even close to CI. Too much time on computer stressing about district parade application.

    Rebecca :love: those pics.
    Tina “f I never had people over, the house would never get cleaned.” Probably why we rarely have guests ;}
    Karen thanks for the Alzheimer study link. Will take first test after catching up.
    Terri :love: your Date Morning. “Love these outings as DH usually seems more relaxed and often opens up a little more than usual.” Joe and I did something similar, details forthcoming. Thanks for the Qigong link.

    Only to pg 30. Thought I had more time on the Get up and Move timer, but Tumble is squeaking me into the kitchen for tummy time.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,709 Member
    Had some raisin and spice oatmeal and will start a grocery list.. think of poor Tracy as they are the photo studio getting a family portrait done..Im hoping it wont end up a fiasco because of Carmine. 3 smiling faces and a grump...
    All I can imagine in my head is a picture of the Addams family ha ha ha..
    Anyone know of a pet and human safe weed and moss killer my patio and surrounding area looks horrible
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,927 Member
    :) Expectations and attachment are two big recipes for sadness and disappointment. Letting go of them is challenging but worth it. I have a sign on my refrigerator that says, "Here is my secret, I don't mind what happens." and another that says "We already have everything we need".

    :)Betsy Best wishes for a peaceful summer in Alaska.

    :) Our "date morning" will be getting to Costco the minute it opens, getting all the things on our list and nothing more, and getting out quickly.

    <3 Jake goes on Monday for his angiogram. He is understandably stressed and acting accordingly. I need to be simultaneously loving while distancing myself from his drama.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,493 Member
    Michele “…explain what an outhouse was…” ROTFLMAO! But, my dear, if you can remember the ‘60s you probably weren’t there… :laugh: That alligator would have me hoppin’ if I was walking nearby.
    Welcome @saltlife49 and welcome back @hhof !
    Lisa I am so with you, both on the finishing everyone’s sentences and now the tip of the tongue syndrome. Hate both. I’ve heard some doctors recommend cleaning naked (no idea why) but I could never bring myself to try. Maybe Rebecca…
    Kylia ((hugs)) for your family history. Likewise I am with you on losing things and staying on task. Starting to fear the test a little.
    Rebecca BTDT with the cast iron pan. Good thing they are nearly indestructible :laugh:
    Betsy thinking of you and wishing you safe travels. Will you be able to touch base with us at all from AK?
    Machka really appreciate your sharing of insights. Always thought provoking. I’m most bored when I’m being lazy, procrastinating about things I should be doing. Unfortunately boredom is not a powerful motivator for me … :sleepy:
    Carol congrats on the aids. Hope the adjustment is smooth and easy.
    Rita You sound so happy and excited, hooray!
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I don't think I've been bored since I learned to read
    made me smile. Truth this!
    Annie yoga, 30 min walk, taking off 1.2 pounds, Brava!
    Vicki safe travels!
    Debbie 14K steps is a victory, regardless of the motivation.
    Sue :love: your secret garden!
    Carla Firday the 13th has always been a lucky day for me. Mama and Papa also felt 13 to be their lucky number.

    Catchup continuing,

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,855 Member
    On giving blood the last time I gave blood, I passed out then had bowel problems. Two times I gave I came close to passing out but didn’t. One time I was denied because my blood count was non-existent according to their test. So I have had to stop. It was something I really wanted to do, but apparently cannot.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,048 Member
    Debbie I'm sorry for your family situation. Hope things get better or at least smoother. You always have us in your pocket if you need to vent.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,855 Member
    Working pay booth again and really busy today! Hot too! Sauna weight loss! Lol 🤞🤞🤞

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited May 2022
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all!

    For the new ones, we're glad you're here, please feel free to drop into any conversation, comment on someone's post, or whatever you'd like to do. We talk a LOT, so don't feel neglected if you're not mentioned in the very next post after yours - there may have been five or even ten posts up between the second you let us know you're here and the time someone reads your post and responds!

    Viv - I'm sorry your mom had another fall. Knee braces are hard for the overweight, and for me, they never worked at all when I was at my highest weight. Kinetic tape has helped me a lot.

    Terri - Thank you so much for posting the Qigong and other exercise videos. I've tried a couple of times to incorporate Qigong in my daily doings, without notable success, and you reminded me it was time to try again.

    Debbie - My advice is what it always is--your expectations are what has been disappointed, and when you stop expecting people to do anything and just go your own way, your life might be happier. It's not an easy step to take when you have so much resentment built up... but it frees you of so much burden.

    Not at a loose end exactly, just trying to decide what project to start. On my third cup of decaf tea, and the day is filled with possibilities! My done list is already up to ten. So nice to have energy back...

    Later, y'all,

    Lisa-That is exactly what I was texting my best friend while I was up there.
    I keep lowering my expectations and still get disappointed. Will have to drop ALL expectations of everyone I guess.

    Carol- Hasn't always been unhappy. Things were great, with a few little bumps in the road. It has been the past 10 yrs have been pretty much all down. Had some down but having my son filled part of the good until he got to be a pre-teen/teen with a lot of anger issues, and I got the brunt of it, in the middle between him and dh. There have been some good along the way. Son is great now and we are close but he has his girlfriend and works full time so I take advantage of the little I see him. Trying to find bits of happiness where I can. Like going to zumba twice a week. Staying in touch(text or FB) with old friends. I don't feel totally alone when I am in touch with my friends.

    I need to keep my distance in some ways but fear if I do that too much, the room mate will push her way in even more than she has. She has taken what was my room, she put a trailer where I was going to after hearing she was taking the room,She had mom get rid of things in one shed so she could move more stuff in there, she was telling my nephews all the things SHE was going to do to clear out MOMs garage. Telling them what she was going to do, hiring people to do work around there. Never asking mom, just telling the boys what she was going to do.
    My sister and I are both worried about her totally taking over. Mom says she won't let it happen but we see it happening already.

    Getting ready for the Ladies brunch at church then plan on working in my garden the rest of the day. DH will be gone. Son is supposed to be home to help me. If not,I will do it myself, or at least, do what I can.
    Have to climb up in the raised bed to dig it up and the dirt is really hard- that is why I need my 24yr old to do it for me. He did last year, what a help that was.
    One bed is nice and soft, just added some composted manure- the other, super hard and will take a lot of work to get it like the one right next to it.

    Have a wonderful day ladies

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,350 Member
    Worked but can exercise tomorrow...yea! The plan is to do Karen Voit’s Energy Sprint DVD and then part of the AM Yoga DVD.

    At work Jerry came up to me and said “I’m just waiting for you”. I don’t have a problem with that, I will take him home after I finish my work. So I told him “I need to clean up”. I was hoping he’d get the hint and clean up for me but nope. Oh well...he just had to wait longer, that’s all. I did ask him to go to Food Lion with me since they have Vince’s soda on sale but there’s a minimum of 10. So if he got 10 (I made sure to tell him I’d pay for them) and I got 10, that would work. But they didn’t have any. He did want me to buy him beer. He kept saying that he’d pay me back but I told him that I really don’t want to get started doing that. He mentioned it a few times but I kept saying that I didn’t want to be lending money to people. If he’d asked me again I was going to say “if I do it for you, I have to do it for everyone. And what if I do it for someone and then they quit, I have no way to get my money” I did stop at another store for him so he could buy liquor but I was NOT going to buy it. I did go to the Food Lion near me. I happened to know the cashier. I asked if I could make it in two transactions and she told me that technically you couldn’t, but she’d let me. Honestly, I don’t know how they’d know if someone did that. But whatever….

    Atonia – welcome!

    Betsy – safe travels. You’ll be missed. Have a great time and we’ll be here when you get back!

    Shelley – welcome back! When were you here previously? I don’t recognize your name but that really doesn’t mean anything, I have the memory of a sieve.

    Barbie – good thoughts everything works out for Jake

    Karen – could you please post the Altzheimers’ link again? The first time for some reason I couldn’t get in to take the test

    Have to lector tonight. Vince wants me to clean out the spa so I’ll go do that (and what a shame if I just happen to go in!) then work on stringing the popcorn.

    Michele NC